Wikipedia Censors ‘Gun Rights’

Wikipedia Censors 'Gun Rights'

Alan Korwin, visit his website

Thanks to the observant work of an internet-presence guru, we now know you can’t find “Gun Rights” on Wikipedia.

It’s as if such a thing doesn’t exist. Internal references to “gun rights” are redirected, some very recently, indicating this is an ongoing effort.

Admittedly, there is a bizarre argument that guns don’t have rights, only people have rights, but that is specious here. As a term of art, “gun rights” accounts for limitations in the English language, everyone gets that. “Gun rights” is a synonym for the right to keep and bear arms, and everything that encompasses, along with a dozen other ways of expressing the same thing.

For Wikipedia, gun rights is “gun politics.” These are not the same of course. Look up politics, look up rights, that case rests on its own.

Even worse than the blatant censorship of “gun rights” is the fact that Wikipedia is doing it. What else has fallen under this censorship axe?

The web guru observes: “Just read the ‘gun politics’ page and look how it presents a unique perspective on guns, gun rights, and so-called “gun control,” all in the name of gun politics.

“For example, here’s the last paragraph in the opening of the ‘gun politics history’ section:

“Closely related to the militia tradition is the frontier tradition, with the need for self-protection pursuant to westward expansion and the extension of the American frontier. Though it has not been a necessary part of daily survival for over a century, ‘generations of Americans continued to embrace and glorify it as a living inheritance — as a permanent ingredient of this nation’s style and culture’.”

SEE ALSO: Merriam-Webster Changes Definition of ‘Assault Rifle’ to Align with Anti-Gun Lobby

By redirecting a reference to “gun rights” to a slanted “gun politics” opinion piece, the so-called “gun-control” side is working within Wikipedia to promote the gun-confiscation agenda. One of its latest strategies is this redirect. It is an extremely clever Orwellian methodology.

In another maneuver, even though the opening line describing the Second Amendment Foundation retains the censored phrase “gun rights” and says the group supports gun rights, (it would not work to say they support gun politics, indicating this is not an automated global replacement) someone recently (Feb. 13, 2018) redirected (hijacked) the “gun rights” link and redirected it to “gun politics,” as if SAF supports gun politics, as Wiki describes it. The Wiki history architecture captures the deed:

Wikipedia Censors 'Gun Rights'

(Photo: Alan Korwin)

NOTE: What Wikipedia has done in these cases is link the organization’s statements about defense of gun rights to a blurb and pages about gun politics. The idea of a civil and human right to firearms, is absent. The fundamental civil and human right to arms that the American people possess is now missing in the descriptions. No page for Gun Rights exists at Wikipedia. The “world’s encyclopedia,” now coincidentally managed by a left-leaning cabal of techno-oligrarchs, is starting to show its treachery. See for yourself:


Wikipedia Censors 'Gun Rights'

(Photo: Alan Korwin)

The Uninvited Ombudsman is now looking into developing an entry on “Gun Rights” for publication in Wikipedia, and will be working with the nation’s leading experts on this important task.

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