Big Green has finally stepped into the chassis rifle arena with the Remington Model 700 PCR in 6.5 Creedmoor and this week we got our hands on it for a full review. By the way, PCR stands for Precision Chassis Rifle. It is late to the party, no doubt about that. But the big question on everyone’s mind, did Remington continue the winning streak started by the 870 DM and recent 1911 models? And the answer to that is, kind of.
Before we get into a deep dive on the PCR, lets clear the air a little. Though I have been accused of the opposite, I am actually a Remington fan. Every bolt action sniper rifle I ever carried in two services was a Remington, and I have seen the high end of what they can do. That type of thing tends to leave an impression. The new PCR isn’t everything I was hoping for, but it does have some nice features. And the price is a factor in this one.
The PCR is the first affordable chassis gun from Remington. It is not the first chassis gun period, at least not if you count Remington Defense. Remington had entries in the SOCOM Precision Rifle program, as well as several other recent chassis programs. But they tip the scales at north of $10,000. Does the PCR have every feature I would want? No. Would I have made some different decisions? Yes, no question.
It is worth noting that MSRP is $1199. That is $400 cheaper than the Ruger RPR, and $600 cheaper than the Tikka T3 TAC A1. Not an insignificant amount of money. First, let’s take a look at the positive points.
The Good
To start with, the price. Even at a full retail $1199, you aren’t getting a chassis gun any cheaper. The street price is likely to be sub $1000, which is even better. Time will tell how real-world prices stack up against the competition, but a safe bet would keep the PCR $300 below the next closest rifle.
Accuracy was completely acceptable. Every PCR ships with a test target, and Remington guarantees MOA or better on a 3 shot string. The “Remington Computer-Aided Targeting System” target with my gun said .92 inches at 100 yards. Not off the charts accurate, but at under $1000, that is still not bad. My five shot strings back up the sub MOA claim. Using Barnes Precision Match 140 grain ammo, I fired several 5 shots groups just under an inch. The interesting thing though, any one of my 3 shot groups would blow the doors off my PCR’s computer target provided by Remington. That is if I fired 3 and stopped, my groups would be around .75 inches. Well below the Remington claim of .92 inches.
Also, keep in mind that I only tried one brand and bullet weight of ammunition. To do that and have it shoot under MOA five shot groups with the first ammo tried is fantastic. If I’d spent more time to try different match ammo or handloads that the gun liked, accuracy would have no doubt improved. Also, I did no barrel break-in or cleaning and typically rifles shoot better groups once they’ve had a few more rounds fired through them and then have received a good cleaning.
The bolt was smooth with no binding, not a real shock on a 700. The bolt knob is threaded on, so you can remove it and replace it with a custom bolt knob. Nothing wrong with the one it ships with, but it is easy to go to the oversized competition special as soon as you are ready. This is a new direction for Remington, usually, you had to have the bolt handle threaded by a gunsmith after the fact and that could cost up to $150 really easy.
The stock is a Magpul Gen 3 PRS, an excellent choice for rifles like this. The stock is fully adjustable for length of pull and has an adjustable cheekpiece. Plus it’s Magpul! I think Remington made a good move by saving money here, while shipping the PCR with a very functional stock that will serve you well.
The fore end is key mod compatible, and fully removable. All things being equal, I like key mod better than Mlok. Though I have broken both, I call this a positive. At least I would if it was actual key mod. Instead, the PCR opts for tear drop shaped holes known as SquareDrop. I had no idea what SquareDrop was, and I do this for a living. I had to look it up, so I will now share my gained knowledge with you. SquareDrop was invented by AAC, and it offers the advantage of being SquareDrop or key mod compatible. As far as I know, it is a standard used only by AAC. I was able to slap on a Keymod rail section to the handguard, but I had to work for it. I would have liked to see Remington pick either Keymod or Mlok for this, and leave the SquareDrop in the junkyard of broken dreams. But it does work and somebody that wants the advantages of key mod but a different look might love this.
The barrel is a medium contour, which doesn’t add a lot of weight, and it takes a while to heat up. This is the right choice for most people, so no complaints there. It is also threaded for suppressors or muzzle brakes and comes with a thread protector. A nice bonus and an added value.
