As I mentioned in the Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) MK12 Replica review, there is serious debate about 5.56 versus .308 for urban combat roles. Just a few weeks back, some of the guys still on active duty called a few of us retired guys, and we had round table about what we liked for city fighting. In a meeting with north of 100 years of sniper experience, there was no consensus.
A Lasting First Impression
Many men whose opinions I respect immensely fall in the 5.56 camp. There’s nothing wrong with that. They had the combat experience that added validity to their argument. I, however, fall firmly in the 7.62x51mm camp. I can carry fewer bullets, the gun is heavier, the recoil is harder, and inside of 800 meters, the reach of either is a non issue. This is all true. I like 7.62 for one simple reason. The first enemy I dispatched with it fell down like they had been hit by the fist of God. At this point in my life, I am no stranger to combat and my first experience with the 7.62 left a lasting impression — that round is lethal. Prior to that incident, all the work I had done was with an M4, a machine gun or grenades. Bullets are cheap; lives are expensive. There was no chance for a follow up with the 7.62, and no need. I was so shocked at how effective the round was that I actually came out of the scope to look with my naked eye, like my green NVG (night vision goggles) sight was lying to me. (Good luck seeing in the dark with naked eyeballs, but that is beside the point.) After that night, I wanted 7.62 all the time.

The author used Federal Edge TLR for testing purpose. This bullet houses a 175-grain Edge TLR bullet.
Now I am not saying 7.62 is a magic bullet: It isn’t. I would eventually see multiple bad guys walk them off as well because humans are tougher than we tend to believe. But I am a fan of the. 308. It has lots of reach, and it hits like a sledgehammer even with the match style bullets, which is a poor choice if you have options. This love of .308 Winchester led me to look for an all-purpose battle rifle in the chambering. I wanted a do everything gun, with the reach of 1,000 meters, and the maneuverability for a street fight. I wanted an Apocalypse Gun, and I knew just who to talk to.
Article Continues Below
Barnes Precision Machine
Barnes Precision Machine of Apex, North Carolina, has a long history of direct support for the boys from Ft. Bragg. More loaner upper receivers have been used in the Global War on Terror (GWOT) than you will find any official statistic on. With a need for accuracy and reliability well beyond the normal government-issue junk, Green Berets have field tested the BPM products in the least forgiving environments on earth. Barnes is also a favorite on the local competitive circuit for 3 Gun, with many of those same soldiers using a BPM for matches. I believe in the product so much, my wedding rings are cut from a BPM .308 barrel blank.
- Type: Semiautomatic AR-10 rifle
- Cartridge: .308
- Barrel Length: 16 in. 416 stainless steel match-grade barrel
- Overall Length:
- Stock: Magpul MOE Stock
- Sights: Magpul MBUS sights
- Finish: NiB BCG
- Muzzle Device: BPM Flash hider
- Trigger: Geissele G2s Trigger
- MSRP: $2,550
- Manufacturer: Barnes Precision Machine
As a base gun, I selected the BP-10 with a 16-inch barrel, though nothing from BPM is what you would call basic. It came out of the box with Magpul furniture, a collapsible 5-position stock and a Geissle trigger. The bolt carrier group is nickel-boron coated, which is the Barnes standard. This finish is so slick it is unreal, and it makes cleaning a cinch. Their finish is of my favorite features of these rifles. The BP-10 runs an ambidextrous bolt release, a feature that is growing on me. The lower receiver has been shaved down for weight reduction, and is very close in size to an AR-15, except for the magwell. The barrel has received a WMD Nitromet treatment, which offers a 30-percent increase in barrel life, as well as enhanced corrosion resistance. Rounding out the package is the legendary BPM handguard, now with M-LOK slotting at the 3-, 6-, and 9 o’clock positions. This handguard is my all time favorite, and the M-LOK cuts have the added benefit of lightening the package.
Adapting to Your Environment

I wanted to keep the buttstock collapsible, to minimize the size for in the truck. Normally on a .308, I will go ahead and switch to a Magpul PRS, which is a factory option from Barnes Precision. Sticking to the collapsible, the obvious problem of cheek weld with a scope rears its head. I solved this with a Larue RISR, or reciprocating inline stock riser. This bolts onto a standard CTR buttstock without modification and gives per cheekweld for most scope rings. It also retains your ability to charge the rifle with the stock collapsed, something no other add on riser allows.
