Glock 42 Single-Stack .380 Micro-Pistol – New Gun Review – SHOT Show 2014 Preview

in Paul Helinski, Pistols, Uncategorized
The Glock 42 is a new .380ACP micro-pistol from one of the most trusted names in the firearms business. We got an early look at the gun prior to SHOT Show 2014.

The Glock 42 is a new .380ACP micro-pistol from one of the most trusted names in the firearms business. We got an early look at the gun prior to SHOT Show 2014.

By Paul Helinski

Glock USA

One of the biggest stories at SHOT Show for 2014 is a new single-stack .380ACP 6+1 from Glock called the Model 42. We were able to get a first look at the gun, and it is a lot of gun in a very small package. Most important, it is a Glock, and that carries a lot of weight with gun buyers in the market. Known for their ubiquitous “safe action” pistols, Glock is perhaps the biggest name in pistols in the gun world. The G42, at 13.6 ounces, 6 inches long tip to tail, 4 inches high from the top of the sight to the bottom of the magazine, and 13/16ths of an inch thick, is slightly bigger and heavier than the other micro .380s in the market, but small enough to be pocketed comfortably. The barrel is about 3 3/16ths or 3.2 inches long. The G42 handles much better than the tiniest of the pocket .380s, and we were able to shoot it into less than one-inch groups at 10 yards with Winchester range ammo. The only hiccup was that the G42 didn’t like Hornady Critical Defense, but that could be just because this is an early writer sample, and it is a brand new gun of course. The best carry gun is always going to be the gun you will actually carry and that you shoot well. A nice light, small and easy-shooting Glock .380 has been long awaited. We don’t have a projected MSRP for it yet, but as an everyday concealed-carry gun, this new Glock 42 should do very well.

This isn’t the first single stack for Glock. The G36 is a .45ACP six-shot that is slightly larger than this gun. What is interesting about the G42 is that until now Glock has not offered a .380 at all into the consumer market. The G25 and G28 are offered to law enforcement only for some reason, and as of this writing, the Glock website specifically says that “In the USA, the G28, and every GLOCK .380 Auto, is reserved for law enforcement agencies only.” So this is not only a new gun for Glock, it is also a new consumer caliber to support.

The G42 comes apart like other Glocks. You have to drop the mag, then lock the slide back, then pull down the release, then drop the slide and pull the trigger for the slide to come off the front.

The G42 comes apart like other Glocks. You have to drop the mag, then lock the slide back, then pull down the release, then drop the slide and pull the trigger for the slide to come off the front.

Testing the gun was somewhat confusing. Winchester range .380, the kind you used to be able to find at Walmart, ran perfectly in the G42. This is odd because the flat points on them have jammed a number of small semi-autos over the years. On the flip side though, usually we can rely on the 90 grain Hornady Critical Defense .380 to run in pretty much any gun, but the G42 just didn’t like it. We got stovepipe jams, and when the shell did eject properly, the action didn’t go into battery fully. All tiny guns are ammo-sensitive, but this one just didn’t make sense. How could it be an extractor or recoil spring issue when the cheap ammo works great and the expensive ammo doesn’t? I just ordered some (expensive) Remington Golden Saber to see how that runs in the gun. Its hollowpoint profile is a lot like the flat point Winchester range rounds.

This 10-yard rested group at under an inch was the norm with the Winchester ammo, not the exception.

This 10-yard rested group at under an inch was the norm with the Winchester ammo, not the exception.

Imagine my shock when I turned in my best-ever 10-yard rested group with a semi-auto pistol using the G42, and … you guessed it, those Winchester white box range rounds. Overall I shot about a box of 100 with the G42, and most of my groups were in the 1” range, with many of them under that, shooting a hot gun. Again, the Hornady Critical Defense didn’t do as well, though the 4” or so groups were more like what I usually shoot at 10 yards. Offhand I certainly couldn’t match my rested groups, but I found the G42 to be extremely manageable and easy to keep on target. Throughout my shooting, I noticed that the trigger pull was unusually heavy for a Glock. Later I measured it at almost 10 lbs., which proves that a heavy trigger pull, as long as it is smooth and doesn’t drag, is not necessarily a hindrance to good shooting. The final break on the trigger is difficult, but it is clean and doesn’t have any creep. If you use the pad of your index finger to pull the trigger, and not your knuckle, the pull is fine. Again, though, this is an early writer gun. Often they are rougher than the consumer production models.

Overall the G42 is a great little gun from one of the most trusted names in firearms. We will look further into the issue with the Critical Defense, and try some other ammo (if we can get it), then update the article in the future. It was great of Glock to send us an early sample for a first look, and if they let us, we'll be buying this neat little gun.

Overall the G42 is a great little gun from one of the most trusted names in firearms. We will look further into the issue with the Critical Defense, and try some other ammo (if we can get it), then update the article in the future. It was great of Glock to send us an early sample for a first look, and if they let us, we’ll be buying this neat little gun.

The trigger pull is noticeably heavy at the end of the break, which is why the great accuracy is so surprising.

The trigger pull is noticeably heavy at the end of the break, which is why the great accuracy is so surprising.

Our test gun weighed 13.6 ounces. It is almost exactly 6 inches long, 4 inches high, and 13/16ths thick. The G42 isn't the smallest .380, but you can tell that it is rugged and meant for a lifetime of dependable service.

Our test gun weighed 13.6 ounces. It is almost exactly 6 inches long, 4 inches high, and 13/16ths thick. The G42 isn’t the smallest .380, but you can tell that it is rugged and meant for a lifetime of dependable service.

There are no real surprises on the G42. The sights are plastic (ho hum). The six-round magazine is the standard Glock metal inside and plastic outside. Our test gun came with two, and we have no word as to whether extended magazine will be available. The grip as it is will be a two-finger grip for all but the smallest shooters, who may fit three. The takedown process is drop the mag, lock the slide back, pull down the takedown lever, release the slide and pull the trigger. The slide assembly slides off the front, and from there you can easily remove the dual-recoil spring and barrel for cleaning. One nice thing about Glocks is that you can virtually guarantee that there will be holsters available from pretty much everyone for the G42. This gun would be ideal for inside the waistband, in Thunderwear or other deep-conceal rigs, and of course in the pocket or purse inside of a Kydex holster. For many, the punch of the .380 cartridge is plenty, and the light weight and small frames of these micro guns are all they are willing to carry. If you have been looking for a .380 micro but didn’t feel comfortable with the cheesy and cheap feel of many of them, check out the Glock 42. It isn’t as tiny as some of the other .380s out there, but it is a Glock.

We had great accuracy results with Winchester white box range rounds in the G42. Hornady Critical Defense did not perform as well, but still within expectations for a micro-pistol. Small guns are usually ammo-sensitive, but usually it is the HCD that works when others fail.

We had great accuracy results with Winchester white box range rounds in the G42. Hornady Critical Defense did not perform as well, but still within expectations for a micro-pistol. Small guns are usually ammo-sensitive, but usually it is the HCD that works when others fail.


There was no indication inside the gun as to why it wouldn't like the Hornady steep-angle pointy plastic points.

There was no indication inside the gun as to why it wouldn’t like the Hornady steep-angle pointy plastic points.

The six-round magazine is easy to load, and our test gun came with two.

The six-round magazine is easy to load, and our test gun came with two.

This is a Made in USA Glock.

This is a Made in USA Glock.

The sights are plastic.

