World’s first digital-electronic trigger makes appearance at Knob Creek

Wow, is this a game changer or just a flash-in-the-pan trigger system?

It might be too early to tell but according to inventor Mike Otte it’s the “world’s greatest trigger.”

With no creep and no breakpoint, he may be on to something. What’s cool about this particular iteration is that even if the electronic trigger fails, there’s a mechanical backup.

It was developed in conjunction with Creative Digital and will retail for around $200.

Big tip of the hat to photojournalist, and author of “We The People Book,” Ben Philippi who recorded this video while visiting Knob Creek and to for allowing us to share the video.

  • Noah Sanchez April 3, 2021, 3:55 pm

    The entire reason to have guns to to keep the government in check. Why the hell would you give them the peer to disable your gun?

  • Harpo February 2, 2017, 11:13 pm

    Would love to see this mandatory on all handheld firearms, law enforcement could disable an active shooter in a standoff situation

    • Not_Harpo February 4, 2017, 9:22 am

      Good idea, give the government the power to turn on and off citizens guns as they please.

      • Noah Sanchez April 3, 2021, 3:54 pm

        The entire reason to have guns to to keep the government in check. Why the hell would you give them the peer to disable your gun?

    • Joseph March 29, 2017, 10:19 pm

      So could a hacker

  • janet n April 3, 2015, 5:00 pm

    Thank you! This is very interesting and useful information.

  • Joe McHugh October 27, 2014, 12:51 pm

    Did anyone fully understand that this trigger device is also available for full automatic operation? Any electronic engineer can modify this mechanism for full automatic operation. Like the inventor said, you just need to electronically “pulse” the trigger at a rate of 500 to 1000 cycles per minute.

    However, you don’t need to be an electronic engineer to design a full automatic version for yourself. All you need to do is register it as being a “special” rifle at the appropriate Federal Government department when you purchase the select fire version of the trigger mechanism. You will have to pay $200.00 for a transfer tax stamp after the paperwork is filled out, though. The National Firearms Act, (N.F.A.) of 1934 information is available on line from that same department. If you live in a state like New York, you may not be able to enforce your Second Amendment rights. If you live in a state that honors the Constitution, like Vermont, you are good to go. Vermont recognizes and follows the rules of the N.F.A. gun law of 1934.

    This is the first challenge to the 1986 law that prohibits sales of select fire firearms made after 1986. Since AR 15 type rifles were never made as select fire firearms they do not fall under that law. In other words you can purchase the semi-automatic AR 15 rifle and fit it with the select fire electronic trigger device once the rifle is registered with the Federal Government. Now watch the liberals scramble to close this “loophole”!

    The liberal mentality? Liberals are convinced that any firearm that enables one to fire more than seven bullets in a rapid fashion will turn the gun owner into a mad-dog mass murderer. They think that competent, law-abiding adult citizens are only a trigger pull away from being Mr. Hyde. But hey, were talking about liberals, right?

  • Curtis October 23, 2014, 1:28 pm

    thats just a spyder trigger, spyder board, with the tippmann mechanical mode from the crossover.

    for you who dont know, its a lot of paintball stuff that has been around for a very long time! that they jacked and put into this grip

    • PaintBallmonkey December 29, 2016, 3:14 pm

      So True! why didn’t they start in the early 2000’s like the paintball world did……. who knows?

    • Nate March 20, 2017, 5:02 pm

      lol I said the same thing I’ve had that Same board on all my spyders

  • Richard October 23, 2014, 12:03 pm

    Did everyone forget the Remington E-tronx and how miserably it failed?

  • matt October 23, 2014, 9:56 am

    I Foresee legal opposition. the board that is currently in the gun is a dc power supply with two wires and two more wires to activate a solenoid on a 2 pin plug. that board is readily available to anyone. for about 15 dollars you can get it at any paintball store online. buying a semi auto one and converting it over to that model could be done by those with very little knowledge of the gun or paintball. it would be simply put it in and plug it in and your good to go.

  • Mark October 23, 2014, 9:42 am

    I suspect it’ll quickly be reverse engineered since it’s likely just an EEPROM that controls the rate of fire.

