Think Tank Poll Finds that Levi-Strauss’ Anti-Gun Corporate Activism Likely Hurts Bottom Line

Think Tank Poll Finds that Levi-Strauss’ Anti-Gun Corporate Activism Likely Hurts Bottom Line
Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh bravely took a stance against the “gun violence epidemic.” It may have cost his company big time. (Photo: Levi Strauss)

Levi-Strauss CEO Chip Bergh bravely took a stand against the Second Amendment last year when he announced his company’s partnership with Everytown for Gun Safety as well as its monetary support for anti-gun student activists. This year, he’s doubling down on that stance even after being presented with evidence that his activism could hurt his company’s bottom line.

The conservative think tank National Center for Public Policy Research funded a poll asking Americans their view on the jeans company before and after learning about Bergh’s support for curbing Second Amendment rights. The poll found that support for Levi-Strauss dropped over 20 percent after respondents learned that the company supports bans on certain weapons, surveillance of gun purchases by credit card companies, and restricting Second Amendment rights based on age. 

“Levi’s is putting itself at risk of becoming a niche brand of the political left, like Smart cars and Boca Burgers,” said National Center Vice President David W. Almasi. “When consumers discover that Levi’s supports efforts aimed at restricting their Second Amendment right to own and use guns safely and legally, our polling suggests they are less likely to buy Levi’s products. The company only made this risk greater today by putting politics ahead of pants.”

SEE ALSO: CEOs of Dick’s, TOMS, Levi’s and RXR Realty Push Gun Control in Open Letter

Almasi presented the poll’s findings at the most recent Levi-Strauss shareholder meeting, asking Bergh, “Is it wise to alienate core constituencies – like Midwesterners and Gen-Xers and even Millennials – by adopting political causes? Why can’t you simply remain neutral and just make clothing?”

Bergh responded by digging in his heels. 

“With all due respect, that’s not the kind of company we are,” he told Almasi. “We’re a company that’s proud to take stands on the important social issues of our time. With all due respect to all your research and surveys, what I can tell you is that after we’ve taken these stands, our business has grown.”

Bergh might be banking on young student activists to keep his company afloat, but it isn’t just Baby Boomers who take issue with Levi-Strauss’s anti-gun stance. According to the survey, company favorability among both Millennials and Gen-Xers fell by 20 points once they learned about Bergh’s activism. 

  • An overall 89% total favorability rating for Levi’s, Dockers and Denizen clothing fell to 63% after those surveyed learned of Levi’s involvement in anti-Second Amendment activism.
  • The downturn in Levi’s popularity crossed all income and education levels, resulting in more than a 20-point drop among Millennials and Gen-Xers and more than a 30-point drop among Baby Boomers.
  • Upon learning of Levi’s opposition to gun rights and its participation in and funding of anti-gun activism, 63% of overall respondents said they were less likely to purchase Levi’s products. This included 71% of Millennials and 75% of those living in the Midwest.

Levi-Strauss’s corporate activism is unfortunately not unique. Especially since the Parkland massacre, several massive companies have come out against the laws that currently regulate gun ownership and use, including Walmart, Bank of AmericaShopify, and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

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  • Jerry June 18, 2022, 8:48 am

    As a totally incidental aside, i have mostly been wearing Buddy Lee’s jeans since i could say, THOSE ones, mama! So, ignoring (avoiding, even) herr strauss’ offerings hasent been a strain for me at all, simply a concious effort to pay a bit more attention to labels at the thrift store (my lifelong comment on their over-price-itude). My favorite use for the ones i still have, is now as seatcovers fer mah thar truck! On the subject of not catering to the corporat directorat of Buy Our Product And Support Our Agenda, i must say i have tried to pay attention to them since i was a kid in school, but ya may hafta carry a small book anymore to keep track of them, even i cannot remember them all. Some great products have woke-tivist manufacturers, like yeti, northface, patagonia, who even pay bail and lawyerfees for pro-environmental saboteurs. At least, the ones who boast of such support; there may well be many more who wont want their clientelle discovering their, may i say, unamerican activities, that we dont hear about.