Finally, in the positives column, is the caliber choice. 308, 260 Remington, and 6.5 Creedmoor. That pretty much covers what a short action needs, and we can expect more calibers if the gun proves successful. Our test model was in 6.5 CM, which is my current favorite in the caliber wars. But kudos for making the 260 available as well, it is also a winner.
The Not So Great
On to the not so great. Nothing catastrophic here, but some things I would personally have done differently were I in charge at Remington.
First, the trigger. It is supposed to be adjustable, and mine didn’t adjust. Clearly, there was something wrong with it. I did back out the adjustment screw anyway, which created a second problem. Because of the placement, there is then a screw jabbing you in the trigger finger. As I adjusted it out it actually got heavier. I’m sure that both of those things will get cleared up. We’ll get the trigger figured out and do an update to this article. Fortunately, aftermarket triggers are plentiful for this gun, and that takes care of the issue judiciously.
Second, what I see as the only complete failure on this gun. If you look at the space between the pistol grip and the stock, you will see that it is quite small. It’s the area that the web of your hand fits into. It actually makes the rifle uncomfortable to hold in my opinion, and I cannot fathom the reason it was built that way. It is almost like a human hand never held the rifle before it was approved. You can correct this by going with a straight up and down pistol grip, using a different stock, or using your old pal Dremel tool to take some meat off. But if this was my gun, I would do one or the other quickly. This isn’t just a problem for overgrown hands, the angle created by the stock and pistol grip is actually tight. It is the strangest geometry I have ever seen applied to a rifle.
I had a few small issues with the Magpul mag. It likely needs to be tuned. Could even be a defective magazine. It happens sometimes. The good news is that the PCR uses the AICS mag footprint and there are lots of aftermarket mag options.
• Remington Chassis
• 24” barrel with 5R rifling
• Threaded muzzle with protector
• Tactical bolt knob, for swift, positive cycling
• X-Mark Pro externally adjustable trigger
• Aluminum handguard with SquareDrop
• Picatinny rail
• 5-round Magpul detachable magazine
• Adjustable Magpul® PRS Gen 3 stock
• Magpul pistol grip
• 3-shot sub-MOA assurance

I’m not going to call this my favorite of all time, but for the price, it isn’t bad. And it does have one other feature many rifles don’t. It says Remington on the side. The model 700 is by far the most prolific bolt action rifle in the United States and has more aftermarket support than you can shake a stick at. Any single thing about this rifle you don’t like, you can swap out over time. So it is entirely conceivable to enter the market with the PCR as the cheapest possible option and build it to the “baddest” thing in the country.
Visit Remington and learn more about the PCR by clicking, Here.
***Shop GunsAmerica for your next Remington 700 rifle.***

Bought one new for $940 from a local shop. I wanted a good hunting/sporting rifle that my wife and I could shoot for fun and filling the deep freezer. She is a combat veteran and loves long range (700+) shots at playing cards. I got it in .308 because we reload and our supplies are plentiful, personally haven’t gotten into the 6.5 yet. The MOA sheet from Remington claims .49, we found an average around .7-.8 with it mounted. 168 grain hand load with a Vortex Viper PST at 100 yards it took 11 rounds sighting in before we were totally comfortable with taking it farther out. 100-600 yards was tight grouping, anything beyond that we were all over the board within 8 inches. Could have been fatigue but we both noticed a difference. Overall I’m satisfied with it besides the “adjustable” trigger. Timney trigger for 150 bucks fixed that. It weighs a bit but is also balanced well with a bipod making it sit right. The adjustable stock is awesome especially since my wife’s pull is shorter (really helps when switching at the range), and the pistol grip isn’t as bad as some posters claim it to be. Had no problems mounting a keymod bipod to the handrail. At $2400 total into the build I’m surprised by its capabilities versus price. There are better precision rifles out there, but for the price I don’t think you’ll get much better.
Ok all you snow flakes, lets not forget Remington 700 is battle proven. From Vietnam to the gulf wars you had to rely upon your weapon in order live another day. Mine was a Remington 300 win mag that never let me down and I owe my life to Remington for it’s reliability.
It’s a different world when your targets shoot back unlike the paper your shooting at. Is there always room for improvement? yes, but like the wars that Remington arms served in, Lets not forget.
