The Walther P 38, a Very Important War Dog

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by Bob Campbell

The P 1, bottom, is an aluminum frame 9 and the pistol at the top is an aluminum frame .45 1911 for size comparison.

The P 1, bottom, is an aluminum frame 9 and the pistol at the top is an aluminum frame .45 1911 for size comparison.

The Walther P 38, caliber 9mm, was one of the most important handguns of World War II and became among the most influential pistols of the twentieth century. It earned a reputation for accuracy superior to most service pistols, and the P 38’s takedown lever made field maintenance and cleaning simple compared to any other service pistol. The 9mm cartridge does not have the smash of our own .45 ACP cartridge, but the 9mm shoots flat over a distance and penetrates web gear in a superior fashion. The P 38 is reliable, a great shooter and a good recreational handgun. The postwar P 38 and the slightly modified P 1 use an aluminum frame. These handguns are well made with good material, lighter than the steel frame P 38, and reliable. Parts from the original generally interchange with the P 1.


Walther developed the P 38 as a result of the German military’s desire for cost savings, as the aging Luger P 08 was prohibitively expensive to manufacture for a rapidly expanding military. While a steel frame pistol with such precision workmanship would be expensive in today’s market, the P 38 was hailed as a great cost saver at the time. It also performed very well. Those who felt the single action design was outdated  appreciated the double action lockwork, which was similar to that of the Walther PP series.  The pistol used an external drawbar to operate the trigger, which both cocked and dropped the hammer, so the term double-action. The pistol featured a slide-mounted combination safety and decocking lever. It was as natural for Walther to draw upon the Mauser C96 as it would be for an American to draw upon the 1911 for design ideas. The P 38 used the Mauser’s oscillating wedge for lockup. The Army is reported to have requested a free-floating barrel, and Walther gave them this design feature.The Walther P 38 was easily the most modern service pistol in use during the war. Reliable in terrible conditions, the P 38 served from France to Russia, North Africa to Italy and every hotspot of the European war.  Walther was off to a slow start with P 38 production, never really keeping up with war-time demands, but produced as many as 10,000 pistols a month during the height of production. After World War II, the French took over the Walther plant and built the pistol for themselves. The plant was soon closed and production undertaken again by Germany in 1957. The reorganized German Army needed a service pistol and there was nothing better than the Walther P 38 available.

Walther P 38 versus Beretta 92

The Walther impressed our own military to such an extent various trials were undertaken after the war to match the P 38 against the Colt 1911A1. The Walther is lighter than the 1911A1 at about 35 ounces, kicks less and has a double action trigger.  Nothing came of the original pistol trials, perhaps because of budget restraints and the fact that the Army probably had twice as many 1911 pistols as soldiers in the downsized peace-time army, but eventually the Army got their P 38 in the modernized Beretta 92. The double action trigger and external drawbar of the Beretta are pure Walther design in their heritage. The open-top slide and oscillating wedge lockup are also very similar to the Walther, although Beretta changed the recoil spring to a single unit with a guide rod instead of the Walther’s dual springs. The primary improvement over the P 38 is the Beretta 92’s high capacity magazine. However, the Beretta must use a shorter safety lever due to the fat magazine in the frame, which causes a hump in the upper frame where the frame meets the slide. The Walther safety lever is much easier to manipulate quickly, although this may be a small point. The Beretta is little if any more accurate than the Walther.


This slide has been repaired. Note weld mark. It is still running.

This slide has been repaired. Note weld mark. It is still running.

I have fired many P 38 pistols and found them to be generally reliable unless they have been abused. A lack of lubrication or worn springs will certainly make any handgun tie up no matter how well the pistol is made. With a refreshed spring kit from W C Wolff, the Walther is usually good to go. The oscillating wedge should be examined and replaced if the edges are worn. The barrel seldom cracks, but if it does it is usually a result of battering due to weakened springs. I have seen a few Walther pistols with cracked slides. There are not many handguns that have been used hard that haven’t exhibited a cracked slide, and the Walther isn’t immune to such damage. I have seen Colt, SIG and Beretta pistols with cracked slides, Glocks blown up and Smith and Wesson 59’s battered. The slide illustrated was seen on a pistol that is still in service with a hobby shooter as far as I know. It was welded up and the old gent went back to shooting. This isn’t a recommended course but it shows the toughness of the design.  

