Young Rapper Gives His Solution to Solve World’s Problems: ‘Take Everybody’s Guns’

Rapper 21 Savage — no joke, that’s his name, or alias, “21 Savage” — has some advice on how we can solve all the world’s problems. In an interview with The Fader, a music orientated magazine, the young man explained his solution.

“It’s one simple thing that would get rid of all the problems in the world,” he explained. “If Americans had no guns they’re wouldn’t be no police killing people. That’s the easiest and simplest way to solve it. To take everybody’s guns, not just the civilians. Take the police’s guns too.”

Well, I know what you’re thinking: 21 Savage is a complete idiot. Or put more diplomatically, 21 Savage is extremely ignorant. I’m not going to argue to the contrary, but the one thing I’ll say is that unlike most gun-grabbers, at least he is an equal opportunity disarmer. That is, he doesn’t just want us to lay down our guns but wants the police to put their guns down as well.

Of course, maybe he doesn’t realize this arrangement already exists in places around the world. England, for example, has adopted the gun-free model in that police and civilians don’t carry firearms. Civilians aren’t allowed to and police generally do not. And guess what Mr. 21 Savage? Problems such as rape, assault and murder to persist.

The following stats are borrowed from Sam Harris website, For those not familiar with Harris, he is neuroscientist and public intellectual.


Incidents in the year 2010 per 100,000 population

U.S. 4.8
UK (includes Northern Ireland) 1.2
Australia 1.0
Sweden 1.0

U.S. 27.3
UK (England and Wales) 28.8
Australia 88.4
Sweden 63.5

U.S. 250.9
U.K. (England and Wales) 664.4
Australia 766
Sweden 936.6
Scotland 1449.7

Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Note: UNODC data and those of the Australian government do not agree. For Australian rates of Assault and Rape, I have relied on the report issued by the Australian Institute of Criminology


As one can see, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies in countries that adopt the gun-free model. As it turns out, instances of rape and assault are more common in those highlighted countries than compared to the U.S.

Like with everything in life, there’s a tradeoff. In the U.S. you have the right to keep and bear arms so you have the optimal means to protect yourself, your family and your property. You have the power to avoid becoming a statistic. Elsewhere around the world, you do not have the optimal means to protect yourself, your family or your property. You have to pray you don’t become a statistic.

What this whole conversation boils down to is agency. As a citizen, do you want to be in control of your safety or would you prefer to hand that responsibility over to the government? Do you want to live in a country that embraces one’s right to self-defense or dismantles one’s right of self-defense?

Sadly, regardless of what one chooses, good people will still be murdered and raped and assaulted by bad people. Guns or no guns, it doesn’t matter. Evil exists in this world. Therefore, it circles back to the original question, do you want the power to defend yourself at a moment’s notice or do you want to place your safety in the hands of a government that can be minutes, maybe hours away?

It appears 21 Savage would like to defer to the government when it comes to his personal safety. That’s fine. That’s his choice. And, it seems to be the choice of an increasing number of folks. But not me. I’d rather be armed and go out on my own terms, come what may.

  • Willie-O February 7, 2019, 3:49 pm

    Obviously an old article because a current news report just came out outlining this moron’s arrest. It turns out that this “gangsta from A town” was just taken into custody by ICE. He’s not the badass homie from the streets of Atlanta that he has represented himself as – he’s a Brit with a long since expired visa. Imagine that, one of the “dreamers” from across the pond. Guess that explains his position on gun ownership. Well, that and the fact that as many have pointed out, he’s a f’n idiot. Send him back to the land of unarmed subjects.

  • mike October 3, 2016, 4:10 pm

    white people….lol

  • AW October 2, 2016, 5:03 pm

    In the 20th century nearly 200 million people were killed by their own governments. Most of them (victims) were unarmed.
    Sounds like a great idea in a liberal classroom but it doesn’t work so well in practice.

    • ejharb October 10, 2016, 8:55 am

      Low figure aw,try closer to 300 from 1900-2000. A interesting figure would compare government to criminals in number of innocentsession killed

  • hey October 2, 2016, 12:26 pm

    The rappers preach their OWN VERSION OF EXTREME MOHAMMONDISUM, that is far more destructive. You do not need sucide bombers when you feed a mind of hate and greed of preying off others that causes them to kills themselves with drugs, weapons, etc. The rappers are actually influencing their own race to be enslaved by the “game” by spreading the drug gangster life culture to all those kids who grew up without a real father figure. As more felons are let out of prison by the Obama administration watch the scum diease spread to the next generation even faster as the government capitolizes $33,000 tax dollars per year (2006) per incenration. There should be a zero tolerance for drug dealers, and rappers who influence that way of life, and this what people should be rioting about rather than promoting it in their car steros, doing and buying it!!!

  • hey October 1, 2016, 10:27 pm

    The rappers preach their OWN VERSION OF EXTREME MOHAMMONDISUM, that is far more destructive. You do not need sucide bombers when you feel a mind of hate and greed of preying off others that causes them to kills themselves with drugs, weapons, etc. The rappers are actually influencing their own race to be enslaved by the “game” by spreading the drug gangster life culture to all those kids who grew up without a real father figure. As more felons are let out of prison by the Obama administration watch the scum diease spread to the next generation even faster as the government capitolizes $33,000 tax dollars per year (2006) per incenration. Their should be a zero tolerance for drug dealers, and rappers who influence that way of life, and people promoting it in public should have the second amendment exercised by the normal people for being a threat to the community, not praised.

  • max hoyle October 1, 2016, 3:26 pm

    I know a better way ..get rid of rap noise, to me its not music!