The sights are plastic.

The Hornady Critical Defense also had some stovepipe jams and failures to go into battery.

The Hornady Critical Defense also had some stovepipe jams and failures to go into battery.

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  • ejharb February 18, 2018, 6:44 pm

    They had to mod the magazines 3 times.good news is they take back the old mags and send you news ones.looking forward to running about 5 different kinds of ammo thru em to see how they a 380 I like fmj because I want to poke a deep hole in what I felt the need to shoot!

  • Larry Wheat October 1, 2017, 9:43 pm

    I have a Glock 42 and it shoots great never a hic up. I have used Winchester and other brands with out any noticeable differences in performance.

  • ejharb October 27, 2016, 1:34 pm

    1″ @10yds with white box ball at 100%reliability? I’d love to buy that when you go for a 43,lol

  • OldDad October 9, 2016, 5:28 pm

    After shooting the gunshop’s G42 and liking it very much, we bought one for my wife. For a year or so she had been shooting my EDC LCP Custom. That gun has run, from out of the box, perhaps 1000 or 1500 rounds without a single hiccup.

    I cleaned and oiled the G42 and we took it to the range. I experienced about 10% stovepipe or other FTF. My wife, on the other hand, had to shoot it, essentially, single-shot. Nearly every round stovepiped, double fed , or otherwise failed to feed. We have had the gun for several months now, and have put over 1000 rounds through it. It now runs perfectly for me. My wife is experiencing about 10% FTF.

    I am hoping that time will square the gun away. Despite the hiccups, my wife loves the gun. It is a very smooth, soft- shooter. My wife doesn’t carry yet, but if she did, I wouldn’t send her out with this one unless and until it runs 100%.

    BTW, my wife, while not a large person, is relatively strong. She is shooting under the tutelage of an NRA instructor (not me.)

    • OldDad October 9, 2016, 5:41 pm

      I should have mentioned that we have tried four different brands of ammunition: PMC, Fiocchi, and two others, one of which was very expensive. All of the ammo was ball.

  • CHris October 7, 2016, 12:53 am

    The Glock 42 is the most unreliable pistol made. Just as the review above stated, it had a major problem feeding properly. Even hornaday self defense rounds wouldn’t feed. Whatever you do, don’t get it for your wife unless she’s a hefty lady with big birly wrists.

  • Hugo July 25, 2016, 6:02 pm

    My LCP is smaller, lighter and hides well in just about any front pocket. I’m sure this G42 is a quality pistol, but if I’m carrying a gun that size, it will be a 9mm or a Springfield XDs .45.

  • ohlongarm July 25, 2016, 3:23 pm

    The Glock 42 is undoubtedly the best 380 on the market today with 2nd place going to the Kel Tec. I shoot 500 rounds before I trust an off duty weapon to carry.Never has a Glock or Kel Tec failed me. I’ve shot Winchester,Hornady,Underwood,Tula ,Wolf all functioned perfectly.Quit complaining no better guns for CCW in that round than the two mentioned. When these guns fail it’s human error 99% of the time. These companies make guns that work. Ammo sensitive are you kidding me?

    • Beretta 1934 November 18, 2016, 10:17 am

      Hey you old fart – other experiences are just as valid as you big mouth! Didn’t realize your opinion was top dog – what a windbag. Best keep your mouth shut so you can learn something old man

      • Robert October 13, 2017, 8:39 pm

        Beretta 1934
        Your comment to the ‘old fatt’ was and is, spot on!
        I would bet he doesn’t even own a single firearm! If he did, then he would never make a comment like he did! What a moron!

  • SSGT.Skip Wilson Retired March 6, 2015, 9:06 am

    This Glock the finest is just a outstanding firearm for concealed carry and reliability.

  • SSGT.Skip Wilson Retired March 6, 2015, 9:06 am

    This Glock the finest is just a outstanding firearm for concealed carry and reliability.

  • Tom Stevens January 3, 2015, 3:47 pm

    In regards to the Critical defense round; was there a measurement of length of that round, compared to the Win. round, taken?

  • ed December 30, 2014, 2:28 pm

    I recently purchased the 42. I have a kel-tec p3at, a bodyguard, a shield 9, 40cal and 9mm glocks. I carried glocks on duty for YEARS. Never a problem. This 42 was the same. I shot golden spear, critical defense, and ball ammo, not one issue. I think the newer 42s have had some minor changes to correct any issues. while I was initially turned off by the news on the trigger pull weight, I didn’t notice one bit when shooting. my gf runs a bodyguard and she LOVED the 42. but she is big on the external safety. me not so much. I prefer no safety. like others have said….if your trained you know that your finger and or holster is the safety. I can assure you that my friends are buying these 42s faster than our blue dot dealer can get them in. I purchased 4 extra mags and some finger extensions. these mags are so little I carry a spare in my pocket and a spare in the car. Don’t take me word for it…. go shoot it. But I just wanted people to hear my positive feedback. I love my shield but the 42 is just so much lighter to carry. so the shield went in my EDC bag and I carry the 42 all day everyday.

    • Michael D Bryant September 15, 2017, 10:11 pm

      Have a G42 that I shoot Critical defence ammo without a problem.
      We carry G17 & G19 at the department with the Law Enforcement Critical Defense also it’s used in our Colt 9mmm sub guns. Did a trigger weight test and came up between 5 1/5 and 6 pounds. Will recheck trigger pull after more rounds run through.

  • Don December 29, 2014, 8:05 pm

    Glock should issue a recall on this gun. I (tried to) put four (4) different brands of .380 ammo through this gun and nothing but failures. This is the first Glock I have purchased and will be my last. I will stay with my S&W Mod 60.

  • Dan December 29, 2014, 11:35 am

    I averaged 875 feet per second with the 90 grain Hornady FTX .380 from the Ruger LCP with a low speed of 861 fps. Winchester 95 grain h.p. from Wal-mart only got an average of 826 fps with a low of 781 fps. I don’t think the speed of the FTX rounds tested here are causing the problem unless this lot is a below specs lot and that is a possibility. The LCP shoots everything, to include Winchester Silvertips and Federal Hydra-shoks without a hiccup. I like the long double action of the LCP when carrying the gun in a pocket; there’s less chance of a discharge with something in a pocket getting caught up inside the trigger guard.

  • Bob December 29, 2014, 10:17 am

    I have shot the Hornaday rounds without a hitch in the G42. As well as the flat point FMJs, Speer Gold Dots, and Monarch. However, Barnes TAC XPD resulted in FTF, FTE, stovepipes and double feeds.

  • Greg Becker December 29, 2014, 9:59 am

    I was glad to hear that Glock finally got their 380 on the US market. However I was not as glad when I saw the gun on the range. I had two women shoot this gun, and they had more then one failure to feed and failure to fire. One gal, is an 18 year law enforcement officer and knows her way around the gun. The other gal, a novice shooter experienced the same malfunctions, use, using the Winchester round. I then had gun handled to a cop for close to 22 years. He also had some failure to feeds. He said that only when he had a very strong grip, (death grip) did the gun function alright. I think I’ll continue to promote the Ruger LCP or the Kel-Tec.

  • retrosurf June 5, 2014, 8:41 pm

    I personally carry the Ruger LCP and have never had a stovepipe with anything, including the critical defense. Just hearing that there is a problem with any round that I would consider using for self defense absolutely rules the glock out as a carry weapon to me. I will stick with my LCP 6+1.

