Top Five Reasons to Carry a Revolver

Editor’s Note: The following is a post by Mark Kakkuri, a nationally published freelance writer who covers guns and gear, 2nd Amendment issues and the outdoors. His writing and photography have appeared in many firearms-related publications, including the USCCA’s Concealed Carry Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @markkakkuri.

Read Mark’s previous articles in this “Top Five” series:

These are great days for those who carry concealed. Small, concealable auto-loading pistols have never been more numerous, reliable, accurate, affordable and accessorizable. Yet revolvers abound for concealed carry and new models continue to show up. This isn’t by chance, and if you’re considering a revolver for concealed carry, here are my top five reasons for doing so.

Top Five Reasons to Carry a Revolver

Check out this custom Smith & Wesson 686-6 Plus for sale on GunsAmerica.

1. High Degree of Reliability

Today’s autoloading pistols are reliable. Very reliable. So reliable that I hesitate to make this comparison. The only reason I sometimes desire to carry a revolver more than an auto-loading pistol is because, in my opinion, revolvers have less that can go wrong when squeezing the trigger and firing. Yes, in a revolver, the cylinder can get jammed and something could go wrong that could be a serious detriment to its use as a self-defense tool. I just think this is less likely with a revolver than with an auto-loading pistol, which still has a somewhat complex series of actions to accomplish through the process of firing, ejecting a round, scooping up the next round and seating that round properly. Moreover, as long as you can keep squeezing the trigger, a revolver will fire as it does not require a firm grip on it to cycle the slide. In other words, there’s no limp-wristing a revolver. Similarly, you can fire a revolver from a jacket pocket or pressed up against an attacker’s body. Because there’s no slide to catch on clothing in close proximity or to move out of battery if pressed from the muzzle, a revolver has this additional advantage.

2. Consistency of Trigger Stroke

Today’s auto-loaders have consistent trigger strokes — sometimes evident in single-action or double-action-only. The single-action stroke, of course, is short; there’s nothing to really remember other than to just press it, and the double-action-only strokes of most semi-automatics are pretty good. You can discern the different feels of triggers from various manufacturers, and many guns have reduced the double-action-only stroke to a short, smooth 4- or 5-pound pull. They’re good, sure, but I still like the long, relatively heavy (but buttery smooth) stroke of a revolver. Maybe it’s because I grew up on that type of trigger, but there’s just something about a revolver’s trigger that helps my strong hand grip the stocks just right and squeeze smoothly all the way through.

3. Range of Calibers

Today’s autoloading pistols are becoming more modular and there has been some interchangeability of caliber worth noting. But, in defensive handguns, a .357 Magnum revolver is a true dual-caliber gun since it can fire .38 Special rounds without any modification whatsoever. With two calibers compatible with one gun, many have advocated for shooting the less-powerful, less-expensive rounds at the range and saving the more-powerful, more-expensive rounds for actual carry. Consider, though, the opposite scenario. Because you can find excellent defensive ammunition chambered in .38 Special +P, why not carry that and practice shooting with a few .357 Magnums? One benefit is that if you can get used to shooting .357s, then .38s will seem much easier to shoot. Moreover, the .38 Special +P defensive ammunition available today is very good — comparable, in fact, to some .357 loads but with far less bark.

4. Availability of Accessories

Today’s autoloading pistols — depending on the make and model — have a wealth of accessories available for customization or for gearing up with holsters, reloads, sights and almost anything else you can imagine. But so do revolvers. In fact, revolver accessories might include more options for significantly changing a grip, which is arguably the most important customization you can make. Revolver grips can change your gun from a two-finger grip to a three-finger grip, from wood to rubber, from skinny to fat, and so on. Moreover, you can carry your revolver reloads in speedloaders, in speed strips or in a belt pouch.

5. Simplicity of Use

This really is my favorite reason for carrying a revolver. To shoot, just draw, aim and press the trigger. To shoot again, aim and press the trigger again. If a revolver doesn’t fire when you press the trigger, just press the trigger again, which will cause the cylinder to rotate and put a fresh round in place. And that’s it. You can train up for tap-and-rack and other types of failure drills — and you should if you carry an autoloader — but for the one, two, maybe three shots you would need (statistically speaking) to defend your life and get to safety, it’s difficult to beat the simplicity of a revolver.

