Beautiful condtion, and appears as original finishes on metal parts. This was a CMP carbine sold in the sixties. The previous owner never fired it and neither did I. Probably someone did!! The bore is mirror bright. Take a close look at my photos to see the condition. I just cleaned the old grese out of it.
receiver marked Saginaw S"G 1834XX
barrel marked Buffalo Arms
Magazine marked U-S'G
sight LRC type III
slide DA-Q
bolt AOB
trigger BE-B
Hammer TH
Magcatch M
stock and upper hand guard has marked 10 and H
Feel free to ask any questions as they will be cheerfully answered.
I just launched a little detent pin in the slide and I will send a replacement to the buyer if I dont have it at the time of sale.
Shipping Cost
$ 20
Shipping Description
I will ship only to an FFL.
Shipping will via US mail $20.