Trump: ‘The 2A Will Never Be Repealed!’

Trump: 'The 2A Will Never Be Repealed!'

President Trump on Twitter Wednesday said “No way” to calls to repeal the 2A.

President Trump Wednesday responded to calls from the Left to repeal the Second Amendment with a big, fat, “NO WAY.”

On his favorite social media platform, Trump set the record straight, addressing, in the process, the one leading the charge to take down the 2A, former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.

“THE SECOND AMENDMENT WILL NEVER BE REPEALED! As much as Democrats would like to see this happen, and despite the words yesterday of former Supreme Court Justice Stevens, NO WAY,” wrote on Twitter. “We need more Republicans in 2018 and must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court!”

Stevens wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed that in addition to other gun control measures, “March for Our Lives” demonstrators should “seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.”

SEE ALSO: Face 10 Years In Prison If You Don’t Surrender Your Bump Stock in 90 Days

The former justice went on to lament the 2008 Heller decision, which confirmed that the 2A protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms.

“Overturning that [Heller] decision via a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Second Amendment would be simple and would do more to weaken the N.R.A.’s ability to stymie legislative debate and block constructive gun control legislation than any other available option,” said Stevens.

While music to the ears of gun-grabbers everywhere, the political reality is that repealing the 2A is unfeasible.  At least at present.

  • Gerald Mann March 31, 2018, 12:38 am

    If the Government is so hot to go after something responsible for these deaths , why aren\’t they inditing the cops that refused to go into that school when they heard the guns going off , or the FBI or at least the agents that refused to answer the numerous complaints and warnings that this kid was going to do something . Or the local cops that were also told that the kid was going to go off ! I also didn\’t hear any mention of the police bullets that were dug out of those killed at the Pulse nightclub. I heard quite a few were found to have police bullets in them . Even law enforcement cannot go into a hot zone like that and spray everyone with bullets until the shooting stops . Why not stop blaming guns and start laying the blame where it belongs on the mentally ill that did all this killing, Most people have had guns all their lives that have never harmed anyone , guns do not kill , people do ! No one mentions the lives that have been saved because some people have possessed guns when a bad situation has started and they ended it with no innocent loss of life !

  • Gerald Mann March 31, 2018, 12:37 am

    If the Government is so hot to go after something responsible for these deaths , why aren’t they inditing the cops that refused to go into that school when they heard the guns going off , or the FBI or at least the agents that refused to answer the numerous complaints and warnings that this kid was going to do something . Or the local cops that were also told that the kid was going to go off ! I also didn’t hear any mention of the police bullets that were dug out of those killed at the Pulse nightclub. I heard quite a few were found to have police bullets in them . Even law enforcement cannot go into a hot zone like that and spray everyone with bullets until the shooting stops . Why not stop blaming guns and start laying the blame where it belongs on the mentally ill that did all this killing, Most people have had guns all their lives that have never harmed anyone , guns do not kill , people do ! No one mentions the lives that have been saved because some people have possessed guns when a bad situation has started and they ended it with no innocent loss of life !

  • Dan March 30, 2018, 5:45 pm

    Trump says that now, but he has proven over and over that what comes out of his mouth one day may completely contradict what came out of it the previous day.

    There will be another school shooting because instead of taking action to protect our school children, they are fighting over gun control.

    After 9/11, our politicians concluded that the only way to keep our aircraft safe from hijackers was to install Metal Detectors and Screeners in all of our airports.

    Those measures have proven effective since then, and would be just as effective in preventing the inevitable next school shooting, but it isn’t happening, why?

    There will be another school shooting, and when it happens, the cries for gun control will grow exponentially, and what will come out of Trump’s mouth then, may completely contradict what he is saying now!

  • KMacK March 30, 2018, 3:52 pm

    If the Second Amendment is repealed, then the other amendments mean nothing. The right to possess weapons is basic to a free people. Take that right away and the people become subjects, not citizens.
    I won’t say the Second Amendment cannot be repealed – we’ve all been shown the degree of mental incompetence present on both sides of the aisle… I’ll just say that “They had better not…” and leave it there.

    • Keith March 31, 2018, 10:22 pm

      I think some States will repeal the Second Amendment but the majority will not. There are nine States out of fifty right now that have terrible anti Second Amendment laws. These are the States I know of are the following: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island.

      Constitutional amendments require a 67% majority approval of the States I believe so a repeal of the Second Amendment will not happen this way.

  • Fred Ottaviano March 30, 2018, 1:58 pm

    And if you believe that I’ve got a golf course I want to sell you in China.

  • Jay March 30, 2018, 12:46 pm

    If Trump signs Session bump stock ban it will be the end of Trump! He will have stabbed the wrong “We The People” in the back and that one move will cost us all very quickly and very badly! The first civil was was a cake walk compared to what will come!