  • Tom April 20, 2014, 9:31 pm

    Some people miss the point about the number of rounds in the magazine. The G42 is not a weapon to bring to a gun battle. It’s for taking down an aggressor or two that want to take your life at close range. This is why a .22 is the prefered weapon of hood rats. They’re cheap, small, conceal well, and will kill you at close range.

    • glenn frischmann December 15, 2016, 5:55 pm

      Not so much anymore. Everything I have seen is the HoodRats are carrying .40 cal and .45 acp Glocks. It seems they realize these rounds are more effective.

  • George April 6, 2014, 6:15 pm

    I had 3 Hornady C Defense shells that failed to chamber in my Glock 23 g4. The entire box will be given away
    Not a single problem with hundreds of other differant rounds.
    Can’t wait to get my hands on the Glock 42

  • Soloone March 19, 2014, 12:13 pm

    I have been shooting for some 70 years and I’m amazed at the number of people making comments based on ignorance. I just bought a Glock 42. If I would’ve believed 10% of the comments about the 42, I wouldn’t have bought it. Everyone seems to be an expert and a second guesser today.

    I have learned to totally disregard any comment using the word “junk’ as pertaining to firearms. It seems like I should widen my criteria. As an old shooter, I will not put down anyone’s choice of firearms.

  • Bob. K March 8, 2014, 4:07 pm

    Like to see this size Glock in a 9mm or better yet a 45.

    • Mark Bartholomew July 25, 2016, 7:30 am

      Glock 30s as close as you’re going to get and a pleasure to shoot.

      • Mike Stearman February 9, 2017, 10:56 am

        My Glock 30sf and S&W 40 ve are my only slide guns to date. I reworked the trigger on the S&W 40 so that it was more managable (around 6 lbs.). The Glock 30sf, with the shorter barrel gives better 7 yard groups than the S&W 40. My new shooting mantra is FRONT SIGHT FOCUS. It changed shooting completely.

  • Corry March 5, 2014, 2:14 pm

    I have a S&W Bodyguard .380, and took it to the range to run some rounds through it. While I was there, I also tried out the Glock 42, and I’m not particularly a Glock fan (I am a Sig Sauer girl), I thought this pistol shot SO much better than my Bodyguard. Trigger pull on the 42 is nothing compared to the Bodyguard, and the recoil action is also much better (other than it wanting to expend cartridges right on my head – lol!). I’m going to buy a 42 now – I’m sold. Great little gun……

  • Bonnie February 25, 2014, 4:16 pm

    My husband came home yesterday with a G42 as a gift for me. I was carrying a Beretta 380. G42 is much lighter and easier for me to handle. We went to the range today and I love it, I did not notice a heavy trigger pull but then again I pull with my finger pad and not my knuckle. Matter of fact we are looking to purchase another G42 today.

  • Randy February 21, 2014, 10:40 pm

    I can not believe how off-topic, arrogant, illogical, foolish, and not well thought out, many of your comments are.

    The article is about the Glock 42 and many of your submissions are a stretch to consider them relevant to the discussion. Others are so arrogant, that they border on being genuine donkey talk.

    Many of you, act like teenagers on facebook.

    [email protected]

  • Clickclick February 15, 2014, 7:39 am

    Thanks for the review. I got similar results. Trigger pull a little heavy, recoil not bad for a .380 this size, my wife could shoot this very accurately. Better than me for sure darn it.
    Great size gun for carry.
    Before you buy, beware of how finicky with ammo it is.
    Winchesters and bulk ammo from my local guns store ran great.
    Barnes tac-xpd, Hornady Critical Defense, some old Magtech ..none of these ejected!
    Not even once.
    That worries me since .380 can be so hard to find and you have to take what you can get.

  • david February 3, 2014, 8:08 pm

    i dont know why everyone think they are such experts when it comes to guns.glocks are just fine wheather the trigger is heavy or not,wheather the sights are plastic or not or wheather you think they are ugly or thing i know they are accurate,reliable ,simple and affortable and most important you can count on a glock when you need it…as long as you aint putting all these crazy gadgets on them…those that are complaining obviously cant rely on there own training that they blame it on the gun.

  • Spencer Jones February 2, 2014, 12:53 am

    Absolutely in love with my little Sig Sauer P238, which of course is chambered in .380 caliber.

    I tested it against my S&W BodyGuard .380, and against my Walther PPK as well. And it outshone them both by a wide margin. Trigger pull is far better. Recoil is lighter. Sights are better. Better groupings at 10 yards. Etc. For me, it’s the perfect little pocket pistol. Plus, you can get the ‘pinkie extender’ mags which gives you nearly an extra half inch on the handle, so that the grip is nice and solid even in larger hands like mine.

    I can’t wait for the new Glock G42 to hit the market. I’ll definitely try it first chance I get. But I’ll be stunned if it outdoes the Sig P238.

  • Job1mil January 31, 2014, 4:53 pm

    “There was no indication inside the gun as to why it wouldn’t like the Hornady steep-angle pointy plastic points” — from that picture it’s obvious to me! The o.e.m. barrel of a model#22 .4 cal Glock has more machining to produce a wider and deeper concave area to help chamber the round from its magazine. That’s the same problem I bought into replacing it with a Storm Lake stainless extended barrel. Their claim of making it a better shooting gun doesn’t matter when the cartridges jam while loading…

  • Mark Are January 31, 2014, 12:22 pm

    Cute, but if I can carry a Glock 27 or 26 or maybe a 33 I’ll do it. That tiny bit of conceal ability difference sure doesn’t make up for 9mm, .40 or .357 Sig. Especially when I can get any of those going over 1200 FPS. .380 = last resort, in the face.

  • Bill Douglas January 31, 2014, 9:46 am

    I have a G19 & G26, but I have no interest in the G42 380 because it’s about the same weight, size, and capacity as my Kahr PM9 which is chambered for 9mm. If Glock comes out with a G43 in 9mm, I’ll take a look.

  • Bob January 31, 2014, 7:46 am

    I had to get this puppy. I received it on Wednesday, cleaned it and took it to the range yesterday. I have today that even though it’s not as tiny as true micro .380s, it’s pretty small and I love that I can actually get a good grip on it. Trigger pull is a bit heavy on a production unit as well, however I doubt I would be able to tell in a high stress situation. It’s not my first Glock, nor my first .380, but I’m happy to see that Glock decided to make it. Should they have made it in 9mm? Opinions, everyone has them… Maybe they’ll make a single stack 9mm for those who want one. Right now, looking it for what it is and not what some would have preferred, it’s a great little gun and time will tell after some more testing if it replaces my current “summer” carry gun. Based n my experience with Glocks, it surely will.

  • Me January 27, 2014, 12:55 am

    For those confused about the 9mm having the same power as a 357 at 100 yards, remember, they’re talking about a “Pistol Caliber Carbine,” i.e. a 9mm cartridge in a 16″ barrel, which gives it more time for the bullet to be accelerated by the pressure of expanding gasses before the gases are vented to atmosphere. Look up the ballistics for the KelTec Sub2000 in 9mm, for an example.

