Thompson Center’s New Semi-Auto .22 Rifle Takes Ruger Aftermarket Accessories

in Authors, Industry News, True Pearce
Thompson Center's New Semi-Auto .22 Rifle Takes Ruger Aftermarket Accessories

The Thompson Center T/CR22.

Thompson Center’s new semi-auto .22LR is a called the T/CR22 and it features a Magpul stock, oversized bolt handle, ten round rotary magazine, a barrel with a threaded muzzle, and here’s the kicker – it accepts almost all Ruger 10/22 aftermarket accessories including barrels.

One of the cool features of the T/CR22 is that on the last round, with factory mags, the bolt locks open. This is a feature missing from most other semi-auto .22  rifles.

Thompson Center's New Semi-Auto .22 Rifle Takes Ruger Aftermarket Accessories

Threaded muzzle on the barrel.   

The front sight is very bright green fiber optic and the rear sight is an adjustable peep sight. The aluminum receiver has a Picatinny rail milled in so it’s ready to mount any optic immediately without the need to purchase an aftermarket base. The bolt is stainless steel and should literally last forever.

Thompson Center's New Semi-Auto .22 Rifle Takes Ruger Aftermarket Accessories

The adjustable rear peep sight.

The barrel is 17 inches long and the rifle points very naturally and is rather lightweight. We didn’t get to shoot it but first impressions are that it’s going to be a great little .22.

Thompson Center's New Semi-Auto .22 Rifle Takes Ruger Aftermarket Accessories

That rail is optics ready.  

Thompson Center's New Semi-Auto .22 Rifle Takes Ruger Aftermarket Accessories

A close up of that bright front sight.

Full retail is just $399.  Expect them to be cheaper on GunsAmerica.  For more information visit

***Shop for Thompson Center Firearms on GunsAmerica***

About the author: True Pearce is the Managing Editor at GunsAmerica. He’s a competitive shooter, hunter, instructor & attorney. You can see and follow his adventures on Instagram. @true1911

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  • Ben March 21, 2019, 8:05 pm

    Just FYI, the only “design” flaw I found with this rifle is that the butt is made of a hard plastic. You can’t just prop the rifle up in a corner without worrying if it is going to fall down. I can’t believe TC and/or Magpul made the gun this way. And it’s pretty slippery on the shoulder too. While probably not a show stopper for most buyers it was a real surprise when I picked mine up. But, that’s a chance you take buying a gun on-line and unseen. I’m hoping to find an aftermarket rubber replacement pad someday. Oh, and just FYI – if you aren’t happy with the trigger pull don’t think you can take the trigger, hammer and sear out of a Ruger BX assembly and put it in the TC. While it will fit and give you a much better pull, the safety will not function properly. So, that’s a no no until someone smarter than me figures out how to modify the BX sear to allow proper engagement with the safety. Polishing the original trigger components does improve things – but everyone knows that.

  • DICK June 3, 2018, 6:55 pm


  • Lance May 14, 2018, 2:21 pm

    Why would they not have the bolt handle switchable from side to side? At least left side for right handed shooters. Ruger did this with their new 9mm carbine and it’s based on the 10/22. Magnum Research already figured this out with their 1722.

  • Brad Keller May 14, 2018, 9:42 am

    .22 mag or .17 coming??

  • Cyrus May 14, 2018, 9:33 am

    I actually like what I see and would consider buying one of these hoping they work as good as they look.

  • Ronald May 14, 2018, 8:18 am

    Wow, I want one.
    It will be added to my 22 Rimfire collection.
    I still have and still shoot my first 22 Winchester single shot bolt action I got on my 8th. Birthday.
    I’m 75 now and still enjoy looking at and shooting that little bolt action beauty.