A 14” Non-NFA 870? Remington’s New TAC-14 – NRA 2017

in Authors, Industry News
A 14” Non-NFA 870? Remington’s New TAC-14 – NRA 2017

The tAC-14 Model 870 is a non-NFA 14-inch-barreled 12 gauge from Remington.

Have you always wanted a shorty shotgun but don’t want to deal with the whole NFA hassle? Then take a look at the new 12 gauge Model 870 TAC-14 from Remington, an exciting new non-NFA shotgun with a 14-inch barrel.

Technically classed as a “firearm,” the TAC-14 achieves its non-NFA status by employing a “virgin” receiver never attached to a shoulder stock and also having an overall length greater than 26 inches.

A 14” Non-NFA 870? Remington’s New TAC-14 – NRA 2017

The TAC-14 packs a lot of power in a very compact package.

Key to the overall length of the TAC-14 is the use of a Shockwave Raptor pistol grip that is gently curved rather than featuring a vertical cant. This design also likely helps mitigate recoil (which could be substantial depending on how you choose to feed this 3-inch chambered 12 gauge). Rounding out the package is a cylinder bore 14-inch barrel with bead sight and a Magpul M-LOK forend. The result is a very compact yet very powerful firearm.

Following the trend blazed by the Mossberg Shockwave (see our full review of the Mossberg here), the new TAC-14 from Remington gives Model 870 fans their own chance to own an ultra-short shotgun that will definitely get some attention on the range.

A 14” Non-NFA 870? Remington’s New TAC-14 – NRA 2017

The TAC-14 employs a Shockwave Raptor curved pistol grip and has an overall length just a tad over 26 inches. Image courtesy of manufacturer.

For more information, visit https://www.remington.com/shotguns/pump-action/model-870/model-870-tac-14.

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  • joe May 10, 2017, 12:55 am

    Anything to achieve legality of keeping the ultimate objective which is self defense of the home & hearth. is a positive.
    But then this 14 inch is legal.in how many states?
    Personally I prefer the Taurus Judge (I don’t live in CA.) for legal mobility & concealment, and .410 with DOUBLE 0 rounds & 44 mag rounds will suffice.

  • tweedmus May 9, 2017, 8:12 am

    Personally, I’ll stick with my Winchester Model 12 with a 20″ cylinder barrel, but agree it’s gonna cause a lot of collateral damage. My home defense gun is a 38 Colt;s Agent with lead hollow points and 5 grains of Unique. This will take out any bad guy who’s not armored and won’t penetrate the walls of my wood lath and plaster interior. A magnum will, and a 223 is a ridiculous idea unless you want to off a few of your neighbors as well, which is likely to get you talked about in an unflattering way.

    • jim May 9, 2017, 9:55 pm

      Take a closer look at the .223 ballistics where interior penetration is concerned. Then write us back. Thanks!

  • Noel P. May 8, 2017, 6:05 pm

    I sincerely hope none of you guys ever has to clean up the mess from firing one of these inside your house. Not as easy as just replacing panes of window glass. Or mudding a bullet hole in the walls. I would imagine that an exchange between a group breaking in and the homeowner would mean almost emptying the four shots and given buckshot ricochet you are looking at the cost of the repairs being a lot more than you ever paid for this limited purpose weapon.
    You might be alive on the positive side but a trained pistol party will have a better life. Heck just get a flash bang toss it down the stairs and end of the problem with the possible exception of a need to call the fire department.