  • Dave Brown March 30, 2018, 12:32 pm

    Really, Never, sounds like my x wife, yet I raised my kids by myself and taught them how to shoot and hunt, and will do the same for my Grandkids, but they will make me wait until they are about 10. So Trump said The Turth, a Fact that we should all know. As long as we take our Government back we are sure to have The 2nd. Don’t trust the left nor the right to do it. Be Party Blind, and Free Your Mind. Don’t join one of the Gangs, but if you do don’t say we are always correct and they are always wrong as again, you sound like my x wife. Grow Up.

  • kerry purcell March 30, 2018, 12:27 pm

    not too sure about trump,,,,whats he going say a month from now ? fact is is our gun rights are being strangled ,bit by bit,,,we need to get a new defense besides crooked politicians,,,,,

  • Kalashnikov Dude March 30, 2018, 12:00 pm

    Trump and Republicans are dead to me. Here in AZ, there is nobody on my ballot I’m willing to risk signing off on. First time in my entire voting life. Nobody. I’m going to wind up writing in alternatives. I voted for Trump who wrapped himself in our 2nd Amendment and basked in the glow of NRA endorsements. Then he started banning shit with his pen and his phone, and he openly called for the repeal of our 2nd Amendment for everyone under twenty one. Now he says “no way”? He’s talking out both sides of his mouth, like every other politician. Well, that’s how he’s gonna be treated at the polls by me.

  • Altoids March 30, 2018, 11:53 am

    The second will never be repealed.

    It’ll just end up with so many restrictions placed on it that no one will want to bother owning a firearm.

    The slightest infraction will get you years in prison, while criminals and crackpots will continue unabated.

  • joefoam March 30, 2018, 10:55 am

    Scary to think this retired justice sat on the most powerful bench in our country. I thought they weren’t supposed to be politically motivated. How many of his rulings were tainted during his tenure on the bench?

  • Homer March 30, 2018, 10:00 am

    Stephens needs to crawl back into his hole.

  • Kent March 30, 2018, 9:59 am

    Molon Labe , come and take them x a couple of million

  • Edward Vanderbosch March 30, 2018, 9:56 am

    Who uses executive power to ban bump stocks? Not Obama, not Hillary! TRUMP. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, and ALL gun owners!

  • Kevin W Titus March 30, 2018, 8:42 am

    Be very scared anti 2As as it is true history does repeat itself.A repeat of 1775 will come and it will unpleasant for all .

  • sgtsabai March 30, 2018, 7:29 am

    If you believe lying trump, I’ve a bridge from LA to Bangkok completely furnished with hotels, “rest areas”, fueling stations etc. that I will sell you cheap. If we want to keep our guns, damn well better not count on the trump. He lied about SS, Medicare, Medicade, the VA and a multitude of other “policies” to become dear leader.

    We own more guns than anytime in the past and my experience as a big game guide in New Mexico tells me many gun owners don’t know diddly squat about guns or shooting. Best count on yourselves to learn and to fight for the right to own the weapon of your choice. The right screamed and hollered about the black man in the white house was going to take their guns, better look to what’s happening right now with the trump and repugthuglicans in charge. They don’t want the populace to have guns anymore than the demoRats.

    • ~ Occams March 30, 2018, 10:52 am

      Exactly, As SOON as I heard Trump say this, I said; “Uh oh”. Man has flipped on EVERYTHING.

  • Brown American March 30, 2018, 5:44 am

    It is almost time to make the Donuts if they go for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment….Then we have to make lots of donuts.

  • G. Giant March 30, 2018, 5:37 am

    So you won’t allow my posts to be posted. I guess it is time to unsubscribe to Guns America. But I won’t go quietly. I will contact the leaders.

  • G. Giant March 30, 2018, 5:35 am

    He is not that stupid. He knows that even one rule against guns is a move on the 2nd amendment. He WILL lose support as he continues to move toward the LEFT.

  • G. Giant March 30, 2018, 5:35 am

    He is not that stupid. Surely he knows that ANY RESTRICTION on our gun rights IS a step down the slippery slope toward ending the 2nd.

    • Edward Vanderbosch March 30, 2018, 9:59 am

      What makes you think that he is NOT that stupid?

  • Rangemaster11B March 30, 2018, 2:36 am

    No, it will continue to be incrementally infringed away, just as it has been for th elast 84 years.

    • Jack Black March 30, 2018, 5:50 am

      It might n ever be repealed but they are slowly taking it apart in very small pieces at a time until they finally decide to make all legal gun owners into felons!

  • Rangemaster11B March 30, 2018, 2:35 am

    No, it will continue to be incrementally infringed away, just as it has for the past 84 years.

  • timothy keller March 30, 2018, 1:49 am

    cold dead hands, better bring yours,molon labe takes new meaning today, huh ?

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