Which GOP Presidential Candidates Actually Own Firearms?

The Telegraph put together a pretty comprehensive list of the Republican presidential candidates and their respective position on guns. I’d recommend viewing the entire article, but here is a snapshot of their findings in a nice, succinct infographic:

(Photo: Telegraph)

(Photo: Telegraph)

  • Bill Lillibridge September 14, 2015, 7:07 pm

    If someone, especially an organization even the NRA (I am Life member) asked me if I owned a firearm regardless type my answer would be no reply; and most likely neither would you so I for one put “Zero” credence to this article. If you reply to this opinion please submit your full name as I have and your Complete List of “bullet launcher”. Respectfully, Mustang Major USMC (Ret)

  • FM September 14, 2015, 6:16 pm

    Why didn’t you show ALL the candidates from all the so-called political parties? Makes me wonder, as the original captain of the guard for the California Vietnam Veterans Memorial Watch Assn.; surely ya’ll aren’t cherry picking right? RIGHT??? Because if you look at, for example, the actual voting records of Republicans compared to Democrats on Veterans issues the Republicans vote AGAINST ceterans issues about 80-90% of the time. Regardless of the smoke you all let them blow up your collective skirt. Hell, I’ll bet most of you never served in the military, but when it comes to whining & bitching you rock!

  • Larry September 14, 2015, 3:04 pm

    Just one more reason to mark off old Jeb & the Crisco man. If they don’t own a gun for protection, screw them. Plus, Crisco is the Gov of the Socialist state of New Jersey, for goodness sake! Fiorina is ok. Every gun in my house is mine but my wife carries one everywhere she goes. I expect Carly is the same.
    One question: While I am a member of the NRA I would still like to ask them how they can classify Jeb “A plus” & him not be a gun owner.

  • Rob September 14, 2015, 1:34 pm

    Just curious, why does Bush have an A+ rating with the NRA but doesn’t own a gun? That should be a requisite for any rating above a “C”, IMO.

  • Robert Steffy September 14, 2015, 1:00 pm

    Anyone that doesn’t own a gun is fooling themselves. In this evil world filled with terrorists how would you defend your wife and children from an attacker? Chances are that a robber or attacker will have a gun. It is foolish to not obtain the means to defend yourself and your family.

  • Carl September 14, 2015, 12:16 pm

    It would be interesting to know which Democratic candidates own guns. Some do. It would also be interesting to see what those folks spend (or have the U.S., State, or local governments spend) on security.

    • DIYinSTL September 14, 2015, 11:32 pm

      I saw a short interview with Jim Webb early in the year. I think he has an AK and an RPG launcher hanging on the wall of his office.

  • LAH053 September 14, 2015, 11:32 am

    I won’t be voting for anyone without some level of legislative experience. If you look at it, this is not a job for someone to OJT, we already have one of those (Obama if you remember him). Everyone said all they have to do is surround themselves with smart people that is so much BULL, well Obama shot that excuse in the Butt! I won’t vote for Trump or anyone who supported and/or voted/advocated for new registration rules. All the left has to do is scream for enforcement of the already too numerous gun control laws passed and on the books IF, they really want to impact the illegal possession of firearms. I think people who vote for someone just because they are not a politician is BRAIN DEAD!! Who ever gets elected will still have to deal with Congress and to elect another OJT President will surely destroy this country. I am for those who have executive experience such as a Governor (i.e. Walker (who fought and won against the Unions and Democrats not one but 4 times, Kasich (who had some military service). Support who you want but remember the failures of the past and past records dictate the future actions coming from the man in the oval office NOT what they are currently promising!

    • mach37 September 14, 2015, 5:37 pm

      It appears that the trouble (ONE of the troubles) with Obama is that he doesn’t pay attention to the advice of the smarter people he is supposed to be listening to. In his own smart-aleck words, he has said he is smarter than just about everyone else in his administration. Most winners of the job of President DO listen to their advisors, so I would not rule out candidates with little legislative experience.

  • WinchesterMan September 14, 2015, 9:53 am

    If those gun images represent ALL of the guns owned by all the candidates in total, then I am very disappointed. Crap, I had more than that before I was 25 years old, and another or so (LOL) since then. I’ve never committed a crime with a gun and won’t unless they create legislation that grandfathers me into it! I told a liberal politician recently that I should be THEIR POSTER BOY FOR GUN CONTROL, SINCE IVE LOCKED ALL MY GUNS IN VAULTS AND “TOOK THEM OFF THE STREET”. No response from him, just the typical blank look!!!

  • Chief September 14, 2015, 9:24 am

    That’s a pathetic amount of guns for a whole group to own .Notice the democrat in rhino’s clothing Chris Christie without a single gun .As far as the rest if you don’t even own a gun I don’t take you seriously as a candidate.

  • LibertyRick September 14, 2015, 8:18 am

    Don’t think I will be voting for any candidate that does not own a gun since it tells me they may be anti 2nd Amendment in their subconscious mind. I cannot risk that after ObaMaoism and the internal deconstruction that ahole has tried to accomplish with his traitorous policies and actions. IMPEACH & INDICT ObaMao Hold this traitor accountible

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