Washington, D.C., Sues Polymer80 for Illegally Selling ‘Ghost Guns’ to District Residents

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Jordan Michaels, This Week
Washington, D.C., Sues Polymer80 for Illegally Selling 'Ghost Guns' to District Residents
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Washington D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine announced yesterday a lawsuit filed by his office against the 80 percent receiver company, Polymer80.

The suit alleges that Polymer80 falsely claims its “firearms” are legal in the District, fails to disclose that it is not licensed to sell firearms in the District, and sells “firearms” that violate “numerous” of the District’s gun control laws.

“Polymer80 makes it easy for individuals to buy unmarked and untraceable firearms that are commonly used to commit violent crimes,” Racine said in a statement. “Indeed, Polymer80’s guns have been used in several homicides in the District. The Office of the Attorney General is seeking a court order to stop the company from selling ghost guns to D.C. consumers and to get these deadly weapons off our streets.”

Polymer80 sells what are commonly referred to as receiver “blanks” for both rifles and handguns. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms has concluded that these products do not constitute firearms or firearm receivers because they are less than 80 percent complete and require the use of special tools and expertise to complete.

But Racine and other leaders in D.C. see Polymer80’s products as a threat to public health. A statement from Racine’s office claims that of the 250 non-serialized firearms recovered by law enforcement since 2017, over 80 percent were manufactured by Polymer80, including guns “linked” to nine homicides.

SEE ALSO: The World’s First Truly Modular 80% Glock: The GST-9 By 80 Percent Arms

Racine’s lawsuit claims the company misleads consumers in the District because the Polymer80 website does not inform District residents that their products are illegal in D.C. The suit includes a screenshot of the Polymer80 website’s homepage, which asks the rhetorical question, “Is it legal?” and responds “Yes!”

But the suit fails to acknowledge the text that comes after the, “Yes!” Polymer80 notes that their product is legal under federal law, but it says nothing about state or District law.

Racine also argues that Polymer80 violates District gun control laws by selling its product to D.C. consumers. Polymer80 has broken a law that requires firearm dealers to impose a 10-day waiting period as well as a law that all firearms be inscribed with a serial number, according to the suit.

SEE ALSO: Rhode Island Bans ‘Ghost Guns’ w/ 10 Year Prison Sentence for Violators

Finally, Racine claims that Polymer80 fails to disclose that it is not licensed to sell firearms in the District or that consumers must register their firearms.

“To legally sell firearms in the District, merchants must obtain a commercial license. Not only does Polymer80 not possess that license, it is prohibited from obtaining one because it sells assault weapons, specifically AR-15 and .308 semi-automatic rifles, which cannot be registered in the District,” the suit alleges.

GunsAmerica reached out to Polymer80 but did not immediately receive a response.

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About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over six years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he’s seen first hand how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from law-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young age, married a sixth-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at jordan@gunsamerica.com.

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  • Jaque June 27, 2020, 6:10 pm

    The LEO like the ATF always blow up the fact that lack of a serial number somehow makes the weapon deadlier because it has no custody chain that includes the government.

    Federal law permits these chunks of aluminum or plastic to be sold and also allows guns to be made and kept by the maker. No serial number and registered needed.

    Ghost guns they are called. Its a name that falsly describes the home made guns Even the morons in
    media act as if a gun without a serial number is more deadly.

    Knives and hammers lack serial numbers and they are used in far more crimes than guns without serial numbers.

    I laugh when the communists bring up ghost guns. It shows their stupidity

  • meyersgold June 26, 2020, 9:27 pm

    I don’t think this will see the inside of the courtroom. They sold them 80% lowers, ATF does not classify as weapons and do not need a serial number

  • michael June 26, 2020, 5:44 pm

    I’d like to know who paid for his law degree. Betting democrat related. Another Wordsmith. lol

  • Robert Messmer June 26, 2020, 4:34 pm

    Quote: “To legally sell firearms in the District, merchants must obtain a commercial license.” Question: does DC require online retailers of EVERY product to obtain a commercial license?

  • ted June 26, 2020, 4:22 pm

    Yes, they are legal. They are being sold as NON firearms. And they do tell you that you need to make sure that it is legal to finish in your specific location. It is right on their home page !
    “As always Polymer80 advises EVERYONE to check with their local state laws prior to making a purchase on our website, as they may differ from federally allowed regulations.” They also do have a steel plate insert for serial numbers if you live in a location that requires it.

