Watch as Unarmed Shop Owner Turns Table on Would-Be Robbers

WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

Lucky. That’s the word that comes to mind when I watch this video. That shop owner was lucky that he wasn’t fatally shot while wrestling the firearm from one of the armed gunman.

The incident occurred earlier this week in Oakland Park Florida at an auto parts store. Two armed, would-be robbers made there way into the shop around 1:00 p.m. Monday.

“Two men pull up in a dark gray BMW,” BSO spokesperson Dani Moschella told WSVN. “The BMW waits there, and they come up.”

The accosted the owner who was sitting in his office, pulling him up from his chair.

“The guy forces him up [from his chair],” said Moschella, “and starts demanding money. Witnesses said that he wanted whatever was in his pockets. When he doesn’t comply, he pistol-whipped him twice.”

While one gunman held the owner at gunpoint, the other grabbed a witness who was waiting outside the office. As the gunman brings the witness into the room, the owner begins to fight back against the robber holding him down.

“The victim on the floor takes that opportunity to wrap his arms around the assailant’s legs, and then they start to fight,” said Moschella.

The shop owner manages to take the gun from the assailant and shoots him several times. Meanwhile, the other robber begins to retreat, but not before firing at the shop owner. The shop owner was hit in the side by the projectile after it traveled through a wall.

“We’re looking for three people,” said Moschella. “On this video, you see the gunman, who flees. He’s a bald man, he has a gun. We’re looking for him. We’re also looking for that witness who was just sitting outside in the beginning, and then he gets pulled in. A gun is pointed at him. He’s a victim too. He fled from the incident, and he was not there when deputies arrived, so we want to talk to him [to see] just what he saw.”

Police said there was a getaway driver as well who is a suspect in the foiled robbery.

“We’re looking for the third person who was driving the BMW. Right after the shooting, when the second gunman fled, that BMW also sped away, so we need that vehicle and the driver of the vehicle,” said Moschella.

Following the incident, both the shop owner and the wounded robber were taken to Broward Health Medical Center where it is believed they will recover from their injuries.

What would you do in the shop owner’s situation? Would you try to wrestle the gun from the robber?

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  • Fed Up March 9, 2018, 3:34 pm


  • Rickychicken August 24, 2015, 7:31 am

    No more mention of black crime by the media, even if the good guy is black. How would Blumberg get his gun control passed.

  • George August 21, 2015, 3:07 pm

    I doubt the LameStream media will run this story, as it is Black on Black crime, and like the CNN producer said, it doesn’t sell as well. Kudos to the man refusing to be a victim of the crack-heads.

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