FightLite Industries’ MCR-060 claims to be the lightest belt-fed upper receiver assembly, and it’s also simple to use. The MCR (Mission Configurable Rifle) will fit any AR15, M16, or M4 lower receiver. It’s chambered for 5.56 x 45mm NATO rounds. It is compatible with all AR15 and M16 magazines as well as M27 linked ammunition–but maybe not at the same time.

The MCR-060 is compatible with fully automatic lowers. Feed it a belt, and it’ll keep eating until you take three seconds to change the barrel.
Are you worried that the 16.25″, 1:7 righthand twist chrome lined barrel with 1/2″-28 threading can’t take the heat generated from belt-feeding this gas piston-driven little monster? Don’t sweat it: you can swap out the barrel in as little as 3 seconds so you’ll have minimal interruption to your shooting spree.
The receiver is precision milled from a billet of 7075-T6 aluminum, as are the feed cover and charging handle. The feed tray is milled from a solid billet of steel. This upper is solid and made to last.

A billet is a solid piece of metal, and this receiver is milled from a billet of 7075-T6 aluminum while the feed tray is milled from steel.
The MCR-060 upper costs $4,414.
But, there’s also the MCR-060S. This Short version drops the barrel to just 12.5 inches but keeps all the other features, as well as the same price.
The MCR-060 comes with iron sights and rails ready for optics, but you don’t want the included iron sights, the MCR-036 and MCR-036S ship with the rails only and cost just $3,822.
If you don’t have an empty lower laying around to drop this bad boy onto, FightLite Industries would be happy to supply you a complete MCR-100 for $5,260, which weighs in at just 9.75 pounds.
Check out FightLite’s MCR-060 upper receiver right here, and check out the complete feature list below.

- Drop-On Upper Receiver Assembly that upgrades your AR15/M16/M4 type lower receivers or rifles
- 5.56 x 45mm NATO
- 16.25” Quick-Change Barrel
- 1:7” RHT, ½”-28 TPI & Chrome-Lined Barrel
- Short-Stroke Gas Piston Operation
- Dual Feed – Accepts ALL AR15/M16 Magazines & M27 Linked Ammunition
- Precision Machined 7075-T6 Billet Upper Receiver, Feed Cover and Charging Handle
- Precision Machined Billet Steel Feed Tray
- Finish – Manganese Phosphate & Type III, Class 2 Hardcoat anodize – Black
- Full-Auto Bolt Carrier
- Handguard Style – MIL-STD 1913 Rail
- Adjustable Sight Set
- Quick-Change Barrel Handle
- Ships with Main Action Spring, Bolt Catch, Carbine Stock Spacer, (100) M27 Links & Operator’s Manual
- Made In USA
***Buy and Sell on GunsAmerica! All Local Sales are FREE!***
I love coming back and re-reading a lot of this stuff a year or so down the road to see the attitudes and informational exchanges that took place “in history”.
would love to purchase the belt fed mcr upper but dont know who to contact?
Is there a version in 7.62?
Is there one in 7.62?
Do you think you guys can make one in 300 black out
I see you say 4400 but their web site says 5700. Do you sell them for 4400?
Confucius say “Happiness is a belt fed weapon ………and a pile of warm brass” …. (at least I think he did ……..and if he didn’t he should have !!!)
No way! Really? The [2 cheapest models] ship with the rails only and cost just [the price of 5 complete mag fed AR-15s]?
LOVE the article and especially the upper being reviewed but although I am NOT an advocate of being “PC,” the use of the words “shooting spree” has some frightening connotations associated with it so might I suggest the word “spree” be changed to “fun” or “experience” or something less offensive to the Non-Gun Loving idgits who lurk these kinds of firearms related pages?
Might make it less difficult to keep it up for others to see and enjoy.
Just sayin’.
Otherwise, GREAT video and overall information presented.
Keep up the good work!
I was thinking the same thing.
I agree. I’m a full on gun nut and bitter hater for modern western liberalism, still find that word inappropriate.
