Rigby – Big Game Bolt Action Rifle, .416 Rigby, 24” barrel length, claw extractor double square bride Mauser Action, European walnut stock, metal trapdoor case colored grip cap and recoil lug, Silvers style recoil pad, 30mm scope mounts, Rigby style silent sling, oil finish, flip sights marked at 65, 150, and 250 yds, adjustable front bead covered by sight hood, 2015 London proofed and 100% brand new gun with German components and hand made in London as were the very few Rigby guns made between 1912 and 1939, make no mistake this gun is the quintessential African dangerous game rifle in the perfect double square bridge configuration and in the most desirable .416 Rigby cartridge is now available for immediate delivery and ready for your next safari.
14 7/8” LOP
10lbs 8oz
Shipping Cost
$ 40
Shipping Description
50.00 flat-rate shipping. Shipping via UPS. Shipping typically occurs 1-3 days after purchase of any firearm. Please contact our factory at 860 225-6581 to speak with our showroom sales staff.