The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

in Authors, Gun Reviews, Handguns, Justin Opinion, Semi-Autos

The CZ-75 is a legendary handgun design. It is to Eastern Europe what the 1911 is to the west in many ways. The iconic design and silhouette became the ubiquitous standard image of “handgun” on the other side of the iron curtain like the Browning classic Gov’t model did over here. And like the 1911 it has proven itself worthy in combat, law enforcement, and competition. The gun takes the “75” from the year it was introduced -1975. Even I was still too young to own one back then. If you imagine an American GI looking over a barbed wire covered wall past a heavily guarded checkpoint during the cold war, and an Eastern Bloc communist soldier gazing back… the American would have had a Gov’t issued M1911 on his hip, his adversary – the CZ-75.

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

One of the most recognized handgun profiles, sculptured to an even higher degree of beauty. The CZ Shadow 2 is one to stop and share at.

In the past decades, the CZ-75 has become a respected and highly prized handgun. Jeff Cooper found the design and function to be exemplary and insisted on it as the foundation for the Bren Ten, a short-lived 10mm pistol that was ahead of its time. Today, the CZ brand is one of the most recognized in the world of firearms and is respected as top quality with combat reliability. Those are qualities that competitive shooters flock to, and the CZ-75 has built a large group of devotees that will shoot nothing else. A well-tuned CZ in the hands of a top shooter is a sight to behold. And like all areas of competition, potential and popularity breed innovation. To address the desires and the perceived market for an out-of-the-box CZ capable of match-grade performance, the CZ-75 SP-01 Shadow was born. The Shadow provided many of the specifications that gunsmiths were tuning for shooters, or that shooters were modifying for themselves. Lighter recoil spring, a smoother tuned trigger, and removal of the firing pin safety block were changes that made the gun feel better and meet pro shooter expectations. Elements like front slide serrations, and extended beavertail, undercut trigger guard and heavy full-length dustcover with accessory rail made the pistol fully range ready for a competitor and tactical user alike. And still, shooters being shooters — there were after-market modifications being made.

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The HAJO rear sight is a click-adjustable for elevation and drift adjustable for windage.

In the USPSA Production Division, CZ claims its pistols are now used by twice as many top-level competitors than any other maker. Don’t let any gun maker try to tell you they don’t covet the accolades of the pros. And so, it was time to start incorporating, even more, changes into the production model.


The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full ReviewThe CZ engineers took the best features of the original Shadow and improved on them based on what customers wanted. More than two years were spent on the changes, and we’re now seeing the results of their efforts in the Shadow 2. With a higher beavertail and undercut trigger guard, the shooter’s hand is higher which lowers the bore axis even more. The contoured slide and increased weight at the dust cover also helps keep the muzzle down. This is a heavy handgun. The 9mm round is just no match for the nearly 3 lbs. of heft. Unfortunately, neither is the IDPA weight limit – the Shadow 2 is over the 43 ounce maximum for the sport.

The Shadow 2’s swappable mag release has an adjustable, extended button with three settings to allow shooters to set it at the angle most comfortable for them. Best of all, new trigger components give Shadow 2 a smooth double-action and crisp, clean single-action while drastically reducing trigger reset.

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The hard plastic case includes several extras for the pistol and a form fitting cutout.

A nitride finish coats the entire pistol, with a polycoat shell on top of that. The thin aluminum grips have healthy and attractive checkering in an interesting curved pattern to compliment the fine front and backstrap checkering of the pistol itself. Sitting atop the slide is a set of target sights — fiber optic on front and a serrated, black HAJO rear (click adjustable for elevation, drift adjustable for windage).

If you’re one of those people that believe that a firearm can be a beautiful thing, and I hope you are, then you’re going to want to give yourself a minute when you open the box for the first time. The Shadow 2 is a strikingly attractive handgun. My sample arrived in all black, but there are options for grips and frame color if basic black is too formal for you.