That kind of statement is pure gold to a lawyer looking to sue the company and agents out of existence if anyone is ever hurt or killed by a firearm equipped with one of these upper. You are literally promoting your product to be used in a massacre.
CJ: Fake News should have the same criminal penalty (or cost) as belt-fed, burst-fire, suppressor-equipped rifles.
I’m for gun ownership and love the AR having spent 9 years with it in the ARMY. There are and should always be limits for what a person can buy. Should we all be able to purchase grenade launchers, C4, perhaps a howitzer I love the 8″ howitzer spend 6 years on it. but I’m not offended I can’t purchase one. The bump stock was banned because it was to close to full auto. If this technology takes off it would be banned as well I imagine. It would not be in my opinion because we are sheep or because we are lazy and don’t fight for our rights. It would be because most people want some limits in place and this may cross that line.
With that being said… Do tell, what gives anyone the right to put limits on someone else? Especially when those limits are placed on the law abiding, while at the same time criminals are being punished less and less.. Horrible argument. If a peaceable person wishes to own something such as this so be it. No man, of any status, has any right to limit someone else, or tell someone else what is best for them.
AJ, well said.
I totally agree with you Sir! You’re on point, well said. God bless us all…
Thats a perfect comment. Exactly my question as well. What type of dictatorship should we be living under, where someone else gets to LIMIT MY personal purchases? You think that it “Looks” too scarey/military?! Thats on you! Ive got to say, I really cant stand people who even think this way, much less those willing to actually take the time to post it as an acceptable comment. Belt feds are nothing new. Larger calibers…. maybe. Just the idea of “Purchasing limits” doesnt sit well with me. Limit yourself! Dont concern yourself with what others are wanting. As for the word “Spree”… not really offended by that either. It implies what your mind allows, it doesnt define specifics. I would re-edit my video over it’.
Well said!!! Again!!!
Kys yourself
Take a bath with a toaster, statist.
You swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Start acting like it.
Well said!!!
Not many of us give a fuck what most or anybody else thinks.
Dont like it dont buy one. I suggest you check the surrender rate of recently banned items.
Nobody cares
EXACTLY! Thank you for that. Its that simple. Needs zero further input.
Limits? Go away FUDD.
If I had the money, I would love to own a howitzer, and a tank and any other weapon a worthless waste of human says a person shouldn’t own. Move to a country that has your same beliefs, I’ll chip in the ticket for you.
“Should we all be able to purchase grenade launchers, C4, perhaps a howitzer”
“The power of the sword, say the minority…, is in the hands of Congress. My friends and countrymen, it is not so, for the powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every terrible implement of the soldier are the birthright of Americans.”
-Tench Coxe, Feb. 20, 1788
Hugging this guy /\ in my mind right now.
AJ and Rob have said it perfectly !!
Bravo gentleman bravo !!
“Shall not be infringed” means exactly what it says…. When we are attacked on our soil, all these people that wanted to forfeit their rights will be wanting help from those of us that refused to be infringed upon….
China is flying spy ballon’s across America, Russia has war ships 100 miles off of our east and west coasts, and Biden is letting millions come through our southern border….
Just the month of January of 2023
Over 60,000 so called Chinese immigrants which 90% of them are fighting age males…. Yea the writing is on the wall patriots….. I suggest y’all stock up on ammo And anything else that will equalize the odds….
Because when they come they will be coming using everything that we are being infringed with….
AJ and Rob have said it perfectly !!
Bravo gentleman bravo !!
“Shall not be infringed” means exactly what it says…. When we are attacked on our soil, all these people that wanted to forfeit their rights will be wanting help from those of us that refused to be infringed upon….
China is flying spy ballon’s across America, Russia has war ships 100 miles off of our east and west coasts, and Biden is letting millions come through our southern border….
Just the month of January of 2023
Over 60,000 so called Chinese immigrants which 90% of them are fighting age males…. Yea the writing is on the wall patriots….. I suggest y’all stock up on ammo And anything else that will equalize the odds….
Because when they come they will be coming using everything that we are being infringed with….
