The Best Flipper Knife I’ve Seen: The Aphex from Boker – SHOT Show 2020

in C. Travis, SHOT Show 2020
The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020
Aphex Flipper #001 from Boker USA.

SHOT show 2020 is full of knife makers, designers, and companies showing off their latest blades. Boker USA just released their latest high-end flipper, the Aphex.

A design collaboration with Lucas Burnley. If you’re familiar with Boker Knives, there’s a good chance you’ve seen their popular Kwaiken model which was also designed by Burnley. I had a chance to play with Aphex #001 here at the show and it’s a beautiful flipper! Prolly the best I’ve seen so far.

The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020
The fit and finish are incredible.

The Aphex is a frame lock flipper riding on captive bearings. The lockbar has a hardened steel insert where it engages with the blade. You don’t want a titanium frame contacting a steel blade. Titanium is softer than steel and would deform over time, which would cause lockup issues later. The Aphex has an early, tight lock up and feels solid.

The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020
The lines of the pocket clip follow the inlay. The subtle details are a nice touch.

The flipper tab has nice jimping for added grip, and the 4” M390 steel blade flies out of the handle thanks to those aforementioned captive bearings. The grind lines flow well with the design of the knife and the satin flats look great. 

I appreciate the little details, like how the partial fuller lines up with the handles when closed, and the lines on the pocket clip follow the inlay. Boker has been producing knives for over 125 years and it shows.

The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020
The Aphex has a hardened steel lockbar insert.

The handles are made from titanium and feature marbled carbon fiber inlays. The inlays have no gaps and fit perfectly in the handle. The machining on this knife is impressive. All the edges are contoured, and the knife is extremely comfortable to hold.

The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020
The first Aphex produced! The satin flats look great with the titanium.

This is one of Boker most expensive offerings with an MSRP of $549. The Aphex will be a limited run of only 500 pieces. They should be available on the Boker website in a few weeks.

The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020

Learn More at Boker USA.

The Best Flipper Knife I've Seen: The Aphex from Boker - SHOT Show 2020

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  • Beachhawk January 24, 2020, 6:15 am

    $549 for a pocket knife? For any knife? I have several great knives and in total they did not cost any where near $549. Most of my pistols did not cost that much.

  • Dr. Strangelove January 23, 2020, 6:47 pm

    Boker: If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.

  • Ricky Price January 23, 2020, 12:22 pm

    They must think people pick money off trees like fruit.

  • John Gardner January 23, 2020, 11:44 am

    This product is custom built for that relatively large group of people who have more money than sense

  • SD January 23, 2020, 9:52 am

    Nice knife. $550? no thanks. Keep it

    • howard mithras January 23, 2020, 11:51 am

      I’m with you. $500 is nuts. My favorite ‘flipper’ which I use every day is a $40 Kershaw with an 8Cr13MoV metal blade. I think the model is 3871BW. I lost my first knife, and bought the same model to replace it. Really holds an edge.

      • Charlie BROWN January 23, 2020, 8:30 pm

        Howard, Me too, I own a Kershaw and I prefer it over an auto knife. Much smoother easy to sharpen doesn’t try to jump out of your hand with a high price auto knife. Bokers price is way out of line, I bought my Kershaw for $17 new.

  • f.t. January 23, 2020, 9:45 am

    Who in their right mind would pay $449 for a knife????
    If you pay that, you need to get some help and fast.

  • Griffendad January 23, 2020, 9:17 am

    Just bought a Sig P365 for less…….including tax and two mags……and two boxes of ammo….and a background check.

    Good luck. I’ll stick with 20 rounds.

  • Jonathon Doe January 23, 2020, 6:00 am

    Nice looking knife!
    Fact: Titanium is far Stronger and 4X Harder than Steel. Google it!

  • Chick January 23, 2020, 4:51 am

    $549.00 Seriously? LOL! automatic knives are now legal in 38 states, as cheap as $39.00 for a quality blade. Spring assisted knives are a thing of the past.

  • Mark N. January 23, 2020, 2:27 am

    I love a well made flipper, BUT. Skip the fancy titanium and carbon fiber and give me a more reasonably priced knife. Stainless works just as well on the grips at a fraction of the cost. As much as I like frame locks, I won’t carry a $550 knife for fear of losing it. (I guess I must not be their target demographic.)

    I bought one of the Argentinian made Boker fixed blade knives. It reminded me of the old stories of Indian knives: sharpened on one side only. The bevels on the two sides of the blade did not match, with one barely there at all. For such a relatively expensive knife I was less than impressed.