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Waterfowl: Footwork while Hunting

If we simply rise to shoot without thinking about the alignment of our feet we may never have a chance as our body movement is blocked right and we cannot swing to the right as far as needed. 

does at a feeder

Baiting Deer 101: When, Why, and How

If we want to get right down to it, the truth is that baiting is any form of purposefully placed food designed to draw in animals. That means a feeder full of corn, a salt lick, a pile of apples, and a carefully planted food plot could all be considered baiting.

dove hunter with shotgun and doves

Dove Hunting: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes

Whether you’re hitting the fields for dove season right now or trying to decide if you want to add a hunting season to your whitetail habit, we’re here to help.

A happy hunter poses with her trophy bull elk and gun.

Fireside Stories: How I Killed My Smallest Bull Elk on The Best Tag I’ve Ever Had – Part 2 of 3

As we crested the barren ridge we were on, Don spotted a bull on the horizon in front of our little possie. I was one of the first with a gun out after a glance with the binoculars showed that the elk was a branch-antlered bull.

A 7-point bull elk stands on a hillside of snow.

Fireside Stories: How I Shot My Smallest Bull Elk on The Best Tag I’ve Ever Had – Part 1 of 3

This is the story of how I killed my smallest bull elk to date even though I was given the best unit in my area to find an old patriarch.

Precision Airgun Action: Eliminating Invasive Birds – Pigeons, Eurasian Doves & Sparrows [VIDEO] 

Get ready for an adrenaline-filled airgun hunting adventure. True Pearce and his team take on the challenge of hunting invasive bird species in Idaho with precision airguns.

TAKE THE SHOT: Sitka Blacktail In Alaska

I wanted to go DIY, and after extensive research, I decided to travel to southeast Alaska early in the season and climb to the alpine country with a bivy camp on my back. It would be a lot of work, but I could do things my way and on my schedule.

Bear Hunting Tips – Shot Placement And Baiting [Video]

This is the second installment of bear hunting tips with bear baiting and shot placement covered in detail.

Turkey Hunting in High Country With An Airgun [Video]

Unleash the power of high-caliber air guns in turkey hunting. Join Zach Owens in Idaho’s backcountry for an exhilarating run-and-gun style

2 - Hunt365 - Take The Shot

Take The Shot: A Hawaiian Axis Buck Presents Hidden Challenges

What seems to be a chip shot at a Hawaiian Axis buck presents. But hidden challenges lurk behind the scene. Will you take the shot?