  • Shane muse January 25, 2014, 6:24 pm

    Well I finally got some rounds thru my wife’s g42 today and was very disapointed in ammo reliability.
    Cleaned it well with complete breakdown before running it. First 12 rounds with rem.UNC 95grn.2 failure to fire which was due to ammo not completely chambering with firing pin hitting near the edge of the primer.
    Cleaned out factory grease and cleaned with Ballistol plus dried it out as I run my glocks dry.
    I then ran 30 rnds of 95 grn pmc with 5 stove pipes and failure to feed 4 times on second rnd only not locking slide back on the last rnd any.
    Run 40 rnds of fiocchi 95 Grn with 1 stove pipe 5 failure to feeds not locking back on last rnd any.
    Run 6 80 Grn Barnes defense loads would not cycle the slide to pick up next rnd.
    When the 42 ran it was extremely accurate with no recoil. I’ve never owned a 380 so I’m not familiar with how well they run but have been told ” that’s a 380 for ya”I’m thinking of contacting glock about this one since most I’ve read on this gun so far hasn’t had many if ant problems .My wife was excited about carrying this gun but until I get better reliability she will have to wait.
    Maybe I should have waited a while but as for me and all I shoot with have never had issues with our glocks straight out of the box.
    Might be sending this one in for warranty work.
    Does anyone have experience with glock customer service ? What should I expect and how will it go?
    Thanks for any info.

  • J. Pruitt January 23, 2014, 8:25 am

    I was lucky to pick up a Glock 42 on Tuesday and immediately took it to the range. I shot 50 rounds of Critical Defense and 100 rounds of Winchester White Box all without one fail to feed or stovepipe. Being a LEO this will definitely be my backup firearm (switching from Glock 26, to bulky to hide under vest). The trigger loosens up after you put a few rounds through it. We tested 7.5 pounds at the end of the 150 rounds. Recoil is very manageable for follow up shots and the accuracy is that of any other Glock. The only advice i have is wait a few months for the price to drop down as i paid 695.99 plus tax. But what can I say I had to keep my Glock line complete

  • T. Wright January 21, 2014, 12:59 am

    I’m happy with my G26 Glock and my SCCY for CC’s. I’m looking for a .380 that my wife can feel comfortable with. The trouble is gun shops that have ranges don’t have a good selection of guns for here to try. I would never assume that a specific gun is for her. She needs to be comfortable with her gun. She likes the Sig P938 but wants to check out other .380’s.

  • Daniel Casher January 20, 2014, 5:58 pm

    I have one reserved at my favorite gun shop. I am trading in a Kel Tec P3AT on it. Why? Because it is a Glock. I am a G19 carrier and I expect this G42 to have the same Glock reliability. Precision One makes a 380 Self Defense cartridge that has 12-14″ penetration and consistent expansion, and I expect to carry this new 380 when I feel like it without fear that I am undergunned. I expect that a new trigger bar will soon follow that will lighten the pull and I also expect an extended mag that will add an extra round will become available very soon.

    • Louie T. January 26, 2014, 12:01 am

      Precision one is the top ammo in (shooting the bull 410 ) tests on you tube. Very good penetration and expansion for a 380. If i carried one it would be stoked with it.

  • John B January 20, 2014, 12:49 pm

    I am retired police officer. Have 40 years in Law Enforcement. I purchased a Glock 9mm when Glock first started selling here in the USA, I traded that ione in for a Glock 45 caliber. I want stopping, knockdown power if I have to engage. I had the full size 45 caliber and the baby Glock 45 caliber. I love them. I also have my Glock full size 40 caliber. I have never had a problem shooting them and qualifying . When our Department went to Glocks a representative from Glock came to our Department. They showed us videos of Glocks. They showed 1,000 Glocks broke down and all the parts thrown into a pile. They then reassembled 1,000 Glocks from the pile of parts and all ogf them fired with no problems. They showed a Glock that was in sand and water for 1 year. They picked it up and it fired. They showed one being dropped from a helicopter and it fired. I trust my life and my families life with Glock.

  • deedeemao January 18, 2014, 11:17 pm

    I don’t want a single stack Glock in .380. I want the same exact sized gun in 9 x 19 mm.

  • deedeemao January 18, 2014, 11:17 pm

    I don’t want a single stack Glock in .380. I want the same exact sized gun in 9 x 19 mm.

  • deedeemao January 18, 2014, 11:17 pm

    I don’t want a single stack Glock in .380. I want the same exact sized gun in 9 x 19 mm.

  • David January 18, 2014, 7:02 pm

    From what I’ve read, the trigger system is standard Glock and any stock / custom parts already on the market will fit. The finger guard spacing around the trigger is suppose to be the same as on other Glocks.

  • Jim January 14, 2014, 7:31 am

    ….pull down the takedown lever….

    Lol, are you sure you are reviewing the G42?

  • John H January 12, 2014, 6:57 pm

    and BTW, it took my Springfield EMP exactly 142 rounds before it would shoot 3 rounds in a row w/o jammin’….
    after 143…it ran like a top….maybe the baby Glock just needs some time…..

  • John H January 12, 2014, 6:52 pm

    I have a DB9 and it runs great.Just don’t bust any +P in it !! I find it hard to believe that Glock would jump on the “poodle shooter”
    pistol bandwagon. A Springfield XDS .45 is THE small gun to have.It makes me uncomfortable seeing ANY Glock
    jam. Sumtin’ ain’t kosher…recall ’em and try again…..

  • Honest fanboy January 12, 2014, 4:07 pm

    This is proof that if you were to roll mark “Glock” on a turd the sheeple would line up to buy it! An oversized low capacity small caliber pistol that doesn’t even run and the fanboys are in love? Coming soon the Glock dog turd only smells a little bit! Wow I can’t wait to get mine. Ha Ha Ha

    • Bill Smith January 13, 2014, 12:39 pm


      • Bob January 31, 2014, 7:55 am

        That would probably be the most reliable turd you’ve seen, and not ridiculously expensive!

  • Louie T. January 12, 2014, 4:36 am

    The diamondback db9 puts this gun to shame. It beats it in every way. Size, weight, power and quality, ie, metal guide rod, steel trigger, steel mag catch and button, nickel boron slide,and super acurate, 9mm power , all with the db9 and weights 11 ozs. And yes i read your review on the db. Next time read the manuel before you shoot it. No ammo over 124 grain, no junk ammo and no limp wristing. Try it again and then get back to us. I have run hundreds of rounds thru mine and it runs perfect.

    • Administrator January 12, 2014, 10:32 am

      Read our review of the DB9 it is a POS.

    • jay January 30, 2014, 9:55 pm

      the dbp has not so good track record,i have a db380 and 9 and had to replace the frame pins in the 9 and I just got a g42 today and its small I compared it to the db380 and 9 and bersa bp9cc and I think its perfect sixe not to big or small it light and if its glock reliable then ill be happy cause most little 380 are not reliable? and I want a smaller light weight carry gun that I shoot a lot and be familiar with unlike the other 380 so small u don’t want to shoot them and the db9 has a lot of kick to it and I would choose the g42 with 6 well placed rounds because I would be comfortable and accurate and it go bang every round! if u don’t like it or don’t want a 380 then move on who gives a shit what people say until you have been shot with a 380 and a 9mm and can tell us hoe it feels then stfu!! if I have to pull and use my weapon ill empty the mag and have a few head shots in there and if that didn’t work ill use my hands and do whatever I have to do!! really whats the chances youll have to use and shot someone anyway !! so carry what u want and like and practice and live life!! thanks

  • Todd January 10, 2014, 7:48 pm

    Great, so a single stack .380 that’s bigger, heavier, more expensive and less power than other single stack 9mms already on the market. Sorry but only reason anyone would really buy this is because of the name stamped on the barrel. Other than that it has nothing positive going for it.

