A Bad Ass Bersa? The BP9CC – (Review)

in David Higginbotham, Pistols, Uncategorized

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Bersa BP9CC


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The BP9CC is a slim pistol that still holds 8+1.

I’ve you’ve ever fired a Bersa Pistol, odds are you have an appreciation for what I’m about to write. The guns are inexpensive, they typically work exactly as advertised, but Bersas don’t have the same die-hard following of many of their competitors. Yet I’ve never met anyone who has ever had anything damning to say about the guns, and I know a lot more people who will secretly confess to liking the Thunder. Bersas, it seems, are like Mopeds. Mopeds are a lot of fun to ride until someone you know sees you riding one. Well the BP9CC is shaking off the Moped metaphor and making Bersas worth crowing about.

The BP9CC is a great little gun. It works. It isn’t the most accurate pistol in this class. It isn’t the best build I’ve seen from a 9mm compact, but we’ve been force feeding all kinds of junk 9mm into this BP9CC and we can’t make it hiccup, much less choke. When you pull the trigger, the gun runs like a gun should.


The catches on the magazine hold it well, with only a minimum amount of wobble.

9MM Specifications

Model:        BP9CC
Action:        Short reset DAO
Capacity:        8+1
Barrel Length: 3.3”
Front Sight:   Sig Sauer #8
Rear Sight:    Glock rear sight
Finishes:        Matte Black or Duotone
Grips:                Integral to frame
Construction:  Polymer Frame/Steel Slide
Safety:        Locking System, Firing Pin, Trigger
Weight:        21.5 oz.
Length:        6.35”
Height:        4.8”
Width:        .94”

There a couple of items of note here. The trigger has a safety feature built in, but if you, or anything, pull on that trigger, it will go. The trigger pull is strange. There’s absolutely no stacking on the trigger. It is smooth all the way back. It is so smooth, in fact, that I was often surprised by the break when trying to place accurate shots. The break occurred earlier than I expected, I think, but it did have the advertised short reset. I’m not complaining about the trigger, exactly. It does its job, and works very well when firing multiple shots quickly. But it is different. As it is a DAO, every pull is exactly the same.


The rear sight is rough, but easily replaced.

I like that it makes use of Sig and GLOCK sights. This gives some modularity to the pistol that will allow those who want to tinker, even on a budget.

If black isn’t to your liking, you may find the Bersa in green, or two-tone. And for those who don’t approve of the 9mm, you can get a snappy little .40 S&W, or a less effective .380. Up to you.

While it does have a lock on the slide, it doesn’t have a thumb safety. I consider that to be a positive when looking at guns for concealed carry. Yet it won’t fire with the magazine out of the gun. That is a safety, yes, but not a good one. Magazines fail. They fall out. I want to be able to chamber a round and pull the trigger if I need to.

But a Bersa?

Here’s the rub. Much of the market for concealed carry firearms in this country is driven by a mix of function and fashion. Bersa isn’t a fashionable name. Phonetically, it reminds me of Bertha, which isn’t a name I associate with exquisite beauty. In a world where name recognition alone drives sales, the Bersas are at a disadvantage.


There is very little texture on the front of the grip, and none on the trigger guard.

And then there’s what I refer to as the over-the-counter evaluation. Imagine you are in the gun store, and old fashioned place with a knowledgeable sales clerk and a wide selection, and you are looking for a small 9mm for concealed carry. The Bersa may eventually come out of the case, but it won’t be first. And by the time it does, you may have pulled some really good triggers, and pulled back on some smooth slides. It would be hard to buy something like a Bersa without feeling like you are settling. And it shouldn’t be that way.

Look at the texture on the gun. Run the slide, and make sure it is safe. Pull the trigger (yes, even in a gun store). Drop the magazine. Look down the sights. Compare the ergonomics and functional features of the gun to other similarly sized 9mms and the BP9CC will come out on equal ground, and for a lot less in most cases.

Yet the finish isn’t going to knock your socks off. The finish on this barrel has spots where it is wearing thin. The frame, which is polymer, has some mold marks, for sure. If you look at these details and judge the gun by them, you’re missing the point. Consider what you’re seeing in relationship to the price tag, and it will make more sense.


There is a slight patch of texture above the trigger guard for your thumb, if you’re inclined to use it.

Shooting the Bersa

Let’s take it out of the store and put it on the range. The Bersa performs, no questions asked. We had a wide variety of ammo on hand for two different range sessions. Most was bulk 9mm, 115 grain ball. Some of it was domestic production, but most of it was imported. Some was lacquered steel cased stuff. While some of the other, more expensive pistols we had at the range that day were a bit picky about what they shot, the BP9 ate anything fed to it and spit it all out. We ran slow accuracy tests, rapid target acquisition drills, and fast mag dumps. We mixed full powered 124 grain carry ammo in with underpowered reloads. The gun fed all of it reliably and ejected everything.

This is where you have to really question what you want. If you need a gun for concealed carry, but are on a limited budget, than the Bersa may be an ideal option. If you plan on shooting at the range for basic training, and then carrying, then the BP9 may be ideal.


This target was shot from 21 feet. We did double-taps from low ready. The BP9CC pointed very naturally and is easy to control for a gun this small.

The build isn’t one that suggests this will be a good high mileage gun. If you shoot a lot, and are looking for a gun that you can put several thousand rounds through, I’d probably look at your price point and consider spending more. But if you need something now, the Bersa is here and now, and you aren’t going to pay more for the name.

Is there a downside?

Of course. Holsters aren’t as easy to find as they should be. The Bersa Thunder has been around for so long that many makers offer decent options for the gun. This one combines newness with a touch of obscurity, and that may limit the options. That isn’t to say the BP9 will be hard to carry. Far from it. There are a lot of holster makers, like Sticky Holsters or VersaCarry, that make more generically sized holsters. Check them out, see what suits you.