    • Billy May 9, 2017, 1:51 am

      I’ll gladly clean ANY mess as long as this weapon saves the life of one of my family members. Right now I have an Mossberg 590 A-1 loaded with 8-000 BUCK.It’s a couple steps away. On both sides of the bed, both my wife and I have 2 kimber .45s loaded with Hydra-shocks, 9 in each. Two AR-15s in our bedroom closet, loaded with .62 grain ammo, one with a 30 and the other a 40 rnd mag. I usually don’t keep them up here, but was doing some work to them and need to get them back in the safe. Then, in the hall closet, I have a Norinco AK-47, I believe it has a polymer 40 rnd mag in it also and have changed out the useless, ugly, thumhole butt-stock, for a nice original stock. I’d say at the moment, I’m ready for just about anyone and anything that comes through my door. The ARS are both piston driven, one is a Stag Arms M-8 and the other’s a nice Adams Arms carbine. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY America! The right to protect yourself and family is a GOD given right that I wish ALL Nations had in their Constitutions. Would be pretty damn scary living in Europe right now, with all the Muslim Refugees that are armed with firearms they hide in mosques and the Citizens of these Countries have absolutely NOTHING to protect themselves if things go South in a seconds notice and it will happen, there’s NO DOUBT in my mind about this. It’s a damn shame that the People that have lived there for Centuries have noway of protecting themselves, when the Enemy gives the word. Very sad, very sad indeed. DON’T LET THEM (GOVERNMENT) TAKE OUR WEAPONS AWAY HERE (USA.) THEY CAN TRY, BUT THEY’LL DIE TRYING. LONG LIVE LIBERTY, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE IDEALS OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS/FRAMERS! THEY WERE DEFINITELY GREAT MEN WITH THE FORESIGHT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE CITIZENS ARE HELPLESSLY UNARMED AND ARE SETTING DUCKS FOR RADICALS. ONE THING THAT WILL ‘NEVER’ CHANGE, IS THE DESIRE FOR A BAND OF IDIOTS THAT DESIRE TO RULE THE WORLD, WHETHER IT BE FOR RICHES, WOMEN, LAND OR JUST PLAIN POWER WHICH INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE, THIS THREAT WILL NEVER GO AWAY.

    • Billy May 9, 2017, 1:51 am

      I\’ll gladly clean ANY mess as long as this weapon saves the life of one of my family members. Right now I have an Mossberg 590 A-1 loaded with 8-000 BUCK.It\’s a couple steps away. On both sides of the bed, both my wife and I have 2 kimber .45s loaded with Hydra-shocks, 9 in each. Two AR-15s in our bedroom closet, loaded with .62 grain ammo, one with a 30 and the other a 40 rnd mag. I usually don\’t keep them up here, but was doing some work to them and need to get them back in the safe. Then, in the hall closet, I have a Norinco AK-47, I believe it has a polymer 40 rnd mag in it also and have changed out the useless, ugly, thumhole butt-stock, for a nice original stock. I\’d say at the moment, I\’m ready for just about anyone and anything that comes through my door. The ARS are both piston driven, one is a Stag Arms M-8 and the other\’s a nice Adams Arms carbine. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY America! The right to protect yourself and family is a GOD given right that I wish ALL Nations had in their Constitutions. Would be pretty damn scary living in Europe right now, with all the Muslim Refugees that are armed with firearms they hide in mosques and the Citizens of these Countries have absolutely NOTHING to protect themselves if things go South in a seconds notice and it will happen, there\’s NO DOUBT in my mind about this. It\’s a damn shame that the People that have lived there for Centuries have noway of protecting themselves, when the Enemy gives the word. Very sad, very sad indeed. DON\’T LET THEM (GOVERNMENT) TAKE OUR WEAPONS AWAY HERE (USA.) THEY CAN TRY, BUT THEY\’LL DIE TRYING. LONG LIVE LIBERTY, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE IDEALS OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS/FRAMERS! THEY WERE DEFINITELY GREAT MEN WITH THE FORESIGHT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE CITIZENS ARE HELPLESSLY UNARMED AND ARE SETTING DUCKS FOR RADICALS. ONE THING THAT WILL \’NEVER\’ CHANGE, IS THE DESIRE FOR A BAND OF IDIOTS THAT DESIRE TO RULE THE WORLD, WHETHER IT BE FOR RICHES, WOMEN, LAND OR JUST PLAIN POWER WHICH INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE, THIS THREAT WILL NEVER GO AWAY.

      • Luis May 9, 2017, 6:29 pm

        You sound very concerned what’s going on?

  • stellerseaeagle May 8, 2017, 5:59 pm

    Interesting. Increasing the length of the receiver will move the weight back farther for a more comfortable carry but will possibly increase muzzle flip and decrease range.A 14 inch barrel behaves differently than a 16 inch. You can fool the eye but the math and physics will always remain unchanged.

  • 33Charlemagne May 8, 2017, 4:31 pm

    To get the most out of this configuration a pistol grip shotgun should be one that you can operate with just one hand. You can do this with a semi auto or break action but not a pump. While it is possible to spin cock a lever action shotgun like Arnold did with his 1887 in Terminator 2 but it is very dangerous.

  • David D Hartman May 8, 2017, 2:40 pm

    As far as accuracy and distance, take a look at Hickok45’s video on the Mossberg Shockwave. It looks pretty darn impressive to me.

  • 33Charlemagne May 8, 2017, 2:11 pm

    If it’s got a pistol grip rather than a shoulder stock you really should be able to operate the thing with one hand. This means sticking with either a break action or a semi auto. A lever action like Arnold’s 1887 in Terminator 2 can be spin cocked but that is a very dangerous practice.