  • Jerry June 17, 2022, 11:30 am

    Just like the posers of hollywood, et.c…….dammit, im famous, why wont you come pose with me? Its only for your own good. Theyre antigun elitists, acting like the classic mole spy; imbed, conform, acquire power, then act. How curious to note, the antigun types seem to detest religion, free speech (for the rightwingers), favor abortion even up to the end of the third trimester, legalising drugs, lowering the age for wine and voting, easing crinimal sentences, raising the age for guns, raising hiway speeds (and lowering them in the city, where youse should be taking public [read: subsidised] transit anyway), and major support for “Conformity”. Ban the holy books, ho.d a drag queen show for the children. To quote a Famous lady the left hates, “We are not amused”. Ya note, the left-proposed boycotts dont work so much, but rightwing shopping patterns are what all but leftist “niche” markets fear?

  • jonny bee November 20, 2020, 7:12 am

    Get WOKE, go broke. Till Levi dominates double the amount they gave to anti gun groups to GOA, no Levi products will be in my house….. And if you come over to visit, and I see that tag on your jeans….. You going to get a education about Levi, and ask to never wear them in my house again.

  • Edward Demain October 31, 2020, 12:34 am

    I have not purchased 1 pair of levis in 5 years. When the company started their anti-gun agenda I stopped buying their jeans. I count 4 pairs of Wrangler and 2 pair of Lee since i started my agenda.

    • Jerry June 18, 2022, 8:31 am

      As a totally incidental aside, i have mostly been wearing Buddy Lee’s jeans since i could say, THOSE ones, mama! So, ignoring (avoiding, even) herr strauss’ offerings hasent been a strain for me at all, simply a concious effort to pay a bit more attention to labels at the thrift store (my lifelong comment on their over-price-itude). My favorite use for the ones i already have, is now as seatcovers fer mah thar truck! On the subject of not catering to the corporat directorat of Buy Our Product And Support Our Agenda, i must say i have tried to pay attention to them since i was a kid in school, but ya may hafta carry a small book anymore to keep track of them, even i cannot remember them all. Some great products have woke-tivist manufacturers, like yeti, northface, patagonia, who even pay bail and lawyerfees for pro-environmental saboteurs. At least, the ones who boast of such support; there may well be many more who wont want their clientelle discovering their, may i say, unamerican activities, that we dont hear about.

  • Ronny October 30, 2020, 10:14 am

    I will not be buying Levi’s any more

  • Tony October 30, 2020, 8:25 am

    Good to know, no more Levi’s for me. How awesome would it be if they go under cuz of this idiot’s stance.

  • Bill October 30, 2020, 7:02 am

    Yes, let us help to hurt their bottom line! Their beginning in the old west happened when guns were needed for defense. Guns still are! Let’s join anti- riot groups and anti-gang grouts to curb gun violence!

  • David j July 24, 2020, 11:51 am

    I quit buying them.

  • Jeff K July 7, 2020, 1:12 am

    I quit wearing Levi’s decades ago. Over priced junk was my reason for leaving. Never saw a reason to re-start wearing them. Save money, buy Dickies, Wrangles and Carhart.

  • ADude August 5, 2019, 3:45 pm

    Absolutely, I was trying to support American brands, and wore Levi’s and bought their clothes for my children. But now they have gone the way of Nike and Dick’s (not a pun but the Sporting good company). I need them less than they need us, sell them to China!!! There are plenty of other companies to buy from.

  • Wall Slaepper August 5, 2019, 1:05 am

    Levi’s? Back when the Boy Scouts was still a “straight” organization, Levis got mad cause the Scouts wouldn’t allow gay Scoutmasters. I quit buying/wearing Levi’s way back then. Have never seen a reason to change my mind. (Even if the Scouts have sold out to the fags recently)

    I personally think real men should not support companies that “suck up” to gays, abortionists, feminists, or liberals of any type. Actually, I don’t think it’s possible for a Democrat to be a real man. Nor for a real man to be a Democrat.

    Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

  • Brit August 4, 2019, 7:42 pm

    I’m with “Boss” re: The BOY Scouts.

    I stopped buying Levi’s a very long time ago and am more comfortable wearing Wranglers ( the Rodeo Cowboy’s choice).
    Wrangles are less expensive and equally if not more durable.