Bonus Reason!

Here’s one more intriguing reason for a revolver: If you carry a small revolver, it’s really not too difficult to carry a second small revolver. Depending on your situation, a second gun — affectionately known as a “New York reload” — has a few advantages. First, it might be faster to draw a second gun as opposed to reloading a single gun. Second, if the first gun fails, you can draw the second.


Admittedly, a revolver isn’t for everyone and might not be a good choice in your personal circumstance. But before you dismiss it as limited or outdated in favor of a more modern pistol, think through the pros and cons to discern whether the defensive gun you’re considering (or already carrying) is really the best fit for your needs. Revolvers are here to stay, and there must be a reason (or five) they keep flying off the shelves.

What’s your favorite reason for carrying a revolver — or your best reason for not?

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  • Alex J. Alex June 2, 2019, 10:33 am

    I reload, so I have to police up my brass. It’s easy with a revolver. Autoloaders throw the brass all over the place. Also, I would just as soon not leave my brass around on the ground for someone else to find. My working firearm is an old fashioned single action Ruger New Model Blackhawk in .45 LC. Among other things, it slows me down so I aim properly and squeeze off that round so I never miss. Now my wife has a Charter Arms Pink Lady in .32 Mag. She claims that she will never have to shoot anyone because when she pulls out her little pink revolver, the bad guys will all die laughing.

  • Plinker July 5, 2017, 10:46 am

    Reason to carry a revolver? Because I can hit pretty much anything I want with it, and it has never failed to go bang. If I need more than five rounds, I need a rifle or a shotgun!

  • Jerry Orange June 26, 2017, 2:49 am

    I work in a war zone and carry an M9 with 46 rounds on my belt. When I’m home I carry a Hungarian PA-63 in 9×18 Makarov with one spare mag and one in the pipe. It is easy to carry and it has the same operating features as my work pistol so the muscle memory is the same. Several times I’ve considered “upgrading” to a different pistol but then I go to the range and put the rounds nearly on top of each other and decide that I don’t need an upgrade. On the other hand I have carried my Ruger .357 with only six rounds and my 1911 with eight and never felt like I was under gunned. I suppose adequacy is a subjective term when it comes to this topic. I’ve read armchair warriors talk about carrying nothing less than a .40 caliber with multiple double stack mags, a back up gun, a fighting knife and a back up for that too. Where the heck do these heroes live, what do they do for a living, and how in the world do they carry all that concealed and still be able to walk around in southern Texas in July without having a stroke? It’s always easier for someone else to spend your money on the latest and greatest this or that and talk trash about what you should or shouldn’t carry. The guy who tried to rob me in Louisville Ky years ago didn’t seem to notice that the revolver I pulled instead of my wallet only held six rounds. Carry what works for you. A revolver works as well today as it did a hundred years ago. If you’re carrying at all you are still ahead of most people when it comes to protecting yourself.

  • Chief June 25, 2017, 3:00 pm

    I carry a 9mm Charter Arms PitBull snubnose revolver. I used to carry a Glock 26 9mm, but after testing both, the 9mm Pitbull wins hands down for lightweight, no boxy printing for those of us who use pocket holsters and most importantly no chambering the round. Just pull the trigger. Also the 9mm Pitbull does Not need a speedloader, the cylinder is designed for standard loading or a speedloader if you wish. As far as I know, only the Charter Arms Pitbull is designed for non speed-loaders and can be handloaded like any other revolver . Simplicity, Reliability, Lightweight and Concealment with 9mm Stopping Power.

  • JJ June 25, 2017, 12:02 am

    Along with number 5. I have a relative with arthritis who has difficulty pulling the slide back on every semi-auto that she’s tried but has no problem safely loading and shooting a revolver.