  • Richard Ray May 8, 2017, 2:04 pm

    So how much does it weigh? I’m sure it’s going to be more than the Mossberg’s 5 1/4 lbs.

  • gary sheldon May 8, 2017, 12:14 pm

    Defund the ATFE and all gumMINT entities that promote tyranny and tie the hands of citizens who pay their salaries.

  • Harold Littell May 8, 2017, 11:05 am

    I have a Mossberg 590A1 14″ SBS. It was a police trade in I got for $400. $200 tax stamp. Then it went to Vang Comp Systems for his barrel work, a XS Big Dot front site (It came with a ghost ring rear). At 25 meters it will put Federal or Winchester L.E. reduced recoil 00 buck into a group I can cover with my hand. That’s a real fighting shotgun, these things are gimiks. Get the tax stamp and let Mr. Hans Vang do his magic, you won’t be disapointed!

    • John May 8, 2017, 4:18 pm

      Well for us here in NY and other places it’s a good option if you’re into it

    • Moore Ham May 8, 2017, 10:33 pm

      Yes, I agree, a van comp barrel shotgun is the best. I love my mossberg duck gun

    • Billy May 9, 2017, 2:06 am

      Would like to see pics of this. I have a 590-A1 but it has the 20″barrel. The good thing is that it holds 8+1, but I’d still like to have a shorty for inside the home. Would like for it to be semi-auto also. A guy wanted to trade me one of those Russian semi-autos for an AK I had, but I didn’t go through with it. Am still kicking myself for not trading. Would like to have one of those pistols that shoots .410 and .45 long colt shells though. Again, a guy wanted to do a partial trade for an AR I had and he had the Taurus Judge, but there again, I didn’t do it, dammit! Think I’ll buy myself one of those Governors. Have seen in a vid what kind of pattern they leave on duct work, sheet metal from about 10-15 yards away, it left a whole about the size of my wife’s fist. Man THEY ARE DEVIATING with a 00-buck round. Wouldnt be much of a carry gun because of the size, but would make a great house pistol….DEADLY!!!

  • Thomas May 8, 2017, 11:01 am

    Now, that’s a shorty! Nice lines and has a comfortable look to it. Waiting on some recoil reports…

  • Dumbo May 8, 2017, 10:39 am

    There must be some really intelligent people making up the regulations. Can have this because the receiver is a “virgin”. Please someone enlighten me as to what reason a “firearm” classed gun should have such a restriction? Why can’t I just shorten my 18″ Mossberg? I smell the gun lobby at work. Sure everyone needs a another $500 shorty shotgun, I know I do.

    • Steve May 8, 2017, 1:05 pm

      This has nothing to do with the gun lobby. It’s due the the National Firearms Act from the 1930’s.

    • Moore Ham May 8, 2017, 10:34 pm

      Bureacrats did it decades ago to keep poor people from keeping sawed off or “baby” shotguns in cars.

  • Frank Stratton May 8, 2017, 10:23 am

    Very limited use. It is a close in defensive weapon. Won’t replace my 20″ Vang comp but can stay by the bed with a laser and light attached. They need to do this with the 1100. Less recoil and has been done before.

    • Scotty Gunn May 9, 2017, 6:31 pm

      Can’t. Recoil spring in the stock. The Winchester 1400 can, it’s just a three shot with the spring in the front of the mag tube. However, it is no longer made. Could do a Saiga or similar.

  • the Beast May 8, 2017, 9:57 am

    Laughing my butt off. Still going to get arrested in Texas if you have this. And then maybe you can prove it later. Shame. The Law says 18 inches, and that is all the cops see. Don’t think they’ll understand the differences in Non-FA rules from the typical squad car. So be prepared to go downtown to plead your case. Just be prepared folks for a problem.
    I’d never want to have to deal with that myself. So I’ll just keep on with my 18″ barrels and folding stocks. Funny. All I can say is more and more dumb crap is coming out in the industry, and folks don’t understand the reality of dealing with situations.
    The law ain’t playing these days, they are actually scared. Shame.

    • Slingblade May 8, 2017, 12:11 pm

      Right on…Right on!

    • Stanley Bartkow May 8, 2017, 1:14 pm

      I agree. Try justifying the 14 inch barrel to a cop. You’ll win when you finally go before the judge, but you’ll lose time,
      sleep, and money. Not worth it. And who’s to say legislators won’t wake up to the “loophole” in the law. That said, the
      Remington’s Tac-14 sure is cool looking.

