I am not generally a fan of the AK-47 family of weapons; I have spent too much time on the receiving end of them. But I am a fan of all things American made, so I was more than happy to review a couple of offerings from Century Arms. Anything Commies can do, we can do better. And the boys from Vermont have set out to do just that.
A Little Background
For testing, I received the RAS47, Century’s most popular rifle, as well as the flagship C39V2. Both weapons are completely American made, so at least we can be sure the parts aren’t heat treated in Vodka. I had to look twice at the receivers, they do say made in Georgia. But they mean Georgia, Vermont, a small town upstate. Despite my initial skepticism, both weapons are beautiful. The fit of the parts doesn’t resemble a smooshed turnip, which is also a novel concept in Kalishnokavs. These carbines are not AK-47s because they lack the selector switch and true AK-47 rifles differ from these replicas because their receivers are milled from solid blocks of steel and their furniture is substantially different; they also feature a different pistol grip and gas block.
The RAS in RAS47 stands for Red Army Standard. It is designed to be a copy of the ’50s era AKM at least on the surface; it’s a tip of the hat to Cold-War era Soviet Union. The furniture is a beautiful blonde wood, unlike any other, I have seen. Fingers crossed it is a Vermont native tree and that maple syrup was used to finish it. No one from the factory would confirm that for me though. It’s a gas-operated semiautomatic chambered in 7.62x39mm and the rifle’s receiver is stamped from a 16-gauge 4140 sheet steel treated with a black nitride finish. The fit of the parts is extraordinary by AK standards. Most of the specimens I have seen were extremely used battlefield examples, but I would still bet money that they didn’t look like this the day they left the factory. The grip is black plastic, with nice diamond texturing and finger grooves. Improvements have been made to the magazine release, it is significantly wider than the original. In place of a bullet tube of questionable origin and rifling, the RAS47 sports a 16.5-inch, 1:10-inch twist Green Mountain Nitride barrel. Also outside of Commie spec, the safety lever features a cut out that acts as a bolt hold open. To help keep costs down, Century opted to make the RAS47 without the traditional bayonet lug, cleaning rod or storage compartment in the stock. History would show this to be inaccurate, however, it does make it a more affordable option for history enthusiasts who want to save a dollar.

Photo Courtesy: Century Arms RAS47

The RAS47 comes standard with a side rail, so optics mounts aren’t out of the question if that is your flavor. Personally, I have about as many spare AK parts laying around the house as I do hubcaps for a ’72 Pinto. So I opted to test my rifles with iron sights. More on that later. Taking a look inside, we find something else curiously not Mil-Spec. The bolt has what appear to be large lightening cuts. I wasn’t aware this was a modification for AK-47s, but whatever floats your boat. The trigger is a vast improvement over normal AK’s, featuring the RAK 1 trigger. The take up is smooth, and the break crisp. It’s not a 1911, but a night and day difference from the Soviet standard.

- Type: Gas-operated, semiautomatic AKMs
- Cartridge: 7.62x39mm
- Capacity: 30+1 rds.
- Weight: 7.55 lbs.
- Barrel Length: 16.5 in.; 1:10 in. twist;
- Overall Length: 37.25 in.
- Trigger: RAK-1 Enhanced Trigger Group
- Sights: Standard AKMs adj.
- MSRP: $700
The C39V2 is the flagship model, and features all of the same goodies as the RAS47, and then some. The most obvious change is that it features a milled receiver, as opposed to the stamped and riveted receiver on the RAS47. It is noticeably heavier, but that actually helps tame recoil a bit. The furniture on my test gun was a darker wood, resembled of a traditional AK. One note to put in your pocket, MAGPUL furniture will fit on this milled receiver. The trigger is supposed to be the same RAK-1 as the RAS47, but I had to look that up to be sure. Granted, my test models are demo guns. It is entirely possible the C39V2 has been used a lot more, and therefore more broken in. The trigger in the RAS47 was great. The one in the C39V2 was unreal. The gauge said there was a 1 pound difference, but it felt like a lot more on the range.
- Type: Gas-operated, semiautomatic AKMs
- Cartridge: 7.62x39mm
- Capacity: 30+1 rds.