The external extractor is another design they’ve borrowed from other successful models.

Final thoughts

There is a time and a place for a gun like this. If you pay more for your cigars than I did for my college tuition, than the Bersa will probably not come up on your radar. Yet there are some of us out there who scrape up funds for gun purchases, and look for something that works. Well, here it is.

I’ll close with an anecdote. I like to play a little game called “how much would you pay for this gun?” I take a lot of friends to the range with me, and we shoot, and sometimes they won’t know exactly what they’re shooting. This game is most often played with expensive guns. A friend will shoot a magazine or two and I’ll ask, “how much would you pay for that gun?”

They’ll often sit back and look at it differently. They’ll consider how it shoots, and really examine the fine details. Almost always, they’ll guess low. A $1,200 pistol will sometimes be evaluated at $500 to $600 dollars. Hardly ever is it the other way around, where someone overshoots the value of an inexpensive gun. With an MSRP of $475, I’d say that was just about right. Yet the gun comes up for sale for as much as $100 less than that. The BP9CC is worth more than $375.



The slide serrations on the rear look like scales and provide enough grip to really yank on. Note the frame lock.




The back of the magazines are welded and finished nicely.




The gun ships with two mags.




The loaded chamber indicator is functional and easy to read.




The fit of the gun leaves a little to be desired, yet it had no perceptible impact on function.




The BP9CC uses Sig front sights and GLOCK rear sights.




While many pistols this size have stiff slide drops, the BP9CC has a nice long lever that is easy to use.




I did drop the magazine twice when my shooting hand hit the right side’s slide release. That may be a problem for some.




Though it has a trigger safety, how it works isn’t easy to see.




The rail on the front is just long enough for some small lights or lasers, and is a nice extra.




The external extractor is another design they’ve borrowed from other successful models.




The gun stays clean where it counts. After several hundred rounds, the BP9CC is still running flawlessly.



The mag well has a fairly nice bevel. The single stack mags drop free and load easily.


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  • Tom November 22, 2023, 3:48 pm

    I like my Bersa BP9CC; yesterday was my first day on the range with it and, being a novice, it was very comfortable and accurate. I had read a number of reviews and watched some videos before choosing it over a more expensive gun. However, the magazine release was almost impossible for me to operate with my thumb, compared with other makes; I had to brace the barrel with my other hand to get the leverage needed to depress the button[it is small and does not protrude enough, IMHO]. I have strong hands and fingers, so it’s not for lack of strength. I contacted Bersa’s North America distributor for suggestions, and a gunsmith friend of mine may be able to correct this, but it is not acceptable as is. I looked through a lot of the comments and didn’t see much mention of this issue; maybe my gun is an exception. Other than that, I’d be happy to continue using it.

  • AA Brown March 17, 2021, 5:25 pm

    All arguments aside guys. The BP9CC is an Excellent shooter. I don’t know where the Price Comparison comes from. But my local gun store sells the BP9CC for $285 out the door new with 2 mags and you can order it in color(s) to your liking. Buy a New Shield or Police turn in Glock like mentioned for $285 in a compared size gun. Other than capacity I have zero issue. But I do have a IWB holster with the extra mag.

  • Charles Luck May 26, 2020, 11:19 am

    Everyone has a story to tell, good or bad, about every gun/manufacturer. These things are mechanical, usually under a lot of stressful forces, and expected to perform 100% of the time, at a 100% satisfaction level.

    Why is it okay to have mechanical issues with your $35,000 automobile and still like it and buy it again, but a $300 handgun is expected to perform flawlessly or there is a long besmirching story to tell?

  • Justin February 17, 2019, 1:05 pm

    Love the Bersa bp9cc it fits in the hand perfectly, the only drawback is the front sight I have probably shot 2500 rounds through it in last 6 months and the front sight has snapped off going to but aftermarket now. but shoots dead on the mark at about 10 yards, and clean. no issue with using cheap ammo through it.

  • RANDY February 16, 2019, 11:41 pm

    I recently bought the Bersa BP380cc and paid $255.00 for it at Buds gun shop online. I also own a Glock 43 9mm, Ruger LCP, and Bersa Thunder 380. Never had any problems with my Bersa thunder that I’ve owned for over 15 years, in fact it outshoots all my other subcompact pistols or revolvers by far. I have a good feeling this new Bersa BP will be just as good and even more concealable than the rest. I will let you know more after I’ve shot it a few times at the range. The Glock was way overpriced in my opinion.

    • RANDY March 3, 2019, 7:06 pm

      After shooting several hundred rounds at the range, the gun worked perfectly and was surprisingly accurate for a small pistol. My son also shot it and liked it better than any of my other compact pistols. The only con was the magazines were difficult to load by hand, but I think that will be fixed by a good cleaning and lubrication. I also found out that my Uplula loader with the 1911 adapter plate fits the magazines perfectly and will make reloading much easier. This pistol came with 2 magazines just as it said. I have seen other comments saying it only comes with one.

  • Douglas May 6, 2018, 1:49 pm

    I recently picked up a new BP40CC. Several things impressed me favorably: the price, the grip, the size, the trigger, the sights, and most of all the integral lock. But at the same time I encountered several serious flaws: An inordinate amount of rust (particularly on the forward end of the inside of the barrel), a difficulty in racking the slide during reassembly (see below), an overly stiff mag release, and most significantly – three stoppages due to failure to feed (in only four magazines fired). I know that these stoppages are most likely due to faulty mags, but these are factory mags after all. After my miserable range outing I took the Bersa home and lubricated the hell out of it, including the mags and the mag release; we’ll see if that helps. As things stand now, I am very unhappy with the Bersa.

    My main contribution here is to point out how to fix a problem – my inability to rack the slide during reassembly. I think this is only an issue for the BP line. I couldn’t find anything about this on the internet, and the manual had this to say:

    “CAUTION: before assembling the slide, the sear must be with it’s front part, lowered; if the trigger can move completely forward, before assembling the slide, insert an empty magazine, move the trigger back for lowering the sear, and then remove the magazine.”

