Texas Homeowner Shoots Armed Home Invader Because He’s ‘Too Damn Old To Be Playin’

A Pasadena, Texas, man sent one armed home invader to the hospital and the other one running scared, claiming he’s “too damn old to be playing.”

Roberto, who wishes to keep his last name anonymous, was in house when the intruders burst through his front door around 3 a.m., one of them wielding a shotgun. After being robbed several years back, Roberto always keeps his sidearm handy, and he put the weapon to good use during the early-morning encounter.

The Texas homeowner said he has no regrets about shooting the armed suspect five times in the face, stomach and back. In fact, Roberto says the crook is lucky he didn’t get a coup de grace.

“He’s lucky I didn’t shoot him again,” said Roberto. “When he was on the ground I was going to put a hole in his head, but God as my witness I can’t do that.”

Roberto has recently used two day laborers to help install new hardwood floor, and believes the man and woman set him up.

“The guy that was working for me, him and his old lady were walking out, and as they opened the door, he ran in and put a shotgun in my face,” said Roberto.

When recounting the shooting to local reporters, Roberto said, “I don’t play. I’m too damn old to look behind my back. I’m too old for that.”

The suspect who was shot was remanded into police custody and the female is still at large.

  • Snidely Whiplash February 7, 2018, 12:40 pm

    I too am an old Texan and go armed in public and keep a firearm handy while at home. I’m a veteran who earned an expert marksman medal for both rifle and handgun.
    As a lifelong martial artist, I always kept the knowledge I can defend myself. That is not so true anymore as my lumbar fusion five years ago resulted in nerve damage.

  • Charlie September 22, 2017, 10:34 am

    Are these people STUPID. Old people don’t have that much to loose and what they have they aim to keep . Old people won’t fight, they will just kill you!

  • Marty July 7, 2017, 10:18 am

    When it comes to home invasion I will always assume they are armed, assume leathal threat, let God and the police sort it out. Cause I’ll be to busy separating friend from foe and reloading. Raise your children right and the state won’t have to bury them.

  • Bird June 3, 2016, 10:46 am

    Shot five times and the perp is still alive? The homeowner needs to upgrade his tool.

  • Mike June 26, 2015, 7:39 pm

    I like a story with a happy ending. If more people were as prepared as this guy to defend themselves, we wouldn’t need any “three strikes” laws would we?

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