For a trigger, I opted to swap for an AR Gold drop in module. The Geisselle is an all right trigger, but I wasn’t looking for all right. I was looking for the best option available, and that is AR Gold. I went for a new flat faced model, not because they work any better, but because it looks cool. Vanity strikes even me sometimes.
Range Time
What and how to feed this beast? Hex mag is a new brand to me, so I decided now was as good a time as any to test them out. 308 magazines are not cheap, so a polymer option would be a godsend. I am happy to report, the Hex Mag’s worked flawlessly. This will be an ongoing test, but I am happy so far. For ammunition, I had two fantastic options from Federal Ammunition. First up was the new .308, with a 185-grain Berger projectile, called the Juggernaut. This is the Gold Medal match grade special, and it did not disappoint. It gave me a ½ inch 100m group, which is more than a battle rifle needs. I expect no less from Barnes Precision Machine, but I was still very happy. I also fed it the new Edge-TLR, which gave me expansion at close to 900 meters last month in another test. I had no desire to mix up another batch of corn starch ballistics gel, to learn something I already knew. This is what I plan to carry in the gun, given its terminal ballistics.
The BP-10 lived up to all of my expectations, it was an excellent purchase. Storm clouds are gathering, and we may very well be fighting in the streets soon. If you need to start handing out justice 175 grains at a time, this is the platform I recommend.
For more information about AccuTac bipods, click here.
For more information about Troy offset sights, click here.
For more information about Barnes Precision Machine, click here.
For more information about Federal Premium Ammunition, click here.
To purchase a Barnes Precision Machine rifle on GunsAmerica, click here.
I’d like to hear Clay’s view on 7.62×39… Why not mentioned as a compromise between 5.56 and .308?
I like the review and appreciate Clay turning me on to BPM, right here an hour from my house in NC. But it seems Clay can’t set aside his Sniper DNA. For an article billed as urban combat he only talks about precision shooting at range. Also, besides paying for a Geissele and switching it out.. he declined the option to purchase a Leupold optic at dealer price in order to go with a Steiner. I don’t mean to be critical.. I don’t have urban combat bona fides. But Clay does, so I’d be interested in him taking another stab at this, but for the shorter-ranged, non-sniper crowd.
So, ultimate now means (just another AR platform rifle)?
Thanks – I will stick with my SAR3 made in Greece
I started with the DB10ELB, replaced the CTR stock with a B5 for the cheek rest. Then put on the new Vortec Diamondback 4×12 tactical scope. Low profile, clean optics, light and has the viper VMR1 rectical. SWFA 1 pc mount, MBUS back up sights and a venom flash hider. I stayed with Magpul mags and use a 2-1 QD Magpul shouler harness. 1,200 total investment.
I love Clay’s articles because he creates a shit storm of response from his readers. For most folks this rifle is just too high priced but Clad had this built for himself. It’s not a test rifle. he got what he wanted more or less and changed the things he wanted to change. I do think if I was having one built I would have said keep the parts I would change out and save that $$ but… The issue here is the man bought what he wanted, what he could afford. As for the uses he got it for. I know that part of the country and he covered all the bases with it.
As I said, this is his gun, he bought it, it’s not a test rifle. I liked it. And yes I can afford one but I just don’t need one because I have a safe full of stuff I don’t shoot as it is. But if I were only going to have one rifle I think I’d go that route, not the same route but close.
Where the hell is there legal urban combat in the USA?
At the moment, no, but with elements of MSM and many Democrats calling for the impeachment of the Donald, combined with rumors of a coupe floating about, urban combat could be just around the next corner. It could erupt in the inner cities first, spread into the suburbs quickly, then into the general country side. It’s best to always to be prepared no matter where one lives. Family and home comes first, politics last.