    • Stanley Bartkow May 8, 2017, 1:56 pm

      If you don’t convince a police officer the 14″ barrel is legal, you’ll win when you finally go to court, but you’ll lose time,
      sleep, and money. And who’s to say legislators won’t wake up to what they might consider a “loophole” in the law. The Tac-14s
      are cool looking and handy but wait before buying!

    • Batman May 8, 2017, 2:01 pm

      Yep, so true. I keep saying it, “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck IT’S A SHOTGUN PEOPLE!”

      • jimbobvfr May 8, 2017, 8:59 pm

        I feel the same way.
        I was back in the US in 2008, peeple going crazy. I was victim of the FOID law in ILL… no chance, but in SC, they said – no sell 2 u, Pistol state… – wtf? pistol from a $20 blank?… from the trunk of his car $85… fukng freekazoids, cost me thousands…

    • Edward Wright May 8, 2017, 7:55 pm

      Could not agree more, An 18″ combat shotgun is all you need. If you want to use a shorty get an AK pistol with forearm strap, 30 round meat grinder

    • Moore Ham May 8, 2017, 10:36 pm

      True, but if it is legal where it is sold, they will attempt to make sales. Buyer beware gets a new meaning.

  • RICHARD May 8, 2017, 9:34 am

    Manufacturers catching up with the movies.
    16″ Mossberg with pistol grip-job done! If it is for home defense that is all you need. The manufacturers feel a need to keep “new models” coming out. Next out…WOW, we moved a screw in the reciever and painted it glow in the dark. Why all the fuss over 2 inches. Thats what I tell my wife anyway!!!!

    • Rodney Knight May 8, 2017, 10:56 am

      Try 18″ barrel on your Mossberg, unless you paid the $200 tax stamp fee. And that pistol grip on your Mossberg still requires you to raise the shotgun to shoulder level. The Raptor grip allows you to hold the firearm anywhere between shoulder and hip for a comfortable handgrip.

      • Frank Luck May 8, 2017, 11:39 am

        Mossberg released their shockwave 2 months ago. Pretty much same gun only made by mosseberg and on shelves now.

        • chuck December 25, 2017, 3:57 pm

          But the mossberg has an aluminum receiver where the remington has a steel receiver. I will take the remington. less recoil.

      • Moore Ham May 8, 2017, 10:38 pm

        Get a Butler Creek pg and saw the knob off behind the trigger guard for ambi slide release. Works fine on 18 mavvy

  • Norm Fishler May 8, 2017, 9:03 am

    Remington is going to have their hands full keeping up with the demand on this one. I love the way the concept was born out of a strict adherence to the letter of the law, and the desire for a short, handy, close quarters self-defense firearm. Keep it up guys!

  • David May 8, 2017, 8:52 am

    These things are a terrible firearm. They will sell a bunch and then they will sell a bunch of adjustable stocks to make them useful. Woops! Illegal? Now sell it to the unknowing or the uncaring with the grip on it or leave it in the safe. I have a like new Houge pistol grip for a Win. in my takeoffs box I will never use again. Nice gun with an adjustable stock.

  • CDR-C May 8, 2017, 8:39 am

    I recently purchased the Mossberg 500 based version of this non-NFA firearm (14″ bbl, 26 1/2″ OAL).
    Shooting it, a few impressions:
    1) Difficult to index properly, my “pointing” resulted in hitting way high. SOLUTION: Rail atop the receiver and a small laser designator attached thereto.
    2) The angle of the grip – and the smooth hard plastic – resulted in the firearm sliding back in my hand under recoil, and the tang mounted safety bit the web of my right hand. SOLUTION: Wrapped the grip in the rubbery-tape used to wrap tool handles. Better grip, more cushion.
    3) “Pattern” – the range at which I was shooting made formal patterning not possible. But my impression is [remember: 14″ (or is it 14 1/2″?) bbl, cylinder bore, and shooting 2 3/4″ Remington #7 lead shot] — it’s more of a cloud than a pattern. Certainly not a 40-yard tool, but inside 10 yards? Pretty devastating.
    4) Next steps: I will take it to a different range and do more structured testing, with the laser designator and the improved grip. and hopefully use proper large patterning paper and slugs, a couple of sizes buck, etc.