U.S.M.C recon sniper
Don’t listen to all this smoke. Bought one for $950 put in a Timney 2 stage for $175, bought the bipod adapter from Harris. Put on a Leupold scope and rings. One box of factory Hornady 120ELD cleaned after each for 5 cleand after 5 for the next 3 groups sub MOA one group at .70. Worked up a load 40.5g H414 140 hornady BTHP Sub .5 one group at .3. Not bad for an out of the box gun.
I guess i just got lucky with my Remingtons. Every one is a tack driver. My last build was an ADL, Varmint 26″ heavy, 6.5 CM, did the trigger job myself at about 2.5 lbs (yes, its still doable if you know what youre doing), put it in a Choate USS stock, Leupold base and rings, Vortex Viper 6.5-20×44 30mm tube, it weighs in at about 13 pounds. At 100 meters the calipers measured .30. Hit the 550 yard steel target for 3 shots and still went home with 12 rounds in the box of 20. I havent even started reloads yet. I am in my mid-50’s and not half the marksman i used to be. I just dont understand all the trash talk about the 700.
Looking for a long range precision .308 compatible with my Wilson Combat Super Sniper in 6.5CM. I know I won’t get flatter or comparable groups at 1,000 yards with a .308, but if I can get 500 to 750 yards, I’ll have what I’m looking for. I’m not sold on bolt over semi yet either. They are getting pretty close these days. I do know I want a .308 designated caliber so I cane shoot both .308 and 7.62. I’ll be putting quality optics on it, a NightForce ATACR or high end Vortex, most likely.
I have a few Wilson’s so looking in other directions. Let me share my thoughts and get some opinions please. I was considering the Rem PCR, but going to nix that after this review and comments!
OK, I liked the Ruger SR 762, but with 16″ barrel, it doesn’t fit the need due to range (don’t need another tactical rifle, have plenty). My second thought on a semi is the POF P308 Edge SPR, but it is designated as a 7.62 caliber, not .308, disappointing, I like this rifle.
So, for precision bolts reasonable enough to still afford quality glass, I’m considering the Ruger Precision or the Tikka TSR-1 Precision. Please share your thoughts… Thanks, ~ Tom
What is the brand of bipod being used on this rifle?
That is an AccuTac bipod.
In addition to all the negatives pointed out by others, availability is also non-existent. So even if one assumes that it can be modified and broken in and might shoot 1/2-minute of angle with just the right load, you can’t get your hands on one to begin with unless you are a member of the gun press! I even looked for it at the hugeTulsa Gun Show and couldn’t find a single one to look at.
Well, I paid full list, but from order to in my hands was 5 days!
THEN I had to wait CA’s additional 10 days.
Price was my primary consideration. If the gun shoots less than one minute with factory ammo, my hand loads have typically cut groups to half the best commercial ammo. If the trigger needs to be can be improved. I can imagine less that half minute groups. So far, I have what I wanted!
Brother, you know me- not hating on you…but I have to say I think (given your background especially) you should have ripped Remington to shreds again (even worse this time), like you did when you reviewed their pistol last year. You’re getting soft in your old age (fight the temptation).
Since you tossed them a softball…please allow me:
My formerly beloved Remington has missed the mark once again. Being ever mindful of “Profit over Performance”, and continuing their race straight past all of their competition to the bottom…here they have assembled yet another glowing FAILURE.
-Designed for the “Walter Mitty and Tacticool” markets you have what amounts to a black brush hook that should be supplied with a machete to cut it away from all of the foliage it will encounter in the field.
-With a greater than one minute of angle accuracy it stands as Remington’s least accurate precision bolt gun in over half a century.
-It features a mushy trigger inspired and (poorly) designed by the US Bar Association, an ergonomically uncomfortable, fatigue enhancing grip angle…with the bonus of a gap that aggressively attacks the web of the shooting hand.
-As well as an overly high (thick) 20 MOA scope base to make full use of the adjustable cheek piece it adds extra tension to the shooters neck for decreased comfort when behind the rifle.
-It also features an equally unimpressive modular rail system to attach all sorts of un-needed accessories to further impede the rifle’s balance when moving into position.
-Remington tries to overcome these mechanical and ergonomic shortcomings by slapping some trendy brand name accessories on this steaming hunk of excrement to entice naive REMFs, Wannabes, Posers, Chair borne Rangers and Internet Commando’s out of the allowance they’ve earned while living in Mom’s basement.
-Another example of Big Green trying to slip you the Big Green Weenie without a free Popsicle for your ass after purchase.