“…I am not saying 7.62 is a magic bullet: It isn’t. I would eventually see multiple bad guys walk them off as well because humans are tougher than we tend to believe…”
Clay, if you saw Multiple bad guys walk away after firing your 308 rifle at them, then that means 2 maybe 3 things my friend:
2. They were OUT of RANGE or you WINGED ’em
Or you can tell the Difference between the RAG HEADS at that Distance
How much combat time you got princess? I’m not the only one to see this, it is a documented fact of the GWOT. You might also want to look at wound statistics for any war before Vietnam, when almost every nation on Earth used a 30-ish caliber bullet. I don’t know how it goes in “Call of Duty”, but real people don’t generally just fall over and die with a single shot.
+1 Clay. Also, running into fanatics on drugs that make them absorb rounds and keep on fighting like nothing happened (at least for a while).
One of the best kept secrets in the AR World…Barnes Precision.
What am I missing? What happened in the past few weeks that lets us believe a domestic war on the streets is coming?
.308 for urban environments seems a bit much for a modern city/suburb unless you are attacking it and mean to destroy as much property and people as you can. Why would you ever need to shoot, say, 700-yards in Long Island, or Tampa, or Pittsburg? There is the promise of killing those that are not a part of the scene, no? That would mean we are truly in a war zone and are conducting war and have waivers that free us from accountability for actions done as a part of our sanctioned activities. Overwatch and sniping, maybe. CQB combat? Hmm. . .
Fergis, don’t you do anything besides read gun articles? Don’t you pay attention to the news? Your government just announced that we’re about to have Space Aliens landing? Maybe they want their shit back we stole from their crashed UFOs that we’ve been hiding for decades? After Trump builds a ‘wall’ around their mother ship while he checks their ‘illegal alien’ status and Hillary sees if she can get them registered and find out they want to vote for her next time, there’s going to be giant lizards raping and looting like nobody’s business? Didn’t you even ever see the movie Independence Day!
Geographicly, Urban is city and you can stretch that to the burbs if needed. How about: The Ultimate Country Carbine that you can take to town. Lol.
LWRC REPR 12.7″ barrel with SF SOCOM-RC2, NF 1-4×24, Magpul UBR with metal plate in case you need to club a sumbitch. Dunno why you’d need a 16″ barrel or 15x optic in an urban setting. I’d rather have it suppressed and keep the length and weight down.
I think I’ll keep my 7.62 bullpup. Better rifle for a bit less $$.
To who this may concern Get the socom M1A Period ! Want it better send it to Smith Enterprise get a trigger job Good old fashion iron sights there barrel and war fighter gas system with there REAL FLASH HIDER ! Total Amount spent I spent was 3300 my weapon with a 16 inch barrel shots out to 300 yards and I am a older man with older Eye sight with a spotter just shot a steel Target 16 inch cleanly at 500 yards ringing the dam thing as if one shot one kill!
Well, I figured it would be expensive but not that expensive. The cheapest I could find for both rifle and scope was $5,000. More than I would pay (well, except for the scope) and why I build Aero Precision AR308\’s and use Nikon scopes to bang around. Apparently not in too many other people\’s price range. Good article but if you keep talking about guns and gear that people can\’t afford you\’re gonna lose readers.
My go to rifle if TSHTF is a LaRue PredatAR 7.62X51 Vortex 2.5X10 scope and Vortex red dot in an angles mount. 16″ barrel is good to go to 800 yrds if you practice and have a good optic and good ammo M118LR 175grn. Heavier than a 5.56 rifle yeah, a little. Longer range and more accurate than an AK rifle. My choice not anyone else’s carry what you think is best for you. I’ll probably drag along my custom built Tactical Long range rifle which is good to 1760yrds and my Sig 1911 Tacops. Once I establish a base camp them I’ll come back for my Mossberg 930JM and my .22 long rifle all the food and water I have and as much ammo as I can load on the truck. If I can make one more trip I’ll have all the ammo I have for me and my wife who has her own 5.56 M4 and a M&P 9mm.
Oh, the end of the world delusions. I love reading them.
I like the never-fail-to-mention ‘GWOT’; Amerika invades countries for the Rothschilds and oil, and the people defending themselves from an invader are then called ‘terrorists’.
Global War OF Terror; The US/Israel/GB ‘Axis of Evil’.
