With a little creativity and practice, our hunting gear and/or Mother Nature can provide the same stability at a moment’s notice as the most versatile bipod sold.
Hunting Your Best When Weather Is At It’s Worst: Tips for Success
Published: June 8, 2018 { 2 comments }Two things are certain in life: the changing of the seasons and hunters being out there when it’s happening. We can anticipate, prepare, and come out on top or get turned back to the truck early, defeated. Use these 7 tips to stay one step ahead of Mother Nature and her varying moods this year:
Kids and Guns: Take Your Children Hunting!
Published: November 17, 2016 { 6 comments }Fall is here, your kids are back in school, and many of you are getting ready to hunt, and while you might enjoy that quiet time in the woods by yourself, I’m going to suggest that you shake things up a bit this year and let the kids come along to hunting camp.
Deer Camp: Top Tips For Effective Deer Calling
Published: September 9, 2016 { 1 comment }While deer hunting may be seen by some as a sport where hunters simply go sit in a spot and wait for something to walk by, that characterization couldn’t be further from the truth. What if your deer is out of range and you need to bring him closer? That’s where a great hunter turns to his calls, and making the right ones can be critical.
Beginner’s Guide to Duck Hunting: Top Tips for Waterfowling
Published: August 23, 2016 { 2 comments }Hunting a new kind of game for the first time can be intimidating. No matter how much you read and research, the most valuable knowledge can only be gained in the field. Waterfowl hunting always seemed like a big mystery to me; that is, until a few weeks ago.
Top Five Tips for Hunting Waterfowl
Published: August 12, 2016 { 0 comments }Editor’s note: This article is a freelance submission from Ryan O’Neil, an avid hunter from Western, N.Y. You want an in-your-face, front-and-center, feet-down-beat-down, goose hunt? Follow me. I will break it down from start to finish! 1. Scouting: Location! Location! Location! Scouting is the quintessential piece to the puzzle. I spend about three times more [...]
Deer Camp: Follow the Moon for Deer Hunting Success
Published: August 10, 2016 { 6 comments }It is perhaps one of the more contested and hotly debated theories in all of deer hunting—does the moon actually influence whitetail movement and can a hunter benefit from knowing how?
Colo. Middle Schoolers Get Gun Training, Attend Appleseed Event
Published: March 18, 2016 { 8 comments }A group of Colorado middle schoolers was given what is becoming a rare opportunity to handle and fire guns as part of a classroom-taught gun safety program with help from the NRA and Project Appleseed.
Britney Starr: Bird Hunting Basics
Published: January 29, 2015 { 0 comments }Britney Starr gives us some bird hunting basics. It’s always good to be reminded of ways to remain safe when you’re out in the field.
5 things I Learned on My First Black Powder Hunt
Published: November 11, 2014 { 2 comments }I’ve just come back from my first black powder hunt and I’ve learned a few valuable life lessons that I’d like to pass on. Learn from my mistakes and my successes, and you may have a much more productive hunt–even if the only thing you bag is a big fat rat.