- Weight: 8.05 lbs.
- Barrel Length: 16.5 in.; 1:10 in. twist;
- Overall Length: 37.25 in.
- Trigger: RAK-1 Enhanced Trigger Group
- Sights: Standard AKM adj.
- MSRP: $800
Range Time
For testing, I used Hornady Black 123-grain SST was used. I, for one, am glad to see some high-quality brass cased ammunition hit the market. There will always be a place for spam-can imported junk, but it’s no way to try and accuracy test a rifle. It should also be noted the projectile improvements with the Hornady. Instead of some bimetal or steel-core mil surplus, Hornady offers the proven Super Shock Tip. This polymer tip drives into the lead core like a wedge on impact, forcing rapid expansion. The boat tail profile decreases drag, and improves the aerodynamic profile. And it says Hornady, so you know it is going to be consistent.

Photo Courtesy: Century Arms C39V2

Article Continues Below
For accuracy testing, I didn’t have an optical option, which left us with iron sights. Irons are great, and it’s not my first rodeo. But I am loath to publish accuracy results from just irons. I haven’t won any High Power matches recently, so it may in fact be the shooter, not the gun. I shot my groups at 50 meters for this test, not 100.

The RAS47 turned in a 3.5 inch group as its best, not that far off most AK-47s I have shot. I have seen some better, but a whole lot worse. The C39V2 was significantly better. Its best of the day was 1.5 inches, with a flyer that was most likely shooter. Without the flyer, the group was a 1 inch four-round group, which is probably closer to the capability of the gun.
Both of these guns are fantastic buys, depending on your needs. If you love traditional AKs and are willing to accept the accuracy standard they are famous for, the RAS47 is for you. If you want to spend a little more coin and shrink that down some, the C39V2 is for you.
For more information about Hornady ammunition, click here.
For more information about Century Arms, click here.
To purchase a Century Arms carbine on GunsAmerica, click here.
The 7.62×39 is a great round it’s plentiful and accurate enough to hunt people and that’s what it was designed to do not put sub MOA holes in a piece of paper. I own 1 Century AK it’s a 63D it’s an underfolder I bought it for 1 reason I have a “The Walking Dead” case that has an autographed picture of Rick and the rest of the cast signed as well it was made (the case) to be a “show case” it’s cherry wood with glass so you can see into it and it has two hooks so you can put a replica AK in it. I don’t do replicas I did a little research I wanted a halfway reliable but CHEAP AK so I bought the 63D, cleaned and lubricated it and put it in the display case that has lockable latches and fastened it to my brick “man cave” wall next to and above my diamond pool table. I had a custom “Replica AK47” sticker made so everyone believes it’s fake instead of a real American made AK47 hanging up there. No one enters my house, especially that part of the house unless they’re friends or family even if a burglar came in the house he couldn’t get to that room without a key but everyone that’s been in there says man they make them look real don’t they I always reply “until you feel it, it feels like plastic and rubber” and that’s the end of it. All of that being said for a reason.
When it comes to AKs never buy one online unless you’re buy from an extremely reliable company you trust. I say that because I’ve been to my local gun shop and looked at two different versions of the same AK and it was like two different guns crooked sight posts kind of like picking up a cue stick and rolling it across the table, just warped when you look down it. I grew up my whole life with Vietnam vets one hates that I like or even own AKs and the others get it. I own an Arsenal SGL31-94 AK74 that I love and is a nail driver I’m also the proud owner of two Rifle Dynamic AKS one is a suppressor tuned SBR it’s an RD710S the other (my baby) is an AKS74URD SBR suppressor tuned and completely made by Jim Fuller himself less than 40 in the wild and with him selling RD who knows if they’ll ever be made again. When I bought the Arsenal the action is so buttery smooth I said nothing can beat this, then I got my first RIfle Dynamics AK and I was blown away super smooth super accurate I went to zero it and it was already perfect I later found out they zero them before they ship them which is nice I could go straight to shooting at distances and getting my holds figured out to 300. I’m not telling you all this to brag I’m telling you all of this for one reason if someone broke into my house and I was in my man cave I’d break that glass and chamber a round just as quickly as if someone broke into my house and I was in my bedroom my RD710S is right there with a surefire light Aimpoint t2 and AAC7.62SD suppressor on it.
