Benchmade’s $600 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2017
Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

The Ti Bali-Song from Benchmade.

For more information and details, check out Benchmade.


Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

All closed up.

A $600 butterfly knife? Doesn’t that contradict the storied history of these much-maligned self-defense knives?

I mean, when one thought of a butterfly knife, one typically thought of a cheap, poorly-made blade used by street thugs, tattooed bikers and the young ruffians from S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders.” My point is that Bali-Song knives were synonymous with the criminal class for many, many years. But not anymore. These blades have gone mainstream.

At SHOT Show 2017, Benchmade introduced their Ti Bali-Song, a 4.5-inch Wharncliffe-style blade made from CPM-S30V stainless steel that sits in a sand-blasted, single piece of billet titanium.

When I was talking to the gentleman working the Benchmade booth, he told me that the titanium handles take upwards of 45 minutes to make because, again, they’re fashioned from a single piece of titanium! That’s pretty cool because it greatly increases their toughness.

Other features include thrust bearing washers (for easy opening), a secure magnetic latch that pops open when you squeeze the handle, and a gray nylon sheath.


Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

What it looks like in the hand.

  • Overall Length: 10.00″
  • Blade Length: 4.50″
  • Blade Thickness: 0.12″
  • Blade Material: CPM-S30V
  • Blade Style: Wharncliffe
  • Blade Grind: Flat
  • Finish: Satin
  • Handle Length: 5.50″
  • Handle Thickness: 0.46″
  • Handle Material: Titanium
  • Color: Gray
  • Weight: 5.37 oz.
  • MSRP: $600


This knife is badass. It’s well-made, it feels great in the hand, and that magnetic lock is really, really cool. I want one. But at the same time, I’m having trouble envisioning how I would use it and carry it. It’s too big, IMO, for pocket carry and I’m not sure I’d want to carry it every day in its sheath. Between that, and it’s price point, which I’ll get to in a moment, I’m a bit torn.


Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

That magnetic lock pops right up when you squeeze the handle.



Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

It’s a really cool locking design.


I will say that I love the blade design and the materials are top notch.  It doesn’t get much better than titanium and CMP-S30V. Benchmade’s got a real winner with the Ti Bali-Song.


Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

It comes with the Nylon sheath.



Benchmade’s 0 Titanium Butterfly Knife! — SHOT Show 2016

The sheath has straps on the back.


Price and Availability

The MSRP is $600. However, I’ve seen it available on BladeHQ for preorder for $510. Yes, that’s a lot of money for a knife, especially one that has a limited daily carry application. I’ll have to think about this long and hard before I pull the trigger.

For more information and details, check out Benchmade.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Rammy March 8, 2018, 2:19 pm

    Great to see titanium butterfly knife shot show.
    Thank you for sharing this useful information.Rammy
    DMA Inc.

  • Vince January 30, 2017, 2:05 am


  • judgecrater January 26, 2017, 10:01 am

    I can think of no practical use. $600 and it will sit in a drawer.

  • Chuck January 26, 2017, 9:52 am

    Nice to look at, but it is NOT legal to carry in my city…

  • Rick January 26, 2017, 9:22 am

    If it doesn’t have a titanium blade, you can’t really call it a ‘titanium’ knife! Knives with titanium handles are a ‘dime-a-dozen’ in the knife industry. So are knives with G-10 handles which are not referred to as G-10 knives.

  • Charles Gubser January 26, 2017, 8:17 am

    They made a version of this knife at least 15+ years ago, the Tanto blade was reversed with a beveled tip.
    I believe It cost me about $160 back then, and I haven’t seen them sine. But the handle is polished like my stainless, just much lighter with a darker shade.

  • Sorcerer January 26, 2017, 6:42 am

    If you get this you have to much money to waist .

  • BillyBob January 25, 2017, 9:15 am

    Just a straight razor with a tanto point ! Vegas trip for free if one sales !

  • Tom Horn January 23, 2017, 2:08 am

    Since I asked, where are the knife reviews from Shot Show, I thought I should say, thanks. Thanks.

    That said, I never did get butterfly knives. They look good bringing them into action, but other than that, what advantage does it bring. There are fixed blades, autos, and assisted knives that can be deployed just as quickly, and they have quillons/hilts/guards to keep your finger from sliding up on the blade. I’ll leave them to the martial artists to dazzle us with. Could buy a nice Randall, or a custom made knife for that price.

  • Will Drider January 23, 2017, 12:39 am

    Butterfly knife AKA Fan knife, Balisong and Batangas knife. Balisong USA (1972) is actually the origin of Benchmade.
    Just an old Phlippino tool that that happened to be much faster the folders and could take much more abuse then the sometines fragil mechanism of a switchblade. Today there are much faster knives to get into action without using a partial grip. There is some artful “fanning” done with them but other then aan expedient opening would not be used in defense. Some might say “fanning” the blade is a show of force to deter a aggressor. You can fan while somebody else draws and shoots or just starts to perforate you whit his blade.

    Historical tradition mandates blades to be 29cm. Blade shapes vary but traditionally a good portion of the tip will be sharpened to cut in both directions and ease penetration, which this one lacks. Buy a cheap dull training knife or a well stocked first aid kit first.

    The only advantage of the butterfly over other knives is when you use it closed as a striking device since it provides a 360° grip and won’t accidentally open.

    • Jim Davidson January 26, 2017, 9:23 pm

      Put a titanium pocket clip on it and I will buy two!