In the lockable box, the pistol lies in a custom cut foam insert, and near it are two more magazines (one in the pistol makes a total of three provided). There are also some parts included for those ready to start customizing their new gun immediately. A set of buffers to replace the one already installed on the guide rod/recoil spring is included. A set of Allen wrenches, and an alternate ambidextrous safety switch. The latter is the most important, as the ambidextrous safety that is installed at the factory sits very flush to the frame of the gun. It functions very nicely, but this writer could not operate it without significant grip change. No thumb-swipe operation is possible, at least not for me. However, the alternate safety provided does include a generously sized shelf for operation and as a thumb rest – but only for right-handed shooters. Lefties will find they are still stuck with the same control on the right side of the gun.

Article Continues Below


Handling a handgun at the counter at the gun shop and even doing dry fire exercises is one thing, but they always feel different in live fire. I try not to over-obsess about how a trigger feels or even grip angle and control placement too much until I get it to the range. I have reversed a hasty opinion for or against something on more than one occasion. Putting several hundred rounds through the Shadow 2 over multiple range sessions re-affirmed some of the things I liked or didn’t about the gun before shooting it — and brought a couple of things to my attention that just dry handling didn’t. I’ll start with my gripes.

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The standard safety levers are very flat to the pistol. Good for snag-free pistol, but hard to operate.

Grip angle, or should I say “angles”, because the backstrap of the Shadow 2 has a very pronounced dogleg bend. Even at first glance, I thought this was a risky move by CZ because hands come in all sizes – but that bend is one size and in one place. My hands are small-ish, and I found that the peak of that bend was a bit irritating. I actually got a blister from a day shooting it. Might not be so bad if it was smooth steel, but the wonderful 25-lines per inch (LPI) checkering on the backstrap stops right at the bend and can be an irritant. Gripe number two – still grip related, is the choice to put black aluminum grip panels on a black steel gun. It looks beautiful, for sure. I have a black truck and a black muscle car, so I get it. But, it was quite warm during courses of fire as it was sitting in the hot sun. And that was after keeping it covered between uses. Conversely, because aluminum transfers almost all its heat or cold nearly immediately, grabbing thing cold with a bare hand in January is going to be equally painful. Can we get some G10s? Okay, so a couple of grip gripes …  let’s move on.

Every other ergonomic aspect of the Shadow 2 is perfection. All controls are well located, intuitive and easy to operate with little or no change to the shooter’s grip. This is especially true of the magazine release, decidedly my favorite element of the gun. It is large, steel, checkered, adjustable, and sticks up nice and high. And you don’t need orangutan thumbs to dump your magazine without shifting your grip. I experimented with the adjustable angles but found I preferred it in the center position as originally set. But choices are good, and people of different hand size or method of reloading may prefer it differently. It is also reversible, for left-handed shooters. Speaking of south-paws, the only truly ambidextrous control on the pistol is the safety switch. The factory-installed safety is a snag-free version that is flat to the frame. The downside is that it is difficult to operate with a swipe of the thumb. CZ packs an alternate set with the gun, and it is user swappable (assuming that said user has some degree of mechanical skill). The alternate safety has a 1911-style “shelf” that is nicely designed and has a bend that makes for a good thumb rest. The bad news for the lefties is that the enhanced safety switch is only on the left side of the gun – for right handers. The right side remains the same flat control.

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The provided alternate safety switch is far more useful for competition shooting — but for right-handers only.

The heft of 46 ½ ounces of handgun does a great deal to help manage the recoil of the 9mm Luger cartridge, and the CZ Shadow 2 balances that weight nicely. The full-length dust cover puts a lot of the weight out in front to help reduce muzzle rise. The high grip provided by the raised beavertail and undercut trigger guard put the shooter’s hand closer to the bore axis, and although a potential turn-off for some shooters, the more aggressive upper grip angle will cant the shooter’s wrist and create a straight line to the forearm – strengthening the stance. All of these things combine to make a pistol that is adept at keeping sights on target during aggressive firing cadence, but would mean little if there wasn’t a suitable trigger to allow smooth rapid fire. Perhaps the best element of all on the Shadow 2 is the trigger itself. My Lyman digital gauge tells me that the double action break requires just 9 ¾ lbs., and the single action is an even 4 lbs. of resistance. What those numbers can’t tell you is the crispness of the break and the silky smooth action leading up to it. Thankfully, we need gun writers to report such nuances! The polished face of the trigger allows the finger to slide along its curve as the angle changes without the shooter feeling resistance or friction. This reduces the likelihood that the trigger finger will pull the pistol at the instant of the break – meaning better accuracy. And if my 7- and 10-yard off-hand shooting sessions can be an example, I will attest to that. This handgun will make you look good!