    Beyond not understanding the English in the paragraph, I couldn’t figure out what it meant by “forward” and “back” on the trigger, or how exactly I was supposed to manipulate the sear (which is particularly difficult when a magazine is inserted). I worked on this for HOURS, until I figured out that this is how the manual should have read:

    “Note: In reassembly, as in takedown, the trigger must be locked in the rear position in order for the slide to be racked or removed. If the slide cannot be racked during reassembly, move the trigger to its forward (pre-firing) position, insert an empty magazine, press the trigger, and then remove the magazine before racking the slide and inserting the slide catch/takedown pin.”

    In other words, the slide cannot be moved all the way unless the trigger is locked in a semi-depressed state, whether for takedown or reassembly. And to lock the trigger in that state one needs – with a Bersa BP – to have a magazine inserted. And forget about the sear; that is of interest only to gunsmiths.

    Hope this might be of help.

  • Rodney September 29, 2017, 9:26 pm

    I’ve had my bp9cc for about 3 years. I have put a little under 1500 rounds through it with no problems. With that being said, I have read quite a few other posts and what it boils down to is personal preference! Don’t knock it until you try it; then if you like it buy it! If not move on to something different!

  • Rufus July 20, 2017, 1:53 pm

    Own a .380CC and an UC40 Pro. Both are great guns. No complaints on either of them. The one drawback I’ve had recently is trouble finding mags for the 380 but as far as carrying and shooting, I can’t imagine getting more bang for your buck.

  • John January 3, 2017, 10:27 pm

    $475? A local store (Point Blank) had Glock 43s on sale for $419 around Christmas. It’s obvious that’s the model that Bersa is copying with this model and I would trust my life far more with the Glock. Even at $375, and extra $44 for a the Glock would be much better spent IMHO.

    • Al Cloutier May 31, 2017, 12:19 pm

      I dunno. I’ve had a couple of Glocks. I liked them but…. I wouldn’t sell the Bersa short. I’m thinking of getting one. The size ,the trigger and the reviews are all positive. Al

    • Brion June 19, 2017, 1:04 am

      I don’t think Bersa copied the G43. The BP9CC predates it by about 3 years. I have one and it is just as good as my G22.

    • Ulfednar September 11, 2017, 7:17 pm

      I have both the 9 and 40, got the bp9 for 350 and the bp40 for 290 on clearance from buds shipped with lifetime warranty. They came out well before the g43 and out preform it in every way imho. “Glock” is Austrian for “hi-point”. Lol, but seriously, shoot one.

  • Bill Dobbins December 19, 2016, 6:27 pm

    I had a Bersa Thunder 380 for over 10 yrs. & a Sig 230. I have to say the Bersa is allot lighter to carry & shoots just as good. I recently bought a CC9mm it came with a 4# trigger & after every kind of ammo. & reloads it has functioned flawlessly. I figure at 20 yards if I can keep them center of mass on a target that is plenty good got a carry gun. I own 3 Sigs, 2 M&P’s & dollar for dollar this the most bang for your buck.

  • markenoff November 19, 2016, 8:12 pm

    DO NOT BUY A BERSA!!!! BLUF: You cannot depend upon a Bersa to function reliably when you need it to. I have a Bersa Thunder 380 and a Bersa Thunder 380 Plus. On both of them the linkage between the trigger and the firing mechanism became disengaged. I sent them to the Bersa warranty repair center. When they were returned I went to the range. Putting only 50 rounds though the Plus I experienced the same problem and have sent it back for a second time to be repaired. Bersa is aware they have a problem but have not figured out how to fix it. I can’t count on either of these firearms as carry weapons. At best they are emergency in the house weapons that I can’t even take to the range for fear that the linkage will become disconnected again and I will have to pay AGAIN to send them to be repaired. DO NOT BUY BERSAS!!!!!!

    • Ulfednar September 11, 2017, 7:22 pm

      The reason this happened was because you lost the c clamp that holds the linkage in place. 1. Don’t blame operator error on manufacturing tolerances, 2. These models do not have the same internals and do not work the same in any way, it doesn’t even have that linkage system at all. 3. Don’t forsake all Bersa’s because you had one bad apple (and even that was your bad)

      • Keith G. Stillwagon February 28, 2020, 8:30 pm

        I won’t be taking your advice. I have had three Thunders and still have one for keeps. It is a fine little .380 pistol. I just bought a BP9 and expect it will be fine after breaking in. Bersas are very good guns, and I have known it for twenty five years. I don’t know what happened with yours, but I suspect maybe a human broke your gun. Better luck to you in the future.

  • JIM HOLM October 19, 2016, 7:06 am

    Sorry I can’t jump on the Band Wagon for the Bersa Company or it’s Distributor. I’ve owned a Thunder .380 for @ 5 years and within 6 months of purchase the Silver Finish [?] flaked off the Slide and Safety Lever. Sent to their Service Facility and it was returned with NO FIX. Won’t cover under Lifetime Warranty. Buyer Beware! Shoots OK but one ugly looking gun. I’ve never had anything like this happen to my other 13 Handguns.

  • Scott Michael October 14, 2016, 11:02 am

    Ive owned my bp9cc for a few years, great gun as it was my first, for someone not as knowledgeable about guns its great for target shooting, and breakdown and cleaning is easy, my only complaint is the slide on the fwd part of the ejection port as well as the top of the barrel wear quite easily, but a simple file and polish takes care of it

  • Kyle April 5, 2016, 4:25 pm

    You should probably take the serial number pictures off. But hey, it’s not my bersa.

  • Mathew Voletto February 17, 2016, 9:34 pm

    Great gun. Shoots great till the white dot on my front sight fell off.

