Shootable Gold Plated Tommy Guns, Stainless Desert Eagles – Thompson & Magnum Research – SHOT Show 2016

in SHOT Show 2016

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Read more at Auto-Ordnance:

Who doesn’t want to own a piece of American History in their collection? I know I do. The weapon of choice by gangsters like Al Capone and John Dilllinger, the “Tommy Gun” was synonymous with fire power in the ’20s. However that is not all. During World War II The Thompson served as a constant companion of American soldiers and played a significant role in battles won in the Pacific and Europe, making The Thompson submachine gun a historical firearm for the good guys, too.


Few fighting guns look good dressed up in gold. This one looks great.

Few fighting guns look good dressed up in gold. This one looks great.


Kahr Firearms Group has proudly preserved the legacy of Auto-Ordnance Corporation, the original maker of the Thompson submachine gun. For 2016 Auto-Ordnance is offering new finish options to the T150D line of Tommy Guns. The T150DTG is the Titanium Gold model with all the classic details of the time-honored original. The wood is beautiful American walnut. The frame and receiver are machined from solid steel and finished in titanium gold. It will come with a 30 round stick magazine and a 50 round drum. Due to the fact that the Titanium Gold finish is done by an outside company, A.O. is expecting only 15 to 20 available each month for purchase. The retail price will be roughly $2500 . Unfortunately for those of you in New York and Connecticut, Tommy Guns are prohibited.


Thompson 1927A – 1 Titanium Gold
Model: T150DTG
Caliber: 45ACP
Barrel: 16.5”, finned (w/compensator 18”) / 1 in 16 right hand twist
Material: Steel with Gold Finish
Length: 41” Overall
Weight: 13 lbs
Sights: Pinned in front blade, Open rear adjustable
Stock: Walnut fixed stock and vertical foregrip
Magazines: 50 round drum & 30 round stick magazine
Operation: Blow back, fires from a closed bolt
Warranty: 1 year


This is one well-made classic in what's sure to be a collectible finish.

This is one well-made classic in what’s sure to be a collectible finish.


Buy a Desert Eagle:
Read More at MRI:

The famed Desert Eagle now comes in three fat calibers, and all three work off one frame.

The famed Desert Eagle now comes in three fat calibers, and all three work off one frame.

Magnum Research, Inc. a 30 year old company, is well known for producing the distinctive Desert Eagle pistol. In June 2010 Kahr Firearms Group purchased Magnum Research Inc (MRI) and continued the production of the pop culture icon Desert Eagle pistols. New for 2016 MRI is adding the .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum to the already exiting .50 AE caliber stainless steel line with the integrated muzzle brake. The Mark XIX (Mark 19) Desert Eagle Pistols now offer a true interchangeable platform with 3 calibers.

The standard configuration will be in a 6 inch barrel, but a 10 inch barrel will be an option (in the black oxide finish only). Once you purchase one handgun, you will have the platform to build any of the calibers with a simple change of the barrel, magazine and (in the case of the .357 magnum) the bolt assembly. Here’s how it works. The .50 AE handguns are convertible to the .44 Magnum by switching the barrel and magazine. This is a simple conversion that can be done in seconds. For converting to the .357 Magnum, you will need to switch the barrel, magazine and bolt assembly so this may take a few minutes. All of the conversion kits can be purchased from retailers or directly from MRI. The MSRP on the Desert Eagle pistol is $3035. The conversion kits range from $476 to $624 depending on the finish and they are available now.


Desert Eagle Mark XIX Stainless Steel
Model: Stainless with Integral Muzzle Brake
Caliber: .50AE (DE50SRMB) / .44 Magnum (DE44SRMB)/ .357 Magnum (DE357SRMB)
Barrel: 6”
Length O/A: 10.75”
Height: 6.25”
Slide Width: 1.25”
Weight: 4 lbs 7 oz (.50AE) / 4 lbs 8 oz (.44 Magnum) / 4 lbs 10 oz (.357 Magnum)
Sight: Combat type, fixed
Finish: Brushed Stainless Steel


Three calibers, one gun.