We kid ourselves and try to find reasons why this sucks and that sucks and you spent too much for that and blah blah blah. We don’t remember that these are TOOLS to defend our lives at home, if SHTF I know which one of my guns I would take. ALL OF THEM. I’m sure for the features both of the Century AKs would serve you fine but you have to shoot and train with it and if problems with your weapon show up get it squared away the fact is more good guns are made than bad guns. It starts at the gun store in CHOOSING the best one that you want and using it. Everything else is BS, I promise. I’ve been shot at and if that ever happens you’ll be happy to have anything besides your d*** in your hands. -DDD
Yes, we’ve all read Rob Ski’s reviews. There are other reviews on the web were one ran both of these guns for 12,000 rounds and only had minor spring wear issues. No trunion issues, no headspace issues. h=The guns only received normal cleaning such as what would be done after normal qualification sessions.
Perhaps Mr. Ski might be just a little skewed towards US products. I saw the damage the damage to the RAS47 in his gun video. Don’t tell me both front and rear sights and stock were damaged to that degree unless it was being slammed into concrete. I own the RAS47, have fired just over 4000 rounds through it without 1 issue.
Face it, the gun wasn’t designed for a war zone it was designed for non-military customer base. It’s just fine. I’ve been an instructor for over 30 years an my opinion, for what it’s worth, is the gun that I bought is pretty darn good. Is it SHTF good? It’ll do. Then again if the SHFT I’, grabbing my M1A SOCOM or M4 but that’s unlikely to happen in my lifetime. So backyard Rambos don’t worry about the RAS47. It’s a fun and cheap gun to shoot.
I’ll keep my SAM7R & my VEPR 74
Commie gun snobbery all over this board. The c39v2 is better built than all the rattle traps mentioned, hands down, And yes Im familiar with the ak loose tolerances required to run reliably. This rifle is loose enough and runs like a top. The difference between a liberal and a puppy is, the puppy eventually grows up,. quit your bitching.
I hoped no one buys one of these based only on your review! The RAK1 trigger is the only real improvement and not of the “commie” makes but of their own models! I won’t say one shouldn’t buy one of these. I will say to do your research YouTube. the AK Files etc. Become knowledgeable enough to distinguish between cheerleaders and objective reviewers. One should know exactly whats they’re buying because they’ve spent the time to know exactly whats out there.
Too much time on the receiving end? Then you praise this brand. A total lack of credibility.
In what universe are either of these POS CAI AK facsimiles even close to fine rifles like Arsenal, VEPR, Siaga, etc… etc… etc… Hell, the lowly WASR blows both of these POS out of the water. If you want an AK, get an import.
You sound like a shill for Century Arms. They suck at building firearms. Their quality control leaves much to be desired and these have been proven to be craptacular firearms. They’re a terrible representation of an AK. I too, was on the receiving end of AK’s while deployed and swore I wouldn’t ever own one. Now I own 10. None of which are, or ever will be, Century built.
For those out there wanting a quality AK do your homework!! These rifles suck at best and at worst are dangerous due to cast parts being utilized where milled are required. This has been well documented!!
Dam Man ! you do have a hard on for Century Arms! Ive run about 3000 rounds through my c39v2 with not even a hiccup of a failure, shoots straight and eats anything you put in it, no cleaning with no noticeable wear on the innards. I dont know what else a person could expect out of a gun.?
You really shouldn’t do an article on a rifle you CLEARLY do not know the history of…or the quality of. They did not make an AKM in the 50’s…CAI makes the worst AK/AKM rifles on the market…one cannot test ANY rifle without shooting at least 5k rounds through it…I would be HAPPY to come teach you so history/facts on these rifles. To do an article full of misinformation without the knowledge, only makes knowledgeable readers cringe when you write an uninformed article. By all means, contact me for any thing you need to learn.
Perhaps find a non biased author next time? The early 80s wants their Russian phobe back! Wow.