Now to the heart of the matter- how does the P 38 shoot? The performance of the Walther P 1 and aluminum frame P 38 pistols is similar to that of the original P 38. The only difference in handling and shooting the modern lightweight-frame pistols is that they kick more due to the lighter frame, but this isn’t that noticeable with standard loads. The P 38 is among the most feed-reliable handguns ever produced. The pistol features a straight line feed, where the bullet nose feeds from the magazine almost straight into the chamber. A wide-mouth hollow point feeds just fine. Since German military ammunition was by no means weak-kneed, the P 38 is fine for NATO specification or 9mm +P loads. This is of course in a handgun with fresh recoil springs and an un-cracked locking wedge. The pistol will feed, chamber, fire and eject with most commercial ammunition.Occasionally a Walther will short-cycle with low power ammunition. A weak hand-load – say, a 124 grain bullet 900 fps – will probably not function in the P 38.  The same may be said for some generic ball ammunition. Full power ammunition but not necessarily ‘hot loads’ are good fare for the Walther.

The pistol is a joy to handle and fire. The grip is comfortable and fits most hands well. The single action break is usually right at four and one half pounds, light enough for excellent shooting. For sport shooting, I ignore the double action feature and simply cock the hammer for the first shot rather than running through the long trigger press.  When handling the P 38, you will note that the safety, slide lock and take down lever are each well designed. The heel-type magazine release isn’t as rapid in action as a Browning type push button; you are not going to lose the magazine.

The P 38 is surprisingly accurate. I have fired mine a good bit with the Fiocchi 123 grain Combat loading. This is a truncated cone nose design that often gives match-grade accuracy in good handguns. The World War II vintage steel frame P 38 will turn in a 2.5 inch group at 25 yards with this loading. The 1960s vintage P 1 isn’t quite as accurate. The World War II P 38 feeds any hollow point you care to stuff into the magazine. As an example the Fiocchi 115 grain Extrema loading, using the Hornady XTP bullet, feeds perfectly and exhibits a 3.25 inch group at 25 yards. The 124 grain Extrema is sometimes more accurate. In a worn or dirty gun, the slightly heavier bullets are often more reliable. I would avoid the 147 grain loads, as these loads tend to transfer more momentum to the locking wedge, which causes early wear and even cracking. Also, velocity may be too low for good function.

The Walther P 1, top, features WC Wolff recoil springs and has a new locking wedge. It is field stripped along with the very similar Beretta 92.

The Walther P 1, top, features WC Wolff recoil springs and has a new locking wedge. It is field stripped along with the very similar Beretta 92.

Yes, I fire my P 38 pistols. I have owned a number of rather nice examples of the breed but most have been shooters. For field use to carry when hiking, I trust the P 1. It is reliable and more than accurate enough for pests and even small game, and I do not live in an area with large bears. When loaded with the Fiocchi Extrema loading, it would be up to the task of handling feral dogs, coyote or even a human aggressor. But I just like having something on my hip, and the Walther gives me a lot of confidence.

Production codes for the P 38

The Zero pistols, 01- 13,000 Eagle stamped P 38s

The original P 38 was marked 480/AC, soon changed to

AC 40             for 1940

AC 41 for 1941

AC 42 for 1942

AC 43  for 1943

AC 44 for 1944

AC 45  for 1945

Mauser pistols were marked byf 42, byf 43, byf 44, byf 45, and the pistols produced for the French (post war) were marked svw 45. These were produced for the French Army by my best information.

Spreewerke         cyg

There were various slides produced by FN Belgium and by CZ in Czechoslovakia.


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  • Travis Chamb June 27, 2018, 5:05 pm

    I have a p38 ww2 nazzi pistol. It has symbol of wings and biplane on it. It was one of the first 9000 made. I purchased this walters from a retired colonel who brought it back from war. I have had this pistol over 45 years and it is in good condition. Would consider selling it since I am nearing 80 and no one to leave it to. If anyone is interested please send me email.