  • JIm February 15, 2016, 10:08 pm

    The ‘patch of texture’ above the trigger guard is for your TRIGGER FINGER. NOT your ;’thumb’. It is for placement of your trigger finger during ‘low carry’, until a target is acquired and decision to fire made.

    • Jimmy October 5, 2019, 12:52 pm

      No. There’s a patch of texture on both sides of the gun. The one pictured is for the left hand thumb. There’s another on the right side for your trigger finger

  • Nevadabob November 26, 2015, 5:56 am

    Bought one a couple of years ago. I was seriously looking at the Shield. The gun shop had the 2 sitting together. I was 90% set on the Shield until I pulled the trigger. Way too much pull! Picked up the BP9CC and the Heavens opened! Nice trigger, fit, & feel. Sold! After a year I sold it. Could not work around the “trigger pinch” and it was a borderline snappy shooter. My cc now is the Taurus millenium g2. Great gun!

  • Jack September 25, 2015, 12:35 am

    Trigger. The trigger on the BP9cc is amazing. I own one and it’s been my carry gun for several years. Until you try one and check out the trigger, you can’t imagine what you are missing. It’s light, narrow and disappears on my 6 foot, 180 pound frame. I have not found ammo it will not shoot consistently. It does everything I ask of it better than I can.

  • Dick Cook September 20, 2015, 11:47 am

    I carried the Thunder 380 for a couple of years, and really liked it. Easy to shoot and accurate. Easy to clean. When I had the opportunity to buy the BP9cc, I took it. Found it to be a great gun for concealed carry. At the range, it was the most accurate 9 I have, which includes the M&P Shield. So most of the time I have a Bersa as my carry gun.

  • David Jac April 20, 2015, 4:26 pm

    I own a Bp9cc..Had it for 3 years and I love it.. I have shot prob 500 rds with not the first malfunction. Bersa’s are top of the line pistols for the price! My Bersa and 3 magazines..Heck I feel comfortable..Get you one.

    • Itchinesu July 12, 2015, 12:57 pm

      The grip length is a direct result of US importation laws. That being said, the BP9cc is no bigger than the Shield with the extended mag. I would say the BP9cc has easily the best trigger out of all the single stack 9mms it competes with. The short reset makes for ridiculously fast double taps (read as: controlled pairs). Its not the only gun in my carry rotation, but it is my favorite.

  • KevinX April 12, 2015, 9:20 am

    I have a Bersa bp9. I don’t get why people complain about a gun that is NOT over priced. I was actually going to buy a S&W Shield but they were having a recall at that time. Anyone remember that?

    So I came across the Bersa bp9. What’s not to like? I shoot it very well. As well as most of my full sized pistols and better than my XD40. I can honestly see forgetting I am carrying it except I’m not so dumb I forget I am carrying a gun.

    So it’s light weight. It’s reliable. Comfortable. Accurate. Inexpensive. Easy to conceal and has a great trigger. Hmm, but gosh, it cost less than $400. Ok. I’ve got mine.

  • Eric January 12, 2015, 1:09 pm

    I haven’t heard any mention of the bpcc being factory approved to shoot +P ammunition, to me this speeks volumes. If you go to the range often get a range gun not a CC model, I think this would be a better option.Bersa ultra compact would. Be a great choice

    • Jimmy October 5, 2019, 12:51 pm

      According to the manual that came with mine (the most recent iteration) it is rated for +P

  • Michael G January 2, 2015, 1:54 am

    Thanks for allowing my review of the Bersa 380. It’s been 10+ years since buying my first Bersa 380 new in the box for $216.50 tax included. It went with me hunting for years and I used it to initially qualify for my CCL (concealed carry license) carry daily. When I first bought it I bought lots of ammo from a wide range of makers. From dirty Russian rounds to the elite from the USA.
    I went through 1500 rounds with very few hiccups. The gun ate anything I fed it without a burp. And the gun was VERY accurate and reliable. Yes I said was. I traded it to my brother for a Smith and Wesson 39-2, 9 mil that was too big for his hand. The S&W shoots like a dream and fits my hand perfectly. But I got homesick missing my Bersa, so I bought another Bersa 380 but this one cost me $300 + tax. It also shoots straight and operates flawlessly.
    There are other fine 380’s out there. But I’m a believer in the Bersa quality.

    Michael G.

    • markenoff November 19, 2016, 8:14 pm

      DO NOT BUY A BERSA!!!! BLUF: You cannot depend upon a Bersa to function reliably when you need it to. I have a Bersa Thunder 380 and a Bersa Thunder 380 Plus. On both of them the linkage between the trigger and the firing mechanism became disengaged. I sent them to the Bersa warranty repair center. When they were returned I went to the range. Putting only 50 rounds though the Plus I experienced the same problem and have sent it back for a second time to be repaired. Bersa is aware they have a problem but have not figured out how to fix it. I can’t count on either of these firearms as carry weapons. At best they are emergency in the house weapons that I can’t even take to the range for fear that the linkage will become disconnected again and I will have to pay AGAIN to send them to be repaired. DO NOT BUY BERSAS!!!!!!

  • Lt. Donn December 30, 2014, 3:12 pm

    For the 375 price tag you can purchase a Glock-19 Gen-3, used Police Trade-in made around 2003-2005 with all forged parts. that shoots like brand-new…with twice the capacity of the Bersa and Glock’s reputation…so why would you want the Bersa instead?? Just askin

    • Keenan November 20, 2016, 3:05 pm

      Because glock is useless I’ve owned several that I literally threw into the ocean and in lakes because they were not worth the money that I spent my .40cal jammed 20 rounds in I threw that piece of shit into Aquila right then and there my Bersa has 2200 round through it.and I can say 1 jam due to a bad casing.

      • Josh February 25, 2017, 9:24 pm

        If your throwing firearms in the water your an idiot, I think your full of shit that your glock jammed 20 rounds in , Glock is the only type of gun I’ve NEVER had any feeding issues with. This bersa has a place in the handgun world but a 43 would be the better choice in fit and finish.