Clay, another great article. I always enjoy reading your stuff. It’s odd seeing an AK type weapon close up and seeing a good quality finish like that. I’ve seen some in a right state and held together with baling wire and no top cover over the recoil rod or the gas parts or even home-repaired stocks. Sometimes though that’s what I find interesting about old weapons; the chunks out the stock, the dents, the patina of the wood. It all tells a story. I know which one I like to have on display as a conversation piece.
I rarely read the articles anymore, but I love the comment section! I can usually get more out of it than the article anyway.
I know the article was about “Century AKs”, but if you want to do a real comparison of USA AKs, then the author should have taken one of the Century AKs and compared it against a USA made Arsenal AK. Even better yet – take both of these AKs and compare then against a real Russian and Chinese AKs. I have a Russian, Chinese, Arsenal and I’ve had a Century AK. Century AKs aren’t well made. They are commonly known to have canted sights, poor fitting, poorly drilled gas holes, excessive mag wobble – I can go on. If you want to spray and pray for the cheap and not aim at anything, go buy a Century AK. Arsenal is good quality and a good shooter. But if you really want to have a great quality and great shooting AK, either buy a Chinese Polytech or a real Russian AK. Problem is both the Chinese and the Russian will set you back 2-3 + large – but only because of the import ban. Lucky for me, I bought my first Polytech in 1987 and it was only $350. My Russian was slightly more back then. My Arsenal was a $1000 and my Century AKs were both around $600. If you want better quality for the dough, you’re gonna have to spend the dough. My advice is to buy an Arsenal.
Arsenal does not make ‘US made AK’s’ – Arsenal are Bulgarian or have used Saiga receivers in the past but mostly Bulgarian. Should they choose to start using any US made reciever, than they will go downhill quick as evidenced with DDI as soon as they stopped building with hungarian parts and went ‘American’ they were bought out by PSA.
Americans make many wonderful and superior things. AKS are not one of them.
Avid Ak here and I can tell you that both of these rifles are junk.
Clay said he’s not an Ak fan ,and it definitely shows through in this article.
Now I could go on and on here but to make this short Arsenal,Bulgarian Ak’s are THE best, sure to get one you’re looking at dropping $1200 bucks
But you get what you pay for
I know alot of AR guys that buy a $600 Ak and call it a piece of shit
Then go spend $big$ on An AR
And its so much better
now take a $600 AR and see how that works out for you
Its the same thing in the AK
Quit buying $500 AKs and calling all Aks POS
Hands down the factory # 386 milled Polytechs are the Cadillacs of Kalashnikovs, whether AK47S or post 1989 ban MAK 90. The Norinco Type 56S AKM is the best stamped sheet metal AKM and I vote the Norinco MAK 90 the best post 1989 import ban Stamped MAK 90.
Have multiples of both, adorned and unadorned. CAR stocks, rails and straight factory versions, red dots, Magpul stuff etc.
A milled MAK 90 can be shot sunup to sundown as it recoils like a .22 with the big wood stock and cushiony rubber buttpad.
I would say it is easy to see why they switched to AKM as soon as they had the metal stamping tech available in the 50’s A milled Third Model Kalashnikov AK 47 is as heavy as a Garand.
My son has been buy parts of AK’s for 16 years. From the days of sub $100 AMD 65’s direct from Tapco to a box containing a post ban MAK 90 sans receiver for $50. He also picked up a C39, 1st version used for $450 2 years ago that after a bolt carrier, gas piston & bolt change improved. He has found that he Warsaw Pact parts, most being Forged and Heat Treated per original design are superior to any Trunnion (front) and bolt and carrier parts made in US. He got burned once buying from Royal Tiger parts that were advertised as Eastern Bloc parts that turned out to be IO US made. After further research he found that IO Inc owns Royal Tiger, along with most Palm Harbor FL located companies. If it is not a Vepr or Bulgarian Arsenal you are better off with a $300-$500 parts kit and having it built on a Childers receiver. He uses our Companies Computer & Email so I view a lot of these emails that do not get deleted and he is “Boss” now. Me? I am into Pellets for Tree Rat control in City.
