We Like Shooting Ep. 102: ‘The S is silent… and the P’

The We Like Shooting show is a hilarious panel discussion about safety, guns, gear and gadgets and the issues that affect responsible shooters everywhere.

Episode 102, The S is silent… and the P. – This episode we’ll talk about steampunk 22 faux gatling gun, Ruger precision rifle, battle belts, electronic arms bullpup, The Secret Corps. and more!

Our guest this week, Peter Telep, is an author of more than 40 novels including his New York times #1 Bestseller Against All Enemies co-written with Tom Clancy and his latest book, The Secret Corps is in stores now!

In gear chat, Savage shows us a video of the most terrible idea ever, a Steampunk inspired 10/22 in a gatling gun housing. It goes without saying, Aaron does not approve.

Shawn takes his ideas for a battle belt and puts them into practice when he makes his own, shares his ideas and then takes all his anger and eats it, that is why his belt size is equator.

Nick talks about the real reason why bullpups suck, triggers and introduces us to Electronic Arms Bullpup with a computerized trigger. Am I the only one seeing a SKYNET tie in here? Really people, if you want robots to take over, this is how it happens.

Jeremy loves the new Ruger Precision Rifle’s over engineered aspects and is expecting one in his ogre like hands any day now to give a more well rounded review.

Join in the fun, you can find the show notes and links to the products we review at https://welikeshootingpodcast.com/102

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