I hope that your comment is just a joke. If not, terrorists come from Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Iraq, Syria, etc., so the U.S. has a vested interest in these areas to eliminate the threat. Regarding the anti-Semitic reference to the Rothschild family, it is European based, not American based, so the reference is a non sequitur. Last, how much oil is found in Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalialand, etc.? If you do not like the U.S. decisions regarding this issue and are not a citizen, go back to where you came from. If you’re a citizen, do some research first before you make such an asinine comment.
I think you forgot about the water and spare socks.
No, he mentions water. BPM recommends Mobil 1 for any lube needs. Stuff is great from door hinges to locks.
I pretty much agree with the choice of a 7.62X51 AR style rifle with a minimal optic. I have an offset red dot for up close and personal business. I’m not going to get upset over how much some one else spends on a rifle of their choice, mind is a LaRue tactical with a 16″ barrel accurate for out to at least 800 yrds (tested) with a Vortex 2.5X10 Viper optic and offset Vortex red dot. Magpul mags and a streamlight. The forearm is railed but all the same options maybe more are available for attachment, also have a forward angled handgrip, not saying it’s for everyone but on my way out the door if the time comes it’s going with me!
Sweet ! 308 over 223 all day long. Pownd for pownd is a get what you pay for deal. More is more accurate. Less is better to pack .if you like it is all that matters
Why all the bitchin about the price? – he said pretty plainly that he didn’t want an “all right” trigger, he wanted the best he could get – why would anyone think he took a different approach with anything else with this gun? If ya got it – spend it. You’re not takin it with ya.
The trigger price isn\’t the issue. The rifle alone runs about $2500 and another $2500 for the scope. Trigger\’s about $300.
As others have observed, the rifle is very nice, but way overpriced. In addition, a 16″ barrel for a .308 is just stupid. You get a whole lot of muzzle blast and reduced velocity. For a .308 rifle, you want at least a 22″ and preferably a 26″ barrel for optimum exterior ballistics.
for an urban warfare gun?
I get what you’re saying, but I personally prefer an 18″ barrel for semi auto “duty/combat” rifles. 22-26″ seems way too long(which is why almost no manufacturers make .308 ARs with barrels that long, and those that do make them as SASS rifles.
+1 on the barrel lengths, one thing designed to do multiple tasks never does a single task well. In my experience long guns are like golf clubs, you need different ones for different applications (same as pistols). Regardless, the 16″ rifle in 7.62mm has always seemed more of a novelty to me due to the velocity loss and excessive flash. If it’s being used in conjunction with a “Can” I find it a bit more understandable (just a bit).
I’m old enought to remember when the M24 came on line (I considered it a step backwards from the M21 except for the extra 2″ of tube). It was reported to have the barrel spec’ed out at 24″ (vs. the optimum 26″) to fit in the issue “airborne weapons case” of the day. As a rifleman I always felt it would have been much more effective and balanced in a 26″ length with a “Sendero” weight barrel (not to mention better fielded in a short acion like the USMC M40). It’s obvious the designers never had to “hump” the damn thing, but hey…what the hell do I know?
That said, thanks for the run down Clay, it gives us something to think about. As for me, my truck gun is a re-import stamped Garand, originally issued about two Generations before my time. It’s fast, balances well, reaches out, hits hard and doesn’t draw alot of attention. Not optimum for house clearing, but I don’t forsee alot of that in my future any time soon. We all draw from our own military experiences and no two eras or conflicts are the same. In the end, any competent graduate from Pineland U. should be able to start out with a pocket knife in the morning…and be driving home an M1 Abrams by late afternoon. All you have to do is keep trading up.
What? 16\” stupid? Seriously? Go back to your cave and READ THE ARTICLE – it\’s an urban combat rifle not a sniper rifle. I prefer 18\” myself but 16\” is fine too.
16″ is plenty for 308. You’d be surprised what a 12.5″ barrel can do for you. I suppress mine. 2700fps with the 130gr ttsx is all I need for hunting out to 300 yds. Nobody needs a 1000yd gun for urban environments. If you need to make that kind of shot, your tactics could use some work.
