What New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Is Doing to Put a De Facto Ban on Concealed Carry

Irate about the recent Supreme Court decision that struck down New York’s “proper cause” requirement, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced this week that she would, with the help of the Legislature, create a list of “sensitive locations” where law-abiding permit holders would be prohibited from carrying concealed firearms. 

“In the wake of the reckless Supreme Court decision to strike down the ‘proper cause’ provision of New York’s concealed carry law, I am convening an extraordinary session of the legislature tomorrow, where we will enact new policy that carefully regulates access to concealed carry permits within the confines of the decision,” she said on Wednesday. 

“My staff has been working with the legislature around-the-clock to get this done right,” she continued. “We will stop at nothing to protect New Yorkers.”  

The list of “sensitive locations” will include: 

  • Federal, state and local government buildings
  • Health and medical facilities
  • Places where children gather such as daycares, parks, zoos and playgrounds
  • Public transportation including subways and buses
  • Polling sites
  • Educational institutions

The governor also said that after the legislation passes, the default status will be that firearms are banned in all private businesses unless they affirmatively state that “concealed firearms are welcome here.”  

SEE ALSO: Parents of Victim And Brady Campaign Sue Gun Shop for Illegal Actions of Straw Purchaser 

“The presumption in the state of New York, after we sign this bill into law, will be the presumption that private property owners will not want to have concealed carry weapons on their premises,” she explained.

During the press conference, intrepid news reporter Anne McCloy from CBS affiliate WRGB asked Gov. Hochul a poignant question.

McCloy said, “Do you have numbers to show that it’s the concealed carry permit holders that are committing crimes? 

“I don’t need to have numbers. I don’t need to have a data point to say this. I know that I have a responsibility for this state to have sensible gun safety laws,” Hochul responded.  

In other words, Hochul’s plan to improve the safety of New Yorkers is to ensure the very people, capably and responsibly armed citizens, who can actually stop a violent criminal or mass killer in the act do not have the means to do so because they are in a “sensitive location,” otherwise known as a gun-free zone.

Creating more gun-free zones will not save lives nor will it make New York a safer place. What it will do, however, is create more victims. Because violent individuals do not follow the law and they seek out soft targets where they know they are less likely to meet armed resistance.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment July 3, 2022, 4:37 am

    Only lives they seem to be saving is the bad guys! Nut jobs and their loopholes will be the death of us all.

  • Snake July 1, 2022, 7:32 pm

    The part of the video starting at 5:14 gives me the biggest creeps:

    “But then you have the Supreme Court of the United States Of America, that think that they have more power than a Governor does, when it comes to protecting the citizens of our state.”

    My answer to Governor Hochul: Oh yes, they have! That is why they are the Supreme Court and that is why you can even file a lawsuit against your own state at that very court! No governor has the right to put himself/herself higher than the highest court of this country! And any Governor that tries to do that just tries to rule his/her state as a dictator and potentially dreams of segregating his/her state from the union, period.

    Yet, as I expect her to be on Bloomberg’s secret payment list, after all, she loves Everytown so much, I would not be surprised if this likely puppet of Mr. Big Billionaire dreams of exactly that.

  • Bulletcatcher July 1, 2022, 4:49 pm

    Well, we all know buck tooth is truly a POS governor that’s in by default. You have to worry about her or Adams soon.

  • Kane July 1, 2022, 2:58 pm

    “That’s the kind of stupid talk that is keeping this country divided…Hopefully the only ones hanging from lampposts will be the traitors that tried to overthrow OUR government on January 6th.”

    What a fool. This clown thinks that he/she/it is a voice of reason I bet the slob loved it when Babbitt and Boyland were killed at the Capitol without an investigation. I bet this slob voices a false respect for women at every chance. I bet this slob rejoiced as local Police were targetted and killed by ANTIFA scum
    actually trying to “overthrow OUR government.”

  • Alan S July 1, 2022, 2:05 pm

    New York has become a $hit hole again after doing so well under republican leadership. Let it burn. There’s nothing there for intelligent people anyway.