  • Bernie June 26, 2020, 3:41 pm

    Right on, Mark. It should be thrown out of court. There must be a law passed to make accusers responsible for legal fees if the case is won or thrown out of court. Until this happens, unreputable attorneys and prosecutors will continue to harras lawful subjects to bankrupt them. This MUST be corrected.

  • Winston June 26, 2020, 1:52 pm

    Another smiling black neo-Marxist in a suit with a ‘law degree’ ( this one from Wash., DC ) suing a legitimate business.

  • Buck June 26, 2020, 1:35 pm

    keep D.c, NYC, LA and such people and thier beliefs out of most of Americans. Luves

  • Shawn McManus June 26, 2020, 1:30 pm

    Even if the suit is dismissed, the punishment is the process. It is going to cost Polymer80 more than six-figures and that if it never sees the inside of a courtroom.

    Racine knows this. He’ll drag it out as long as he can.

    If there were a law in place that required the DA to pay for the defendant’s legal fees out of his own pocket, you’d bet spurious suits like this would never see the light of day.

    • ted June 26, 2020, 4:28 pm

      Well, i guess i will have to purchase a few more to support their efforts ! LOL

  • Mark A Gutsmiedl June 26, 2020, 12:08 pm

    Do it has been stated more then a few times in the article that DC is saying that the 80% are firearms. That is what this whole case is based on. The ATF has determined they are not firearms. Therefore, this case should be thrown out. Polymer80 is not selling firearms. Do not have to be licensed as dealers because they are not selling firearms. They do not have to have serial numbers because they are not firearms. What part does DC not understand? I know, they don’t care. Just another attempt to cost a company money and hardship.

    • Bernie June 26, 2020, 3:34 pm

      Right on, Mark. It should be thrown out of court. There must be a law passed to make accusers responsible for legal fees if the case is won or thrown out of court. Until this happens, unreputable attorneys and prosecutors will continue to harras lawful subjects to bankrupt them. This MUST be corrected.

    • ted June 26, 2020, 4:25 pm

      This is right on their home page:
      “As always Polymer80 advises EVERYONE to check with their local state laws prior to making a purchase on our website, as they may differ from federally allowed regulations.”
      And yes, you are correct in saying that they are not firearms.

  • Clint W. June 26, 2020, 9:46 am

    They got the gun from the perp, the criminal would have gotten a gun one way or another, so what exactly does the SN do for them? Nothing, but does ad one more charge to the crime. Murder, rape, robbery, all minor, but proving possession by SN so they can trace where he stole it from, or where the manufacturer shipped it to perhaps a decade ago, is the real crime here. Ever notice how at some point in the court process, ‘gun charges dropped’ is part of the plea deal many times?

  • Big Al 45 June 26, 2020, 9:32 am

    BY all means Mr. Racine, please show us your source for the “commonly used to commit violent crimes” claim.

  • gary holfstra June 26, 2020, 9:20 am

    It won’t be long before the libs say that even thinking about a firearm IS a firearm. Complete morons.

  • Paul June 26, 2020, 8:13 am

    The reference to “PUBLIC HEALTH” is something to be concerned about!

    • Ej harbet June 28, 2020, 10:51 pm

      Public health should describe what you enjoy when you mind your own business and leave people who arent actively violating your rights alone.

  • Robert June 26, 2020, 7:19 am

    This comes from the same folks that endorse the defunding of our police departments.
    Imagine a future where we are completely disarmed (including the dreadful Red Rider BB assault weapon with the compass in the stock) and a defunded nonexistent police dept., when rioters come to your neighborhood.

  • Running June 26, 2020, 6:14 am

    Racine is a damn fool!!!

  • Kole June 26, 2020, 4:49 am

    They are not guns until they are finished. If you can’t open the box put a mag in shoot the thing, then it’s not a gun. Especially not a scary ghost gun. Liberal idiots.

    • deanbob June 26, 2020, 8:53 am

      How well are the average DC resident doing? If these people really cared about their constituents, they’d be working on those issues rather than this 1!

  • Dennis June 26, 2020, 4:46 am

    What an idiot… He can’t string two words together to create a cogent statement. Firearms dealers, they aren’t firearms… If they are not firearms dealers, they are not governed by the law.. what kind of fools are they turning out from law schools?

  • Sleezy Power Hungry Democrat Politician June 26, 2020, 4:06 am

    We have way too many sleezy power hungry socialist fascist democrats like Racine in power.

  • irright June 26, 2020, 2:38 am

    Lefties brains are so tiny, they can’t even figure out that something which is not a firearm… is NOT A FIREARM.

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