Virginia Dems Pushing for More Gun-Free Zones

Virginia Dems Pushing for More Gun-Free Zones

Del. Roslyn Tyler of Sussex County.  (Photo:

I have a working theory that politicians propose laws mainly to get their names in the papers. Given how stupid most laws are, that’s got to be the reason. Free publicity.

Case in point, Del. Roslyn Tyler of Sussex County and her cohorts in the Virginia Legislature that were recently pushing various gun control bills, among them one to ban weapons from public libraries.

“We cannot allow this problem to get worse,” Tyler said, in an interview with Capital News Service. “We cannot stay idle as gun violence leads to more and more empty seats at the dinner tables across the country.”

Right. Because local public libraries are hotbeds for gun-related violence. In fact, they’re so dangerous that we should consider shutting them down altogether. That’s Crazy with a capital “C”!

Let’s pretend for a moment that was true. That public libraries were gang-infested war zones. And little kids were being gunned down left and right while sitting on the reading rug in the Children’s section. Does anyone honestly believe that the best way to curb the bloodshed would be to put a small sign in the window politely asking patrons to leave their guns outside?

Do we really believe gang bangers and drug dealers are going to see the sign and say, “Oh snap! Dees dudes banned guns in her. I best leave my gat in da car.”

No chance. The only thing banning guns in libraries does is ensure that they are a soft target in the off chance that a really bad individual decides to go in there kill people. It would eliminate any effective resistance against a threat. Because only responsible, concealed carriers would obey the Gun-free zone sign. No one else would, particularly those crazy enough to want to murder innocent children.

The question has to be posed to Del. Roslyn Tyler. What do you honestly hope to achieve by banning weapons in public libraries? Because “saving lives” or “improving public safety” isn’t it. Aside from making it harder for law-abiding citizens to exercise their natural right of self-defense, the only thing I can think of is to get your name in the paper. To grab a headline or two. That has to be it. Because anyone with common sense knows an armed citizen is safer than an unarmed one.

SEE ALSO: Virginia Store Clerk Escapes Prosecution After Shooting Fleeing Thug in the Back

While Dems are fighting to create more gun-free zones, Republicans in Virginia are working to eliminate gun-free zones. Under current state law, guns are prohibited in places of worship. The Senate, along a party-line vote, voted to repeal this law last week via SB 371.

“The law that’s on the book says that weapons are prohibited in church without good and sufficient reason, which is vague,” said Del. Dave LaRock of Loudoun County, who voted to repeal the law. “And we don’t believe laws that are vague should be on the books.”

Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, who has an armed security detail with him, even when he is speaking in churches, intimated that he would veto SB 371.

“We pose the question,” LaRock said. “He deserves armed protection in church, but others don’t? We’re just asking him to fill in the blank and explain to us why.”

SB 371 still has to clear the General Assembly before it reaches the governor’s desk. Assuming that it does, I think it’s only fair that Northam answers the question. Why is it okay for him to have the benefit of firearms for self-defense but not the average Joe?

Like the question I posed to Del. Tyler about banning guns in public libraries, it’s one that I don’t think he can answer with a straight face.

  • Stephen March 10, 2018, 4:56 pm

    Great idea, Virginia needs to create more murder holes.

  • C. Allen February 3, 2018, 9:10 am

    I think the author could have done without the vain attempt at street slang. It does nothing to support the article’s message, and in fact tends to call his or her credibility into question.

  • Aynsley Dunbar February 3, 2018, 2:24 am

    Virginia: Trying to be Maryland’s West Bank.

  • Dilligaf February 2, 2018, 4:37 pm

    Make the whole state gun free. That way, gun toting criminals will go there and own the state because no one has a mean to defend themselves. I tell ya, anti-American libtarded dumbocraps are killing America and this is more proof of that

  • Bennie L February 2, 2018, 4:13 pm

    The reason I will not be vacationing again in Virginia. If my concealed carry license is not valid here, then my money is not valid also.