      • Ron May 27, 2017, 10:02 am

        Quit committing crimes with your Glock’s and maybe you could just trade them in on another gun instead of as you so eloquently put it throwing them into the ocean and lakes. By the way 10mm doesn’t shoot out of a 40s&w it’s the other way around

  • ron November 22, 2014, 12:55 am

    I bought a bp9cc a couple of months ago as a concealed carry gun. I have a 9mm Glock, a Sig and a Bersa Thunder 380 to compare it to. I’ve also shot the Ruger LC9 and the S&W Shield. I’ve put about 600 rounds through it so far. It has yet to have a problem. I did clean it before taking it out for the first time as some one the web sites have recommended. I do have some observations:

    1 – The ergonomics are perfect. It fits my hand exactly right and is easy to operate. It shoots more like a full size gun rather than a compact concealed carry gun.
    2 – It shoots dead on at 15 yards. I can’t comment beyond that since I don’t really shoot any further than that.
    3 – It is a well built gun, comparable to my Glock, probably not as good as the Sig.
    Its been out a few years now, so maybe some of the early ones had problems. The shop I bought it from had nothing but good things to say about it. I would buy another one in a second.

    • Ron January 30, 2015, 6:40 pm

      An update on my review. I now have over 1,000 rounds through it. I’ve had one FTF with a hollow point. Other than that it has taken every kind of ammo I’ve used, even reloads. The trigger pull is even smoother than when I originally got it. My only complaint is the pin that you pull out to break it down. It is sometimes a pain in the ass to get back in right, but other than that its been a great gun. One thing that I keep seeing is people comparing it or any concealed carry gun to a full size gun. I have a Glock 17 and a Sig that are great guns that I shoot as least as often as my Bersa. They hold almost twice as many rounds and I’ve probably put 3 to 4,000 rounds through them with little to no reliability issues. However, neither is a comfortable concealed carry gun. My experience with the Bersa is that it is a very well built, reliable 9mm that has become my primary concealed carry gun.

  • Erich July 22, 2014, 6:43 pm

    I’ve owned a bersa thunder for years, never had a malfunction ever, great gun.

  • Bob July 21, 2014, 3:35 pm

    I have owned and carried 2 Bersa pistols. Could never complain about either. In my experiance, they build a reliable firearm. I don’t PERSONALLY care for the look, fit and finish of this one but that’s ME. The Shield is a fine pistol as well. I carry a Glock 27 .40 now. Sold my Sig Ultra 3.5″ .45 because I found it too bulky and uncomfortable. I have never had that experiance with the little Glock. I live in Florida so hot weather is the norm and I have carried the G27 in a Remora holster tucked into a bathing suit with a t-shirt over it without issue. My point here is, we are all different and we all find things that work for US and THAT is the most important thing because if you are comfortable with a certain pistol, you will carry it EVERY time you leave the house, and isn’t that the point? That $1000, duo-tone, flashy Sig did me no good sitting in the safe. The G27 is part of me, like my car keys and wallet. If the Bersa functions well and fits your lifestyle, that’s all there is to say. I applaud them for stepping up and competing with the “big boys”. Hell, they haven’t survived this long by building crap and I’m sure each new version of the BPCC9 will only get better.
    Happy shooting and stay safe.

  • Kenny July 21, 2014, 11:34 am

    I work in a gun store so I have access of virtually and gun I want. My chosen CC carry guns are either my Bersa Thunder 380 or my S&W model 442 Airweight .38sp revolver. One word here, reliability, when I pull the trigger I want to be as assured as possible that I will always hear a loud BANG!. The revolver speaks for itself. As to the Bersa, I’ve tried all the mouse guns, and found for the most part that when you find the ammo they like they are extremely reliable, the Ruger .380, the Taurus .380, the Sig .380, the S&W. 380 all run great on the ammo they like, the operative phrase here being, ammo they like. The Bersa will eat and spit out anything I feed it and I do mean anything. The other exception is Kel Tec .380, I haven’t found anything it will not eat but it is still a mouse gun. I can’t speak for the Bersa 9mm but I can speak for Bersa, IMHO they are very reliable firearm at a very good price point.

  • James Toimbs July 21, 2014, 9:20 am

    I had a Bersa .380 for several years. I shot it as much as my Beretta M70S .380. The Beretta was made in the early 80s and the Bersa in 2012 . I couldn’t tell but very little difference between the 2.. The Bersa never had any problems of any kind. When I bought it I took it out of the box and cleaned it ( I guess that’s kinda anal but hey) Since then I shoot it and clean it and it works . The main difference is in the triggers. Different pull and break point but other than that it is the same I will be interested to see how it shoots when it is as old as the Beretta ( 32 years ) However if I had to choose it would be the Beretta hands down. I think they make one of the finest firearms . Im not real wild about the new ones , but the old Berettas are a pleasure to shoot and if you never have held one, try a .380 with the old style thumbrest grips on it. Talk about fitting like a glove!! There is no describing it.

  • Doug L July 18, 2014, 1:54 pm

    I have owned a Bersa ultra compact 9 mm for several years. It has been very reliable, and has been happy with any ammo I put in it. More reliable than some of my friends high dollar guns. Accuracy pretty good for a short barrel pistol. I have nothing bad to say about it.

  • Glen July 15, 2014, 12:39 am

    I’ve owned 3 thunder 380 cc and a Bersa Thunder 9 UC (ultra compact) over the last 6 months. Unable to find a thing wrong with any of them other than my favorite, the solid nickle, had the ejector roll pin come out, therefore losing pin, ejector and spring. Finally when Monday morning came around I call the importer and I described the wrong part which they sent, no charge. The following weekend while describing the part to a friend I realized my error. Come Monday morning I called the importer and explained my error. They said, no problem, we will ship the right parts immediately. Saturday I received the parts and install them right away. Apparently the roll pin hole grew in size is why it came out (the new one was loose.). Before I installed it I placed it on my anvil and hit it near 1 end with a hammer, that tightened it up enough that I expect it to stay put for a while.