    • photogirl June 26, 2017, 9:54 pm


  • Leslie Fish June 24, 2017, 6:21 am

    I agree on every last point. I keep a S&W K-frame .357 Magnum that I’ve had, through many adventures, for over 30 years. The trigger and hammer are now “tattooed” in rainbow hues, and I wouldn’t change them for anything. I now live in semi-rural Arizona, where the gun laws are almost nonexistent (though I do have a state CCW), the crime-rate is consequently low and the citizens are very polite, so my usual daily-carry gun is — if ya please — a tiny North American Arms .22 mini-revolver which has very little range, no better than average accuracy, is single-action and downright dangerous to reload (it will also fire if it falls and lands on its hammer), but is very concealable. Three times that cranky little monster has gotten me or friends out of dangerous situations, so I’d say it’s earned its keep.

    • Frank July 21, 2017, 12:14 pm

      I also carry the North American Arms mini-revolver, only in 22 Mag and with a laser grip. The laser rides high and nearly next to the barrel, away from interfering fingers. The laser is to me, also a deterrent in a situation. If I have to defend myself within 5 feet, I feel comfortable with this. It’s also so small, I can carry it in a shirt pocket, if needed and don’t need a holster. The “best gun to carry” is the one that you will carry!

  • Barry Melton June 24, 2017, 12:05 am

    No way I carry a revolver. H&K and Glock are both heads above any revolver.

  • Bones June 23, 2017, 8:54 pm

    Show me something that blow you in half MORE decisively than a 125 gr hp .357 mag running 1300 +fps at 7 yds and Illl bow to you

    • Ben Taul June 26, 2017, 11:47 am

      .45 L colt 238grn hollow point , .45 acp 238 grn hollow point should do the trick I carry both but not at the same time I prefer my m1911colt

  • Dewey June 23, 2017, 8:37 pm

    Here’s an enlightening exercise for all of you “revolvers are more reliable” evangelists, take an UNLOADED revolver of your choosing, and while pointing it in a safe direction, have the weakest person in your household grab the cylinder as if trying to take the gun away) and see just how much strength is needed to stop the gun from working. Someone holding the cylinder from the outside has far more mechanical advantage than the revolver’s internal mechanism, trying to turn the cylinder from alongside the center pin. Another interesting experiment (especially for you fans of pocket carry) is to see how many ways pocket change can tie up the gun. Anything that can get between the frame and cylinder will stop the gun. If you that neither of these scenarios is possible, or even probable, then carry on.

    • Leslie Fish June 24, 2017, 6:41 am

      Any attacker close enough to grab your revolver’s cylinder is also close enough to grab your auto’s slide, with the same result. An attacker close enough to grab your gun at all is *much* too close, and should have been stopped much earlier. At that range, use your feet, fists, and (don’t discount them!) teeth.

      • Dewey June 24, 2017, 11:01 pm

        Agreed, but the auto will still get off at least one shot (as long as the slide is in battery), which, even if it doesn’t connect, might get an attacker’s “attention” and buy time.

    • Linda cannon June 26, 2017, 6:07 pm

      No one gets close enough to me to grab my gun in the first place! If I pull it on you, your shot!

      • Jeffrey Engel June 28, 2017, 1:55 pm

        @Linda, +1
        Drawing and shooting are the ends of a single, continous process.

  • Greg Runell June 23, 2017, 6:11 pm

    I have two pocket guns, a Glock 26 9mm and a Smith 642 .38+P. Massad Ayoob said if you could only own one gun, the 642 should be the one. Who can dispute his wisdom? Fully loaded the 642 is lighter than the Glock. I am not inclined to keep a round chambered in the Glock — the trigger is way too light and I just don’t trust the trigger safety plunger when removing the gun from clothing. Remember what happened to Plaxico Burress and evidently to some NYPDs, hence the NY trigger variants offered by Glock. As my local gun shop gurus stated, the Glock might be foolproof but it is not cop proof. I am sure that these “accidental” discharges were the fault of the user but it still makes me nervous. I am not a Glock hater. It is a great out-of-the-box gun as far as reliability and accuracy. However, if your inclined to conceal a semi-auto, IMHO a Sig DA/SA might be a better option. Back to the 642 – – it has a concealed hammer so no snagging on clothing. A simple gun to use under pressure. No safety (DAO). Just point and shoot. Utterly reliable. Loaded with +P rounds, the normally soft rubber Hogue grips are working overtime and some people may find this round hard to control with a snub-nose. Alright, the 642 sights are nearly useless and accuracy is not this guns strong point. But why do you think Larry Seecamp never put sights on his revered pocket guns? Did I say point and shoot? Most gunfights occur at 10 feet or less and nearly all are within 20 feet.