Molot produce better rifles than arsenal any day .
Arsenal can’t even out their paint in correctly. Their rifles start bubbling . no 1000 rifle should do that
If the Las Vegas shooter wanted to do more damage why did not he crash one of his 2 personal airplanes into the crowd. Then we might have to out law airplanes. I know dang well with the wings as gas tanks that the fuel would have killed many more humans than the bullets with less effort on his part, being a licensed pilot. Also a point to say only 3 shots at those fuel storage tanks not so far away?, Why not a full clip to make an explosion? Something in this stinks. I love firearms and own an AK. I bought it used. I actually in 3 years never fired it. I got a many a bananna clip and many rounds of ammo. I just know that all my life when time and money allowed I bought firearms as the money is there if you ever need it. Also I never have sold any of my small collection of GUNS . I hate that expression but it applies here. GOD BLESS AMERICA and Our President. And all those that do not stand for our anthem, I just want to say, there is a young man that at a local hardware store is confined for life to a wheelchair. For 5 minutes I wish that the young man a boy to me could run across a football field. I wonder if the tolerances on American made firearms such as these are made too well. As you well know the reason for the AK reliability was that the sand or dirt could get into the works and the rifle still shoot due to a bit of not exact parts being made so precise as with much of AMERICAN GOODS. Stalin said regarding tanks, that quantity was quality, in WW2 the T-39 was not expected to be worn out as fast as it would be shot out of action. So less well made mechanical items such as the AK and the T-39 many even tho not as well made made much of the difference. As the other reader said I get a lot out of the comments section . A NRA member for life. A proud American for life. If I were a black American I would identify as an American what does color have to do with anything at all. We all have red blood. The best saying for our VETERANS is that all gave some, some gave all. God bless our veterans and the USA and the American Rifleman. Jon Van Winkle. Kentucky
First Mr. Van Winkle they called Magazines not clips. You have had the rifle for three years and have never fired it? You are a very casual gun owner.
Oooooo, you really showed him Gary.
Why Judge?
I have an Romanian made AK imported by CAI equipped with a Tapco trigger and Parabellum Armaments top rail that fits into the rear sight post mount with an Leatherwood AK762 CMR optic mounted that will hold 1.5 inch groups at 100 hundred yards with most any 123 grain projectile produced by any ammo manufacturer. It’s not the tack drivers my AR’s are but for survival mode, I’d pick it over my AR’s anytime! It’ll keep firing no matter how dirty it gets and just wont quit! Can’t say that about my AR’s.
The Finnish company VALMET was manufacturing sporterized rifles based on the AK for hunting back in the 1980’s. I shot one at he army firing range near Heidelberg back in 1986. The quality of the blueing was superb and the trigger was very smooth. The also make semiautomatic AK47’s for the civilian market and have for decades. They have not been imported into the USA since the late 80’s and never in great numbers. Valmet is a company with very good reputation for quality. I should have bought one when I had the chance in Germany. Too late now.
The Finnish Valmet 62 is considered a Third Model Kalashnikov. The Israeli Galil and South African R4 are based off it as well. The Swiss STG 90 (550 series) looks like it might be one too but I haven’t seen anything official on that.
I had a Valmet in .223 caliber. The problem magazines are scarce. Those who have them and are willing to part with them want top dollar for them. There are some magazines that were converted to fit but again those are hard to find too. Galil Magazines fit but there are some that say its not a good idea to use them because of the angle they force the round into the chamber. Another problem was parts getting another other parts for it. Like the Galil it has clever hidden night sights. However these rifles were last imported in 1989, therefore I suspect the glow on the night sights expired years ago on all existing rifles in the U.S. Lots of luck getting replacements. For those who could afford and are willing to pay for a valmet these days, I would suggest looking at the Galil Ace.
Back in the day I bought a NORINCO AK-47 and it couldn’t hit a bowling pin at sixty yards unless it was by accident. I gave that POS away and sporterised my SKS that is dead on and I still love it twenty years later.
I will never buy another AK no matter who assembles them The Commies love them because they can make them out of old toyota fenders and their are a million of them all over the Asian continent .