  • Thom August 4, 2019, 12:01 am

    Went to sell all my all my Levi crap when he went “anti”. Didnt make much money, only had a leather jacket too hot for Arizona and a couple shirts. All my Jean’s were Wranglers. Levi’s were too expensive….oh well

  • Comanche August 3, 2019, 1:35 pm

    Any American company that doesn’t support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should be squeezed out of business. Personally I support Carhartt Corporation since Levi’s got in bed with the Brady Bunch!!!%🔫🇺🇸

  • Russ August 3, 2019, 8:26 am

    From the age of about 14 years up until approx. a year ago I always wore Levi’s jeans. For me there was just no other brand out there I liked more. I really liked the product and bought at least 2-3 pairs a year even though I thought they were overpriced. Well when they started their activism and hatred of the second amendment ( not criminals ) I started looking around and found Carhart. The quality is much better and there are so many options with style and color to choose from. No skinny jeans either. I couldn’t throw the jeans out so I donated them to a company that helps people out of the military transition to the civilian workforce in the labor and construction field. These companies need to reconsider alienating half their customers, it isn’t good for business or their bottom line.

  • David A. Conklin August 2, 2019, 7:21 pm

    Look up All American Clothing and but their American made jeans online !

  • Donald Hoyle August 2, 2019, 5:45 pm

    No No No , do not think that this is something new for these fu*kshits! 25 or 30 years ago levis company made big public donations to sara brady I sent them a letter, cussing them out and stopped buying they’re jeans I miss 501’s to this day! They are not new traitors!!!!!!!!

    Join the NRA!!

  • Michael A Keim August 2, 2019, 3:45 pm

    They’ve been anti gun and liberal for years. Haven’t bought them for years. They also poorly made by underpaid foreign workers. Wranglers are the best

  • Peter Brown August 2, 2019, 2:57 pm

    A friend wised me up. His information immediately put me in the Wrangler column.
    “They” just don’t get it, do they?

  • Buckwheat29 August 2, 2019, 12:06 pm

    I have trashed my Levi 501’s jeans and replaced them with Wrangler jeans because of this bozo’s policies. It’s time to send a message to these CEOs and their companies to stay the hell out of politics and the way to do it is to stop buying their products. Eventually, they’ll get the message or they won’t and will fade into the sunset where they belong.

  • Victor Gore Chamoun August 2, 2019, 10:51 am

    Chip Berg doesn’t care about his bottom line as much as he does trying to show there rest of the anti-American narcissistic pricks he sleeps with. I along with millions of real American citizens have shown these asshole we will not by their crappy goods as long as they defy us our rights. They can all go to hell

  • Boss August 2, 2019, 10:23 am

    I stopped buying Levi’s back in the 80s when Levi’s decided to not support Boy Scouts because Boy Scouts would not allow homosexuals to be Scout Leaders.

    Now you see what that led to….

    • Clint W. August 2, 2019, 5:50 pm

      Maybe it is a new generation that is ignorant of Levi’s past left wing move. They were one of the first to jump on the gay rights band wagon and to kick the BSA out of their fold. I have not bought or owned one item of Levi clothing since the 80’s when they started their left side slide. Wrangler seems to keep it’s mouth shut about hot button issues, but they have been my source for denim ever since.

  • Rangemaster11B August 2, 2019, 10:16 am

    This didn’t start last year, or even with this CEO. I haven’t bought Levis for 30 years because of their political “causes”.

    • deanbob August 2, 2019, 10:57 am

      This Eagle Scout made the same decision about the same time. I also stopped all donations to them (~30 years ago), although they were small.

    • J Atwood August 2, 2019, 3:06 pm

      Sure, lets alienate homosexuals because none of them are pro 2A.
      That will help certainly help destroy the gun grabber propaganda that all gun owners are incestuous hicks, merc wannabes and gangta thugs.

      Do all ys reasonable, non-bigots a favor and join Everytown. Your views are sure to reduce their public support and help our cause.

      • Comanche August 3, 2019, 1:28 pm

        Treasonous, limp wristed, Progressive, left wing, loser alert!!!%💩

  • Mike August 2, 2019, 10:05 am

    No big deal, $ trumps ideology, I buy 5.11’s instead now. As soon as some self ritchious CEO makes a statement based on unicorn logic I will take my business to another company that will appreciate it.

    • deanbob August 2, 2019, 10:58 am

      If I were a shareholder, I be upset that the CEO is not focusing on the bottom line.

  • Chris August 2, 2019, 10:00 am

    I don’t understand how any CEO of a publicly held company can keep their job when they use company assets to dabble in politics. –any position on just about any issue will alienate more customers than it will gain. Their job is to drive profits for share holders. And in this case, the share holders should demand his head for being an idiot. There is no conceivable case where this would be good for Levis’.