This is a pretty nifty setup. I wonder if it would work in semi-auto only. And, if so, would it qualify as a non-assault weapon here in the socialist state of kalifornia? After all, it doesn’t really have a detachable magazine in this configuration. Here, in the people’s state, we are allowed magazines that hold no more than 10 rounds. Doesn’t say shit about how many rounds can be belted together. Just sayin.
Man I love this unfortunatly I will never be able to own one way out of price range. I think every american patriot should own one. Awesome
Good stuff right there. Instead of saying, “…way out of my price range.” Change that school of thought to “what can I do to better myself to put it in my price range?”
😂😂😂 when gun purchases dictate your life choices you’re doing something right
I just pray that this will not turn out to be in trouble like bump-stocks .
And some asshole wants it band .
Well it won’t if We, the lazy Sheeple don’t let them do it? But your mind set has to change. You have to say stuff like…”well, if they try to ban this nice puppy we’ll immediately overwhelm our ELECTED legislators who work FOR US to have the appropriate law enforcement agency arrest and charge them with USCC 18-241. 242, and have them do the perp walk on MSM TV in Day-Glo orange with leg chains and cuffs for bling as an example for anyone else who wants to violate our rights with agenda based laws or otherwise.
But we didn’t do that with bump stocks, did we Luis? Fortunately some real American Patriots like Guns America filed a Federal class action lawsuit so we still ‘get’ to keep them until the court’s final ruling. Forget about ‘praying’ Luis. Let us proactively get moving, instead.
I like this upper and how it will work with AR lower .
My only problem is , will this be legal in NJ ..
This looks like it’s pretty much a Ares Defense Shrike upper renamed. Is Geoff Herring still behind Flight Lite? If so, I hope their customer service has improved a lot from the days when people waited years for their Shrike and had difficulty getting spare parts. Has anyone dealt with Flight Lite lately?
Bit of a necropost here, but I was looking this up… apparently, FightLite is a division of Ares Defense, so you’re spot on.
WOW WOW WOW is all I can say simply amazing. Pricey but well worth it. With these awful states reducing mag sizes this will go right around tgat.
“Don’t sweat it: you can swap out the barrel in as little as 3 seconds so you’ll have minimal interruption to your shooting spree.”
Mayhaps a better choice of words is in order.
Yeeaaahhhh….. I second that.
Why? Because of fear of what others think? A shooting spree 20 years ago would not have offended anyone. Just because there are evil criminals that go on shooting sprees killing people doesn’t mean all shooting sprees are criminal and evil. Grow a pair!
Like speaking in public about “murdering” a “murder” of crows?
“KILLING” a deer or elk I stead of “hunting?!?”
How about talking with others about “Slaughter” instead of “Laughing?”
While you are right, WRT standing up and not shirking your duty to defend your RIGHTS, it is simply NOT SMART to poke the bear while it is sleeping.
AVOIDANCE will ALWAYS trump intentionally engaging in an all-out brawl.
It is all about APPEARANCES as well as PERCEPTIONS.
Especially when dealing with the less-than-educated or well-informed shooting public.
Besides, you likely(??) live in a region where there doesn’t exist a DAILY assault on your Constitutionally GUARANTEED rights, don’t you?
I know I do but should you live in an oppressive state like Kommiefornication or Crappachusetts, you deal with the problems as best you can ,WHEN you can and you don’t stand up as a singular person and shout “ME! ME!! LOOK AT ME AND HOW IN GONNA BE
So you consolidate your like-minded friends and push forward as a group since MORE voices carry FURTHER.
Lastly, how much $$ have YOU contributed to all the Pro-Gun-Rights groups to help thwart all the egregious laws being slammed down our fellow gun owning brothers and sisters?
Yeeeaaahhh. Not one thin dime, RIGHT?!?
Put up or shut up, Junior.
In the Marine Corps, we call people that tip-toe around relity and talk out of the sides of their mouths, PUSSIES!
or force recon,their whole gig is sneaking around silently,gathering intell,not fighting every dumbfuck thing they come acxross
Great design. Love that it is full-auto ready and not “fixed”to be fire semi-only. This gives the citizens options and is a much welcome tool for our community.