You’re misinformed about barrel lengths these days, Paulie. Check out some actual testing already done on this.
Especially when pragmatic application and tactical handling in a variety of conditions is a paramount consideration.. Having six inches of extra barrel length after 16 inches is like one of those porn ‘stars’ with one of those ridiculous mutant appendages. Impressive to wave around but winds up doing the same thing as a shorter length does but without being more obnoxious and clumsy to carry around and whip into play for a quick piss.
Put that much money into a firearm it should-Talk-Walk-Bring you coffee in the morning many other things and also shoot.
would you please consider doing a segment on “economical” optics for AR’s, that you would consider suitable to trust one’s life with…?
Steiner’s are magnificent…however, I know I could not afford the mortgage payments…thanks for your time…!
Via Con Dios & Semper Fidelis,
I have always been a fan of Leupold, I think one would be hard pressed to find a better made “American Made” scope. That said, though, I couldn’t afford to put a $500+ scope on every rifle I buy and started looking into alternatives. Nikon makes good affordable scopes, have two, but the last two scopes I brought were made by Burris. A Timberline for my Arsenal AK and the AR 5.56 for my Sig 516. I haven’t been disappointed both Burris scoped work as well as some I have spent 2 or 3 times more money for.
I like how he uses a cycle and hammer to mentally reinforce who are ‘enemy’ is….. They never give up, do they?
Sickle and Hammer is the of communism, do disagree that they are the enemy of a democratic republic at least as dangerous and self serving politicians and monopolistic corporate conglomerations?
the U.S. is a federal republic
you sure know how to get folks riled up, Mr. M.!… I liked the article. And I’m kinda sure if you set your Barnes down next to some of the other primer dimplers mentioned by other commenters, the differences of the extra dollars would be come very apparent. I’ll likely not ever be able to have the rig you built. You can be my friend and keep me an the Mrs safe if we are ever in Idaho. Stay strong.
Just curious. All the comments on price. Are we comparing .223 prices to .308 AR prices. Seems to me low price .308 ARs are rifles that are very bare bones.
Always good to listen and read many opinions. Just remember that when the social problems become intense, you have to remain adaptable and versatile. The wide open spaces of Idaho will be total different from Sunset Strip in Southern Calif. Keep your mind clear and watch your topknot. VM
” Vanity strikes even me sometimes.” Hell Martin you have an ego the size of an aircraft carrier.
Just another way over priced AR!
Beautiful weapon, however, way out of the price range for Joe Smoe. When I went shopping for a new long arm, I opted for an AK 47. I did this due to reliability, price, and durability. I also own an AR15 just because. I guess what I’m saying is when shit hits the fan, have a weapon, be trained, and shoot straight.
Cool rifle. I’m not going to complain about the price of the rifle, rather I’ll complain about the author’s intended use. $2550 rifle with a $1000 optic and this is a truck gun to him? Perhaps his definition is different from mine but to me, a truck gun is the rifle that gets tossed behind the seat of the truck (or in the back of my Jeep) for when that random hog comes out of the brush or whatever. I use a underfolding AK. It’s tough and I won’t destroy a $3500 rig.
What $1000 optic? Click the link. It is closer to a $3000 optic. I guess only rich folks write for this site.
So, you live in wide open spaces, and you’ve built an accurate super heavy hitter for close range with a short barrel that limits it’s long range suitability … don’t believe I get that.
Wellllllll….$2550 seems a bit steep for me just so it can say “Barnes” on it. My Aero Precision has to be better because at least they keep the forward assist on it, for that one round that maybe didn’t get sized perfectly and you have to use it. And with my KAK double ejector BCG, and the 18″ Mega Arms barrel, I suspect that it shoots just as well as that one. Oh, and gee…with Burris XTR scopes and some others available like Vortex, Nighforce, Primary Arms Platinum…tell Steiner to join the real world and do away with their insane prices.
Funny thing about forward assists … according to a firearms dealer I know, he claims that ARs without them simply won’t sell. They’re useless as teats on a boar hog, but trying to sell an AR without one is like trying to find a liberal with intelligence.