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The sight picture is a nice balance of quick-acquisition and precision aiming.

I rested the pistol at 25 yards and fired five shot groups from several brands and types of ammunition, and the results were impressive. During the tests, I was aware that the thin front sight and small but bright red fiber optic tube helped me to “aim small”. Able to aim better and hold more consistently, I was able to produce consistently good groups.The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The best performer of the day was Freedom Munitions 115-grain ball ammo. Shooters don’t need fancy expensive stuff to get top scores with the Shadow 2.

I shot five different loads from four manufacturers from a “V” rest at 25 yards. Everything from Aguila ball ammo to SIG Sauer and Speer top shelf defense ammo. While the Shadow 2 shot everything well and printed great groups across the board, it was simply in love with Freedom Munitions 115 plated round nose. Five rounds made a group of just 1.25 inches and the best three shot group was an amazing all-holes-touching 0.371 inch – less than 3/8 inch.

When it came time to just let the Shadow 2 loose and have some fun, the smooth trigger and short reset make it easy to do triple-taps or full mag dumps with ease. It’s one thing to shoot a handgun rapidly because you can move the trigger fast – but with the Shadow 2 I was able to run the gun at near full-auto speeds and did not miss paper. USPSA shooters – are you paying attention? My complaints with the grip dogleg were minimal while actually shooting the pistol. The sight picture is excellent, and the front sight falls quickly back into the notch with every shot.

The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

Even with one hand in his pocket, the author can put a string of brass in the air with the Shadow 2 and still count all the hits.


The CZ Shadow 2: A 9mm Mag-Dump Machine — Full Review

The magwell is nicely beveled, but otherwise a stock configuration.

CZ designed the Shadow 2 specifically for competition shooters, and even more specifically, for USPSA or Steel Challenge shooters. The pistol will be adept at either of those sports. But you needn’t be a competitor to appreciate the performance of this handgun. I think it is a shame that CZ didn’t find a way to remove 3 ½ ounces from this gun to make it IDPA legal, but perhaps it is the sport – not the tool, that needs to re-assess the legitimacy of those numbers. My dislike of the crooked backstrap is not quite strong enough to prevent me from wanting this gun. It is less noticeable when fully engaged in shooting, and dare I even admit that it might be helping my performance. What I do have a problem with is the temperature transfer properties of the aluminum grips. They are beautiful and feel wonderful (at room temperature) so it pains me to dislike them – but a more thermally neutral material (like wood, even) would make the shooter much more comfortable in extreme heat or cold. Maybe we are expected to wear gloves – which is why there is such a large opening in the front end of the trigger guard for the gloved finger.

During multiple range sessions and hundreds of rounds of every type of ammo, I experienced zero failures or even hiccups of any kind. Not only does the Shadow 2 feed, fire, and eject everything you give it – but it makes tight groups doing it! My advice to those on the hunt for a new match gun is to be certain the CZ Shadow 2 is on your list (sorry, IDPA guys and gals, not you). Out of the box, it is far superior to most every non-customized pistol on the market. When you consider the quality of materials and workmanship, reliability and accuracy, included extras and general shootability of the Shadow 2, you might find that the list price of $1,299 is not at all bad. But hold one first. That dogleg handle is certain to be a love-it or hate-it factor for many.

For more information about the CZ Shadow 2, click here.

For more information about Freedom Munitions, click here.

To go with GunsAmerica writers behind the scenes in Freedom Munitions factory, click here.

To purchase a Shadow 2 on GunsAmerica, click here.