  • Stan d. Hochul July 1, 2022, 1:19 pm

    Does anyone else think Gov. Hochul looks like an escaped zombie from The Walking Dead? Brrr, looking at her gives me chills!

  • Stan d. Upnow July 1, 2022, 1:02 pm

    All armed criminals and mass-shooting planners—–

    The list of “sensitive locations” will include:

    Federal, state and local government buildings
    Health and medical facilities
    Places where children gather such as daycares, parks, zoos and playgrounds
    Public transportation including subways and buses
    Polling sites
    Educational institutions

    Gov. Hochul and her Leftist stooges support your “right” to engage in whatever occupation you choose in the name of “equity.”

  • KOldman July 1, 2022, 1:00 pm

    Unless there is metal detector or patdown, I read gun-free zone as “no-print zone”

  • Brian July 1, 2022, 12:06 pm

    In Kalifornia you already cannot carry a firearm either on your person or in your carry-on bag at the airport, UNLESS of course you are a termed out Democratic politician who just happens to be running for county sheriff. Then you get a pass, no $10,000 fine, no incarceration, you firearm is “stored” with the county sheriff’s office where you can pick it up after you return from your trip, and your CCW is not revoked or suspended. This is EXACTLY what happened when termed out Kalifornia Assemblyman Jim Cooper(D) was caught by the TSA with a loaded firearm in his carry on bag. He claimed it was a “mistake”, wink wink. I wonder if that same courtesy will be extended to any other CCW holder who “mistakenly” carries a firearm into the airport, eh? I think not! They will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, after they are arrested by newly elected Sacramento County sheriff Jim Cooper’s deputies. They will be fined, their gun confiscated and not returned and their CCW will most likely be revoked.

  • EasyEddie July 1, 2022, 10:47 am

    I say again that the best part of New York State was seeing it in my rear-view mirror three years ago.

  • Bobby C July 1, 2022, 10:08 am

    Hey Anthony Romano, you think it’s “no big deal” for late night NYC subway riders to be unable to defend themselves? And knowing a subway is banned for carrying we can’t walk down ANY street carrying because a subway is part of our commute?

    • Stan d. Upnow July 1, 2022, 1:05 pm

      Quit griping, they’re “saving lives” and “keeping you safe.”

  • Luke July 1, 2022, 9:52 am

    If you’re still dumb enough to reside in NY and have a CC permit, just carry everywhere. Disregard this leftist plan if it is passed. Better to take out a criminal with a weapon in one of their snowflake zones than getting dead. Let your common sense be your peace of mind.

  • Frank July 1, 2022, 9:37 am

    At this point, why would any sane person choose to reside in either one or the Marxist regimes of NY or CA?

    • Stan d. Upnow July 1, 2022, 1:08 pm

      Why? Because they’re too dumb, don’t care, or are Progressive-Socialists themselves.

  • Easygo July 1, 2022, 9:36 am

    In other words, banned where concealed carry would be the most beneficial…

    • Jay Smith July 1, 2022, 10:32 am

      Other than polling places, that was exactly my feelings too…

  • Bob W July 1, 2022, 9:08 am

    I’m a New York Democrat but unlike all the Republicans I know, I have no problem criticizing my party when they do something stupid. My governor is off the wall on this one and she will not get my vote. Not only does she want to make it impossible for my to carry my gun where I may need it most, she wants to do more crazy stuff like a background check just to buy ammo. I had 10 backgrounds check just to buy guns, that should be enough. That being said I would love to hear some Republicans calling out the lunatics in their party and God knows there are a lot of them starting with the orange draft dodger.

    • Stan d. Upnow July 1, 2022, 1:15 pm

      Despite the possibility that you Might be right-minded where the 2nd A. is concerned, you are Still a Progressive-Socialist, and responsible for placing your brethren in DC to destroy this country! That makes you an enemy.

      BTW, I especially bash the Republicans, since most pretend to be conservative.