Read other gun writer reviews regarding this copy being a POS so I had to see for myself. Having owned a bulgarian milled back in the early 90s, I tried a c39v2. Came to conclusion that 1.someone ought to be fired for lieing and 2. Mikial would probably be very upset with who ever came up with such an abomination of his design.
The comment section for this one has been absolutely great. I learned a whole lot more from those who wrote in than Clay ever came close to imparting. I have been an AK fan for 25 years now and have no use for the AR platform having owned and shot them all extensively from the AR-10 to AR-15 pistols. I have had had my eye on the American made AK’s for sometime now, but having read nothing but puff pieces on them I was looking for something a bit more definitive. Clay’s was the puffiest of the puff pieces yet, with a video filmed in gale-force winds. I was not impressed. Your comment section made my day and I want to thank all of you who contributed to make it a balanced piece.
What a bunch of crybaby AK owners. VEPR\’s are in the $1500+ range, WASR as much as the Century Arms stuff. All crap.
WASR’s are only imported by Century, not made by them. I’ll take an AK made in an Eastern European country any day. Some things aren’t meant to be. I think American made AK’s fall into that category.
Wasrs will shoot accurate to 300 yards with iron sights using Wolf ammo. It’s in the videos with guys on the AK Operator’s Union that can shoot. They have real European ordnance steel barrels on them unlike Century’s corporate product US-made junk. The US made Century guns all failed to make it through the 5000rd. AK OP Union tests.
sounds like you’re just mad that you cannot afford a real AK. BTW- Vepr’s by FIME group were 1k for quite some time but importation laws have changed the price.
You sound like you’re just mad that you missed the AK train. Stick to your MP15
The one glaring error with the US made AK’s is metallurgy, the manufacturers have ignored the one item that makes the com-bock AK’s so good is that they follow the proven metallurgy requirements to make a durable weapon, they save money and time on less critical items like furniture and ergonomics, where US made ones it’s all about how it looks and feels. I only have shot a few AK’s and only own one, a Zastava Yugo N-PAP that I bought used. Thousands of rounds later, the only failure was the Yugo specific button on the dust cover. ( no other AK’s I know of have this ) A little blue Loc-Tite on the threads solved the issue.
The rifles in the photos don’t look any better than my Romanian Ak47 or my Bulgarian Ak74. Paid $319 for the Romanian a few years back.
I stopped reading at “kalashnokavs.”
I have an AK 47 made by GSG in Germany that uses 22LR ammo and it is one fun and affordable gun to shoot.
It looks like this one one the outside but of course it is entirely different on the inside.
If I wanted a 7.62 X 39mm I would probably consider this one.
You are living in a fantasy land if you think ‘ commies ‘ produce inferior AKs. Put a molat vepr against the crap century arms and you will see the difference . this article is a joke
What HE said…. ^^^^ I’ll take a combloc AK with REAL parts over these pot metal pieces of sh*t any day of the week!
Rob Ski over at AK Operators Union begs to differ.
No joke man. I realized some people just dont like AKs but damn… My Bulgarian Arsenal Aks (one stamped and one milled) Make this look like a joke….
You forgot to mention the piece of crap carrier and bolt carrier they installed in it. Not to mention that not even 150 rounds into it how it all goes to s%$t. American made better than the commies? Prove it.
is this reviewer paid for by century?
he continually is dogging the ak platform, but never says pass on buying one. rather he says buy the more expensive one. who else builds better aks than the people who built them for years? it ain’t a sub moa rifle, but it’s cheap, reliable and decently accurate. the century guns I believe are overpriced and substandard.
Sorry Clay, but current American made AK’s are mostly crap, and it pains me to say that, truly. The current end result is what happens when you mate western business thinking with eastern products. Western business thinking seems to dictate 2 things that backfired when taking on creating American made AK’s….
1) “How can we manufacture it CHEAPER in order to maximize profits?”