  • Mike January 10, 2014, 2:58 pm

    Will the Glock 42 be Mass. compliant?

  • Sig January 10, 2014, 12:18 am

    U took words right out my mouth as I reading all the negativity of it being a .380. I have a sig p938 with 6+1 mag. This new glock seems it would be perfect for my wife. I am interested in more about its Safty of being in her purse. I see the glock 42 as a opening for people to enter the growing world for ccw/CPL holder that don’t need a fat big gun. What’s the point of 45 rounds in .45 as personal defense. Most incedents accure within 3 to 8 seconds, I’d like to see someone empty a clip, reload and empty again in an average of 5 seconds. O, and don’t shoot little Susie riding her bike on the other side of the street or the only big fat gun you’ll end up in your pants will be your cell mates. If u need more than 6 rounds in most, most, self defense incidences u need spend more time at the range and clear your head. Thanks for all the info here guys. Looking foward to seeing glocks new 42.

    • Sig January 10, 2014, 12:28 am

      FYI the phrase having it in her purse is ment as having her carry in general as a novis carier and being comfortable with it. Having it in your purse u might as well just give it away to a bad guy that’s steeling the purse.

      • wendy January 11, 2014, 6:23 pm

        your holster is your safety, if you pull the gun at all, you plan to shoot it, and as a novice carrier, you don’t think about, oh is the safety off, you just shoot, in that 3-8 seconds that you have to decide, can i shoot/kill this person if it means my life or the life/safety of my kids. you spend time at the range to get used to that idea too, cause if you can’t pull the trigger when you pull the gun, you shouldn’t be carrying at all. that’s my thought process about it. i’m a female novice, looking forward to trying the G42.

  • Joe Simeone January 9, 2014, 6:08 pm

    This would be a great pocket gun, if it was a 9 mm. This is one of the biggest .380 pocket pistol on the market, 6in by 4in at almost 14 oz. & 1 in wide. The LCP 5in x 3.6 in .88 in wide and only 9.4 oz (my LCP weighs only 8.7 oz with mag and 10.2 oz loaded with 6+1, 90 grain jhp. Think storm lake will have a drop in 9 mm barrel? I love my gen 4 21 but will not be looking to Glock for a pocket .380

  • Jimmie January 9, 2014, 3:23 pm

    rb your dead on with your words the first shot should always be your best period. dubie must be smoking his own crop or something. And also this talk about what is the best round for self defense. Well I’m sorry but at close range defense shooting the best round to have loaded up is the one that goes off like all rounds should go off. Sure a defense round will tear out more tissue, but a target round will tear out enough good hide that the person getting shot with it is not going to be wondering if it was a target round or a defense round. Bullets are small and dang fast in plain words so half of this big talking I know it all talk is just fluffing peoples own feathers. A .9mm or a .40 or a .357 or even the so called little .380’s are going to kill from the shear velocity and speed alone tearing through a persons body. During this ammo shortage I have continued to carry target rounds in my carry guns and if anyone wants to stand in front of one of my target rounds to prove that I’m wrong and that I don’t know what I’m talking about WELL be my guest.. I get so tired of all this big man talk like they know and have all the facts.. Well fact this any bullet can kill you period.. Grow up.. it’s no wonder people call us all gun fanatics like were all killing nuts. Some of you talk like your the professional that your not.. If you carry be smart and be a grown up.. You have to be a bad A$$ to be a good shot.

  • WilliamDahl January 9, 2014, 10:08 am

    Personally, I would not carry a caliber lighter than a 9mm, but if that is all you think you can conceal, go for it.

    I just wish that the everyone would quit falling for the Glock propaganda where they say that their split trigger is a safety — it is not. Carrying a Glock is like carrying a M1911 in Condition-0. The only difference is that the trigger pull is heavier. A “safety” is something that prevents the gun from firing if you pull the trigger. Glock does not have that. With a M1911, not only do you have the thumb safety, but you have the grip safety.

    • GlockOwner January 22, 2014, 3:18 am

      I’m sorry but any device that stops my gun from going bang when the trigger is pulled is not a safety. If your gun is in a condition where the trigger is capable of being pulled you are ready to shoot something or someone. If your not ready to shoot, its in a holster, case, or safe where the trigger is not accessible. External (thumb) safeties are unnecesary (and an extra step) if you are properly trained and practice.

  • Joe Stephens January 8, 2014, 11:35 pm

    As I have been commenting on a lot about the new little gun from Glock it will be a hit, I own a gun shop and I am also a Kansas Concealed Carry Instructor and I know the a least in my area of the world for a “everyday, everywhere” carry gun. The small 380 is by far the best selling gun, I personally sell 3 to 1, 380’s over 9mm’s. People can say what they want and I know all have there opinion of the “Best” caliber and the “Best” gun to carry. But the facts are the 380 is here to stay and will continue to out sell all the concealed “pocket 9” out there no matter who makes it. I can’t wait to have my own Glock 42 and I know I will love it as much as I love all my other Glocks. By the way I carry a Taurus TCP everyday, everywhere.

  • SPARKSTER January 8, 2014, 7:36 pm


  • Nick C. January 8, 2014, 6:43 pm

    so, are the people from Glock giggling somewhere while they read our comments about their new “380”? or are they serious? Unfortnuately, I think I know the answer to that question. This is kind of like.. Hitting the lottery and purchasing your dream car, but when you pick it up you pop the hood to find yours has a 4-cylinder in place of the V8 it was supposed to have.. and everyone else on the road has. or maybe.. you’re friended on Facebook by one of the most fun and gorgeous girls you went to high school with, but when it’s time to meet up you realize not only were those pictures on the beach from atleast 4 summers ago, she’s into nights of watching “my cat from hell” and she never learned to cook.. but seriously, This gun really shows how much Glock was NOT listening. is it because we wrote “9mm single stack” and we didn’t specify “9mm Luger single stack”?

  • Joon January 8, 2014, 2:00 pm

    This is going to be a huge seller. 1st) Very few if any quality striker fired 380s. 2) There is a huge market for 380 handguns. 380s are easy to conceal and have “adequate” power if you take care of your part. Lots of people find that it is hard to carry a glock 19..27..32..whatever…easily. Yes..those are by far much better options than a 380 but a 380 on your hip or pocket is better than a glock 23 sitting in your safe. I think glock is very smart for sending the 380 out first. Once it sells…like I believe it will…then they release the 9mm. I believe that if they would have put the 9mm out first then they would miss out on the 380 market and limit the potential of these single stack guns. Now…for glock guys like me…Ill have to buy this little guy when it comes out….and like glock has probably figured out….that in 6 months or a year….when they release the 9mm….Ill have to have on of those as well. See glock knows how bad people want a single stack 9mm and they have devout following. So they will release the 380 to give us a taste…and then release the one everyone wants. Its actually really smart. Of course i have no evidence to prove this but its just one guys opinion.

    • MistrBackgammon January 25, 2014, 11:00 am

      I think you are right. The 380 will be legal in Latin American markets and they will soon make the same gun in 9mm and maybe 40 or 357 sig or maybe even 10mm. Glock doesn’t make a lot of mistakes.