    • S.H. Blannelberry June 27, 2018, 6:27 pm

      List it on It’s really easy to do. All local sales are free.

    • Gary March 4, 2019, 7:11 pm

      If you haven’t listed it to sell I would be interested

  • Mark Tercsak August 17, 2015, 11:39 pm

    If I remember correctly the standard German Military Load for the 9mm Parabellum used a full metal jacketed 147 grain projectile in both world wars.

    In their service rifles from 1898 I think until the 1920’s maybe later the 7.92×57 cartridge used in rifles used a 154 grain projectile and the machine guns used the 198 grain projectile, The German’s captured a number of Allied Rifles in the first war and found the French 8mm label was actually a better long range rifle, due to the fact the French used a heavier Projectle, I want to say in the 200 grain area, it was said to be a much more stable bullet, this factor and the fact the fact they wanted to standardize the 7.92×57 as much as possible lead to the FMJ 198 grain projectile being adopted as the standard load for the German Army in WW2.

    • mike August 24, 2016, 11:34 pm

      The German ammo used in WW1 through WW2 German pistols of all types was 124 grain with similar performance to the modern 9mm NATO spec load.

    • James Arthur January 16, 2017, 5:49 pm

      I would like to share my history story
      I bought a P-38 9 mm . The man who had it was Louis Leviticus was 75 years old an a holocaust survivor. He passed away in 2015 . Lou. Leviticus was 11 in November 1942. He killed a German soldier and help kill another. His wife found the P- 38 9 mm pistal.

  • HERB November 5, 2013, 5:48 pm

    Heres’ the REAL Deals….Robinsons Gun Store in No. Carolina has been offering this Finely –Tuned pistol for some time now. The Pistol I remember, is a Walther P –38 built under a Czech contract that is a former Side Arm issued to the Czech Police, the Deutch Polizei, and a few were “extradited” by the East German Vopestopoli . This Pistol / firearm is considered by the exchange as a definite Cold War Era Pistol . For wool Gathering….and a general musing to an old media classic…known as COMBAT (in Re; to Travis’ Post of Oct. 13/th of this year), watching the production on a 5/th? American showing on a nostalgia network (the program was shot in 1963 –64 era). I Thought….what the Patrol or one man could or would have Gleaned from the “Battlefield Pickups” that the wasted Weirmacht Enlisted and officer Side –Arms ? These Nazi Issue Lugers, P–38’s, and other pilfered side arms (perhaps a Soviet Tokarev now and then ) .The patrol dividing up their “Spoils” as they returned to their command post, bivouac area or firebase. These Real Side Arms… stuffed in their Field Jackets and entrenching tool packs (with supporting clips and 9mm ammo stored in a safe and secure place. empty ammo can or a separate Ammo belt ). Skillfully Pooled in a Patrols’ Quartermasters ”appropriated’ DUFFLE BAG Being Locked at the tops when Full to their overflowing brims . Then to be transported in a deuce and a half troop truck. Easily stowed away every time the Company or Brigade relocated to a new staging area. An Armed member of the Patrol would share watches on this vehicle at all times — with paperwork to the orders of Lt. Hanley (a.k.a Rick Jason ). Perhaps a Field Grade Officer that had been Well — Compensated $$ for his company clerk and Time invested by his signature. Finally, when the Patrol was rotated out of the war…stateside. The troop ship would be on the the Duffle Bags accompanied by a minimum of two of the Patrols membership. Palms “Greased” of a Navy Chief to have sufficient Paperwork to indicate that the Duffles contain Surplus field sets to Guard detachments and War Surplus distribution points at the Port of disembercation. The Patrol could once again “divey up their Spoils” as they rotated home at a pre — determined rendevous. Quite an adventure, investment of time and skills, ending in….a huge Haul or Bundle for the Men of ‘Baker’ Patrol on the civilian market

  • ed November 5, 2013, 9:49 am

    Had the same problem with Remington ammo in my P38 and found the bullets to be too short oal. Talked to Remington and they don’t suggest using their ammo(umc) in a P38. I sent them the bullets back for a refund and use had loads or Federal.