    My nickle Thunder 380 is an older model. I have found that the recoil spring is a lot stiffer than the one in my newer model. So much so that it makes disassembly very difficult. The stiffer recoil spring makes the recoil a lot softer.

    I do recomend the Bersa brand to anyone looking for a small accurate weapon.

  • CJ July 14, 2014, 7:29 pm

    I believe you stated that the BP9 was DAO. It’s not, it’s SAO. The slide has to be pulled back to reset the trigger (same thing as cocking a hammer). The only thing I didn’t like about the BP9, I used to own, was the take down procedure. The trigger has to be pulled to allow the slide to come off. Since removing the mag disengages the trigger, you have to reinsert an empty mag to pull the trigger and release the slide. Maybe mine was defective, but that was the only way to remove the slide.

  • The Taz July 14, 2014, 6:21 pm

    I bought three Bersa’a and have been pleased with each. The BP9CC is a trade off between size and accuracy and is not as easy to conceal as the 380 CC. The Thunder 380 CC is very small and easy to conceal but the sights are hard to use and has no way to mount a laser site. When considering price and functionality, these weapons are a good weapon for a good price. Since I am a fan of 9mm, I would love it if the size of the 380 CC came as a 9mm. I also note that the BP9CC handles multiple size clips (magazines) and that is a plus. I take both to the range and except for some real bad range ammo (many were having problems with it and the range ceased carrying it) have not had a problem with any of my Bersa’s.

    • Pete February 12, 2017, 7:17 pm

      They do make a laser sight to fit the Bersa 380

  • Jeremiah July 14, 2014, 6:09 pm

    Not knocking the Bersa, but for the same price, one can get an S&W M&P 9mm Shield which is deadly accurate for a pocket pistol. My club gun range has no short (7 yard or 15 yard) setup for pistols. It shoots at 25 and 50 yards only. I’m not saying I can hold 3 inch circles with five shots at 25 yards. I am not anywhere that good! But with an eight inch target at 25 yards, and 50 rounds of Winchester whitebox, all 50 rounds will hit inside the eight inch circle. That may be no better than the Bersa, frankly I don’t know because I have never shot one. And everything the Shield is fed, it eats. All I’m saying is for $350.00 out of the box, with perfict fit and finish, the sheild puts its money where its mouth points, and has done it without one FTF or FTE in over 3000 rounds.

    • Pete February 12, 2017, 7:18 pm

      The Shield does do well if you can get past the mile long trigger pull.

  • the Rat July 14, 2014, 5:23 pm

    I have a Bersa Thunder Ultra Pro in 9mm. Never had a problem with at least 400 rounds through it. Very accurate and easy to field strip

    • Jerry December 17, 2016, 6:21 pm

      I too own a Thunder 9 Compact Pro….goes bang every time I squeeze the trigger….I’d trust my life to it.

  • Radman July 14, 2014, 3:01 pm

    Thought I’d throw in my $0.02…..some years ago I bought a Walther PPK in .380, and this gun jammed *every single magazine*. Sent back to Walther for mods, came back the same way. Sent it in again, same result. Finally sold the thing and went looking, wanted something similar in size and caliber. Local gun shop recommended a Bersa Model 83 for about 1/2 the price of a PPK. Bought it, still have it, and after 16 years it has NEVER had a single issue. VERY dependable gun, and I have never hesitated to use it for CC.

  • Dave Stiebs July 14, 2014, 2:49 pm

    I have owned 5 Bersa’s a 45acp, 40s&w, 9mm and 2 380’s and one is the compact. I shoot a lot and all types of ammo that’s for target practice and not a single hiccup! I trust my life on them. Most dependable guns I have ever owned. The more expensive major brand guns use to jam on me but not the Bersa. I sold the higher priced Brands and have gone with the Bersa’s because of the reliability and price. Dave…

  • UncleNat July 14, 2014, 2:11 pm

    My brother-in-law bought a new Bersa Thunder .380 at a gun show and has never found ammo that would feed without issues. I’ll stick with my LC-9–its more concealable, lighter, and cost about $360.00. Best of all it will eat any ammo you feed it, every time.

    • SteveKSFC October 21, 2015, 8:59 pm

      I have a Bersa Thunder 380 and it has fired every shell I have put through it. Oldest boy brought me some Federal, Remington, Russian and former Soviet union made ammo and it spit everyone out without a issue. He thought I was crazy for purchasing it till he fired it and pout it brought the paces. Even at 50 yards the center circle is not safe. He is now a believer. He tried 8 layers of denim and a watermelon and the melon blew apart like someone stuck dynamite inside. I also have a Springfield XD 40 and a S&W 40 but now am looking at a Bersa 40 as they have made a believer out of me.

  • Jeffrey Frischkorn July 14, 2014, 12:11 pm

    Take it from a Bersa owner and a Bersa fan: They are rugged, well-built, reliable. I’ve owned several with the latest incarnation being a Bersa Thunder. It is sitting within arms length on me right now and in a couple of hours it will join me on a trip to mt local Sam’s Club. At night it will be in the nightstand besides me. My wife knows how to shoot it, too, should the need arise. Without question it is the easiest to disassemble and clean semi-auto pistil I’ve ever owned.. I adore that the barrel is fixed to the frame, maximizing accuracy. This pistol eats every brand of cat food it’s ever been given unlike other finicky feline handguns that turn up their noses unless the fodder is either Brand X or Brand Y. It goes “bang” when I pull the trigger. My only complaint is its weight. At 20-plus ounces it does not make for a good summer carry since I am on the Santa Claus size where a belt holster would be best. For summer I have a mule-kicking pokcet mouse gun. So my Bersa is one of two winter-type carry guns ( a 1911 being the other) where it rest comfortably in a shoulder holster. That said, I have the Bersa aboard my car and carry it when I’m sprucing up my deer-hunting blinds. Trust Bersa? Oh, yeah, and though I just bought a .380 mouse gun for summer carry, by golly I’m going to be looking at this new model if for no other reason than for “just because.”

