Burglary Suspect Shot in California Home Next to Charter School

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Home Defense, Kimber Pearce, This Week

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

A Valley Village homeowner shot at several burglars earlier this week, sending one to the hospital, and ending up there himself.

The New York Post reports that a group of burglars broke into the home mid-afternoon.

The homeowner’s wife had just left. It appears the intruders thought the home was empty. They entered the home through a sliding glass door. 

The number of intruders is unclear. Reports vary, most claiming 2 or 3 suspects.

Who Did What?

LAPD Captain Kelly Muniz gave a press conference after the break-in.

“Two suspects entered a residence with an occupant inside,” Muniz said. According to Fox News, the 56-year-old homeowner defended himself with a semi-automatic handgun.

“I can’t confirm if there was a physical altercation,” Muniz said. The circumstances leading to the homeowner firing his gun are unknown.

The homeowner shot one of the suspects twice, hitting him in the neck. Any accomplices with him fled. 

The Aftermath

Police arrived at the scene to find the suspect, identified only as a 25-year-old male, still in the home. According to KTLA5, he was still conscious when they transported him to the hospital.

Police set up a perimeter to apprehend the other intruder and a potential getaway driver. K9 units assisted in the search.  Police have not released reports of either suspect’s capture.

The homeowner was also injured during the break-in. According to ABC7, he received a back injury. EMTs transported him on a stretcher.

Police are still investigating the scenario. They believe the home was picked randomly. 

One report mentions a black sedan. It was in an intersection nearby during the shooting, and police believe it may be connected.

Nearby Charter School Locks Down

Just across the street from the home sits Colfax Charter Elementary. The charter school was locked down when police arrived, searching for the suspects. KTLA5 also mentions a church in the vicinity of the home.

Fox News reports that the suspect in the hospital has an extensive criminal record. His previous charges include burglary and illegal possession of firearms.

Aside from the homeowner and suspect, it does not appear anyone was hurt or killed. But things had the potential to end very differently.

Serious Implications

We do not know what the burglars intended to do, or if they were armed. The implications could have been severe had they targeted a defenseless home.

READ MORE: Homeowner Uses Shotgun on Man Who Refused to Leave

Having this break-in and shooting so near the charter school should draw into focus how important it is to be prepared. Capt. Muniz warned the neighborhood to know their neighbors and be aware. 

The Valley Village neighborhood is not the only area that should be proactive and prepared. Could you defend yourself and your family in a similar situation?

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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  • TL August 7, 2024, 1:14 pm


  • TL August 7, 2024, 1:12 pm

    Perfect time to rob is in afternoon when most people are at work or out. That when weve been burglarized & of course cops & DA did nothing after we caught them. 🤷‍♂️Key to story: multiple offender whos been released over and over. Dumb Dems never get it and stupid prop 47 here no-cash bail, felonies reduced to a ticket, no parole or bail enforcement and wait for it….. more stupid gun control laws yay

  • Tarheel July 15, 2024, 1:04 pm

    Pretty useless report. Suspect, no name, no race, so who are we supposed to be looking for as his accomplice?

  • Tom B. July 15, 2024, 12:30 pm

    ” …the suspect in the hospital has an extensive criminal record …”

    We should be locking up and throwing away the key long before someone is allowed the opportunities to create an extensive criminal record.

  • LJ July 15, 2024, 9:30 am

    Since this happened in the Republic Of Kalifornistan, the home owner will probably be prosecuted and once the thug heals up, he’ll probably sue the homeowner and end up owning his house.