  • petru Sova November 4, 2013, 11:06 am

    I forgot to add that please us common sense whenever handling mechanical objects. Flipping any hammer drop safety without using the opposite hand’s thumb to ease the hammer down will result in excess wear on the safety system. Even the poorly designed P38 safety of WWII would work well for many years if this common sense procedure is adhered to religiously. I often read on the Internet posts from people who say they are often jumpy when watching the hammer crash down when they flip the safety lever. It never occurs to them to ease the hammer down rather than let it crash down. Guns are machines just like cars. Neglect them by not lubing them or by abusing them and they wear out and break far sooner than they would if treated more gently. This is a concept that I have never been able to get across to so many people I have come in contact with as it seems to be way beyond their understanding.

  • petru Sova November 4, 2013, 10:53 am

    Here is what I have done to keep shooting my P38 without it coming apart. I load down with 4 grains of bulls-eye powder and use a hard cast Lyman 121 grain conical bullet which was originally designed to feed in the un-reliable German Luger. If you are not a bullet caster Remington makes a hollow point bullet that will feed in both Lugers and P38’s. P38’s are also noted for jamming with many expanding bullets but the Remington bullet has worked fine in both my Luger’s and P38’s.

  • Treetop November 2, 2013, 10:42 am

    Another grandfather story!!! My byf44 was brought home with holster and clear grips. Have never seen any other P-38 with these grips. My grandfather said that these were the grips on the pistol when he took it. I will say that over the years of owning this pistol; I noticed the safety would fall during firing because of the weakened spring inside of the safety latch. Have thought about a new spring kit, but the piece is retired now. It is just a show piece with family history behind it. The last time I fired it,,, it grouped very well. My grandfather always bragged on it’s accuracy and reliability. Not sure how hot the war time 9mm ammo was loaded,,, have heard that it was loaded fairly hot, to cycle the SMG’s. P-38’s exposed to super hot loads over extended use may have issues with fractures, cracks and so on! But, there again, the QC and tooling at the end of the war was not very good. Some of these coarse machine marks may introduce cracking! All in all, the P-38 was very much ahead of the game! It is the grandfather to lots of our modern pieces today. Hats off to the ole P-38!

  • william beamon October 31, 2013, 1:00 pm

    I traded my P1 for a wartime P38. The P1 had painful trigger slap, which I could never find a solution for. I replaced the recoil springs on the P38 and for practice shooting, substituted a slide from a P1 spare parts kit. Note the P1 slide is about 10% heavier, with thicker metal at the typical fracture points. It shoots well and exhibits no trigger slap.
    I prefer my Beretta 92FS for general shooting.

  • Dave Hazlewood October 30, 2013, 8:26 pm

    Which distributors still offer the P1’s in new, unissued condition. I would like to compare prices and availability.

  • msmarchhare October 30, 2013, 7:37 pm

    Over the years, I’ve owned both a commercial P-38/P-1, 1966 vintage and an arsenal refinished P-1 from about he same time. Both were nice weapons. As to be expected, the former was better finished than the latter. They both shot about the same with 124 gr bullets being the most accurate.
    Personally, I wouldn’t shoot really hot ammo in either. There is a real possibility of the top cover coming off and catapulting the firing pin, loaded chamber pin, and their attendent springs into space. This cover is held by spring tension of two arms or tabs at the sides of the cover. I don’t remember for certain, but it seems the commercial model instruction manual warned about this.
    Also, if you’re looking to purchase a refurbished P-1, you might want to opt for one that has the frame reinforced with a hex nut in the area of the locking wedge. These pistols often have enlarged cocking serrations on the slide, making that chore a tad easier. Not that the Walthers are hard to cycle in my experience. On the GA website, these reinforced models are $20 more expensive than the older pistols from such places as Robertson Trading Post.

    • James Arthur January 16, 2017, 12:16 am

      Hi I was reading your coments on your Walter P-38 9 mm pistal. I was. born in 1966 love your story on your Walter
      P-38 🔫

  • rick October 30, 2013, 4:04 pm

    I got a war surplus P-38 in the 60’s its been my go to gun since then, its not only won a few shooting matches with buddies, but it is frequently lent to ladies looking to get concealed carry permit. It’s easier for them to cock. I would recommend this weapon to anyone.

