A video captured Monday morning depicts a man on a St. Louis sidewalk callously shooting a homeless man in the head at point-blank range.
The shooting took place around 10:00 a.m.
The alleged gunmman, Deshawn Thomas, 23, can be seen loading the pistol before shooting the victim who was sitting on the curb.
Witnesses reported that the two had an argument at a gas station up the street just before the murder took place. After the murder, Thomas fled the scene.
He was found by police later that afternoon entering a library. Thomas was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. The victim remains unidentified.
It has not been released whether Thomas has a criminal record or if he was on probation or out on bail at the time of the incident.
Homicides on the Rise in St. Louis
This catastrophe speaks to a larger trend in the Gateway to the West. Homicides are on the rise.
Many Republicans are pointing the finger at progressive leaders, including Kim Gardner, the city’s Circuit Attorney, as they claim they’re responsible for letting repeat offenders back out onto the streets instead of keeping them behind bars.
Just weeks ago, for example, Daniel Riley caused a vehicular accident resulting in young Janae Edmond losing both her legs. Riley was out on bond even after violating his parole over 50 times.
Missouri State Attorney General Andrew Bailey has called for Gardner’s resignation over the car wreck. Bailey wrote in a statement, “Instead of protecting victims, Circuit Attorney Gardner is creating them.”
St. Louis residents have also spoken out about recent events stating, “It’s time for STL to do some soul searching. Our elected leaders do NOT have a handle on this.”
If it happens that Thomas is also a repeat offender, Gardner will have even more explaining to do.
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Multiple “humans” stood there and watched this happen, doing NOTHING to help the victim. We have evolved to a sad excuse for humanity.
It’s time to deal with crime definitively. Enough bitching about too many prisons, too many people in prison, too many young males in prison, give’em a “second chance”, horse pucky!
We don’t have nearly enough people in prison. I shouldn’t be told by law enforcement leaders (on billboards) “that I should lock my doors”, I SHOULDN’T have to lock my doors, that’s what the criminal Justice system’s goal should be.
………and bystanders barely had enough time to film it, despite prolonged delay of loading and charging a firearm.
They should be implicated accessories to said murder.
What criminals do, is without impunity.
What the public does not do is shameful. A row of BLM signs in the yard does not remedy a thing.
Just another shining example of black ghetto culture in action. This black thug animal needs to be removed from society forthwith permanently!!! And absolutely NO CODDLING WHATSOEVER by either a weak, woke prosecutor or a scumbag defense attorney!
You know Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner will come with some kind of BS excuse to not prosecute him, because he’s another young black man who is misunderstood….
And what about the pathetic bystanders who narrate a play by play of what the shooter is doing so he can put it on Twitter, but NO ONE bothers to call the police….
This is what American society become?
That solution to the homeless problem seems overly harsh.
Well … full madness example, unless … assisted suicide … I hope it could be that. The man sitting on the sidewalk clearly saw the standing man manipulating the gun and didn’t try to escape … well … 2 cents hope.
The suspect(s) were identified as black, semi automatic, 9mm. Warrants will be issued to round up all the suspects.
This guy needs to be taken from jail.. knelt down and shot right between the eyes… just like the rabid dog he is. There is no hope for rehabilitation for people like him. Until the action mentioned above is implemented.. most of these out of control blacks that rule the city streets are never gonna change.
He will be sent to “the department of corrections” for “punishment”.