AR-15 Magazine Strip Loading Tool – StripLULA from MagLULA

in AR-15, Authors, For Rifles, Gear Reviews, Paul Helinski

The StripLULA will finally allow you to use those pesky stripper clips that often come on surplus .223/5.56 ammo.

The StripLULA will finally allow you to use those pesky stripper clips that often come on surplus .223/5.56 ammo.

StripLULA from MagLULA
On Midway $26.95
On LuckyGunner $26.95 (almost 3,000 in stock)
After you slide the strip in, you flip the presser gate over and push down.

After you slide the strip in, you flip the presser gate over and push down.

If you shoot a lot most likely you buy your .223/5.56 ammo in bulk, as military surplus or overruns. Often this ammo comes on stripper clips, and in the metal box with the ammo is usually a couple magazine guides for those stripper clips. Theoretically you can slip the guide onto your magazine and simply slip the clip of ammunition into the top, then slide them in.

Unfortunately, those guide pieces never work. There is just too much force required to load the rounds into the magazine, so the guide usually just folds to the side, or it actually bends and becomes useless.

The rounds go right in.

The rounds go right in.

MagLULA, the company you probably know that makes a whole line of easy mag loading and unloading tools, came up with a nifty tool that you can throw in your shooting that actually works on stripper clip loaded .223/5.56. It retails for just under $30. We tested the tool in an afternoon of shooting and it works great. You can also load loose rounds 10 at at time, but the real timesaver is with actual stripper clip ammo. Finally the stuff works like it is supposed to!

Then you remove the leftover clip and start on the next one!

Then you remove the leftover clip and start on the next one!

FInally a device that makes stripper clips actually work. Nice tool for under $30.

FInally a device that makes stripper clips actually work. Nice tool for under $30.

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  • DaveW August 12, 2014, 3:28 pm

    Sure beats what we had in Vietnam! If you were not loading mags from stripper clips using the supplied tool for yourself, you were loading extras for your unit. In the end, your fingers and thumb were a mass of jumbled nerve endings and you wanted to scream. The next day, you’d be back at it to replace what was burned up through the night.

  • Ray August 12, 2014, 1:02 pm

    Haven’t tried this Maglula but have both their AR 15 loader and the pistol loader. They are both excellent and quite reasonable in price. Big tip of the hat to the Israelis – they know weapons and accessories!

  • Dennis August 12, 2014, 12:18 am

    That magLULA is the BEST loader for stripper clips ever, take those little adapters and throw them away. Even if your loading bulk rounds you can just slide 5 or 6 or even 10 on the magLULA and they slide right in as if there was a clip on them.
    You can load a 30 or 40 round mag in seconds.
    Love it will nwver be without one.