  • BRASS September 30, 2016, 8:44 pm

    I wonder if this young meat head or his liberal buddies noticed that rapes and assaults are much, much higher in all the other countries mentioned, and that is likely because here in America we have both the right and the ability to defend ourselves?
    I also wonder who he thinks is going to take away our guns? America has an army of hundreds of millions of trained and armed active, Reserve, National Guard, retired military, veterans, cops, hunters, homeowners and citizens who will fight to protect the Second Amendment and their rights to self defense, will refuse to follow illegal, unconstitutional orders and refuse to surrender their firearms.
    Whose going to come and take them by force? Him? Hillary? A bunch of other Democrats and commies? They’re going to risk their lives to take our guns by force? Not freaking likely, not if they want to survive.

    • ejharb October 10, 2016, 9:00 am

      Coalition of foreign nations each contributing troops to the suppression of liberty. Get ready to enhance your collection with some international hardware of various sorts.

  • Odysseus M Tanner September 30, 2016, 5:31 pm

    According to FBI stats, 50% of murders in America are black-on-black, with blacks 13% of the population. And according to HuffPo, the murder rate for Hispanics is twice that of non-black/Hispanic, with Hispanics 17% of the population.

    The math is simple. With an overall homicide rate of 4.7 per 100K that works out to the following rates: Black 18; Hispanic 4.5; Non-black/Hispanic 2.2; Homicide rate in the UK? 1.2, and some say that number should be adjusted upward due to differences in reporting.

    Clearly, as far as our outsized homicide rate is concerned, we do not have a gun problem but a socioeconomic one.


    • Phil Hess October 2, 2016, 10:20 pm

      Socioeconomic would indicate economics plays a role. Most of the black on black comes from drug wars or gang turf wars. This is not societal or economic.

  • Jockitch J. Macagga September 30, 2016, 5:07 pm

    He’s a Brain Dead
    Fucking idiot!

    • Steven Warren April 4, 2017, 3:06 pm

      I.Q. around 70 -75 I would estimate…

      • Leighton Cavendish September 8, 2018, 10:33 am

        You are being generous…LOL

  • mike kerrigan September 30, 2016, 2:54 pm

    It’s a shame Obama is on the way out – this guy would be perfect for the attorney general position. Wait maybe if Hilary gets elected she might give him a shot………..

  • Ralph S September 30, 2016, 1:31 pm

    His idea and comment regarding guns is a product of leftist progressives indoctrination and false narratives. He believes what he is taught in the government run Socialist incubators called public schools, and by the ever present lies of the leftist media and so called Hollywood “stars”. Responsible law abiding gun owners, and the whole firearm industry, need to take an active roll in educating the young and uninformed as to the reason why our founders decided that freedom of speech and religion, and right to bear arms shall not be infringed were placed as the 1st and Second amendments, so as to protect the rest of our inalienable rights. If we lose one, we lose them all and surrender ourselves and freedoms to tyranny.

  • Leighton Cavendish September 30, 2016, 12:09 pm

    When I see the rappers, thugs and gang members PUBLICLY give up their guns…then I’ll take it seriously.
    Too easy to build a gun these days.
    No way people will turn in guns.
    Just like illegal drugs…people that want guns will find and use guns.

  • kane September 30, 2016, 12:00 pm

    I am sure this new age Bob Dylan took the Posse Comitatus Act into consideration and he would either want that act overturned or somehow rendered meaningless. So then maybe the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps could go in to the homes throught the US and forcibly remove the guns from both the Police and the civilians and everything will be great going forward. Makes me wonder just how demented the people are behind the camera that would even tape this message.

  • Jamchitt September 30, 2016, 9:40 am

    That dude is straight-up stoned. I’m pretty sure he just finished off his Purple Drank right before the interview.

  • darryl September 30, 2016, 8:41 am

    The stupidity of a dumbass shows through. The animals of America , like black lives matter, would love to see us disarmed. You know the animals would not disarm. They follow no laws now. Why would they change? The only way to stop an animal with a gun is to have a gun and be better trained.

  • Michael E. Hensley September 30, 2016, 8:07 am

    Get rid of the Young and Old Rappers and we probably would not need guns, Although that would not be enough riddance to make me ” Give Em Up “

  • SPM September 30, 2016, 4:17 am

    Young man, pull your pants up, straighten your posture, wipe the slack jawed look off your face and for God’s sake use some common sense.

  • Tom Horn September 27, 2016, 9:00 pm

    Ah, but that we could all ride golden unicorns up over the rainbow…

  • Team Wyoming September 26, 2016, 2:30 pm

    Do you suppose this young man is really that naïve or is he a puppet, someone standing next to the camera pulling his strings.

  • EWTHeckman September 26, 2016, 11:26 am

    One of the problems with comparing homicide figures with the United Kingdom is that they do not use the same recording standards we do. For example, according to a report given to the house of Commens:

    “Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction, or where the person is not prosecuted on grounds of self defence or otherwise. This reduces the apparent number of homicides by between 13 per cent and 15 per cent.”

    (Note: I question the accuracy of this percentage.)

    Furthermore, homicides are only recorded for the year in which the person is caught, not in the year the killing occurred.

    Those, and other differences make any direct comparison of rates almost entirely meaningless.

  • DRAINO September 23, 2016, 2:50 pm

    OH, TO BE YOUNG AND STUPID AGAIN!!!! Good article. Making sure we identify all morons is a major step in defeating the ignorance that plagues our country. I love how all these idiots want to move away from the vary principles that our country was founded on. Why don’t you just MOVE if you don’t like living in a free country. You have your pick of other countries with various forms of controlling, freedom raping governments. That way they don’t have to work so hard to give up the freedoms that so many Americans died for. Easier for everyone!!!

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