  • Jreed October 30, 2013, 12:37 pm

    Iv got a ww2 byf43 mauser manufactured P38 and apart from its not firing remington umc ammo its fully functioning and very very accurate. I use P1 mags as no original mag was available but its all matching numbered and the most accurate handgun iv fired in a long time , yeah you get the occasional feed jam but its 70 yrs old

    • Ken October 30, 2013, 6:12 pm

      Mine doesn’t seem to mind Remington ammo – but I did a little work on it. As mentioned above, I replaced the recoil springs with Wolff springs (very easy to do), polished the feed tramp, and gave the magazine a thorough cleaning. That solved most problems. It doesn’t seem to like a full (8 rnd) magazine, as the first round will sometimes fail to feed, so I just load 7. As you said, not bad for a 70-yr old. I wish I functioned as well!

  • Evan October 30, 2013, 12:01 pm

    I’m not saying that the P-38 isn’t cool, and I certainly wouldn’t mind getting my hands on one, but I’d rather have a Luger. I don’t consider 9mm a serious caliber for anything other than plinking, so accuracy and reliability and such aren’t really overly important to me here, I’d just buy one because it’s a cool piece of history.

  • noel p. mellen October 30, 2013, 9:18 am

    It seems that older weapons get rediscovered by newer shooters every day. In the postwar period during which most weapons of major powers were tested the P-38 did not emerge as a major contender. The P-1 was a great improvement but was again not a major choice of non German soldiers. World wide the BHP and the 1911 have remained top choices. Just look at the current market. Every major player has a version of the 1911 and the Marines self assemble and produce their own version. Even the BHP was the basis for the great CZ series. Only Croatia came up with a modified P-38 that had a 15 round clip. Sarco might just have one or two left. The p-38/P-1 series are a fun gun to shoot and not overly expensive but it is not a first choice by professionals.

  • JOHN S October 30, 2013, 12:01 am

    I own 2 Walthers. P1 & P99 compact. Both shoot great. I like the decocker. I keep a loaded P1 in my night stand. Decocked you can pull the trigger all day and it won’t fire. Flip the decocker off safety and you are ready to fire. The P99 is striker fire. It is my carry weapon. Decock it it, won’t fire. Rack it an 1/8 inch and it will fire. I also have a Mil Spec 1911. It is accurate, makes big holes, but is a bitch to clean compared to the Walthers.

  • Jim L October 29, 2013, 8:44 pm

    Petru Sova may have used one (if he has fired one)that was produced late in the war when they were taking shortcuts in finishing them to get them out to the troops. I have a 1942 Walther produced P-38 that my dad brought back from the war in 1946. I don’t know if he ever shot it as it was packed with grease. I cleaned it up and decided I’d shoot it. The fit and finish are excellent and is a very fine pistol. I have not replaced any springs and have had no problems with it. It will take any thing I feed through it with a hitch, from standard ball ammo to Hornady Critical Defense. I’m also pleased with the accuracy of the weapon. All in all, it’s a a great pistol.

    • Jim L November 1, 2013, 12:07 am

      It should read “feed through it with out a hitch”.

  • Paul October 29, 2013, 6:33 pm

    P-38 to say the least is iconic. I purchased a war surplus one in the mid 1980’s. Was well holster worn but otherwise is very good shape. Shot amazingly accurate. Easy to strip, accurate and 100% reliable. Excellent firearm with a very natural aim. Love em. If you are thinking of getting one, do it soon. They continue to go up in price. Go for the all steel P-38 if you can over the P-1. P-1 is nice, but it is not a P-38. I also understand Walther is making the all steel P-38 again, so get a new one!

  • Thomas Mahala October 29, 2013, 6:04 pm

    I have an 80’s vintage P1. I’m really partial to this weapon.

  • Ken October 29, 2013, 4:36 pm

    Right on, Jim…

    I just got ahold of an all-steel svw45 that appears to be unfired. Had to clean cosmoline out of the gun, and replaced the springs just ’cause. This is the nicest 9mm I’ve ever shot – VERY accurate and reliable. I think I’m actually breaking the gun in as it showed no signs of wear. My wife likes it because of the comfortable grip and light recoil – she also thinks it looks “cool,” as do I. I own a couple of 1911’s, and the P38 gives nothing away. Great gun!