THIS is the primary reason that these AK’s are unreliable, and have received almost a uniform rejection amongst the American AK community….. PARTS FAILURES! Using cast pot metal shit parts is a no-no. We’ve seen and heard multiple horror stories of front AND rear trunnion failures, riveting failures, bolt and bolt carrier failures, bolt mushrooming, receiver deformations after just a few hundred rounds, etc. They strayed from the original commie recipe to create these rifles cheaply, and have in fact, begun to kill the reputation of the legendary indestructability of the AK, all for profits…
2) Innovations. Always a GOOD thing, if not applied for COST-CUTTING reasons, or applied before THOROUGH reliability testing has been completed.
The bad news here? Is that this failure to manufacture QUALITY rifles with QUALITY parts has likely killed the credibility of the American AK. Perhaps permanently. The AK community can be a rather unforgiving lot… Once the stain has set in, I don’t know if the reputation of American made AK’s is even retrievable. I tell ALL newbies, GO COMBLOC! A decent WASR 10 or a Yugo may not be as pretty, but the compromise in parts quality and rifle failures associated with current American made AK’s is not worth the risk…
I really wish the USA could build an AK as good as or better than Russia, Bulgaria, and….(gulp)….China.
Maybe one day.
The best American made Ak IMHO is the Arsenal Inc version. Mine was milled and was super quality. I did replace the trigger but only because I was shooting it in 3 gun. I say “Was” because I sold it since I’m thinning the herd since I’m getting to the age where one needs to think about leaving a pile of stuff for family to have to deal with otherwise I’d still have it. Never a problem
My son bought me one of these to balance my military collection, and I immediately thought, ” HEY ! This isn’t the AK I knew ! ” There was something odd about it… same stamped metal… same tiny ergonomics… but different…
Well it isn’t the same AK ! It’s BETTER ! First off, it doesn’t rattle like a can full of rocks. It actually HAS some nice fit and finish. Looks like an AK, less a couple of parts I’ll never use ( I use the gun cleaning station in the shop ), but a waaaay nicer gun. Everything was TIGHT !
Being the good G.I. I am, I decided the only way to properly test it was the Russian way, pull it out, load it, shoot the hell out of it! So I did, and it hit right out of the box, at each increase of range I took it, and adjusting the sights for distance. I got better than the author’s 6″ at 100, probably the new gun and bench rest. I stopped at 300, because I just don’t think it’ll ever be a Long Range rifle. However, even with the tiny dimensions of furniture and sight alignment, I could hit M.O.M. (minute of man) every time it went BANG! Which was every time I pulled the SMOOTH trigger (seemed to break around 6-7 lbs nicely) (way better than a standard new M-16/AR-15, which disappoints me). I could put a magazine in a full size silhouette at that distance, and did off a good rest. Even head shots if I could settle down enough. Now I’m no sniper, but that works for me…
I do have a complaint. The tiny dimensions of it’s furniture on my Mil Spec body left a mark where the stock tapped my cheekbone… I even had a slight bruise! (Try explaining that to the wife…honest Honey it was the rifle!) Maybe I shouldn’t have shot it soooo much, but HEY, we were having fun ! A trip to my favorite AK shop, a mount to fit it with a simple 3X appropriate Chicom Scope, and boy was it more comfortable to shoot, and now accurate as I can get out of a 16.5 inch barrel Soviet style rifle…which was MUCH more accurate! MUCH more !!!
So, to quote Mr. A.K. himself… ” Rifle ees Goot ! ”
Thanks son … nice rifle.
Uhh guns that rattle are reliable because the space between parts. Loose AK is reliable AK. Just like how early 1911s rattle.
Use a guy who doesnt like AKs to write your article, great idea. Give him the two worst AKs on the market, even better idea. I don’t know why I read these articles anymore. To anyone thinking of buying either of the’s guns, DONT! Buy a WASR.