    • Debbie FOWLER September 12, 2014, 10:09 pm

      Do these people responding to you know that you live in one of the safest communities in the United States and the chances that you will ever need a gun to defend yourself is about nil? Give all of us a break,this man is a wanna be wild west man.LOL

  • Tom July 14, 2014, 10:09 am

    Interesting write-up. -If you are looking for less costly guns, give Walther (P99 AS, etc) a try. Not easily found at times, but just as good as the real expensive ‘main brands’. In fact, I consider Walther a Main Brand except for their prices. They seem to like ALL ammo equally well, and my P99 .40cal never failed me over the past 15 years and many 1000’s of rounds. Owned many Walther pistols over the last fifty five years, besides many so called main brands, and Walther is still my favorite. Outstanding ergonomics and reliability, just like the much more expensive brands.

  • Dan July 14, 2014, 8:40 am

    Author’s credibility comes into question when cheerleading for a gun of questionable quality (fit and finish) while lauding it’s affordability at a street price of $375. An M&P Shield, which has excellent everything in comparison to this wannabe afterthought pistol is available online for about $350.

    The Bersa misses the mark by making it’s grip too long instead of offering extended mags like others do, having mag releases that can easily be inadvertently pressed – rendering the pistol inoperable until the mag is replaced, and being heavier than a Shield.

    If the author is an employee or sales agent of Bersa, this should be disclosed in the article, but if he stands by his article as unbiased, then he shouldn’t be reviewing concealed carry pistols because following his advice would result in someone overpaying for a lesser quality pistol that could get them killed in a self defense situation (if one of those mag releases are tripped while drawing).

    • Administrator July 14, 2014, 8:49 am

      Your credibility comes into question by making an ergonomics and preference issue one of credibility. Bersa has come a long way, and they don’t do recalls.

      • Jerry July 14, 2014, 9:54 am

        I’m with you Admin. Sounds like an M&P employee. If you don’t like the gun just say so and disagree with the writer. I’ve carried an old Thunder 380 for years as a backup. I’ve used it to re-qualify with 3 times with a 94 or better. But what do I know, I carry a Taurus PT 92 as my duty weapon. I guess I’m just not a brand snob. I only ask my weapon to feel good and work every time. Anyway, right or wrong about the gun, “good review!”. Thanks, I may try it for fun.

      • Dan July 14, 2014, 8:26 pm

        I apologize for my lack of tactfulness, and in going back and reading the article again, I see that the author was trying to be unbiased in his evaluation. I think Bersa missed the mark on this one however, and I would like to see a reviewer call them out on it – perhaps then whoever was responsible for that miss would be re-assigned. It seems obvious that the gun was produced to compete with concealed carry pistols like the M&P Shield, but the grip’s longer and it’s heavier than the Shield, which does affect conceal ability.

        I think what triggered my reaction to this article the most was the author’s contention that, ” The BP9CC is worth more than $375.” This alone influenced my negative perception of his credibility since a brand new M&P Shield can be purchased for $350.

        I do own a 9mm Shield, but find that my Glock 27 is almost as easy to conceal for me. In warmer weather I carry a Kahr CM40 or a Ruger LCP. In regard to the Shield, it is an excellent pistol, but if I had it to do over again, I would purchase the M&P Compact instead because it has a shorter grip, weighs almost the same as the Bersa, and has the capability of accepting larger capacity magazines.

        • KevinX August 11, 2015, 3:42 am

          I have a BP9 for several years now. At the time the Beretta Nano, Shield & BP9 retailed about the same byt the Shield wasn’t available due to recall.

          I couldn’t be happier with the Bersa. I never feel under protected. I know it’s reliable, it carries very well & I didn’t have the problems the author did.

  • Rodger July 14, 2014, 8:24 am

    I had the BP9CC for about 500 rounds. Felt great in my hand. I sold it for several reasons. The most important was its unreliability with HST ammo. Every mag had a failure to feed with HST (124 and 147 grain) ammo on the second round, and no it was not the mag, I had 4 mags and each did the same thing. The trigger pinched my finger every range session, and the thin trigger also hurt after shooting. The first Bersa had to be sent back after the first 100 rounds due to a broken sear while shooting 147 grain HST ammo. They replaced it with a new gun. That was a good customer relations thing to do. The slide was the nickel version which began peeling from a bubble shortly afterwards. Warranty replaced that too, but I asked for the black slide instead. The customer relations is great, but the BP9CC itself is cheaply made, hence the low price. I could not rely on this gun for self-protection. Remember, even it handguns, you get what you pay for. I hope for everyone that owns one that I just got a lemon or two and yours works every time.

    • Rodger July 14, 2014, 11:29 am

      I did forget to mention, I carry an XDS 9 4.0 and just bought a Walther PPS. These guns have been dependable with any ammo I feed them. Here again you get what you pay for. I have owned about 20 handguns and sold the ones that were not top quality and dependable. Bersa is for entry level self-defense guns. Would not bet my life on one enough to carry and keep one. Everyone has their own opinion. This is mine.

  • J. Holm July 14, 2014, 7:50 am

    Shoots good but look at the “so called” lifetime warranty for the original Owner. Doesn’t cover the deterioration of the finish..

    • Winston December 29, 2014, 3:54 pm

      Warranties on finish wear are not on Kimbers nor Infinities Q45s either. Real world criticism okay, but finish wear due to use, get real.