  • KurtW February 2, 2018, 12:47 pm

    All Defense-Free Zones should be advertised heavily, and celebrated as Safe Spaces for Dhims and other Useful Idiots to gather, and for the rest of us to avoid. It’ll be like shootin’ gits in a barrel….. for someone.
    Let the Culling Begin!!!

  • MJ February 2, 2018, 12:36 pm

    We had another school shooting in California, this time a 12 year old girl was the shooter, how does that happen? Care to take a guess how many laws were ineffective and broken? Here are a few: 1. It’s unlawful for a child to have unauthorized access to a gun, 2 It’s unlawful for the gun owner to not secure weapons in a safe, lock box and or disabled with a trigger lock. 3. It was in a gun free zone, 4. Discharging a weapon in the city limits, 5. Shooting someone to cause bodily harm (not self defense). 6. Carrying a non permitted concealed weapon. 7. Brandishing a weapon. There are more, but liberal politicians will always find a way to pile on some more useless laws that will never address mental instability or criminals. Once again, laws force the law abiding to comply and only those will be restricted and disarmed.

  • Infidel762X51 February 2, 2018, 10:28 am

    Because they have been proven to work so well right. Stupid twit.

  • Jack W Patrick February 2, 2018, 9:43 am

    What is really needed, is Democrat Free Zones!

    • JoeUSooner February 2, 2018, 12:24 pm

      AMEN and AMEN !!!!

  • Rich February 2, 2018, 9:33 am

    The only POSSIBLE way a “gun free zone” sign could save a life would be if (A) it was made of Kevlar and ballistic ceramic plates, (B), was big enough to completely hide behind, and (C) could be picked up and moved easily so as to be continuously kept between the active shooter and the person hiding behind the sign.

    Better to ELIMINATE ALL “GUN FREE ZONES”! Allow ALL law-abiding Americans to be armed ANYPLACE they have any business being, and eliminate or at least reduce the opportunity for hoplophobes to harass them (by passing anti harassment laws specifically aimed at those who harass gun owners), as well as eliminating the ability of criminals and/or their surviving family members to sue a law-abiding shooter who uses his or her weapon in a justifiable shooting incident.

  • joefoam February 2, 2018, 8:38 am

    The author of the article was dead on. The elected official only wants some free press by pandering to the weak minded fools that believe that gun control will change the course of human nature. Go ahead, make more soft targets for crazed killers to attack. Hope your kid isn’t studying in those libraries and becomes a statistic.

  • Joseph Massimino February 2, 2018, 8:16 am

    This is what we get when we elect people who are scared of their own shadow. What makes a library so different from a hospital, or school, or even church, This is a nonsense law that was only to get publicity. Shame on her.

  • Ed Sunderland February 2, 2018, 7:57 am

    They already have a gun free zone and it’s deadly, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, MSY, Washington, and others.

  • Gil Stadler February 2, 2018, 7:52 am

    Well with all this enlightened political awareness and the great unwashed not knowing any better, it is truly ignorance at work. All we can suggest is that the sign posted announcing the gun free zone is large enough to be seen by all including those who are inclined to break the laws. In this way they will know, if they can read, that no one in such a zone is armed. Soft target city. What do such places think about open carry of hunting knives or bayonets? These are not guns and should be exempt.

  • Sepp W February 1, 2018, 8:08 pm

    Del. Tyler doesn’t get it. She is misinformed about “gun violence.” The term is an oxymoron. There are guns and there is violence. There are violent crimes committed with a gun. Therefore, guns are not inherently violent.
    The only thing saving VA is the legislature is still under GOP control, however marginally, and recently defeated all gun control bills recently submitted by the liberal members of the legislature.
    VA citizens recently voted in another 4 years of a liberal governor who hates individual right and freedoms. VA’s citizens rights and freedoms remain under assault by the “gun controllers.”

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