Should be 50-state legal considering it can be added to a less-free states capacity limited lower, but still accept any size belt. Man, that’d be a head-turner at a Cali range!
The price is high for many budgets, but it is considerably lower than expected. This is worth saving for or using some of that tax return on!
Even on a semi it can be a great fun gun. Bump stock and binary trigger. Even though those toys are now almost out of reach. Auto is fun. But it is also expensive when someone is not footing the bill for ammo.
Also I wonder how that would work being belt fed at a Cali range. I think it would be hilarious when the libtard’s shit their pants for not clarifying”magazine”. But then the definition would be changed again.
AJ, most people at kalifornia ranges are like-minded and not of the libtard variety. The would be no soiled underwear
Oh I’m not talking about range goers my friend. Muzzle report tends to reach out. I remember when we were shooting tannerite and using bump stocks one summer in Illinois, on private property. Plenty of berm available, all safety precautions accounted for. But that didn’t stop people from flipping out in town.
Also, pictures speak. If someone shows a picture of this thing to someone at work and a democommie catches wind, they’ll probably make it out to be another mass shooting.
Personally, I say to each his own. I love the idea of belt fed anything. Fun times. And the like-minded individuals you speak of are probably practical thinkers who mind their own business.
I just find it funny when ignorant sheep try to tell people they can’t own something because it looks scary. And I know for a fact that if these things take off, there will be a scapegoat to ban them. Just like how no one outside of the firearms community knew what a bump stock was until Vegas. When some how the shooter utilized one while simultaneously using a bipod. Which to my knowledge is rather impossible due to the operation of bumpstocks.
yeah,they had those bumpstocks for sale at every gun show for years before vegas happened.if you didnt know them doesnt mean the rest of us didnt,and hadnt for years.
As a “M60 Baby” that humped one more miles than Id like to forget this looks cool.Price is uncool.Problem is the Armalite and its offspring was never meant to be a squad automatic. And the M60 had to be safety wired to keep from shooting itself apart.It would be interesting to see a torture test done on this new gizmo. Anybody got an extra 5g’s laying around?
Pretty cool workmanship but like a lot of eye candy it sometimes isn’t as ‘sweet’ as you thought it would be…
especially in an actual tactical situation. For a single individual in a tactical blast where the average ‘hot’ time wouldn’t be that long before somebody would win–or lose–or make the prudent decision to fall back, retreat & regroup, or completely disengage during a very limited real time confrontation, what would be the significant advantage over a tac-vest brace of six or eight mags and a C-mag in the gun? Not much. Unless you are holed up in a flxed position and they are swarming at you rapidly. But then how many ‘more’ rounds over about a thousand can you carry on you? And then there’s the price…? But after the reality check, I’d probably have one if I had the money to piss away. But not before a had a semi-auto belt fed Ma-Duece, and a few Barett’s etc. etc. Besides, an upper like this was already done a few years ago, and never really riled up the firepower fans.
$4400.00??? You’re idea of “affordable” and mine are like night and day!!!
Yeah the anti gun peeps shouldn’t get to worked up about this video
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy
I figured it would be great for people in states with a standard capacity magazine ban…. No magazine of any capacity to worry about.
Fightlite? Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Hey Red, still waiting for details on those foreign military contracts…
Ban all magazines I have belts now. Brrrrrrr
$4,000? They can keep it.
This isn’t the cheapest upper around. Well maybe now, but Slide Fire sold a complete rifle that was belt fed or mag fed for little over $3,000. And included an MOD slide fire stock! Is nice though! I’m not a fan of the front rail setup as it’s very tall and awkward looking. Still would love to own one! Good thru sell just the upper so be most people don’t want the lower like Slide Fire sold. Get one while you can! They’ve been trying to ban mags and have done so in capacity limits across the entire country so without a donut a belt fed gun will not be sold in a year or so and that’s just a guess when the next president hammers is again on so called assault weapons. If I had the money now I’d buy one but I’ll never be able to afford a luxury item of this price. Great it can be used with any standard lower which SF’s didn’t as it was partially milled into the lower so it had to be sold as a complete package.