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  • JK January 16, 2019, 3:44 pm

    I’ve been shooting the Shadow 2 now for over a year and just recently started USPSA (production class). I’ve own and have owned many, many different pistols: Glocks, M&P, XDs, Sigs, H&K, Python, various 1911s but can confidently say that the Shadow 2 is easily my favorite handgun (close 2nd is my beloved Baer 1911).

    – The ergonomics are nearly perfect for my L-XL sized hands. I did swap the stock Al panels for some G-10 Lok Bogies with the palm swell so they better fit my largeish hands. Grip perfection now.

    – The weight makes quick follow-up shots quite accurate and recoil virtually non-existent

    – The frame machining allowing a very high grip coupled with the inherent low bore-axis of a CZ-75 is just a joy to shoot. For context, the Shadow 2 makes my well-worn Sig 226 E2 feel down right lacking from a grip and shooting standpoint and I can shoot the 226 pretty well.

    – The stock trigger is remarkably better relative to other stock DA/SA guns and perfectly adequate even compared to aftermarket options from CGW. Again, not to beat up on the 226 but for context, my Sig 226 E2 SRT trigger just isn’t in the same category as the Shadow 2. It’s not really intended to be (combat vs competition) but I’m just throwing that out there for comparison. Pull weight, stacking, reset…all of those things are much different between the two. Conversely, as good as it is, even the Shadow 2 trigger doesn’t compare to a good 1911 but you already know that.

    – I really like the stock sights from competition shooting although a lot of competitors choose a narrower front sight

    – I’ve fired a few thousand flawless rounds, including aluminum cased Federal and cheap LAX reloads. The reliability has been astounding for a competition gun

    – The mag release is fantastic and the magazine insertion and engagement is so buttery smooth. I find it oddly satisfying. Mags drop equally as clean. Speaking of mags, the mecgar 10 and 17 round mags are wonderful. This too after lots of practice dropping them on concrete floors, outside, etc.

    – I prefer the flush safety as USPSA production rules require a manual hammer drop (after load and make ready) since there is no decocker on the Shadow 2 thus a safety, in that context, is irrelevant. I found that the thumb-rest safety interfered with my grip anyway. Very cool that it came with both styles.

    – Dead sexy. It really is a beautiful, iconic firearm. The added weight and ergonomics make it very satisfying to hold and stare at. All of the other attributes are icing on the cake.

    I simply can’t think of a better value for a high-quality, extremely shootable, pistol in the $1000-1200 range.

  • Norm Fishler August 21, 2017, 11:21 am

    As much as I enjoy the CZ-75 I’ll have to pass on this variant as it fills no defined purpose for me. I am not a competitive shooter so the gun would sit in the safe until I pulled it out for an occasional trip to the range. Nice piece though & well put together for its intended market. Personally, I’d rather have the RAMI or the RAMI BD.

    • Mark August 21, 2017, 3:57 pm

      I just weighted my CZ clone P100 which is a four inch version of the SP01 / P120. In .40 cal with 12 rounds loaded and G10 trips it tips the scales at 46.2 oz. I’m guessing that the weight for the SP01 Shadow 2 is weighed empty? Not a competitive shooter so I have no working knowledge of such requirements as to legal weights and if that is for the firearm loaded or unloaded. That said, this one of mine finds itself in my EDC rotation. Not bothersome to me. I look at these things sometimes as “weight shoes”. You know, the ones some of us wore to gain strength while walking as we conditioned for sports? 😁 I just keep telling myself that an additional 46. 2 oz’s being carried is helping me “get into condition.”

      • Justin Opinion August 21, 2017, 4:04 pm

        Weight is traditionally including an empty magazine. My apology for not making that clear. And I agree that sometimes it’s nice to feel some weight on your belt – I grew up when guns were all-steel all the time!