    • Russ Florian October 30, 2013, 8:56 am

      + 1 on Jims comment

    • rabrooks November 5, 2013, 5:26 pm

      You reminded me. I usually look for the bare metal “wear marks” to see what needs to be oiled. On dis-assembly, there were none! I put oil on the thing, shoot it, get home and the oil is right where I left it. Mine was accepted into the army in ’76, shopped once in ’84 and I’ve had it for 2 years. The only wear is 2 spots on the slide and hammer! They are amazing guns.

  • jim October 29, 2013, 3:07 pm

    Have you ever noticed that America is full of negative people? Negative ideas and thoughts. We have had 6 years of this crap and I hope it ends soon.

    • petru Sova October 30, 2013, 1:04 pm

      Since when is telling the truth called negativity? Or should we all lie to each other so no ones feelings might get hurt? No weapon is free from design faults, they all have their plus and minus factors. Trying to put forth a utopian view of firearms design and function is childish.

      • RB October 30, 2013, 5:59 pm

        Yeah, be euopean and never criticize, Socialism wont be questioned and you’ll all b happy campers

        • petru Sova October 30, 2013, 6:50 pm

          Where have you been living in a cave. The U.S. has bee living under Socialism since the 1930’s.
          Social Security benefits, aid to education, hot meals for school kids and retired folks, medical research, gene therapy, just to name a few and roundly protested by cheap skate right wingers. Oh and did I mention 20 million Americans can now get health care and the crooked capitalistic insurance companies can no longer cancel your insurance policy when you get cancer because it is costing them too much. Europeans had these social benefits back in 1886 when Bismarck passed national health care in Germany which was and is 50 times smaller than the U.S. Yeah but the cheap skate right wingers whine we cannot afford it, then how did Germany, France, Britain and even smaller countries like Bulgaria and Romania do it. It does not take much brain power to figure that one out. They did it and are continuing to do it despite a world wide Depression that started under, you guessed it, the right wing Busch administration because they let the capitalists rape the American consumer. The U.S. started this world wide depression not the Socialist Europeans with their much smaller economies and their much better social benefits, they never went bankrupt when they came down with cancer because their social benefits prevented them from losing their life savings because they had socialized medicine, and their economies ran just fine till the U.S. banks screwed everything up under the free wheeling Busch administration. Busch made the Tweed ring of New York look like amateurs. Wasn’t free wheeling capitalism wonderful. You lost everything when you got cancer and you could not even go to the doctor when you got sick because for 20 million Americans they could not get health care because of “crooked pre-existing conditions”. When Wolf Blitzer asked an audience of right wingers “What would we do when a man got crippled in an auto accident and his wife and children had no income, the right wingers all shouted on National TV “Let him die”. Capitalism at its best.

          • Mitch Gabrovic October 31, 2013, 7:56 pm

            Sounds like you are in the cave , sport. First of all, Busch is the cheap beer that you’ve been slugging down by the case. As for a recession, it was caused by your democratic union loving Democratic losers.

            A brief history lesson:

            1977: Jimmy Carter (D) signs the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), guaranteeing home loans to low-income families.
            1999: Bill Clinton (D) puts the CRA on steroids by pushing Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (F&F) to increase the number of sub-prime loans (owning a home is now a ‘right’.).
            1999 (September): New York Times publishes an article, ‘Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending’, which warned of the coming crisis due to lax lending policies of the Clinton (D) administration.
            2003: White House calls Fannie and Freddie a “systemic risk”. The Bush (R) administration pushes Congress to enact new regulations.
            2003: Barney Frank (D-CN) says F&F are “not in a crisis” and bashes Republicans for crying wolf and calls F&F “Financially Sound.” Democrats block Republican sponsored regulation legislation.
            2005: Fed Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan voices warning over F&F accounting “We are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk”
            2005: Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) says “I think F & F over the years have done an incredibly good job and are an intrinsic part of making America the best-housed people in the world.”
            2006 Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) again calls for reform of the regulatory structure that governs F&F.
            2006: Democrats again block reform legislation.
            2008: Housing market collapses: Democrats blame the Republicans.