  • Methadras June 23, 2017, 4:36 pm

    As a weapon of last resort, I’ll never carry a revolver unless that is all there is. Outside of nostalgia, I don’t see a practical use for them any meaningful way. I’m sure there are loads of detractors to this point of view, but even this article is an absolute stretch to try and justify revolvers as being relevant. They no longer are. They are fun to shoot, but that’s about it.

    • Archangel June 23, 2017, 10:00 pm

      Methadras says he’ll never carry a revolver unless that is all there is?
      Simple minded people will always have a limited vision as well as countless other limitations.
      I only own one revolver because the opportunity to get a decent revolver I liked (style and caliber) has yet to present itself at the same time I have the cash to purchase it.

  • PaulWVa June 23, 2017, 4:00 pm

    I like my guns like I like my women ….big ones, little ones, revolvers, automatics and even a few single shots. (think about it). I’ve been shooting and carrying for many years and have several nice choices in my safe for EDC. But especially this time of year, with lighter pants, belts and no jackets …..I carry a S&W 638, .38spec., Airweight Bodyguard. I’ve added VZ G10 grips, a Blackhawk pocket holster and I carry Liberty Civil Defense .38 +P , with lightning fast 50 grn bullets. Argue bullets weights if you want but I know what this stuff does. The low carry weight and low recoil make these perfect for .38 carry. This is a super light package, that is powerful and easy to shoot and carry. And don’t believe the myth that little revolvers aren’t accurate. With many years of practice I have no problem staying on a half size, steel, combat silhouette (9×15) out to 25 yrds., shooting offhand with +Ps. For a gun intended for 5 to 15 yrds ….I take it. Yup…. I like revolvers.

  • Charlie June 23, 2017, 3:25 pm

    I like revolvers .Have several. I bought a Smith Wesson 642 . Could not shoot it worth a D****. Went back to my HK 9mm don’t miss very often. Carry what works for you. That is what counts when the chips fall in your direction and you need to solve a problem you will be confident in your selection.

  • DONALD Rhyne June 23, 2017, 2:41 pm

    On reasons to carry revolvers:
    Ruger’s Sp101 fires a few different rounds including the 327Fed. Mag. that performs almost as well as a 357.

    Next per one of your shows carrying a revolver is easier in some states with real strict guns laws.

  • Frank June 23, 2017, 12:27 pm

    The author just wrote the reasons I carry a Taurus 617 snubbie seven round revolver in .357 magnum with two speed loaders on my other hip! If no time to reload I can reach for my .380 pocket pistol and buy a little more time. Always carry a back up!

    • Jusme June 23, 2017, 2:42 pm

      my sentiments exactly, love that 7 shot. Carry the Keltec .32 for back up.

    • Linda cannon June 26, 2017, 6:16 pm

      My preferred gun also, but only one speed loader!

  • Grant Atkinson June 23, 2017, 11:23 am

    When it comes to revolvers I like to carry a 44 SPL. It’s not a sub caliber and it has the power to get the job done right. I can easily control it. It’s small and light weight and they don’t cost a fortune. The Taurus 44 Spl I think is a great choice. Let’s face it. If you have to use it you may not see it again and if you do it’s going to be awhile. When spend $1000 on a firearm you may lose. A good inexpensive Firearm will do the job and you won’t go broke unless you are me then you have $600 to buy reloading stuff.😀 Shoot safe and get as much training as you can afford or is available to you. Videos are nice but on on one training will always be the best.