    • The Bearded Pretender July 1, 2022, 1:58 pm

      You lost me at Democrat and the fact you voted for that Worthless POS in the White House.
      Anyone that says they are a Democrat needs to have a Mental Health Check Up and should be registered.
      It’s your voters that do 50 shooting a weekend in every Democrat controlled Shithole across America every weekend. I’ll take Trumps mean tweets over this American Hating POS anytime.

    • Mark N. July 2, 2022, 12:40 am

      Don’t feel bad. We have had the same ammo BGC law in California for a couple of years now. It adds $1 to the transaction, and it happens at the time of purchase since you cannot buy ammo off the internet without it being shipped to an FFL. It is just a mini check for us against the State’s armed prohibited persons index, with no 10 day wait as is applied to firearms, unless you are from out of state. Out of staters out of ammo are out of luck. They have to pay for the full background check ($37.00) and wait ten days to receive their purchase.

  • John Hill July 1, 2022, 8:52 am

    So the looney left metro elitists respond to the SCOTUS ruling with even more repressive regulations!!! This will never hold up in court! Time to go back again to SCOTUS!

  • Anthony J Romano July 1, 2022, 8:25 am

    We already have those places restricted in Ohio plus any business can put up a NO GUN sign. We also have Constitutional Carry. Those restrictions have been in place since we got CCL in 2004. This is no big deal.

    • Mark N. July 2, 2022, 12:45 am

      You know not of what you speak. Under the new NY law, and the identical law just passed in California, there is a PRESUMPTION that all businesses are NO carry zones UNLESS the business owner posts a sign ALLOWING firearms. In other words, every city, town, and village is presumed to be a no carry zone except out on the street. Enter a business with a loaded gun and you have just committed a felony. Nice, huh? This is FAR more restrictive than Ohio law or for that matter the California CCW that we had before. And it is a slap in the face to the Supreme Court.

  • Rand July 1, 2022, 8:23 am

    Before, ypu cpuld only transport a firearm to the range, hunting, or to a gunsmith. After, you can’t use the subway or bus. NYorkers are worse off.

  • Mark N. July 1, 2022, 12:49 am

    California will be voting on essentially identical provisions when the Legislature reconvenes in August. And yes, in my opinion, it is a de facto ban in every urban area, notwithstanding the Supreme court’s explicit warning that NY could not make the whole island of Manhattan a no carry sensitive place. A presumption that every private business is a no carry/sensitive area makes it impossible to go anywhere and do any kind of business. By the way, California’s bill also bans all carry at airports and banks. So you can walk down the street or carry in your car, but beyond that you are SOL.

  • JB June 30, 2022, 7:10 pm

    The Communists may be winning in the short term, but after the balloon goes up, they will be hanging from lamposts.

    • Bob W July 1, 2022, 9:15 am

      That’s the kind of stupid talk that is keeping this country divided. If you think for one minute that some kind of civil war will work for your cause you’re dead wrong. It didn’t work for the nut jobs in 1861 and it won’t work for you now. Hopefully the only ones hanging from lampposts will be the traitors that tried to overthrow OUR government on January 6th.

      • Big Al 45 July 1, 2022, 10:25 am

        No one tried to “overthrow” our Govt, you silly little indoctrinated person.
        They simply were angry, and acted out in that anger.
        Literally no different than most of the riots by BLM, it was brought to this because it was directed at the Democrats, and it scared them.
        It wasn’t organized or anything like that at all.
        But hey, it’s YOU Bob W, so I’ll just quote “That’s the kind of stupid talk that is keeping this Country divided”.
        I wonder if you recognize your own hypocrisy??

      • Stan d. Upnow July 1, 2022, 1:25 pm

        Hey, asswipe, you’re on the wrong site with that kinda talk. You should try Salon, HuffyPuffyPost, or The Daily Beast. Better yet, as a guest of the brainless, cackling hens on The View. Get lost!

      • Hondo July 1, 2022, 1:48 pm

        Bobo you don’t seem to bright , if that’s what you’re trying to convey to us here you did a great job.

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