These days, thermal and night vision optics aren’t only reserved for the very wealthy or the very tactical, and ATN has been a big part of that shift. The optics company has been producing thermal and night vision optics since 1995, and they offer products at price points accessible to the everyday hunter or shooter.
The new ODIN LT thermal monocular hits the sweet spot between performance and value. The optic will be available for about $1,300, provides 320×240 pixel resolution, and is light enough to mount on a helmet.
We caught up with ATN at this year’s SHOT Show so they could walk us through their new product themselves.

The ODIN LT only weighs between 10-12 ounces (depending on the model), and can be hand-held or mounted to a helmet. ATN doesn’t have a helmet mount available yet, but they plan to offer one soon.
The ODIN will be available in two resolutions and five magnification ranges. The 160×120 will be available in 4-8x, 6-12x, and 8-16x; and the 320×240 will be available in 2-4x, 3-6x, and 4-8x.
Human detection, recognition, and identification ranges depend on the model. At the low end, the 160×120 4-8x can detect a human at 475 meters, recognize at 240 meters, and identify at 160 meters. At the high end, the 320×240 4-8x can detect out to 1,510 meters, recognize at 680 meters, and identify at 340 meters.
Those are the technical specifications for the ODIN, but we asked company reps how those might translate in the real world. They said users should expect to detect heat out to about 300 yards even in poor conditions.

The ODIN LT includes two color palettes—white hot and black hot—and can run for 2.5 hours on a CR 123A battery. If users opt for the sold separately rechargeable battery, they can expect five hours of battery life. The rechargeable battery can be swapped with the push of a button.
We were impressed with the image quality when we looked through the ODIN LT on the SHOT Show floor, but we’ll need to take it out in the field for a full test and review.
Monoculars are less versatile than rifle optics, but they still offer huge benefits for game retrieval, search and rescue, and home defense.
To learn more, Check out the ODIN LT HERE!
Good luck when it stops working. The worst customer service you will find and their products have issues. When they work they are pretty impressive. Look elsewhere for now….trust me.
Does this unit have an adjustable reticle so I can mount it and zero it to my weapon? That would be a home run. After 10 years of trying to help develop eye-mounted thermals in the Army, they just have too much latency to mount to the eye and using while ‘looking around’ or during movement. Even the slightest latency will make you ill. However, sitting in a single position, pulling guard duty, oriented in a single direction, moving your head very slowly – these would work well – and they’re cheap. I’d just want the option to mount it to my rifle as a scope.