  • Retiredextremelydangerous June 23, 2017, 11:19 am

    Like the watch I wear, I don’t carry a weapon to make a fashion statement!

  • Norm Fishler June 23, 2017, 10:47 am

    I think if you took all the hard-core gun junkies in America, turned them upside down & shook them, a S&W 642 would fall out of close to half of their pockets. One has been my near constant companion for the last 30 years & try though I might, I have yet to find anything better.

  • Chuck M June 23, 2017, 9:50 am

    Always carry my SP101.

  • Greg June 23, 2017, 9:26 am

    With the Auto guys it’s all about capacity.With revolver guys it’s about reliability and conceal-ability. I have a Beretta Nano that is much bulkier than my S&W 642. I have carried both and prefer the 642. It’s easier to conceal comfortably and it has the revolver reliability. The Nano is ammo picky, the 642 is not.
    I don’t need 18 rds to stop a threat, I am not the police so I don’t have to hang around in some kind of firefight that would put my family and myself at risk. Even in Chicago the don’t get into extended firefights so I don’t think 18 rds is necessary.
    Shot placement is necessary, two well placed shots with Underwood ammo will stop most threats. Meth heads may require and additional rd to the face.
    I just don’t think you need 18rds, you have 6 guys accost you, shoot one and the others leave, they are not going to stand toe to toe and fight in the face of a muzzle blast and neither am I.

  • Retrocon June 23, 2017, 9:26 am

    Good article! I appreciate that you didn’t tell us why one option or another was “wrong,” or that we are fools if we don’t do this or that. Too many firearms articles these days seem to be going in that direction, “never carry this way,” “you must always pick this kind of trainer,” etc.

    Well balanced article, nice gun porn, thanks.

    Oh, get that hammer and trigger polished, BTW. 😉

  • Rick June 23, 2017, 7:48 am

    It amazes me they show a custom Smith & Wesson and then you look at the trigger. Tell me that doesn’t take away from the gun. Beautiful pistol and terrible looking trigger.

    • Retrocon June 23, 2017, 9:18 am

      Noticed that too.

      I have a nickel M29 with a trigger job done by Hal Jankofsky (RIP) in the 80s, and he also jeweled the hammer and trigger. Beautiful, and smooth. Would look good on this 686.

  • Tommy Roy June 23, 2017, 6:34 am

    The obvious, no stray brass to worry about collecting!

    • eddie046 June 23, 2017, 9:27 am

      Yes, very nice. Leave no evidence behind!

  • super x June 23, 2017, 6:03 am

    I have a colt 1911 in the commander series very accurate piece. I have had it for years. I am a firm believer in the 45 acp round. A few years ago I was practicing with my pistol and it stove pipe on me I checked the gun and cleared the round and it done it again when I went to re chamber still stove piped. I clear the gun and looked down the barrel and found that the previous round and found the case had separated and part of the case was still in the chamber and causing the stove pipe. What I had was a expensive rock had I been a emergency situation. Since that time I have always carried a revolver.

  • Chris Baker June 23, 2017, 5:49 am

    Maybe I’ve led a sheltered life or something but I’ve never ever, in 50+ years of shooting, heard of anyone using the word “press” to describe what you do with a trigger. I pull the triggers on my guns. How about you?
    Mind you, I agree with most of the reasons listed and yet, I still carry an autoloading pistol. A Beretta 3032 just has any revolver I can think of, beat as far as concealability unless you want to carry a 22 caliber. I love the tip up barrel feature and I can shoot it quite well. Yes it’s only a 32 but a hit with a 32 is better than a miss with anything. Even a hit with a 22 is better than a miss. Plus I’m kind of a wuss when it comes to recoil so for a small lightweight gun I can get it back on target quicker than any of my revolvers. I don’t need to carry a bigger gun and I’m confident I can do a nice (shooting someone is never “nice”) double tap or even a triple should the need arise.