  • Victor January 8, 2014, 1:40 pm

    The Hottest caliber is the 10mm…give us the G50 10mm 17 +1 underwood 135 grain JHP’s…

  • Troy January 8, 2014, 10:53 am

    The description given for breaking down the gun is different than any other Glock I’ve owned (don’t lock the slide back)…

    • Administrator January 8, 2014, 1:11 pm

      Well it isn’t mutually exclusive it just works.

  • caleb January 8, 2014, 2:10 am

    This a smart move on glocks part. They are obviously late to the game with the big players (springfield and smith) with single stack 9mm but nobody is building a solid strikerfire 380. Hopefully this means they are entering the single stack market and a 9 and even a 40 will follow. Correct me if im wrong but who besides kahr builds something similiar thats main stream? This will outshoot current 380s like the lcp and bg. Smart move glock. Haters gonna hate.

    • Joon January 8, 2014, 2:29 pm


  • Lawman1214 January 8, 2014, 12:22 am

    So far the only good thing I have read is someone who stepped outside the “need to be known” group, and went for the SCCY 9mm. As a dealer, I can sell these over a Glock 9mm / or the oversized Glock 380, to most women and men any day of the week. As a dealer I pay between 215 and 230 per gun. Comes with 2 factory made, 10 round mags, a nice trigger lock, and “break-in” lubricant! Add Davidson’s lifetime replacement warranty and let anyone compare the 380 , oversized, Glock to this smooth looking, well made American 9mm, and tell the buyer, $295.00 and they almost always go for the money saving SCCY…

    • Frank January 8, 2014, 2:34 pm

      Love my SCCY for everyday carry. I have an AMT Backup that fits in my back pocket but not my choice for everyday.

    • Martin B January 11, 2014, 11:31 pm

      Another great choice would be the Bersa BP9, not much larger than the Glock 42, but with 8+1 9mm rounds. People seem to love shooting it!

    • the original-----> Russ December 29, 2014, 4:33 pm
  • Russ January 7, 2014, 9:05 pm

    G42 has nearly same dimensions as XDS it is also larger that Ruger LCP and S&W bodyguard.
    For being .380 is a little too big I think.

  • mik January 7, 2014, 7:41 pm

    I can see why those shells had problems. It is because they are not real critical defense bullets. CD bullets all have nickel plated cases, so those have to be those hornady hot hp’s that get stuck in my taurus 738.

    • Administrator January 7, 2014, 9:31 pm

      They are standard 90gr. CD

  • Marc January 7, 2014, 6:17 pm

    I’ll be going with Remington’s new r51 9mm….. No use for .380

    • Ray Houthuysen March 31, 2014, 3:05 pm

      Recalls on both the Shield and XDs

  • Adam January 7, 2014, 4:22 pm

    Is that weight with or without an empty mag?

    So, it’s bigger then every modern, combat reliable .380 out there, and even bigger than my Kahr PM9 ??? OUCH!

    Every comment on the G42 on the message boards, leading up to the SHOT unveiling, indicated that if it was a single stack 9mm, around the size of a G26, it would be a winner. If it was a .380, it would be a loser. I guess only time will tell!

  • James January 7, 2014, 3:15 pm

    I’am a Glock fan i own a few (G-20,G-29,G-36) I have had very few issue’s with them..However the new G-42 i think would be better off as a 9mm single stack mag. The only reason i think this is because glock needs a better back up weapon(slim,smaller profile,ect..)There are already enough .380’s on the market that fit that billet..unless someone is a “Glock” only person which would be absurd in my opinion.I like a alot of other people feel like the smallest caliber i feel comfortable with carrying is the 9mm.However i do own a .380 the Sig p238 witch i find to be a very nice gun all around.I would put it against any other .380 out there.Just my opinion, In the end i guess a .380 is better than nothing if thats all you have to carry.

  • Dave January 7, 2014, 2:05 pm

    The trigger can be easily changed just like any glock. I’ve been wanting glock to make a micro single stack 9mm for a longtime. So they missed the mark there.

    My major problem is that it is no smaller than a G27 with 9+1 .40, and G26 10+1 9mm other than a very small amount of width. I carry a G27 loaded with 180gr ranger talons everyday appendix and it completely vanishes. That’s a lot of gun in the same size as this new .380.

    I’m 6’4 and there is no way I could pocket carry this pistol. Anything bigger than the little Keltec P38T or Ruger LCP is just not pocket friendly at all. If glock would have made this pistol that size, then I’d be all over it.


    • wendy January 11, 2014, 6:06 pm

      i’v shot my husband’s G27, and it was hard for me to handle. His larger .40 glock was easier, but even the G27 would be hard for me to conceal. I’ve been looking for a small .380 to cc, really don’t want a 9mm. I need something small enough to conceal, but large enough that i can handle the recoil, and i like the simplicity and reliable reputation the glocks have. the G42 is smaller than the G27; as a petite female ( more than 12″ shorter than you), that will make a considerable difference to me, and I don’t plan on carrying it in my pocket. can’t wait to try it.

  • Jimmy Mann January 7, 2014, 1:06 pm

    You can keep your Glock .380, I’ll keep my Walther PPK/S .380. It is a bit heavy gut it has never failed to fire and I haven’t yet found any mainstream ammo that hasn’t functioned quite well. I have had it for several years, have put over 700 rounds through it, mostly at indoor ranges, and wouldn’t trade it for any other .380 available. My wife though prefers her Ruger LCP .380 with the trigger guard laser. It is very light and still manageable for her at 4’11 and her small hands. both of these are our personal concealed carry weapons of choice.

    • DarthVaderMentor January 7, 2014, 1:25 pm

      Well said, Jimmy. After I lightened the spring on it a few years back, I’ve shot over a 1000 rounds and never has it failed me. An effective classic weapon is always a classic weapon.

  • john January 7, 2014, 1:00 pm

    I carry the mod 22-40cal everyday(State issue). and feel great with it.. I know when the s#### hits the fan it’s there. I was presented a Glock of my choice as a gift for being selected S.E.
    Officer of the Year 2012. Wanted the .380 but wasn’t available so I selected the “Baby” 26. A great back-up. But if you want to try a “little over priced” .380 give the Colt Gov. Mod a try. Sweet Just my opinion. Still love my Glocks

  • JL January 7, 2014, 12:27 pm

    As a Sergeant for a small police department in Michigan, I came across the G25 & G28 many years ago and was excited that Glock had entered the .380 market, since we carried Glocks on duty. After more research, however, I learned that the 25 & 28 were not importable to the U.S. – NOT even to Law Enforcement. Through numerous friends with FFLs and trusted dealers, I exhausted all attempt and effort trying to get one. When a federal agent friend put me in touch with someone at the ATF that knew anything, that ATF agent did not have an answer as to why, as a police officer, I was unable to get one. So don’t be fooled by the small print…

    Glad to see a U.S. version of the .380 is finally coming out!

  • Steve January 7, 2014, 11:40 am

    I think this is a bit of a dud creation, it uses delayed blowback which is unusual for a .380, no doubt makes it easy to shoot but also makes it a bit on the large side for a .380. Needs to be 9mm to be worthwhile.

    • g2022 January 9, 2014, 11:58 pm

      Actually it is not delayed blowback. It is a short recoil action.

  • mark January 7, 2014, 11:14 am

    I own many guns Glock included and though they are good guns they are not the only gun, yes the police use them but our armed forces use Beretta, lowest bidder I guess. However, I favor my Browning Hi-Power and not to laugh at, my Taurus 738 TCP {.380} with over 3000 rounds and going strong. The Glock .380 sounds like it may need some work yet, we’ll just have to see.

