Heckler & Koch Promises to Sell Only to NATO-Friendly Countries

in Authors, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
HK VP9 12

HK VP9 12.

German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch is promising to be more circumspect with sales contracts, specifically refusing to export firearms to countries that are non-NATO or non-NATO friendly, DPA reports.

“We only want to deliver to solid countries – that means unequivocally democratic, definitely not corrupt, and in NATO or close to NATO,” an employee, described as a “manager,” told DPA.

HK has created a sorta naughty and nice list, with “green” countries representing “nice” and “yellow” countries representing naughty. So, for example, the U.S. is obviously on the nice list or green list, whereas Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Turkey (incidentally a NATO member), and India are on the naughty list or yellow list.

Over its 67-year history, HK has taken heat for selling arms to countries with a dubious reputation, including Iran, Sudan, Chad and, as mentioned, Mexico. Additionally, HK has also granted licensing rights to 15 countries — including Saudi Arabia and Iran — so that they can manufacture G3 and G36 rifles in their own factories.

“We can certainly understand the ethical criticism of such exports,” said, the HK manger while also adding that that the recent shift in policy was still being “heatedly debated” within the company.

SEE ALSO: German Court Rules Heckler & Koch Not Liable for Faulty Rifles

In 2017, several former HK executives will go on trial for violating Germany’s ban on selling arms into a conflict zone. The former employees are accused of selling G36 rifles to Mexico from 2003-2011.

Watchdog organizations like the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) applauded the announcement.

“In principle this is exactly what we have called for,” said Wolf-Christian Paes of BICC, who also said that HK’s decision to become more discerning was a product of increased government regulation and scrutiny as opposed to concern for public welfare.

Whatever the reason for the change in policy, it’s good to see HK become a more responsible actor in the firearms community.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Ryan June 12, 2017, 3:53 pm

    If they only sell to non corrupt countries why are they selling them to the U.S?

  • Robert Pagan December 4, 2016, 3:20 pm

    I own a VP9 and a P30SK. Both are great handguns even for the price. Glad to know HK will take a stand on countries that sponsor terrorism.

    • Kursat August 11, 2017, 5:52 pm

      This is a stupid thougth! Turkish army killed more than four thousand ISIS terorist during the operation FIRAT SHIELDS. Turkish army killied more terorist than any coalition member countries! Bu the way, who found the ISIS? America! Who supports isis and kurdish terorists? America and Germany! Scruw HK…

  • Bob December 3, 2016, 6:42 pm

    Read the book twice and still not able to figure out where the safety is. Once you rack the slide, it is cocked and I find no way to uncock it unless you pull the trigger . I was taught growing up to not snap the firing pin cause it would break without nothing for it to strike. Answers?

  • Twobirdsflying December 2, 2016, 12:29 pm

    HK has fallen victim to a German government that is so far left that it actually sees HK as something to destroy for the good of the global community. I’d like to see them relocate to the United States where they can focus on growing the company not dogging political bullets.

  • jim December 2, 2016, 11:38 am

    This is why our Military should only adopt weapons platforms where production is completely DOMESTIC. If politics change your supply line is immediately compromised.

    • Dan F. June 9, 2017, 7:16 am

      We used to know that, and had national armories that manufactured the lion’s share of our small arms. Then we could supplement that contractually, as needed. We had a plan.

  • Billybob December 2, 2016, 10:37 am

    HK WAS the BEST ! MP5/G3/33/21e ! Now they are plastic disposables ! Just like Colt when they stopped sales to CIVILIANS ! F them ! Now there are copys just as good or even BETTER ! GLOCK / SIG / CZ /FN !

  • Doug December 2, 2016, 9:58 am

    ” definitely not corrupt,”…. Um yeah, let me know when you find one of those governments out there.

  • RetNavet December 2, 2016, 7:42 am

    Would make better sense to sell only to NRA members…..no one would die who wasn’t committing a felony

    • ~ Occams December 2, 2016, 10:24 am


      Wish I could post this meme I have that says;

      “Seriously. Conservatives own 200+ million guns, 12 trillion rounds of ammo.

      If we were violent, you’d know it.”

    • James June 9, 2017, 7:31 am

      How about selling the new SP5k’s with a threaded barrel. Is that too much to ask for a $2300.00 semi auto 9mm pistol?

  • Andrew December 2, 2016, 3:52 am

    HK: Because you suck, and we hate you!

    • James June 9, 2017, 2:14 pm