    • Retrocon June 23, 2017, 9:22 am

      I hear ya. I remember seeing “press” used with those electronic triggers from Winchester, but pull, squeeze, jerk, and draw are the usual suspects.

      I “press” the “return” key 😉

    • Russ H. June 23, 2017, 6:29 pm

      I’ve been teaching for a very long time and it has always been “press” the trigger. Provided it is done correctly terminology is irrelevant – doesn’t matter. Press, pull, squeeze… just not jerk.

  • Gary B June 23, 2017, 4:50 am

    I have a lot of ‘Snubby’s’ I guess.
    Three Charter Arms ‘Pittbull’s’ in 9 MM, 40 S&W, and 45 ACP. All are five shot guns with a pretty large frame, too big for concealed carry, for me anyway.
    My Taurus 605, a reliable five shot 357 stays in the bathroom.
    I have three Ruger LCR’s, one in 22 LR, I have it to train the wife on double action, with a more gentle cartridge. I have one in 38 Spl and it is a great gun, but a five shot. The last one is a regular LCR in 327 Federal Magnum, I selected it over the 357 as it is a six shooter, not five. It has the longer Hogue grips on it now, shooting 32 H&R Magnum is soft and fun. (You can use 32 S&W and 32 Long also). Shooting 327 Federal has considerable bark and jump. I do carry this 327 in my exterior winter clothes.
    Finally for double action I have two S&W J frames, a 637 38 with a bobbed hammer, nicer gun than my Ruger 38, but still a five shooter. The only other snubby that I have carried concealed, a 351 PD, a 22 Magnum seven shooter. I like it.
    Mostly I carry a G-33 or a Springfield XD40 Mod 2

  • Russ H. June 23, 2017, 3:40 am

    LOL! Did you lose a bet and have to write this article? Of course revolvers are more reliable but I still carry a pistol as I have fired it over and over (200 rds+) with the ammo I carry while concealed. I had to polish the ramp some. I have faith that it will work if I need it. Sorry, but I still think it’s funny when the ammo thing comes up – people carrying pistols with 18rd mags, 2 18rd spares and another on their ankle. If whatever you’re involved in requires more than six rounds, you are in WAY over your head. Carry on…

    • Chris Baker June 23, 2017, 6:01 am

      If it comes to that, if you have to shoot someone, even a single attacker, I figure it’s over my head. Don’t ever want to do that. But yeah, needing all that stuff in case of multiple attackers, seems to me to be as far less probable compared to the “I need 2 rounds on target to stop the attack” as needing that 2 round on target is to never needing any. Sure you could be attacked by terrorists but lately, they seem more likely to blow people up (including themselves) than to go in shooting, but most likely is to have a single attacker or none at all. Personally I hope for the none at all but prepare for the single attacker with a few spare rounds for a second.

    • srsquidizen June 23, 2017, 7:38 am

      Yep any ordinary civilian who is likely to expend 18 rounds or more to effect a lawful act of self-defense needs either (a) some practice at the range or (b) a witness protection program. But don’t get me wrong. It is their 2A right to do so if they want to carry a 100-round drum in their pants and tell people it’s a colostomy bag.

      • Frank June 23, 2017, 12:34 pm

        That’s funny srsquidizen!

    • Russ H. June 23, 2017, 6:35 pm

      I’ve also been know to carry a S&W Mod 60 or a Colt Detective Special with 2″ bbls. I can hit what I aim at at 25 yds but I’m much more comfortable at 15 yds or less. Both are 20-30 yrs old and have a special place in my heart. I learn towards the Colt more as it holds 6 rds – it’s a beauty!

  • Robert Smith June 20, 2017, 10:14 pm

    “…a revolver will fire as it does not require a firm grip on it to cycle the slide. In other words, there’s no limp-wristing a revolver.” So true. And your fingers can’t accidentally activate a safety, slide lock or mag release either. In a close-contact fight, you might find yourself having to fend off the bad guy with one hand while trying to get a shot off with the other. The revolver keeps going even when you can’t use that perfect grip and stance you practiced on the target range.