  • Ken July 14, 2014, 7:37 am

    Bersa is a good “economical” handgun. In the past I have found Bersa to be very reliable. I purchased a BP9CC not long after it came out. As the writer pointed out; I had problems with the magazine releasing while firing it. AND, about half way thru the second box of 9mm (standard FMJ 115), the pistol simply “BROKE”. A piece of plastic(internally), broke off and it would no longer fire. I will send it off to be repaired and then more than likely I will trade it.

    • D. Hicks July 14, 2014, 1:34 pm

      Ken you have it right.Even some one who doesn’t have much money,wants to buy a handgun, why buy a cheap made polymer frame pistol, that might break?

  • Richard Persing July 14, 2014, 7:30 am

    I own a Bersa Firestorm Mini 40, and it’s a great carry conceal pistol, but it’s impossible to find magazines for it. For that reason, I’ll never buy another Bersa.

    • Rafael July 14, 2014, 10:44 am

      http://www.bersa.com or call 732-493-0333

    • Glen July 14, 2014, 2:03 pm

      2 on Ebay right now ( 6-14-14 at 1:02 PM ) 1 buy now for $44.75 free shipping & 1 for bids now at $14.99 6 days 2 go with no bids on it all you have to do is look

  • Don July 14, 2014, 6:46 am

    I’ve had one for just over a year. its a very good C.C. 9 with one of the smoothest triggers I’ve ever used. To date not a single issue with any ammo FMJ or JHP . The accuracy is impressive, in short I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another if the need arose.

  • Douglas Broom July 14, 2014, 6:13 am

    I bought a Bersa 9mm a few months ago and have been very happy with it. My brother in law shoot it at a gun range and loved it. They are in a lower price range but it is a great conceal carry weapon.

  • Luke July 13, 2014, 12:13 am

    It’s an okay pistol, but it’s unfortunate that they felt the need to add all of the lawyer features like the internal lock and the magazine disconnect. With the new “no-safety” S&W Shield coming in under $400, it’s hard to recommend the Bersa.

    • Ken July 14, 2014, 7:38 am

      I agree Luke!

    • Scott July 14, 2014, 10:30 am

      This was my thought when I read the price. I love my shield and I paid right around 400 for it.

      Nice write up though.

    • Frank July 14, 2014, 3:27 pm

      It looks okay,but I will stick to my Bersa Thunder .45. I’ve had it for 10 years or so, and it has never failed in any regard. Performs exactly as it should, first time, every time, with no jams, ever. That’s a pretty good testament to any self-loading handgun.

      • Norm July 15, 2014, 1:14 am

        I got a new .380 Thunder, and I like the weight (of lack of it) and the reliability.Easy to carry hidden, too. Screw the glamour; for the price, it’s great.

        • Dave Gossen July 21, 2014, 6:18 am

          I own two of them I like it so much ITrained both my daughters to be deadly with this weapon.They like it alot as well. Im now training my sister on asy takedown for cleaning too.Safety lock is a plus as well.

    • jimonthebeach July 14, 2014, 7:15 pm

      I owned a Bersa Thunder for many years and other than having a rather stiff decocker (try discussing that in mixed company), it ran flawlessly. When my daughter got her concealed carry license, I passed it off to her. I have also owned three M&P pistols which were very reliable and accurate. With similar price points, given a choice between an M&P Shield and the Bersa, I’d opt for the M&P because of the difference in quality, fit and finish and the Bersa’s unneeded “lawyer safeties.”

      • Nick July 8, 2015, 10:42 am

        That “lawyer safeties” you’re talking about are because it’s made in Argentina, where gun laws are much more restrictive than in the US. Argentinian gun law requires at least 3 types of safeties in a gun (needle safety, trigger safety and well, manual safety OR slide key).
        It can be seen as pretty much, but it has an point, because Argentinian Police (practically 60-70% of gun users, as gun access is much restricted here) is greatly underdisciplined and mostly always will carry their guns without the manual safety on (condition 1 or worse), and there have been many cases of the needle safety on several (not Argentine-made) standard police guns failing to work (cases where the gun falls to the ground and fires itself are too many these days).
        I’m not saying Argentine gun laws were made for the police, but they sure work a little better than ones with less restriction. It’s surely not the best solution, but it is one of them.

    • Scotty July 14, 2014, 10:33 pm

      Only negative thing I can see is 8+1! Scotty.

      • Roger March 25, 2016, 11:56 am

        You have to look at the category it is in. It is filling the role of thin single stack CCW guns. If you want similar size but greater thickness you have the Bersa Ultra Compact at 13+1. Personally I don’t like the dangerous guns like the Glock with hair triggers and no safeties and this is how I see the BP9CC. It is better than a Glock 43 in the sense that it is a 3.1lb ???DAO, cheaper, higher capacity out of the box with a usable grip length, tactile loaded indicator, I still don’t understand the trigger safety on the Bp9CC, it doesn’t seem to have a blade?

        Glock failed on the G43 except for people who are Glock Fan boys.

        • John January 3, 2017, 10:36 pm

          Glock 43’s pull is 5.5 pounds, a pound more than my P229 in single action – it is by no reasonable shooter’s standard a “hair trigger.” The Bersa does have 8+1, but now so do I after paying $10 for a Vickers +2. The Bersa does not have a trigger safety – it’s in the story. I am not a Glock fan boy, in fact it’s my first and I looked at Ruger, Sig, S&W, Kimber and others. If anything, I’m a Sig fan, but didn’t want to spend double on the P938, plus I’m not a fan of the 1911 style and that pistol is not that much fun to shoot for me. You can think what you like, but saying Glocks are dangerous, have hair triggers and the like are simply not true. They have a long history of supplying LE and military around the world and have very good quality. Ugly as sin, but very reliable. Point Blank recently had G43s for $419, which is a better buy than this Bersa IMHO.

    • Michael Adams November 10, 2014, 12:06 pm

      They’re not actually lawyer safeties, they’re import points. You have to have a certain amount of points for the ATF to allow you to import to the USA.