1791 Gunleather – Handcrafted American Holsters

in C. Travis, Concealed Carry/EDC, For Handguns, Gear Reviews, Holsters
1791 Gunleather - Handcrafted American Holsters

1791 RVH2S Holster in Classic Brown. Fits K-Frame revolvers up to 3 inch barrel length.

Finding the right holster for the job is not easy and often frustrating. If you are like me then somewhere in the back of your closet or garage is a box of holsters that didn’t work out. The majority of my discarded holsters are for 1911s or revolvers- their weight and size make holster selection difficult. I’ve always been disappointed with offerings at big box retailers with thermo-molded and paddle style holsters. I don’t want to wrap my 1911 in plastic or kydex, I want nice leather.

Recently, I was shopping at a local gun store when I discovered 1791 Gunleather. Immediately I could tell this was not your average holster. The soft thick leather, reinforced stitching, and classic brown leather all screamed quality. I left the store that day without purchasing one and found myself still thinking about it hours later, but I knew nothing about the company or brand. Luckily, they were exhibiting at the NRA show just a week later.

I stopped by their booth during the show and got some more information about the company. 1791 Gunleather has been making holsters and leather products for the past 2 years. Their products are 100% American made, featuring Certified American Heavy Native Steerhide. Stemming from 4 generations of professional leather craftsmen, 1791 products are in a league of their own, and all come with a lifetime warranty. After hearing their history and seeing their passion, I had to get one in my hands. They were kind enough to send me the BH1 1911 open top belt holster and the RVH2S K-Frame revolver holster for this review.

1791 Gunleather - Handcrafted American Holsters

1791 Gunleather BH1 Holster in Stealth Black.

Taking the holsters out of the package, right away you notice the quality of the leather. It’s thick and formed well. The reinforced stitching and layered leather accents are flawless. You can tell these holsters were made by a true leather artisan and it feels amazing; the craftsmanship is on another level. The BH1 arrived in Stealth Black and the RV2HS in Classic Brown.

Both holsters arrived relatively stiff, which is expected with new leather. My SIG 1911 TTT fit like a glove in the BH1 and my S&W 586 L-Comp looks gorgeous in the RVH2S. This is a good sign of a well-fitting leather holster. If my gun holstered with no effort I’d be worried about retention later, but I can tell these will break in nicely. Putting both holsters on the belt for the first time was slightly difficult, but once tightened the holsters formed around my hip comfortably.


1791 Gunleather - Handcrafted American Holsters

BH1 On the hip and fits well with the body.


1791 Gunleather - Handcrafted American Holsters

From the front, you can see the BH1 hugs the body well.

Drawing from the BH1 for the first time was pleasant. Retention is firm but not too tight, allowing for a quick and easy draw. The gun sits with a slight forward cant allowing for a natural draw position. The thick leather and surface area against the belt provides even weight distribution and doesn’t cause my pants to sag. Wearing at the 3 o’clock position, the gun is held close to the body and would be easy to conceal with a button-up shirt. My mobility is not impacted at all when using this holster which is a huge plus. I can hold my arms in a natural position without feeling like I have a huge brick on my hip. Holstering the gun is easy and can be done without looking. I like how they added a second layer of leather on the top of the holster to reinforce its strength holding it open. The longer I wear this holster the more I like it and the better it feels.

The RVH2S construction and design makes me forget that I’m carrying my 2.5lb S&W 586. It has just the right amount of forward cant to position the gun comfortably against the body and could be easily concealed with a dress shirt. Drawing from the holster for the first time had some resistance. I could see where the leather was dragging against the front sight and leather dust blocked the view of the tritium in front sight. I expect this to go away after use. The holster is comfortable to wear and doesn’t limit mobility whatsoever.


1791 Gunleather - Handcrafted American Holsters

RV2HS Fits well on the hip.

1791 Gunleather - Handcrafted American Holsters

RVH2S from the front hugs the body and keeps the firearm close.

Both holsters give me full confidence my firearm isn’t going anywhere.

To speed up the break-in process, I used the plastic bag trick to wrap my pistols and placed them in the holsters overnight. The next morning, I could tell both holsters stretched just a bit and fit my guns just how I wanted.

I’ve only had the holsters for a few weeks now, but they are getting more comfortable each day. I find them to be much more comfortable than any paddle or Kydex holster I used in the past (for these guns). The stitching and leather are holding up and shows no signs of deterioration. I can easily say this is the most comfortable OWB holster I own.

One of my favorite things about 1791 holsters is the price. The BH1 has an MSRP of $51 and the RVH2S $53. Comparable holsters from big names like Galco or DeSantis are well over $80. I don’t know of another holster at this quality level and price point.

Living in Texas, it’s hot 11 months out of the year and I rarely get the chance to carry my large frame pistols. Most days I carry an XDS IWB with a White Hat Obsidian Kydex/leather hybrid tuck style holster or a S&W 642 in a DTOM IWB Buffalo hide holster. Having the 1791 holsters, I can now comfortably carry my 1911 and 586 when I want to. They are the only OWB holsters I currently use.

Click here to browse all 1791 holsters.

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  • Chuck in Phoenix July 13, 2018, 11:36 am

    If you want the best that will last forever and you\’ll forget you have it on, get a Milt Sparks and stop crying about crap holsters.
    There is a reason it takes up to 18 weeks to get one.
    I wear my IWB made in 1999 almost every day here in Phoenix with a Wilson Compact and it is still going strong and will be for many, many more years.

  • David July 9, 2018, 2:09 pm

    Check out Savoy Leather.

  • Mad Mac July 9, 2018, 8:45 am

    That should be White Hat, not White Hate. Goodness.

  • Christopher Sourp July 9, 2018, 8:15 am

    I own a couple of the 1791 holsters. My G19 and a couple of 1911s’ all rest in 1791 holsters. Great quality at a very reasonable price. Absolutely love em. I buy them online from you know who and the prices can’t be beat. Highly recommended !

  • David Siemens July 9, 2018, 8:08 am

    I have carried daily for the past 30 years. About 6 months ago I decided to replace my Glock 27 with a Sig Sauer P226 as my edc. I wanted a good holster that would stand up to the demands of edc while fully protecting my pistol. After some research, I found the 1791 holster and placed an order.

    I have owned Galco, DeSantis and other top quality holsters in the past, many of them purchased at a significantly higher price point than the 1791. The 1791 equals or exceeds every one of them in the three Fs–Fit, Finish, Function.

    The 1791 is a beautifully constructed holster. The leather is thick. The stitching is perfect. The finish is flawless. Most importantly, it hugs my hip so well it actually conceals better than my Glock 27.

    I cannot recommend this holster highly enough. It is truly a functional work of art.

  • shrugger July 9, 2018, 3:59 am

    Thanks. Finding a good holster for my S&W 65 has been…problematic.

  • Dewey July 6, 2018, 11:36 am

    Is Glenn Beck in the holster business now?