Three calibers, one gun.


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  • tony January 28, 2016, 12:20 am

    So Hank & Don are giving us a toutoorial on killer auto’s which we will never have the good fortune to own because of the anti constitutional anarchist in washington. hope you two guys have a swishy time together in the hotel room.

  • Zach January 27, 2016, 8:07 pm

    I miss Julie Mac

  • Norm Fishler January 27, 2016, 10:42 am

    My Dad had some friends on out local police department over half a century ago and wrangled me an invitation to go shoot with them when I was twelve years old. Half way through the day I was handed a Thompson and allowed to shoot a twenty round magazine on full auto. after shooting it. I remember holding the gun out and rolling it over in my hands several times as I examined I it, thinking: is this what all the fuss is about?!?!?! Heavy, awkward, overly complex and ungodly expensive. I’ll take an M3A1 for shootability any day.

    • rmwTx January 28, 2016, 1:52 am

      yeah, but you won’t look NEAR as cool as you did with dat Tommy gun!!! LOL

      question is … did they have you put on a Fedora for the “full” effect???

  • Gregg January 27, 2016, 9:29 am

    I wonder what the Hard Chrome one costs. Seems like it would be pretty cool-looking to hang on the wall. I like it! 🙂

  • Ira January 27, 2016, 9:08 am

    I have had a Desert Eagle for many years. This is nothing new about switching barrels. The only thing one had to do to use the .357 was change the two-spring ejector to a one-spring and the barrel and it is ready to go. I find it amusing that some of these so-called experts, do not know what they are talking about. I have the 6-inch and the 10-inch barrel/with laser in .44 Magnum and they all work perfectly, all the time.

  • BigC January 27, 2016, 7:52 am

    Saddam would’ve loved it………not sure about anyone else!

    • SuperG January 27, 2016, 12:17 pm

      I think every pimp in the world will want one.

  • flintman50 January 27, 2016, 7:11 am

    Whatever floats you boat….to me, one looks like glorified “pimp” gun, instead of a tommy gun and the other looks like a shiny boat anchor…guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder……

    • Chief January 27, 2016, 10:28 am

      I 2nd that

  • AR-PRO January 27, 2016, 6:25 am

    It should be noted that the Thompson is available to residents of Ct that are on the exemption list from the Nazi gun laws and are allowed to legally purchase them.

    • Tor January 27, 2016, 11:15 am

      I got the impression that any Thompson 1921s, 1927s or 1928’s are NOT available to buy in CT, either semi or full-auto (even with required ATF clearance)…first, they are specifically excluded as an assault weapon (how ridiculous is that?) and second, they get you on the mag size. If you know how to get around that, I’d buy a semi-auto. I had a full-auto (CT modified to either full-auto or “off”…(no burst or single-shot modes…another insane rule), but spouse made me sell prematurely. I checked with Kahr and they won’t comment on state law compliance. Thanks for your input.

  • Nicholas Viccione January 27, 2016, 6:21 am

    Banned Tommy Guns Yes BUT I have Me a Pre Ban Chrome plated And it`s a sweet shooter…

  • Wayne Baker January 27, 2016, 5:51 am

    I am far from being any type of prude, and have been a professional firearms dealer for 25 years. I found your comment about the Ithaca m37 “It’s an Ithaca so it eats and shits out the bottom.”, to be not only an example of an extremely limited vocabulary, but highly offensive in nature. Comments like that are why many people think firearms enthusiasts ‘..have their eyes on stalks and suck gumbo through a straw!’ You should be smarter than that…

    • Oly Olson January 27, 2016, 11:31 am

      Thanks Wayne. For our commenter on the Ithaca, I like the old expression ‘I love your foul language; it sounds so intelligent’. Or the other, which you alluded to, ‘Foul language is strong words for a weak mind’.