  • Richard Steven Hack June 19, 2017, 7:39 pm

    Number one reason to NOT carry a revolver: low ammo capacity.

    Unfortunately quite a few .45 caliber semi-autos have the same problem – but since reloads are faster (if you train for it), that is partially compensated for. And nobody says you have to carry a 6-7-shot .45 – you can carry a 19-round 9mm. Or you can carry a 6-7-shot .45 with an extended tactical magazine with 10 or more rounds.

    It’s a mistake to carry based on the statistical odds that you will only fire two or three shots in a confrontation. If you’re carrying at all, it’s because of the extremely unlikely probability (if you’re not a cop or soldier) that you ever use your handgun in anger. Might as well go the extra mile and up your odds by being able to deal with more than one or two attackers without having to reload.

    Of course, we’d all like to be carrying around twin 7.62mm miniguns on our shoulders like War Machine and Iron Man, but realistically there are limits. But the difference between 6 rounds and 15 might well be decisive in a situation (especially if your accuracy in a real fight is less than ideal, as STATISTICALLY SPEAKING it WILL be.)

    Number two reason: harder to conceal a rounded shape than a flat shape. Might not be a big difference, but that depends on the specific revolver vs a specific semi-auto. The smaller the weapon, the less capacity (see above) and probably the lower caliber. Also depends on how you carry which is also influenced by other factors.

    And if you can carry a second small revolver, you can carry a second small semi-auto. New York reload is the way to go. But train to reload magazines fast anyway. Depending on where you carry the second gun, a magazine reload can be faster (of course, depending on where you carry the extra mag!)

    Revolvers are good for target shooting and hunting. They are not adequate for self-defense purposes by civilians. Cops can get away with it because they have backup nearby. Oh, wait, almost all cops carry semi-autos… Could it be because in the past situations where six rounds (and a speedloader) just weren’t adequate occurred frequently enough to change minds?

    If you want to carry a revolver for self-defense, go ahead. Statistically speaking you’ll never pay for the privilege. But someone will.

    Won’t be me.

    • DC June 23, 2017, 4:22 am

      I carry my snubnose 7 shot 357 and its WAY more concealeable than any of my super slim semi autos including my XDS45 and exact same size 12 shot semi Auto 9mm so sorry sir beg do differ on that and yes way more concealed even in no sleeve shirt shorts and flip flops around the pool none has ever noticed it

    • veprjack June 23, 2017, 6:15 am

      Love revolvers, whether it is my 642 or 19-4, etc. I carried a revolver CCW for a few years in the warm months, switching to my GLOCK19 when it got cooler. But, as you wrote – the reliability of autos has improved greatly and the capacity is quite an advantage over the 5 in my 642. The odds that I’ll ever have to use a gun are (thankfully) very low. The need for more than 5 rounds, even less likely. But I like having more than I need!

      At the risk of getting flamed, if an auto has a hiccup, most of the time it’s a quick tap/rack fix. If something goes wrong with a revolver, although less likely, it can be catastrophic – like a round locking up the cylinder.

      Even if an auto craps out, you can usually get the first shot off. Maybe carrying a revolver BUG is a good compromise?

    • Cyrus June 23, 2017, 7:33 am

      I carry my 4″ Colt Python in a shoulder holster or outside waits band holster without any problems. After hearing the report from the first magnum shot . . . not many people want anything to do with you in a gun fight! Furthermore, like Russ said, if you need more than 6 shots then you are definitely way over your head for the situation! I’m gonna Fire and retreat to safety not Fire and advance!

  • Will Drider June 19, 2017, 5:58 pm

    The revolver verses pistol argument boils down to two questions:
    In all your revolver shooting, how many times has it mechanically failed to fire?
    in all your pistol shooting, how many times has it failed to fire? Ammo issues included as ammo is required to cycle the action.
    For the large majority, that alone puts the revolver on top. However, the larger ammo capacity, smaller CC profile, faster reloads are a few of the reasons that drive us to test loads and maintain pistols to a higher degree of preperation in order to offset the potential pistol/ammo induced failures: making them acceptable to carry.

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