Trailblazer Firearms Announces 6,000 Credit Card Pistols Sold!

Trailblazer Firearms Announces 6,000 Credit Card Pistols Sold!

The LifeCard is so small it fits into a tin of Altoids. (Photo: Trailblazer Firearms)

Trailblazer Firearms announced this week that they’ve sold more than 6,000 LifeCard pistols to date, proving that there is a market for carry tools not much larger than a stack of credit cards.

“We reached our first year’s sales goals and then some,” said Aaron Voigt, founder and president of Trailblazer Firearms, in a press release.

SEE ALSO: TrailBlazer’s LifeCard .22 LR: A Folding Credit Card-Sized Pistol — Full Review

“What started out as my obsession to come up with an Altoid tin sized pistol has taken on a life of its own,” Voigt continued.  “While we are genuinely pleased about our sales numbers, we are firmly committed to continuing to produce a high quality little .22 and refuse to compromise on our production or materials, so we apologize if it takes a bit longer to get your pistol, but we are certain you will love it when it’s in your hand.”

Weighing less than seven ounces the LifeCard is a folding, single-shot pistol chambered in .22LR.  Clay got one in for review last year and while he wasn’t ready to give up his Springfield XD-S, he thought it would make a nice addition to one’s concealed carry loadout as a backup gun.  MSRP for the LifeCard is $399.00.  I’ve seen them for sale on GunsAmerica in the $350 range.

Congrats to Trailblazer Firearms on its early success.  Looking forward to seeing what they have in store for the future.

Trailblazer Firearms Announces 6,000 Credit Card Pistols Sold!

When Clay tested the LifeCard he said it took him around six seconds to deploy and discharge a round.

***Buy a LifeCard on GunsAmerica***

  • Nike taye February 22, 2021, 6:51 pm

    I want to buy some lifecard

  • Willie-O January 16, 2021, 5:27 am

    I give them high marks for innovation and wish them nothing but success. I am also hopeful that they continue on their chosen path of offering unique items. Specialty firearms such as the Armalite AR-7 “Explorer” come to mind. The Beretta 950BS is another. It was available in .22short, .22LR or .25acp and is one of the most reliable, concealable pistols I’ve ever owned and carried. My personal favorite of the group being the .25acp “Jetfire”. (9) rounds of proven reliable centerfire (NOT rimfire) cartridges, an extremely small pistol, hundreds of rounds fired, 34 years of virtually daily carry as a back-up with ZERO issues. Another one that comes to mind is the North American Arms “mini-revolver”. Mine is one of their original models – (5) rounds of .22WMR or .22MAG. All of these weapons serve a purpose and have a valid, valuable purpose to serve. Furthermore, ANY of them in your possession at the right time in the right situation are ALOT better than ANY of the tricked-out tactical weapons you left at home or in your vehicle because you were just running to the store and what could happen, right ?? WRONG. The best defensive weapon is the one you have on you when the SHTF.

  • ejharb June 17, 2018, 9:48 pm

    Need to do a Lil product placement movie. Like this is in the jeans pocket of some lass who got stuffed in a car trunk by the latest Ted bundy type.opens the trunk muttering time to have some fu…what’s this? POP!

  • Nick June 15, 2018, 8:49 pm

    Single shot, 6 seconds to deploy…
    Nope. Better off with a knife, even a short one.
    400$ for one .22LR shot out of “no barrel”
    50$ for the ability to open up your opponent like a watermelon in July….

    I’ll take the knife. 😉

  • Jack June 15, 2018, 12:37 pm

    The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. This is a toy and not a serious defensive pistol. Sure it is better than nothing but for the price it is not worth it. I would rather carry a Glock 43.

    • srsquidizen June 15, 2018, 10:00 pm

      Yes the G43 is a nice CC weapon. I’d rather carry a 12-gauge Shockwave but it’s kinda inconvenient stuffed in your clothes. Realistically, this LifeCard thing is a last-resort weapon for deep concealment, not a primary carry even for civilians. The potential problem I see is that there’s a bit more to deploying it than just being able to reach the place it’s hiding.

  • Area 52 June 15, 2018, 11:24 am

    It looks more like a novelty gun although I guess someone might be able to use it in a self defense situation,It reminds me of the Stinger .22 pen gun that was sold about 15 years ago. It resemble a pen, and was a single shot .22. . One had to beak it open via hinge similar to this device to fire it therefore it didn’t require an AOW tax stamp.

  • GuruOfGuns June 15, 2018, 9:57 am

    It’s not that innovation is not appreciated, we need more of it, it just needs to be practical and useful and this isn’t. This is way too slow to deploy, time is the most critical aspect in self defense, and once you get it read to shoot it’s minimally effective. There might be a few scenarios this thing would be valuable, kidnapped and locked up somewhere provided your belongings weren’t taken away which is not likely.

  • mike June 15, 2018, 7:58 am

    .count me as one who will not be charging my credit card for this plastic gun.
    seems like a stupid design.

    • MR_22 June 15, 2018, 12:16 pm

      Actually, it’s not a plastic gun, but anodized aluminum. It’s actually quite durable.

  • Barbara Hotze June 13, 2018, 7:59 pm

    My husband and I are proud to say that our consecutive serial numbered PAIR of LifeCards signify that at least part of the buying public, still appreciates innovation, quality and just plain old clever design.

    We are certainly looking forward to your next project and hope there is a way to request matching serial numbers on those as well – when they are released. By the way, those of us from Brevard, are proud to have you as neighbors.

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