          • doug April 24, 2014, 2:51 pm

            Petru Sofa – buddy,

            The fact is that the US has been Socialist since the Progressive era. But Socialism goes hand in hand with crony capitalism and there’s is the problem. Bismarck was one of the earliest populist socialist engineers.

            The cost of covering everyone will be rationing care as the Eurotrash do. Btw Germany really did great after Bismark huh? Right up until the socialist Hitler put a damper on things, wouldntyou say?

          • Mark Tercsak August 17, 2015, 11:25 pm

            Actually we have been living under socialism a lot longer than the 1930’s , It actually started around 1913 and with the election of Woodrow Wilson, he was a racist and a segregationist and a socialist, he helped recreate the Bank of the United States, in the name of the Federal Reserve, that Andrew Jackson broke up. he attacked the Constitution by convincing people, that they should elect their senators by popular, this destroyed the power that they were actually beholding to the Respective States in which, We The People Reside, now these Senators were actually beholding to no-body and they sold their rear ends to the highest bidder, Wilson was for mass sterilization of blacks, prisoners, mentally ill or handicapped etc. He ordered the arrests and imprisonment of those who disagreed with his policies, in fact one gent was a socialist and running on the socialist ticket five times was convicted of treason and sentenced to ten years for protesting Wilson decisions about World War One and opposed our entry into it, Wilson Got Congress to pass a law in 1917 and this was the law they used to convict this man, and in 1921 the Republican President Warren G. Harding set this man free with time served. certain sectors of the united States Government had been desegregated in 1865 , upon Wilson’s election he re-segregated those branches and removed from office seven long term black managers. Woodrow Wilson is the hero of the modern day Bolshevik-Democrats not FDR.

    • rabrooks November 5, 2013, 4:43 pm

      Probably Sig or Baretta owner. The P-38/P-1 is the easiest pistol to shoot. It points instinctively, light, easy to take care of. Might be the only pistol that ejects to the left. Right in the shirt pocket. It has features that “modern” pistols are still trying to incorporate. Loaded chamber indicator and de-cocker. I think it was the first double action auto. I got mine to replace a Taurus PT101 in 40sw which I couldn’t shoot worth a darn. Now, I can shoot it pretty good off-hand. I got some time alone at the range, and got a chance to shoot 50yd TQ-15E silhouette. Aiming at the neck, I was hitting right at the top box. I’m getting used that “place the dot where you want to hit” euro stuff. Maybe Walther/Umarex might make a new one in 38super or that 22TCM from Armscor to join their STG44. 22TCM STG44?

      • rabrooks November 5, 2013, 5:15 pm

        My bad. ATI has the STG44 in 22lr, at one time they listed the P-1/38, but no more. I get confused writing about really nice guns….

    • Rich February 3, 2015, 9:09 pm

      Amen brother!

  • petru Sova October 29, 2013, 2:44 pm

    This is merely nothing more than advertisement propaganda. First of all War Time P38’s were noted for their inaccuracy usually turning in groups almost as bad as the 5 inch groups the crudely made U.S. 1911 guns did. The post war aluminum framed guns were much better finished and much more accurate. The WWII guns as well as the post war guns will lose their top covers if hot ammo is used as they are held on to the gun only be friction. WWII guns had a poorly designed safety that often broke when used as when the hammer crashed down on the safety it soon shattered. The slides on both WWII and post war guns often cracked from many loads or hot loads as well.

  • Russell Sparks October 29, 2013, 1:22 pm

    I have a Walther p38 my grandfather confiscated off a German officer after he was liberated from POW camp after being captured in the Battle of the Bulge. It is still in great shape with everything still original. Its a great piece with an even better story.

    • Travis October 30, 2013, 10:19 pm

      My grandfather did the same thing, but when he came home on the Queen Elizabeth, someone stole it out of his bag.

  • GEORGE DORION October 29, 2013, 1:16 pm


    • rs November 12, 2013, 3:13 am

      what is the ww on my luger stand for