    • Marc January 7, 2014, 6:55 pm

      I have had no luck with ant Taurus and have owned several browning hi powers, 9mm .I love the design but cant hit with it. I have owned several glocks in many rounds and love them. Browning got it right with the 1911! I love mine! Glock rocks and I will purchase one! My second favorite gun,1911 rules and till I die, will always love them but too heavy to carry for me. My choice is GLOCK.

  • Jacob January 7, 2014, 10:37 am

    All ya’ll need to quit whining about a 9 pound trigger pull if you have any muscle then it shouldn’t be a problem and also for y’all that are barking 9mm, glock has already made many 9mm pistols but has not touched the .380 market at all so me personally I’m really excited about them.

  • jerry January 7, 2014, 10:36 am

    so glad GLOCK is finally coming out with a .380! my wife will finally carry now!

  • hsabin January 7, 2014, 10:35 am

    I wonder if a woman tried to shoot this new gun? Recoil? At its size and a .380 I bet this has a kick to it. And racking the slide? Can a female especially an older one, rack this easily? I would love to try this one out – the best gun for concealed carry for women that is easy to rack is a Walther PK 380 – I wonder how this one compares? At least with this block, you don’t need to carry with the chamber unloaded or with a round in the chamber and the safety on – that is the LEAST safe method of carrying.

    • Administrator January 7, 2014, 10:40 am

      It isn’t a tough slide comparitively. Check out our article on the Handi-Racker it makes cocking a semi auto easy. The gun is a little snappy but not bad for a .380.

    • Donna January 8, 2014, 4:51 pm

      I am an older female and I have no problems racking slides or handling the recoil on rounds other than a .22, lol.
      I love Glocks, and I love large caliber ammo…..the bigger the better!

      However, I had no interest in this model……I’m holding out for the Glock 41.
      .45 ACP long slide-now that is my type of gun.

    • momcubed February 17, 2014, 4:29 pm

      I have the G42 and it did not feel as though the trigger pull was 10lbs. It racked really easily and it has almost zero recoil. It was super fun to shoot. Now my husband wants one for himself and he carries a G22 everyday. I love that everything is in the same place as my G19.

      • Administrator February 17, 2014, 7:41 pm

        Most of the early review cited the trigger pull but this may have been worked on for the production guns.

        • Ray Houthuysen March 31, 2014, 3:09 pm

          Mine is under 8# but unlike my other Glocks in feel. Looking for a solution. A Zev duty trigger would be welcomed. Galloway has a trigger spring I may get.

  • Fred January 7, 2014, 10:30 am

    The only conceivable reason I can fathom as to why someone would want a .380 this large is to aid female shooters or someone physically challenged…but then the 42 has a stout trigger pull? I understand the weight of the pull is part of a DAO system with no external safety. It just seems there will be so little demand for this gun in this caliber. This gun is comparable to the footprint of the M&P Shield, lighter yes, but still a large footprint for a .380! Why didn’t they make it in 9mm…a single stack 9 from Glock would have been a HUGE seller!

  • TAK January 7, 2014, 10:25 am

    Hopefully this will open the door for larger models of .380 from Glock – Had a 25 while working with the dept. – Now illegal to have. Be nice to be able to use 9mm mags for larger capacity. Wife loves her BDA, but I love Glock “Perfection”, currrently own three .40 SW (27 carry, 22 home, 23 travel / carry).

    • Steve January 7, 2014, 11:43 am

      You can make a 25 barrel easily enough, cut off the action surface on a 19 barrel at a 45-degree angle (the 25 barrels are also banned from import) and have it chambered in .380 which is usually a simple mod. I’m sure some Glock barrel maker out there could make you one easily enough.

      The problem is the magazines, which aren’t banned from import so Glock can sell them to you, but I doubt they would. Glock 19 magazines don’t work properly without a spacer in the back.

  • Dingus Worrell January 7, 2014, 10:18 am

    I have a G36, love it, BUT, Glock screwed up those magazines like they seem to on this. They put ridge on both sides of the nose side of the mag to keep the rounds single stacked. Yet the primer ends do this strange spread like a double stack mag. Why? They could easily gain at least another round in the G36 by leaving the dimple ridge out and achieve the same width for the grip. I would bet the .380 mag would give you at least two more rounds with the same width.

  • Brenboy January 7, 2014, 9:59 am

    .380 is “alot” of gun!!! LMAO… well I giess anything for a positive point for a Glock that won’t feed and when it does it stovepipes upon firing. 9 pound plus trigger, ridiculous! Might as well market it to NYC cops who use a 12 pounder and can’t hit the barn. Far better micro 9’s are out there that feed reliably.

  • Joel January 7, 2014, 9:59 am

    I’ll be looking forward to seeing this one.

  • Fred S January 7, 2014, 9:47 am

    Wow ftf,10lb trigger pull,380 caliber,,Hummm Im thinking I will stick with my SCCY cpx2 Which goes bang every time holds 10+1 much better trigger pull,Eats everything I feed it,Ans it cost a lot less than a Glock!! If your buyin the name I guess that’s okay to.However there are many better choices out here in a better caliber ever for a woman..Just sayin!!!!

  • Bruce F January 7, 2014, 9:24 am

    Really surprised to see the trigger is heavier than standard Glock 5.5lb and that you had any issues with feeding and extraction. The folks that wanted Glock to make this pistol were looking for reliability similar to the full size Glock pistols. Something you didn’t have to spend 200 rounds breaking in. With a barrel length 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch longer than the other popular 380’s, I don’t find the size to be a concern.

  • dubie January 7, 2014, 9:10 am

    PTGB Pull trigger go bang
    Why glock is waisting their time on a matured 380 market when one of the fastest growing markets is wide open. The 9mm pistol caliber carbine market is growing in popularity and becoming the affordable force in 9mm home defense and sporting market. Especially since the mag business is already there. The ballistics out of a 9mm carbine are equal to a 357 at 100yds
    9mm is my choice as i own 4 3 carry and 1 home defense Carry( G26, SW CS9, SW 3913NL) Home Defense( G19)
    I really don’t think LE want a 380 backup when there are so many excellant choices for compact 9mm as mentioned above Remember its not the first shot that counts its the follow ups

    • Clem January 7, 2014, 9:42 am

      My friend in LE has a Bersa .380 he carries all of the time and uses as his backup on duty. A .380 he will carry is better than any gun he won’t.

    • rb January 7, 2014, 10:02 am

      In order:
      An international, well established, highly successful company with marketing gurus should come to you—the arm chair critic for product development and distribution advice! I’m sure that every firearm manufacturer struggles to learn which magazine has the best sales, so that they can develop a fire arm to match it. The only way that the 9mm and .357 are equal at 100 yards is if you use the lowest performing .357 and the highest performing 9mm available on the commercial market. A little research goes a long way. The most ridiculous statement made,”Remember its not the first shot that counts its the follow ups”. My training as a sniper says you will lose…failure to eliminate the threat on the first shot opens you to return fire and the target an opportunity to get to a safe retreat. Training, shot placement, more training.

      • Tom January 8, 2014, 9:59 pm

        I thought that the 9mm was the ONLY cartridge to get all kind of technological advancements. The bullet manufacturers ignored ALL other calibers and sizes and only made the 9mm better. It now beats .357, .45 10mm, all comers.. Right?? So you would think by reading all the web warriors.

