Jon Hodoway

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A Non-NFA 14” Shotgun? The Mossberg Shockwave 12 Ga. – Full Review.

A Non-NFA 14” Shotgun? The Mossberg Shockwave 12 Ga. – Full Review.


Mossberg has managed to disrupt the shotgun market with the introduction of a gun that isn’t even a shotgun! The Shockwave is a 14-inch pump 12-gauge gun, measuring in at just under 26½ inches long. Get this: You can pick it up today, from your local dealer, without any extra government paperwork or waiting on the BATFE to approve the transfer. How can this be?

The Last Holster You May Ever Need: SureFire MasterFire Rapid Deploy Holster

The Last Holster You May Ever Need: SureFire MasterFire Rapid Deploy Holster


Is there some sort of 12-step program for holster addiction? If so, I may need it. As I prepared to write this, I took a quick look my holster collection and would guess I own at least 100 different holsters.

Part of it’s just hoarding. But, in my defense, I do need a lot of them. I’m a bit of a gun slut, and a lot of my guns need different holsters based on the situation. I’ve been told admitting your problem is the first step.

But, what if I could buy one last holster for all my pistols?

Affordable Solution for Gun Storage — DU-HA Systems

Affordable Solution for Gun Storage — DU-HA Systems

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For as long as I can remember, I have been searching for a solid solution for storing my gear in my vehicle in such a way that it is both secure and easily accessible. I have owned all manner of sport-utility vehicles and pickup trucks, and it seems that no matter the vehicle there was always an available storage space that was completely available, but not very safe, secure or even convenient. Lucikly, DU-Ha has a solution.

A SIG Sauer P320 For My 9-Year-Old

A SIG Sauer P320 For My 9-Year-Old


As a parent and firearm enthusiast, the aspect of introducing your child to firearms can be both exhilarating and terrifying. Thanks to modern-day technology, there are many ways to interactively teach a child rules of firearm safety before they even pick up a firearm. This includes laser training. And what better to practice with than a SIG Sauer P320 Air Pistol?

A Pair of Rock Rivers — LAR-15 Quick Magazine Change & LAR-15 Better Than Basic Carbine

A Pair of Rock Rivers — LAR-15 Quick Magazine Change & LAR-15 Better Than Basic Carbine


There are lots of great companies competing for a slice of the AR-15 market, but it’s sometimes hard to find a rifle that is different. Enter Rock River Arms. I was torn between two rifles: the LAR-15 QMC (Quick Magazine Change) and the LAR-15 BTB (Better Than Basic) Carbine. I couldn’t decide between which one to test, so Rock Rivers graciously sent both.

Iconic: FN-USA's  FNS-9 Longslide — Full Review

Iconic: FN-USA’s FNS-9 Longslide — Full Review


When you bring up FN in conversation, people will nod their heads. If you ask them to say something about FN, a few of the folks nodding their heads will say “Well, they make guns for the military.” The old guy will clear his gullet and say, “John Browning’s Hi-Power.”  Well, both of these are accurate, but FN’s history spans far more than just these two great guns. The BAR, The FN FAL and the M2 Ma Deuce would all be quickly added to the discussion as the group thinks began to kick in. Even these additions only scratch the surface, so let me take you through the high points of FN.

Shedding Light on LaserMax's GripSense

Shedding Light on LaserMax’s GripSense


LaserMax has come out with a new line of products that truly bring innovation and functionality to your concealed carry or backup handgun. The LaserMax CenterFire with GripSense technology features a unique method for activating the light and red or green laser.

A 75-Round Yugoslavian AK-47? Century Arms N-PAP DF

A 75-Round Yugoslavian AK-47? Century Arms N-PAP DF


Following World War II, a group of nations were consolidated into what we referred to as Yugoslavia, ruled by a man named Tito. Not owing his ascension to power to the Soviet Union, but still being a communist, he proclaimed that Yugoslavia would go a third way, part of neither the East nor the West. The Yugoslavian military adopted the basic pattern of the Soviet AKM rifle and made some alterations to adapt it to their doctrine. Rifle grenades were thought of as a huge force multiplier by the Yugoslavians, which resulted in several of those modifications.

An All-Purpose AR-15: S&W M&P 15 Sport II— Full Review

An All-Purpose AR-15: S&W M&P 15 Sport II— Full Review


It’s time to think about buying an AR-15. Selection is high and prices are falling; there’s never been a better time for the AR-15 market. Besides, can you ever really have too many black rifles? If you answered yes, stop reading now!

An Automatic Mini-14: Ruger brings the A-Team with its AC-556 — Full Review

An Automatic Mini-14: Ruger brings the A-Team with its AC-556 — Full Review


The AC-556 was based off the Mini-14. Ruger, Sturm& Co. introduced the Mini-14 in 1973, borrowing many of its design elements from both the M1 and the M14. Bill Ruger was interested in law enforcement and military sales, and to that end he released the GB (government bayonet) model. The GB offered a plethora of unique options.