    • Rodney Knight May 8, 2017, 11:49 am

      At the last gun show in my area (25 Mar 2017) I had the opportunity of handling two of the Mossberg Shockwaves at two different dealer’s tables. One was factory stock and felt great in my hands. The other had been somewhat customized. The forearm had been replaced with an aftermarket unit that had somewhat better grip and a built in light (I don’t remember what type). The handgrip had been lightly checkered for a more positive grip. I didn’t care much for the fore grip but I did like the checkering on the Raptor grip. (I do like the addition of the foregrip strap on the Mossberg, though.)
      Though not firearms for distance use, with the right loads (bird and game shot, or the Aguila mini-shells only, NO buckshot) the Mossberg Shockwave and Remington TAC-14 should make good good close quarters and home defense tools.

  • bob h May 8, 2017, 8:27 am

    Remington will probably sell a few of these to the zombie apocalypse crowd and a few more to movie armorers but outside of those two groups who the hell will buy such a useless and silly firearm?

    • billy May 8, 2017, 1:17 pm

      Fill it with bird shot and hit a perp at close range; and tell me this is a silly gun. Your looking at massive loss of hydro static pressure. Every gun has a point. Against someones mouth; this will blow the back of the head clean off… guaranteed.

      • bob h May 9, 2017, 10:20 am

        That this shotgun appeals to you based on its ability to “blow the back of the head clean off” when jamming it in someone’s mouth and firing makes me think you’re either suggesting it be used to efficiently commit suicide or you’re just another of the zombie apocalypse crowd I mentioned. I’d tell anyone wanting one to go ahead and buy it. Just don’t try to convince me it’s useful or cool when it’s so obviously neither.

    • Moore Ham May 8, 2017, 10:41 pm

      Aspiring rap artists

  • Bill Fairfax May 8, 2017, 7:42 am

    Great that Remington is keeping up with Mossberg ,but really both these weapons are more tacticool than practical . A tactical shotgun is a great weapon in close quarters ,but shotguns are far more accurate when fired from the shoulder , this also gives the opportunity to employ an optic or a more accurate sighting system . Shotgun rounds don’t spread like the movies ,you’ve still got to aim at what you want to shot if you expect to hit it. It would be nice to see one of the major manufacturers come out with a 14″ barreled 12ga with a collapsible stock and an optics rail at less than 30″ overall length ,that would be tacticool and useful too.

    • Dan Larson May 8, 2017, 8:54 am

      There are several 14″ models with stocks available but they are considered short barreled shotguns and require a form 4 $200 tax and roughly 9 month wait. The shockwaves are a novelty loophole firearm that give a feel of a sawn off shotgun without the extra expense and paperwork.

      There are also some black aces shotguns available with pistol braces and 9″ barrels. Now that you can shoulder a brace that’s an option too without the paperwork hassle.

    • john creveling May 8, 2017, 9:22 am

      Got to agree with you there Bill.Any shotgun without a stock is pretty worthless at anything other than card table distance.Still a bad ass looking gun.

      • Pops May 8, 2017, 11:30 am

        I own the Mossberg 590, it’s fun to shoot, really compact. Have it set up for in the home defense. But really, the pattern doesn’t spread all that much at close distances, so you still need to aim, and it’s a lot easier to aim a shotgun with a stock, at least for me. It’s also very easy to transport in a vehicle, it fits anywhere, but it could get in in trouble with the police depending on your local laws.

        • Rodney Knight May 8, 2017, 11:55 am

          To keep from getting in trouble with an overzealous law enforcement official, you carry photocopies of the US-DOJ and ATF letters stating that the TAC-14 (or Shockwave) is a legal firearm, not a short barreled shotgun.
          You have to remember that police, like many military service members, are not really “gun guys/gals” and don’t really know much about firearms outside of the duty weapons they are issued.

    • Ross Bielema May 8, 2017, 9:35 am

      I think by federal law, as soon as you put a shoulder stock on it, you have to have at least an 18″ barrel on it. That’s why these latest ones have a true “pistol” grip and have never been made/converted from the old style, shoulder-fired version. Same with pistol versions of the AR-15.

    • Joe schmoe May 8, 2017, 5:43 pm

      Birdshot is for birds. OO or OOO is animals, the four legged and the two legged. Look at the wound data!

      • Moore Ham May 8, 2017, 10:43 pm

        Yes, don’t even put anything less in a defensive weapon.

  • David Bennett May 8, 2017, 5:25 am

    WOW! This is beyond being way cool! All I can say is “it’s about time!”

  • Rem870 May 4, 2017, 8:08 am

    Great move by Remington! They needed to release the answer to the Mossberg Shockwave.