  • Matt October 22, 2014, 11:28 pm

    All it is, is a tippmann egrip

  • Bob October 22, 2014, 10:16 pm

    Yup I agree with the above comment. Looks like the trigger in my Paintball gun….bout time! Love the mechanical back up. To bad I can’t get the 3rnd burst mode

  • Jeff Schooler October 22, 2014, 10:09 pm

    Interesting innovation. I think your biggest chalenge with consumer attitude will be overcoming the shooters who dont want to rely on an electronic device failure or just plain want the manual control and “feel” of their trigger.

    Can it be programmed to respond to abuser specifien”trigger pull weight” and how about the trigger reset characteristics for follow up shots in rapid succession on semi auto? Also, can an type of proximity electronic trigger safety me incorporated? For instance in the case of a pistol and holster situation if the pistol is within say 3″ of the holster the trigger cannot fire to prevent Negligent Discharge. I think that would be a GREAT feature for those of us that to be locked and loaded but still safe without having to disenguage a mechanical safety in a SD situation. Maybe even a step further with an RFID (kept on the carrier’s person that has ro be within or 1 foot of a bracelt worn by the ownerblof the handgun or else it prevents the handgun from being able to be fired. This would keep kids safer and prevent people from being shot with their own gun. These extra safety features should be completely possible with todays RFID technology but Im not sure if the addtl technology would add to size of the system. Would love more info. Jeff Schooler [email protected]

    • law-abiding-citizen October 23, 2014, 9:16 am

      Everything in your comment after the programmable part describes smart-gun technology – a concept that has been flatly rejected by 2nd Amendment supporters. A firearm that REQUIRES electronics to function is a terrible idea, because if the electronics fail, you’re left with a club of varying length. The trigger in this article will still appeal to some because it has a strictly mechanical function as a back-up, in the event the electronic part fails.

      • robert October 27, 2014, 8:46 am

        I agree. All the electronics in ground based weapons systems take a hammering, and must be constsntly re-calibrated. Hate to say it, but that effects accuracy much more than I can say. Tanks, howitzers, atm’s and manpac systems. That’s also why after every carrier landing, the plane is taken down for serious work.(they are broken after each landing) It’s a wonder they work at all. Electronics don’t like vibration, heat, moisture and/or dirt.
        Did I forget to mention, that’s why every military weapon system costs soooo much…

  • Doobie October 22, 2014, 8:51 pm

    This looks like the same technology we use in paintball guns. I was wondering how long it would take for this tech to make the jump to real firearms.

  • Radu Cimpan October 22, 2014, 8:41 pm

    Bad idea.. may seem cool.. but then it can be disabled by an emp.. good old fashon mechanical trigger is best

    • Matt B. October 22, 2014, 9:47 pm

      That’s why it can also be used mechanically.

    • Eric Jackson October 22, 2014, 10:46 pm

      so could an EOTech, a light, and half of the other fancy shit some people put on their rifles. That doesn’t make it a bad idea.

    • Joe October 23, 2014, 12:22 am

      Apparently you didn’t watch the video. It specifically acknowledges your concern and dispels the issue.

    • TracyMorganFreeman October 23, 2014, 3:39 am

      You know how I know you didn’t watch the video?
      Where are you running into an EMP anyways?

      • GameOgre October 23, 2014, 9:25 pm

        After the other team scores 20 kills, duh!

    • Troy Young October 23, 2014, 9:06 pm

      Did you even WATCH the video??

      • Ted October 29, 2014, 3:40 am

        He didn’t even read the article–three sentences down!

    • BW October 24, 2014, 7:38 am

      1) mechanical backup.

      2) the danger an emp (sun spot or nuclear) poses to small electronics is minimal at best. For the most part, cars, radios and other small devices would be fine. It’s the larger grid that would be taken down.

      • Kivaari October 27, 2014, 3:38 pm

        EMP is well covered in a book, “One Second After”. The likelihood of it happening is remote. EMP will effect more than the grid. Just about anything with a computer chip will stop working, unless it was housed in a grounded container. Like the electronics in aircraft, modern cars and computers will just be fried. I don’t like battery dependent devices. Having the manual backup is great.

    • PaintBallmonkey December 29, 2016, 3:22 pm

      Know one here would trust this with their lives, and if they did they are morons. This would be more like a rec gun then a military standard issue piece of equipment. If the latter happens then that’s when people need to worry. This is a Fun gun, not a soldiers running gun.

  • TannerAnders October 22, 2014, 7:48 pm

    I can see a market for it in precision shooting, where it takes a lot of the challenge out of trigger control. But I’d never put it in a fighting gun.

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