A Vent Rib Red Dot? Aimpoint’s New Micro S-1—SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017, Uncategorized

For more information, visit: https://us.aimpoint.com/product/aimpoint-micro-s-1/.

A Vent Rib Red Dot? Aimpoint’s New Micro S-1—SHOT Show 2017

The Aimpoint Micro S-1 is designed to attach to the vent rib of your shotgun.


This year Aimpoint has decided to turn the shotgun world on its head, with the first of the famous Micro series designed specifically for hunters and sportsmen. Yes, I realize there are some tactical shotguns running around with a Micro T-1 on them. That is fine for a shotgun with a Picatinny rail on it. But the new S-1 is a whole different type of animal.


  • Length sight only: 63 mm (2 15/32”)
  • Height sight only: 41 mm (1 5/8”)
  • Weight sight only (incl battery): Approximately 100 g* (3.53 oz)
  • Housing material: High strength aluminum; integrated mount: Carbon fiber reinforced polymer
  • Surface treatment: Anodized, semi matte
  • Height of optical axis – sight and mount: 39 mm (1 9/16″) over top surface of Picatinny Rail
  • Height of optical axis – sight, mount and standard spacer: 14 mm (9/16”)
  • Adjustment: Range ±1 m at 100 meters (±1 yds at 100 yds) in windage and elevation, 1 click = 13 mm at 100 meters = 10 mm at 80 meters = 7/16″ at 100 yds
A Vent Rib Red Dot? Aimpoint’s New Micro S-1—SHOT Show 2017

The compact Micro S-1 from Aimpoint is a tough-as-nails little red dot designed to help you bring down clays or birds.


That is the brilliance of the new Micro S-1. From the ground up, it was meant to attach to a vent rib. The red dot sits in the bottom 1/3rd of the sight. This is to closely mimic the regular sight on the vent rib, and should come close to co-witnessing. Clay shooters and duck hunters are not known radical changes to the sport, so we will have to feel this one out. But it makes sense. In an age when pistols with red dots are becoming common, why not your gran-pappy’s 12 gauge? You can guarantee this. If an up and comer starts immediately winning at Trap with an S1 on his gun, the rest of the field will be adding one quickly.

Price & Availability

Although an official price has not been set, we were told that it will come in just under $700 dollars. Sure, this is not a sight for someone with a $200 shotgun, but for the serious shotgunner wanting to wring out some more performance from his gun, this is a great option. Keep an eye out here for a full review down the road.

For more information, visit: https://us.aimpoint.com/product/aimpoint-micro-s-1/.

About the author: Clay Martin is a former Marine and Green Beret, retiring out of 3rd Special Forces Group. He is a multi-decade and -service sniper, as well as 3-Gun competitor and Master ranked shooter in USPSA Production. In addition to writing about guns, he is the author of “Last Son of The War God,” a novel about shooting people that deserve it. You can also follow him on twitter, @offthe_res or his website, Off-The-Reservation.com

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  • Johnson, fred March 16, 2018, 4:19 pm

    The S-1 is a great idea, but with Aimpoint- too many middle men. Fair and reasonable price would be in the $200-$250 range. No more. Hopefully they have cleaned up their fiber optic illumination system to be a perfect, non shifting, dot, this time.

  • Martin W Andersen March 17, 2017, 11:09 pm

    The aimpoint micro S-1 looks like it could be great for turkey hunting. I mentor young turkey hunters for DNR learn to hunt programs. It would be a good sight for hunters as young as 10 years old. I am afraid the price is going to be much too high! What is the price?

  • Huch January 19, 2017, 2:34 pm

    Good lord what is with the lack of innovation at Aimpoint over the past 5 years? They’re doing the Colt model of sticking their head in the sand and assuming that Gov contracts are going to last forever so they don’t need to turn out anything new. The closest thing to something new was their mini sight that has been teased for over a year and was no better than the RMR that Trijicon released years ago. Meanwhile all their competitors are have caught up to them on battery life, almost equal in durability and have also found ways to create more reticle options than just the (blurry) dot that Aimpoint has. Their price was tough to swallow but warranted when they were the only game in town. Now the market is flooded with other good options that are a fraction of the cost of Aimpoint. I have 3 Aimpoints and love them, but come on, please get your act together and bring some new blood into R&D.

  • Caleb SanMiguel January 19, 2017, 11:37 am

    Aimpoint needs to pull its head out of the government contract ass and bring its price point down to earth. Why would you spend $700 on a bulky aimpoint when u can get a fastfire for around $200? Did everyone forget the fastfire was made for shotguns and then found there way onto pistols and carbines. Over $500 on a little dot that glows is stupid IMO, when u can get the whole shotgun for less $$. I total miss by aimpoint, they need to get in touch with reality.

  • Scott V January 19, 2017, 9:59 am

    Deer Hogs and turkey maybe. Tactical and gun games yes, but clay targets/wing shooting no way. The housing blocks to much of your view to get a propper lead on a crossing bird.

    • Joel B January 19, 2017, 11:42 am

      I’d look at it the other way. With a red dot you’re keeping both eyes open instead of closing an eye to focus down the rib.

      • DRAINO January 19, 2017, 2:26 pm

        Uh….most normal shooting of a shotgun(wing shooting at birds, or clays of whatever sort) is supposed to be done with BOTH eyes OPEN. Sanity check here, Wing shooting instructors…..?????

  • weber January 19, 2017, 8:35 am

    Does anybody use these for hunting birds . Seems like it would obscure your view on targets like quail , or dove . Especially when you would have close flushing birds . I can kinda see a use for a turkey gun but , at 700 $ !

  • stevie1dr January 19, 2017, 7:59 am

    I doubt this this will see any major success, especially with clay target shooters since a shotgun is supposed to be pointed, not aimed. Secondly, the clay shooter as well as the bird hunter, is shooting at a moving target. Not something easily tracked through any type of optics. It might appeal to a few of the turkey hunters, or perhaps the big game hunters after deer, hogs, etc. To me, the kiss of death for this item will be the price tag.

  • Mike January 19, 2017, 7:23 am

    Low to mid 700s in cost?
    Nope, don’t need….
    Military has not stopped training iron sights.
    Who writes this stuff?

    • clay martin January 22, 2017, 10:46 am

      yes, they have. Even the USMC, which was shocking. Basic trainees start on red dots, and even the USMC rifle qual is now done with whatever sight is on your issued weapon, which means a 4x for the Squad Automatic Rifle guy. world has changed.