      • Sgtbill February 4, 2014, 9:57 am

        I agree with you 100 % rb If I followed the logic of some of the people on this board I would have never made it to retirement. With 9 1/2 year’s in the Military and 25 plus years in Law Enforcement as a SWAT team Sniper Unit Sgt. in charge. Along with being a Comp. shooter and a Range Master that has trained over 10,000 people in small arms both Military and Law Enforcement I will always stick with the 1 shot 1 kill motto. Make the first one count you may not get another one.

    • Steve January 7, 2014, 11:45 am

      .380 is the best-selling pistol cartridge, so from a marketing standpoint it’s a good idea, but it’s too big for a .380

    • kevin January 10, 2014, 7:28 pm

      380 do produce over 1000fps

  • JACK SMITH January 7, 2014, 8:55 am

    With the heavy trigger pull, would a trigger job be able to bring it more into acceptable range, or what about a hybrid new trigger available???? ant comments???

    • Randy January 7, 2014, 12:12 pm

      Easy 10.00 – 15.00 fix just like any other Glock… Change the trigger disconnector and do a little polishing with a Dremel or polishing stones… I do this on every Glock I buy and it works wonders.

      • steve January 31, 2014, 8:31 am

        randy, can you send details of the trigger work you refer to..easy for a non gunsmith type?


  • Stephen P. Wenger January 7, 2014, 8:34 am

    I believe that the reason that the G25 and G28 cannot be sold other than to LEO’s in the US is that they don’t score enough import points under GCA 68. I assume that the frame of the G42 will be manufactured in Georgia.

  • AL January 7, 2014, 8:32 am

    I own 4 Glocks in 45acp and 40S&W and was hoping the G42 would have been in 9mm. The S&W Shield is now at the top of my purchase list (not a fan of .380acp).

    • Ed January 7, 2014, 10:51 am

      AMEN 1+

      • GC January 7, 2014, 4:48 pm

        The shield is a great gun, you cant go wrong with it.

        • Mess January 10, 2014, 10:32 am

          You can go wrong with it, just because it ain’t an XDs.

    • Martin B January 11, 2014, 11:21 pm

      So I suppose all those bodies in the morgue shot by .380s are just a figment of our imagination? Apparently calibre makes little if any difference. A handgun is not powerful enough to knock somebody down. People don’t like getting shot, even by little guns. If .45 gives you more confidence, fine, but a rifle or shotgun is the only reliable one shot stop. Besides, they give you 6 chances…

      • DC January 22, 2014, 2:07 pm

        You are right, you don’t have to “knock ’em down” to put them in the morgue. I have been told that the good ‘ol
        .22 kills more people than any other caliber.

    • mark darden January 24, 2015, 12:13 am

      Does anyone know if or when Glock may come out with this Glock 42 in a 9mm size ??? That’s what I’m saving my money for.

  • John January 7, 2014, 8:11 am

    no surprises? how about the measly 6+1 capacity? Come on Glock, you can do better than that!

    • John January 7, 2014, 8:13 am

      must have to do with the scared “points system”

      • John January 7, 2014, 8:13 am

        “sacred”…not scared

    • Administrator January 7, 2014, 8:46 am

      It is a single stack hello.

    • Jason January 9, 2014, 6:38 pm

      I’d only want 6+1. Keep it light! Wife carries an LCP, I’d buy this Glock, where do I sign.

    • Jbourneidentity December 29, 2014, 12:02 pm

      We finally get what the whole world has been clamoring for, a single stack, tiny Glock, and someone is still going to bitch and whine. It’s nauseating sometimes. Notice that you’re the only one complaining? Everyone else is elated.

  • Don Davis January 7, 2014, 8:10 am

    You can bet there will be after market fixes for the heavy trigger.

  • Julian January 7, 2014, 7:30 am

    Even though I already have a Ruger LCP, I may eventually purchase a Glock 42…….just because.

  • LAC January 7, 2014, 7:19 am

    You would think a “gun writer” would have knowledge of ATF’s point system concerning importation of firearms. That’s the reason Glock only offers the G28 to LE.

    • Administrator January 7, 2014, 7:54 am

      No please eleborate for us. You can’t know everything.

      • Steve January 7, 2014, 11:39 am

        Read ATF Form 4590, that’s the reason the 25 and 28 are only available to LE in the US (they sell them to civilians in Mexico and Brazil, Brazil bans handguns with a muzzle energy above 300 ft/lb.)

        That’s the whole reason this gun is made in the US, it wouldn’t be legal to import.

        18 USC 925(d)(3).

    • craig January 7, 2014, 11:05 am

      Not everyone is a wise old smartass like you. Even a “gun writer” can’t possibly know everything. Trying to keep track of all the silly and often arbitrarily pointless gun laws can be quite daunting. I seem to recall that the “point system” was part of the Gun Control Act of 1968. That is why no German made Walther PPKs have been imported since. The PPKS was made for importation and all current PPKs are made in the USA by S&W.

  • Rich January 7, 2014, 7:06 am

    9+ pounds of trigger pull? I dumped my S&W .380 BodyGuard because it was too much at 7.5! If these manufacturers are after the women’s market by making and selling this kind of firearms, they’re just doing the industry a dis-service.
    We won’t talk about stovepipes………since they only happen at the worst time, i.e. when it’s supposed to go BANG!

  • David January 7, 2014, 6:53 am

    Your answer as to why the G25 and G28 are only LE guns is found with your “This is Made in USA Glock” picture. There is a scoring system for imported pistols and without putting an external safety on the 25 or 28, they doesn’t score enough points as a .380 to allow them to be imported as sporting arms. This doesn’t apply to .380s made in the US.

    • Kim January 7, 2014, 12:58 pm

      I just wanted to note that I have had a Kel-tec gen1 for years and have not had jams with the hornady critical defense. I may just have one of the good ones though.

    • Bill January 21, 2014, 11:43 pm

      The import restrictions are BS, and now that Glock makes guns here, they SHOULD be able to make and sell the G25 and G28 here in the USA. If I want a micro 380, there are plenty of better options than the Glock 42. I’d personally much rather have a G28 that is the same size as the G26, with 11 rounds of 380, with low recoil, than the Glock 42 that only has 7 rounds.

      Hopefully someone can talk some sense into Glock, and get them to make the G28 and G25 here in the USA…

      It WILL Sell !

      • The Rukh March 31, 2014, 9:45 pm

        Glock is getting ready to build more facilities in Georgia so maybe we can expect the G28 & G25 to be built here in America in the future.

    • The Rukh March 31, 2014, 9:42 pm

      You are exactly correct!

  • Daniel January 7, 2014, 6:42 am

    I have found that the Critical Defense .380 ammo seems to be lower velocity and my other .380s (Walther and Kel Tec) have issues cycling it. Remington Golden Sabers do fine, but I had to polish the feed ramps on both.

    • mark December 31, 2014, 8:28 am

      So far my g42 has eaten everything I put in it, including hornady cd.

      • jack June 29, 2015, 11:40 am


    • Jorge Annexy March 18, 2015, 5:36 am

      So what kind do you recommend because I just pick glock 380 but I have not yet shot it I have both kinds of ammo to my understanding it sounds like the cheaper ammo works better I also carry a Smith & Wesson bodyguard 380 is the glockn 42 380 better I’m looking for less of a recoil I was surfing the net and I found all this and I think it’s great you know get to learn a lot. I’m just looking for something of a recoil for personal protection