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5 Pieces of Backcountry Elk Gear You Don't Want To Forget

5 Pieces of Backcountry Elk Gear You Don’t Want To Forget


Here are five pieces of must-bring gear that often need to be remembered or noticed. Double-check your pack, or make a quick online purchase.

Tested: Browning X-Bolt Speed LR 7mm PRC

Tested: Browning X-Bolt Speed LR 7mm PRC


After some practice, no elk will be safe. I can’t wait to report on the rifle’s in-the-field performance soon. 

Three Archery Games That Will Make You A Better Bowhunter

Three Archery Games That Will Make You A Better Bowhunter


The goal is perfection, but perfection in this game is unattainable. However, there is a way to ensure more grip-and-grins and fewer sob stories. 

Tested True: SEVR’s Titanium 1.75″ Tip & 21″ HD Target


For the past three years, SEVR Broadheads have filled my quiver, and in the future, that trend will continue. Bowhunting is all about confidence, and these streamlined, razor-sharp, and deadly accurate mechanicals have filled my freezer and made my taxidermist a pile of money. 

Boost Your Bowhunting Accuracy With Long Range Shooting


What long-range practice does is it makes those 40-yard-and-in-whitetail shots feel like chip shots, and when you head West, and a velvet-racked muley has his face stuffed in a herbaceous plant at 62 yards, you can draw, anchor, and execute properly.

Silent Killers


According to Dr Miller and the CDC, 18 tick-borne diseases are now recognized in the United States. Some, naturally, are worse than others.

Why The Puffy?

Why The Puffy?


Today’s PrimaLoft-filled puffy-style jackets are the ultimate western hunting garment. Here’s why.

Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail

Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail


Often from late March through the first week and a half of April, turkeys will still be in wintertime flocks. Love is on their mind for sure, but often after flying down, toms will follow a wad of hens to their morning breakfast location.

Go Expandable For Turkeys

Go Expandable For Turkeys


Typically, stick-and-string goers get the first crack at springtime noisemakers in most states. Archery-only seasons give bowhunters a chance to hit the woods, often for several weeks, before loud booms start filling the woods. 

Tried-and-True: Hoyt VTM 31

Tried-and-True: Hoyt VTM 31


I had a 2022 love affair with a pair of Hoyt bows, and when you fall in love, it’s hard to make the change. Hoyt’s new VTM 31 made switching worth it.