“Anything commies can do, we can do better” except; Ak47, helicopters like the M8, aeroplanes, like the An125, space ships, Rockets, space capsules, like the ones we americans are only passengers for rides, to space, and space stations, like the ISS, rocket motors,all of them used in america, tanks, like the ARMATA, boomer submarines, APC’s any kind of guns, like their RPG’s. Railroads like the “transSiberian” 12.000 Km. 2 rails electrified. Schools, Medical instruments and care, Pipe lines, built on permafrost. Build anything on permafrost, Lite thermonuclear warheads, G.P.S. Theirs is 10x more accurate and more resistant for E.M.P!!!!!!!! and 100 other things!!!!! But how would you know???? You are blissfully ignorant, even on the World standard, the AK-47!!!!! Granted, we make better booblegum, disposable diaper, coca-colas, toot- picks and stupid baseball gloves……..
Last time I checked we were the dominant world power and were cold war victors.
Stop cuddling your hammer and sickle, it’s warping your mind.
BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Well said. The Soviets sucked at nearly EVERYTHING he mentioned – exactly why they LOST THE COLD WAR.
Send me a postcard from Russia when u move there. Soon I hope.
I still say give me a Vepr over bout anything else for now! I have no doubt the US models will get better after more time perfecting them and they just blocked the import of Vepr’s and other Russian made weapons so I sure hope so cause I always have enjoyed the crude design but reliable and tuff AK platform if nothing else because it has such a place in cold war history.
Buy a WASR and be happy, leave these two alone.
Kalashnikov no kalishnikov. Facepalm yourself, Clay!
Tried to leave a comment 3x
As a fan and student of the AK for 40 years now,there are many misconceptions about them. Your comment about being heat treated in vodka speaks volumes about your unfamiliarity with the AK,as incorrect heat treating has been the biggest hurdle faced by American AK builders to date. Casting parts that should have been made of billet, incorrect riveting techniques,out of spec bolt carriers,mag wells that accept no known AK mag,front sights canted 10 degrees from the rear sight blocks,rattle can spray paint jobs that bubble off as soon as the barrel warms up and unproven barrel finishes like the nitrite on these you tested have destroyed any credibility U.S. made AKs may have gotten, and driven companies under. My cheap Norinco has 8000 plus rounds with NO failures, NO replaced components,not even springs,almost no maintenance,horrible fit and finish and runs on any ammo,any mags,any time,any where. 6 inches at 100 yards open sights sitting rested over my knees and I’m no sniper. The gun safe commandos want mirror polished finishes on places it doesn’t matter. Me,I want it to go bang every time and hit a man if I can see him. No American AK ever made will do that for more than a few hundred rounds,if that. Not as easy to make as we thought. I would love to see a sub 800 dollar properly built American AKM but, sadly,they don’t exist.
Yeah, Clay’s totally ignorant of Ak. It’s painfully clear he’s barely firearms literate. Why didnt gunsamerica hire you instead of him?!? Am I right?
Get back to us when you’ve shot at something that’s capable of shooting back. And No, Call of duty doesn’t count.
If I need a “go to war” battle rifle, it will be the Springfield Armory M1A (unless of course I stumble upon an actual government-issued M-14!). Better cartridge, longer effective and accurate range, and equal, if not better, reliability. Of course if one can’t afford it, then by all means, pick up a WASR!
Have over $3k in a SA M1A EBR clone and it is no way worth it. Cast receiver, non-concentric threaded barrel, so on and so on. If you want a good M1A, buy a Smith Enterprise build or Fulton Armory. It was my first rifle and I didn’t do enough research. I would take one of my VEPRs over my SA M1A any day…
Yeah, the vodka heat treating was a dead giveaway. Fact is, the Soviets and their antecedents produce(d) terrifically serviceable firearms. I have a 5.56 Bulgarian that has over 10,000 rounds through it … the gas port’s beginning to erode, but it still has another 5K or so rounds to go before I need to consider a replacement barrel and gas block.
Get someone who knows something about AKs to write the articles, please, and stop avoiding some of the serious, potentially injurious, issues surrounding Century’s cast parts, heat treating, and poor quality.
Whoops, I meant to use “descendants,” not antecedents. More coffee …
Exactly my thoughts as well. These two AK rifles are some of the worst reviewed guns I’ve ever seen, with the exception of this article. Wish I could still get a new in box Norinco or Saiga, far better machines than these two above.
Check the various auction sites. There are some NIB Norinco or Polytech milled MAK 90’s from time to time under $1,000.