-The place most fitting for this new addition to the Remington line is the “Dipsey Dumpster” behind McKellar’s Lodge!
(mike drop and toss rifle into dumpster…camera fades to black)
So what would you choose for a comparable 308 bolt action? Emphasis on long range accuracy and affordability.
Your ridiculous over-hate discredits your viewpoint. ‘Sodomy’ references seem immature for a discussion about a metal object. One of my range-mates has a PCR in 308 and upon firing it myself, I found it a very capable unit. I typically measure functional accuracy in ‘produce/yards’… i.e., if I can explode a water-filled pumpkin at 500 yards, I’m satisfied. Don’t buy a Kia and then complain about its non-Ferrari-like performance.
1600 for a Ruger RPR? WTF are you smoking? Even the gougers aren’t asking that.
You claim that you won’t find another chassis rifle for under $1500. My Savage Stealth in 6.5 Creed cost me about $950 and doesn’t have the ergonomic issues that this one seems to.
Howa Chasis rifle is an excellent choice and can be had in the $900’s. My last purchase was a Bergara BMP. No issues in quality whatsoever, very comfortable rifle. With handloads getting under .5 moa which is what you’d expect. I picked up for $1200 and it is definitely a step up from the PCR and worth it imo. Bergara is killing Remington in the quality department and it shows.
> 1″ MOA without break-in or ammo tests is fine for hunting but is doable in far less expensive rifles. I expect more from a bolt. My AR’s cut that performance in half and on a good day, less.
Have I missed a review on that unique bipod? Tell us more about it. Thank you.
Yes ya have missed a review, that’s the Accu-Tac and since I have one can guarantee ya it’s dollar for dollar the best on the market!
Who would buy a rifle and then carve it up using a Dremel Tool in an attempt to make it what is should be? Solution . . .find a rifle to buy without the defects of this new rifle. No wonder Remington is a failing company.
Another joke of a review. The rifle is great other than the trigger sucks, the pistol grip ergonomics suck, the rail sucks and the location of the safety is, like 90% of the chassis rifles, in entirely the wrong place for simple activation.
The folks at Ruger did their homework and while the 1st gen rifles had some issues, the 2nd generation rifles beat the shit out of this offering from Remington. Even if we go with your price points (which aren’t accurate at all) the Ruger is still a much better bet. The idea with all these rifles is that they are race ready out of the box. I just transferred a Ruger Precision Rifle in for a buddy and if we had stuck a decent scope on it, we could have gone right to a PRS match to shoot it after zeroing.
Try that with the Remington. Nope, no can do. Yet another “oh so close” moment for Remington who are completely out of ideas with most of what they are offering.
Leave no good deep unpunished.
Remington is an example of profits over quality….When Remington was bought up, quality went down. I have a Versamax that went back before I shot it…..I will not buy Remington again.
I took the Remington 700 ,338 Lapua Magnum,and mounted it to a Precision Arms chassis,and a great trigger,plus great glass, the result is a rifle that shoots like a lazer.
At least the FINALLY put a large bolt knob on a rifle…. But yea, the Ruger is a better bang for the buck hands down…. I
At ANY price a “precision” rifle with a junk trigger is a no.
ditto on the bad trigger. every rem 700 trigger has sucked since they went to the new design. the adjustment screws are a joke. i have never seen a trigger on a newer rifle able to adjusted down to the advertised spec. they should be sued for false advertising, get in line for that. thank the investment company that owns remington for destroying a once fine company.
My first build with a 700 was a 204. Used the action only. Threw anything else away. The action is the only thing that Rem has going for them. There trigger and barrel an’t worth a dime. Clean a Hart barrel and clean a Rem barrel. You will know then what i’m talking about.
The Ruger RPR has a street price of $1000. I bought my 6.5CM this summer for $950
excellent adjustable trigger
folding stock
real M-lock forearm
very effective muzzle brake included
.5 moa with factory ammo.
Does it still fire when you take the safety off?
A Remington 700 with a bad trigger. I am shocked…Is this another gun that will be too dangerous to own. Me thinks so. No thanks. Besides, why would anyone buy a new gun from a company in bankruptcy, a once great manufacturer driven in to ground from lawsuits and systemic mismanagement resulting in major QC/QA issues an multiple failed new product launches.
need better lighting in your mom’s basement to make a vid with a black rifle….dude
good stuff…keep it coming