The Best Way to Train at Home? The Interactive Pistol Training System

The Best Way to Train at Home? The Interactive Pistol Training System

The Interactive Piston Training System or iPTS.

Carrying openly or concealed is 90 percent software and 10 percent hardware. It takes maybe a week to find the right carry gun. It takes continued practice over a lifetime to ensure one is proficient with a firearm when it really matters.

But the problem with training on the regular is that time and money are limited. Most of us working stiffs are lucky if we get to the range once a month. Yes, I include myself in that category. Despite working for a gun publication, I rarely get to the range. I spend most of my time toiling at my computer editing and writing gun-related content. Clay is the one at GunsAmerica that gets to have all the fun. LOL.

Because of those obvious obstacles, folks are always looking for creative ways to bring training concepts and drills into the home. Once such product is the new Interactive Pistol Training System (iPTS), a next generation training pistol, target, and App that bills itself as the “first all-in-one solution.”

The iPTS is designed to allow “gun owners to become safer, quicker, and more accurate shooters”. iPTS moves well beyond simple ‘point-and-shoot’ methods integrating a realistic training pistol, intelligent software and real world targets to train and challenge each shooter,” according to the website.

The Best Way to Train at Home? The Interactive Pistol Training System

The iPTS 1700 Training Pistol has a 5.5-pound trigger, a magazine release, rail system, adjustable sights and allows one to rack the slide.  No ammo required!

Users “fire” the iPTS 1700 electronic training pistol at the iPTS interactive targets and via wireless sensor technology, the shots are recorded on the iPTS virtual trainer App downloaded to the user’s smartphone or tablet.

The pistol mimics a real-life handgun in that it allows the user to rack the slide, drop a magazine, swap out the sights, and includes “tactile feedback” (sound and shake) with every shot. It has a 5.5-pound trigger pull.

Each kit comes with two targets, a human silhouette target and a bullseye target that measure 43.4cm (17”) X 73cm (28.7”) X 6cm (2.4”). Targets provide sound effects, recognize hits and can be adjusted to virtually emulate distances between 5 meters and 30 meters.

Probably the most innovative aspect of the system is the iPTS App. Compatible with both Apple and Android devices, the App provides voice prompts to guide the shooter to improve target acquisition and accuracy. Audio warnings are also voiced when the user practices an unsafe habit. Multiple users can set up their own profile and customize their practice sessions. Results are showed in both real time and stored in the App.

The next logical question is regarding the price. How much is the iPTS? Well, here’s the thing, the creator of the iPTS is currently looking for funding on Indiegogo. He just launched the campaign on April 15th. Thus far, it seems to be gaining some serious interest.

“We’re seeing a great level of interest in the iPTS from casual gun owners, firearms trainers, military, law enforcement and anyone who wants to improve their ability with their pistol.,” said Jakob Kishon, creator of the iPTS, in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica. “We’re excited that, with the help of our backers, we’ll to be bringing this ground-breaking product to market.”

Early backers can receive a full kit, which includes the iPTS Pistol, two interchangeable magazines, an iPTS Target with reversible target insert, AC adapter/charger, USB cable and quick-start user guide, for $399 a $200 break from it’s MSRP of $599. Kishon has reached 8 percent (or $15,627) of his funding goal of $200,000 in the few short days it’s been online.

So, what do ya think? What are your thoughts of the iPTS?

To learn more about the iPTS, check out the official website.

If you’re interested in backing this project, visit Indiegogo.

  • Dana Hoffman April 22, 2017, 5:22 pm

    This would be the perfect system IF the sound could be turned off and controlled. People with auditory injuries such as hyperacusis cannot train with their firearms because of the sound that would be experienced. Also, training at home with volume “off” or on a very low setting available would make for good neighbors.

    • DKroll July 30, 2017, 11:51 pm

      If auditory injuries are such a major concern, find a quieter hpbby and/or self defense method than guns. Problem solved.

    • Roger November 6, 2017, 10:03 pm

      Dana, you make a good point. Practicing at home, without the sound would be beneficial in a number of situations, inclusive of proximity to neighbors, or preservation of hearing.
      Still I’d suggest periodic visits to the range….

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