    • Steve August 2, 2019, 3:05 pm

      As a CEO of a publicly held company, I know that my job is to represent the shareholders and use the company’s money to increase shareholder investment. It is not my job to get involved with political causes and chose sides. If he owned all the stock in the company, he could do as he wants. He is nothing more than the highest priced employee that has made 2 mistakes 1) He has forgotten who he works for 2) He thinks the company’s success is because of him.
      Put it up to a Shareholders vote and see what they want.
      The only reason he hasn’t seen a larger impact is the Word hasn’t spread far enough yet. When it starts to impact earnings, he will be gone and so should every director that supported him. They are only directors because of the big fees they get. Ask him what Marty Marshall would think of this and if he doesn’t know Marty, he has forgotten how Levi’s got here. He is all but gone and it may take a while, but I wont buy any Levi products. Nor should you

  • Richard August 2, 2019, 8:46 am

    Levis used to be a high quality product, however a few yrs back they started making thin cheap jeans and lost their direction as a company. Their anti gun rhetoric is most likely spewed by the same corporate geniuses that decided to revamp the product line. Buy Wranglers not Levis.

  • Jethead12 August 2, 2019, 7:54 am

    Used to wear, but no more they are now oil mopping rags. Never again

  • David Smith August 2, 2019, 7:12 am

    Go to their website. Pick out a pair of jeans to review and say they are great for concealed carry

    • KurtW August 3, 2019, 6:24 pm

      That’s the frustrating irony of Leftivi’s brilliance: That little 5th pocket is a better holster for certain CC guns than some holsters I’ve bought.
      My new NON-Levi’s just aren’t as good for that purpose, but most importantly, they’re not Levi’s anymore.

      • Jerry June 18, 2022, 8:41 am

        That lil pocket is a watch pocket, for pocketwatches, but they dont always fit…wazzupwidat?

  • Bayou Boys August 2, 2019, 7:08 am

    How abut we return a year form now and check the sales, Hope they dont sell a pair.

  • Scott489 August 2, 2019, 5:30 am

    “Think Tank Poll Finds that Levi-Strauss’ Anti-Gun Corporate Activism Likely Hurts Bottom Line”

    That’s why they call it a ‘think tank’, because they have really good thinkers.

    I mean, who else could have come up with that conclusion?

    It’s this kind of outside-the-box thinking that reminds us all just how valuable these ‘think-tanks’ really are to regular Americans.

    Thanks, think-tanks.

  • bjg August 2, 2019, 5:26 am

    Haven’t bough those rags in over 30 years. Hope they go out of business.

  • DaveP326 August 2, 2019, 4:26 am

    Levi’s are not made in the US anymore. Who cares what they think about anything? Buy American.

  • Joe July 29, 2019, 8:12 am

    Well’s seems Levi has rode off into the sunset. Worn them for years, guess no more for me..

    • ExGob August 12, 2019, 12:15 pm

      Well, Joe, it looks like you’re not alone. Levi’s prices were too damn high anyway. That should have been a warning to us that they knew they would suffer heavy sales losses after the general public found out about their anti-gun stance. They’re headed down the same road that Dick’s is traveling and it serves them right.

  • MagnumOpUS July 27, 2019, 12:17 am

    Bye bye Levi.
    Duluth Trading makes far more durable jeans and has no corporate anti-2A stance.

    • Lyle Boliou July 26, 2020, 3:28 pm

      Not as American made as you think do some research. Buy diamond gusset made in bon aqua Tennessee heavy duty and last a long time also in almost any size if they don’t have your size wait til they make a new batch great company

  • catawampus July 25, 2019, 10:45 pm

    Levis is trying to deflect attention away from pollution concerns. I bought their products for years. not any more.

  • Steven Stacy July 25, 2019, 8:48 pm

    So, he was asked about why not just avoid politics, and he answered with some idealistic notion of taking on social issues? That is not a businessman looking out for his company and his shareholders. That is a narcissist forcing his opinions on everyone he employs and on everyone who invests in his company. Not good business. They don’t make CEOs like they used to.

    • Jerry June 18, 2022, 8:44 am

      Hey, it aint his money; somebody there gonna make him reimburse the companty for their losses?

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