I have found a use for them on a few occasions. One was with a box of 300 Blackout that wasn’t quite to spec and every round had to be pushed in that last little bit because of an under powered recoil spring. When I changed the spring out, which I didn’t carry with me, it worked fine even with that slightly out of spec ammo.
I needed mine a few times in a stinking hot country in southeast asia!
I am unable to obtain a complete spec sheet on the rifle. Any idea how it compares to an fnh scar 17s on weight?
thinking same thing…i’d say its pretty darn heavy since the weight was not mentioned.
Good article! Our military should take heed!
Your comparison of the Weaver rail, and the Picatinny rail, was not!f
There must be an extra digit in the price. I say that if you remove the “2” you are spot on. 2550.00, remove the “2” and you are at 550. That is all it’s worth. Don’t get me wrong, nice gun, but WAY OVERPRICED!
$550 for a factory built AR 10??? It is always funny to read the comments on the gun reviews. Half of the comments are people that built one cheaper. Well no shit. Company’s are in business to make money people. i can mow my yard cheaper than a landscaper but should I expect someone to mow it for the price of a couple gallons of gas??
And no one ever mentions the resale value of their Frankengun that no one wants to buy or who they will contact if they have a problem with it. Rock on with your Bubba Gunsmithing but i like quality over quantity.
Yeah, I kind of agree with you Kyle. Why would you even waste a round at 1000 meters at somebody who probably can’t see you yet in the first place. (Especially if you carry ‘fewer’ rather than more rounds like Clay seems to prefer, LOL!) and would likely never be able to hit you either? Risking revealing your position for a potential gang of psychos to home in on, when it would be much easier to fall back and evade at that distance? Why the fuck would you even BE in an urban situation with insane anarchy all around in the first place? Why would you NOT have bugged out in advance already if you had good tactically developed situational awareness?
Well, What does ‘not being a cheap ass’ have to do with wasting money when you don’t have to? And what makes you so stupid to think that just because somebody puts together their own AR-10 that it’s a bubbed frankengun? A guy showed me a new 308 he put together at a gun show for 700 bucks that I couldn’t believe. It definitely compares with this Barnes as far as quality goes. Plus you miss the point on building your own. Most AR builders know what they’re doing and are just as capable as a factory gunsmith. Many are even better and more inclined to perfection because it’s a labor of love, not a job. These often are sold as custom work and never worry about resale. You have to understand that building an AR is Not PHD level bio-engineering and there’s a big worthwhile difference in an average guy using is own labor opposed to the ‘gouging’ prices of most company made guns…for virtually the same end result.
And no need to defend your spending psycho bucks for something like this by dissing DIY builders. This is still a ‘good’ gun at any price if you can afford it. No one understands why I ride a 35k bike when one almost as fast and kewl can be had for less than a few grand? To each his/her own ((while we still can enjoy that liberty) in this late great, formerly free country.
Good article! I built my AR308 from Aero Precision parts and a 18\” Ballistic Advantage barrel – very accurate, a little heavy. All I could afford was a Nikon M308 4-16x scope. I too have a thing for Troy\’s HK style sights. Thanks for the tip on the LaRue RISR. Been to combat myself a few times and was really surprised to see M14\’s being hauled around the chow hall in Iraq (2004). Afghanistan was a lot more of the same later (2013). I believe if I\’d had a choice it would have been a 308 as well – something comforting about a 170 gr+ bullet vs 62…
In 308 all I have is a DPMS Sportical,16″ barrel and stock Pardus collapsable stock and short carbine length handguard.Wanting to know if I can install those Troy off-set irons(My handguard isnt K MOD)and what about the Larue riser ,will that work on a Pardus collapsable stock.I removed the bipod I had on the rifle cause I couldnt get enough room to put my support hand on the handguard.Any suggestions,thanks
The offset sights clamp to the top rail of your receiver and hand guard so you don’t need an MLOK unit for those. The riser is made to attach to a Magpul CTR butt stock which has slots molded into the sides for attachments to clip into. I’m not familiar with the Pardus stock but you may be able to modify it by chiseling slots into it (I did this to a Magpul rifle length stock so I could use the CTR riser on it) but it may be easier to just swap it out for a CTR.