        • Mark August 21, 2017, 9:33 pm

          It really was an enjoyable article and video for me. Thanks for covering it. I get your imagery and it works for me in getting the point across. Creating images and stories is what makes writing interesting. If I wanted a history lesson I would ……well…. wait a minute, history is being rewritten as we speak. Give it a couple of years and you can say anything and no one will be able to refute it as history (good or bad) is being flushed. 🤣

          Back on point:

          Canik P120…. a frugal man’s Shadow. $17.00 for Cajun Gun Works springs and some G10 grips for $35 to $75 price range and the rest for ammo or a rainy day. I do like CZ and have two of them. Just not the $1295 variety. ☺️ Although to borrow a line from the movie Excalibur, “It’s a dream I have”.

          As to the knocks around your imagery, We are all brethren here but even brothers can have disagreements. Let’s all remember that we are on the same side.

          “And to the Republic for which it stands”…… Long live the Republic!

  • Mark August 21, 2017, 9:23 am

    I enjoyed this article. I very much enjoy CZ and CZ style pistols as they just plain shoot lights out in my hands.
    Weight is there. I tend to favor steel frames as a personal preference. Perhaps it was the old WW2 Vet I worked with in the late 70’s at a LGS that impressed that preference on me? As I pondered the Aluminum framed Smiths of that era as a young man, I was anxious to hear Sam’s opinion on the matter. He told me, “Mark, if I can’t chock a jeep tire with it, I don’t want it.” Now I would never purposely abuse a firearm that way and on its own merits I see the folly in it years latter. But it made an impression on me that just hasn’t been easily shaken. This gentlemen guarded German prisoners of war during his stint in the service. Perhaps the firearms that he carried where nothing more than “tools” that had to be multi purposeful. Who knows, maybe he had personal experience with making that statement to me. Rest In Peace Sam.

  • PeterC August 21, 2017, 9:16 am

    It’s unlikely that the “Eastern Bloc communist soldier” would have been carrying a CZ-75. The CZ-75 was developed specifically for sport shooting, which is why it was not chambered for one of the two Eastern Bloc military cartridges, 7.62x25mm Tokarev or 9x18mm Makarov.

    • GunnyHighway August 21, 2017, 9:33 am

      Take that, “Justin Opinion “!
      Keeping ’em honest. I like it.

    • Justin Opinion August 21, 2017, 11:27 am

      While I freely admit that I intended my references to the history of the gun to be more a painting in the mind’s eye than a dry and over-researched history lesson, you are also somewhat incorrect if you think that the CZ-75 was designed and manufactured solely to be a sport pistol – a concept that was all but unknown there and then. It wasn’t until a decade or so later, as the modern handgun sports we know were in their infancy, that the gun was recognized and popularized in that way. It was first and foremost a duty pistol, and while my romantic portrait may be just that only, it was essentially the AK-47 of handguns with everyone and his brother making clones. Many of which were employed for years in military use. I don’t at all mind the corrections and clarifications, but don’t make it appear as if I am trying to mislead.

      • PeterC August 21, 2017, 6:10 pm

        See Wikipedia: “Although the model was developed for export purposes (the standard pistol cartridge of the Czechoslovak armed forces was the Soviet 7.62×25mm Tokarev, which was later replaced with the Warsaw Pact standard 9mm Makarov pistol cartridge), Koucký’s domestic patents regarding the design were classified as “secret patents”. Effectively, nobody could learn about their existence, but also nobody could register the same design in Czechoslovakia. At the same time Koucký as well as the company were prohibited from filing for patent protection abroad. Consequently, a large number of other manufacturers began offering pistols based on CZ 75 design (see Clones, copies, and variants by other manufacturers).[2]

        The pistol was not sold in Czechoslovakia until 1985, when it became popular among sport shooters (sport shooting is the third most widespread sport in the Czech Republic, after football and ice hockey[3]). It was adopted by the Czech armed forces only after the Velvet Revolution in 1989.[2]”

  • Jay August 21, 2017, 7:52 am

    It’s nice that CZ is addressing the CZ75 platform with a competition type firearm. If your not into competition the cost difference between a CZ75SP01 and the Shadow you could by extra mags and a light. If you can still find the NATO stamped SP01 I’d grab one, you won’t be disappointed! Most of the changes made to and for the Shadow are what individuals were doing to turn their CZ75’s into competition guns and it looks like CZ was listening and watching!