A Fourth of July rally and protest in Richmond, Va., saw an unlikely alliance form between armed Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists and “boogaloo boys” in defiance of white nationalism and in support of the Second Amendment, video from the event shows.
Both groups arrived in downtown Richmond to support gun rights and in the midst of a larger controversy surrounding a Robert E. Lee statue that BLM activists believe should be taken down. Each group was heavily armed, but no violence was reported, and it doesn’t appear that any arrests were made.
The potentially explosive incident began when the boogaloo group, the BLM group, and a white nationalist group all gathered in the same area to protest. The boogaloo contingent was led by a 19-year-old named Mike Dunn, according to reporting from NPR, and he welcomed the armed BLM group as fellow advocates for gun rights.
But the white nationalists began yelling “Heil Hitler” and goose-stepping, according to Dunn. The boogaloo group stopped the white nationalist before things turned violent, and Dunn later told the crowd that racist behavior is unacceptable.
“When we saw that happen… I’m not for that, and I don’t think many of you are. We can’t do that,” he said.
In the video, members of the crowd can be heard shouting, “They gotta go!” and “Get ‘em outta here!” and “We don’t do that Nazi shit.”
SEE ALSO: NY Times Opinion: I’m a Black American. I Need a Gun to Feel Safe in This Country.
“We don’t do that Nazi shit!”
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) July 4, 2020
Mike Dunn, a marine veteran and the organizer of the event, talked to his group after the confrontation explained what happened. pic.twitter.com/pIcgzyNFGN
Later in the day, both groups locked arms to move into an area the police had barred from protestors. The police didn’t stop them, and no arrests were made, according to an eyewitness video.
“We locked in unity to come back and take what’s ours,” one of the protestors says.
“This is ours! This ain’t the governors. This is ours!” Dunn says and he locks arms with a BLM activist.
SEE ALSO: Americans of All Races Take Up Arms to Defend Against Violent Rioters, Looters
This clip better represents the vibe of the day.
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) July 4, 2020
Earlier, police had refused to allow the #BlackLivesMatter and #Boogaloo people in a certain area.
They linked arms and went into the area (armed) without police intervening. No arrests made today. pic.twitter.com/6sNde0tCHe
The ”boogaloo” movement is a group of ideologically disparate sects who unite around the inevitability of a second Civil War, the dangers of an overreaching government, and support of the Second Amendment. They often wear Hawaiian shirts and openly carrying firearms. Some groups seem to have ties to white supremacists, but Dunn’s group is, apparently, not one of them.
Elminate the thugs and the mentally ill who possess guns ,then you’ll have gun control
Maybe someday all of the citizens and members of these groups will realize that the #1 tactic of the government is “Divide and Conquer”. If is then when all people stand together under the Constitution that our country will be restored and the tyrannical traitors will have no power. When people stop letting these traitors divide us, power is Then restored to the people. wake up!!
Amen! Wake up ‘merica
Wow….this is frightening…..there is a lot of volatile fuel out there…..and one spark could instigate a firefight between agitated protestors and any law enforcement that confront them.
If I were a law enforcement officer…..I WOULD NOT confront these people with threats or force. The best way to deal with these people is to engage them….listen to their concerns, give them the legitimate opportunity to be heard and let our politicians put their concerns on the ballot.
This looks like it’s going to get more intense before it gets better. When different groups begin joining for a common cause…..it’s like a snowball going downhill.
Let us all hope that local, state and federal government realize that nationally most people support our constitution….just the way that it has served our country since its creation……and that the majority of the country should NOT be unduly influenced by leftists in NY or California.
None of these groups have this country’s best interests in mind.
Mike ‘Dummy’ Dunn is a 19 year old, Marine Vet???
19 year old out of Marine Corps?
Dishonorable or General Discharge for the good of the US military.
His background speaks for itself.
Please don’t accuse or slander people when you don’t know the facts. Mike Dunn is joined the Marines when he was 17, and was apparently injured and/or has a heart condition and was honorably discharged. He is neither alt right or alt left, or a “Trump supporter”. He is an American patriot who upholds the US Constitution, in all aspects, including the 2nd Amendment and right to bear arms, which includes the right to a well regulated militia. ” U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights in the Second Amendment which reads:
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Most Americans probably are not even aware that the U.S. Constitution not only protects the right of armed American citizens to form militias, but actually encourages it as being “necessary to the security of a free State.”
I am well armed, loaded, ready, willing, able, and a combat vet.
Come on you boogyloos. Let’s get it on. Let the cowboys and “indians” begin today. Let’s get some.
Another Marine vet here lock and load ! His formation or lack of is shit would be massacred in short order by real warriors.
Don’t be fooled these groups are socialists Marxists. That want to destroy our nation, they use our own laws against us. Yo undermine our government and our institutions. It is a good thing that they came together to celebrate the 2nd amendment. Just realize just who these Organizations really are and what their shared interests are. God bless America and our Capitalist society.
Interesting that BLM appears at least somewhat Pro 2A.
That must stick in the craw of the ‘full on left turn’ Democrat Party.
BLM will NOT support organizations such as the NRA. Micah Xavier Johnson killed 6 Dallas PO’s at a BLM rally and the Democratic Party and their PAC posing as the “free press” ignored the connections. The 2A would NOT last a month if if BLM was at the helm. The pictures of former “Black Panthers” Bobby Rush and his ilk brandishing M1 Carbines should be easy enough to find and Rush’s career as anti-2A politician is a matter of public record. I doubt the Democratic Party has any concern over BLM’s current leanings toward the 2A.
The 2A is and should be common ground for all Americans; but where do we go from there?
Do we all have more common ground to rediscover and to pull back to; before it is too late?
God bless America, let freedom and peace reign!
Above it that Mike Dunn is 19 years old and a Marine veteran, kind of strange
There’s a possibility that he was medically discharged. Possible combat or training injury.
I was thinking the same thing. One of those two things, or both, isn’t true. While it’s possible there was an injury or medical issue that caused him to be discharged, it is highly unlikely and at best the guy barely finished boot camp.
BLM are Marxists and aim to destroy the family unit. Totally anti- constitutional. Is that what Boogyloos are after?
The feminists back in the late 60s early 70s with their faux “women’s equality” movement had already destroyed the family unit by feminizing the family court systems and destroying the “equality” in child custody as well as convincing mothers to run away with the children at young ages with fake dreams of child support checks and apartments in big screen TVs great jobs and full custody of the children there by denying access to the father and hence destroying the discipline and nurturing of the father, giving us the misguided, undisciplined hordes of Youth today with no fundamental morals values or principles.
Gregory, you are absolutely right. I watched this all happen with deep misgivings. Females tend to take many of their social advances for granted, and misuse those they have achieved. Thanks for your post.
Time to dig out the Hawaiian shirt. LOL