Teachers Now Have Confiscation Power Under New York’s Red Flag Law

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
Teachers Now Have Confiscation Power Under New York’s Red Flag Law

Cuomo and Pelosi on Monday during the signing ceremony of New York’s new Red Flag law. (Photo: CBS News New York)

New York became the first state to give teachers confiscation power thanks to a new Red Flag bill signed into law Monday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

“Today New York is proud to pass the first-in-the-nation Red Flag Bill that empowers school teachers to do something when they believe something bad is going to happen,” said Cuomo at the signing ceremony where he was joined by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

“We are empowering teachers not by giving them guns like the President wants – but by arming and empowering them with the law, so when a teacher or family member sees there is a problem, they can go to a judge and get a court-ordered evaluation,” he continued. “The Red Flag Bill will save lives and doesn’t infringe on anybody’s rights and it is common sense.”

Under the law, a police officer, family member or teacher can petition a judge for an “extreme risk protection order” against an individual. If the judge grants the order the individual is then prohibited from purchasing and/or possessing firearms. Law enforcement is also sent to the individual’s home to confiscate his firearms.

The ERPO stays in effect for a period of six days during which a hearing is held where the individual can present his case. If the individual fails to convince the judge that he is not a danger to himself and others, the judge may extend the ERPO for up to a year.

“It is a great honor to join Governor Cuomo, survivors and advocates as New York makes history by enacting this landmark gun violence prevention legislation,” said Speaker Pelosi.

SEE ALSO: The Universal Phobia: Being Afraid To Kill Despite Training, Bearing Arms

“These bills are bold and far-reaching, containing strong, comprehensive solutions to save lives and end the crisis of senseless gun violence in America. Leaders in the State House and in the U.S. House must continue to work together to ensure that no other family is forced to endure the tragedy and heartbreak of gun violence, whether in our schools, in our places of worship, on our streets or in any place,” she added.

Tom King, the President of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, remains unconvinced about the law’s efficacy.

“The red flag legislation while sounding good to the anti-gunners and non-gun owners will do absolutely nothing to make the people of NY safer. It will only make it easier for the State to take guns away from lawful citizens without any due process and violating their civil rights,” King told GunsAmeria in an email.

Red flag laws are being pushed by gun control groups across the United States. The first red flag law was passed in Connecticut in 1999. By 2017, five states had the law on the books. Then, with the advent of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida in 2018, the number more than doubled, as GunsAmerica recently reported.

Currently, Connecticut, Indiana, California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, Vermont, Maryland, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts, Illinois and Washington, D.C. have enacted red flag laws. The Brady Campaign indicates that at least 30 states are considering them.

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About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Jim March 20, 2020, 11:45 am

    What does a Representative of San Francisco, Calif. have to do with signing a Bill to be enforced by the State of New York? Notice that she is smiling from ear to ear while doing this as well. I am glad that this will go before the US Supreme Court and be found Unconstitutional. Why should teachers have this power? They almost exclusively deal with minors who are not allowed to possess firearms anyway?

  • Bob Resor December 21, 2019, 9:08 am

    Simple solution to this communist insanity. Stop electing democrats. They are no longer a party that puts country first. What does it take for voters to see what the dems are doing to this country? We are talking about the destruction of what once was the best country on the planet. They already have control of the education system, the media, Hollywood and half of Congress. They are gaining control of local government. Half the country doesn’t pay taxes and voters have no incentive to vote republican. Keep the freebies coming, vote for democrats. Not saying republicans are perfect but as long as the dems continue to follow their destructive agenda, stop electing them. America is heading toward 3rd world status. California is spreading folks.

  • Ron September 27, 2019, 6:49 am

    They Will REGRET THIS ! Ok — so a teacher at a high school or middle school can NARK on a student ? And then Law Enforcement can go to their HOME and search the home for GUNS AND CONFISCATE THEM? why not REMOVE THE PROBLEM—-. THE CHILD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT THE GUN PEOPLE– ITS THE PERSON WHO PULLS THE TRIGGER!! But we are talking about NYC KIDS! lmao — The teacher who turns in the child — THEIR LIFE IS NOW IN DANGER — BECAUSE OF THE RED FLAG LAW —- who do you think is going to get shot FIRST ?

  • Little 1 August 23, 2019, 1:42 am

    Right after one of the school shootings (I don’t remember which), my husband was at an elementary school for a function with the American Legion. They go often for Veterans Day and others.

    This particular day a police officer was there and the principal stated to the officer, “I don’t like you coming in here that gun!” The officer stated, “that’s not up to you”.

    I guess it is now.

  • Lawrence hoffert August 5, 2019, 6:38 pm

    Its bullshitting laws Cuomo needs to go …its just another step in taking our rights away …society has took raising a child the way they should be raised out of the parents hands and these video games don’t help either .how about banning them video games these kids today live in a fantasy world .and parents need to discipline their kids so they know there are repercussion s .Cuomo and anyone else that wants the guns taken away need to move where there isn’t any guns allowed !.guns are for my protection against people like them and I’m an avid hunter and mind you my guns nor me have ever shot anyone !!!!

  • Richard July 27, 2019, 4:13 pm

    Take your complaints to the polls and vote out \’all\’ Democrats. Even the conservative ones do not have the courage to stand up for \’all\’ people in their district. Complaining only emboldens the Democrats in knowing that is all the resistance they can expect and will still carry on with their agenda. The \’knee jerk\’, little informed Democratic masses follow blindly and parrot the loudest voices of the party.

  • Old Fur Trapper July 26, 2019, 11:32 pm

    They are! They’re also bunk mates!

  • Brun July 26, 2019, 5:32 am

    Once again, in an attempt to garner national attention for a future presidential run, the govenor of NY sacrifices a constitutional right for purely political gain. Responders are absolutely right in questioning his real motives and the motives of those who will look to this law as a way to attack perfectly innocent people for ficitional reasons.

  • Joe Mama March 13, 2019, 9:25 am

    Sounds like a perfect way to disarm all of NY’s cops…and their families too.

  • St.Toes Rodriguez March 8, 2019, 2:44 pm

    Will Cuomo also red-flag the Antifa, Terrorists, Black Lives Matter, Jihadist supporting Muslims, and ILan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Rayapal, all their supposedly refugee Buds and of course, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez? Like always, they target the American, Law Abiding, Citizen. The National Education Association (Liberals) will Love this Law!!!

  • kjj1564 March 8, 2019, 1:54 pm

    Palosi and Cuomo look like they are having a Orgasm signing this gun confiscation law.

  • JJ March 4, 2019, 10:50 am

    Nowadays, 90% of teachers are Lefty Loons and some are extreme and bitter enough to file bogus “threat reports” against parents whenever their child shows up with an American Flag sticker on their backpack or does a book report on “Freedom and the American Way” or brings a football to school to throw at recess with his friends … “oh no, he wants to participate in Competitive Masculine Sports … send the police to the home and look for weapons!!”.

    And don’t even get me started on the “Family-Based Threat Reports” … my brother and I have two bitter sisters who are extremely jealous of our financial success, so they would love to rattle our cage by filing bogus reports. Does anybody have bitter ex-wives out there who are crazy enough to rattle your cage?

  • Ural Kidd March 2, 2019, 7:17 pm

    So now one is presumed guilty until they can prove other wise to a liberal judge? Sounds Constitutional to me, but the I drink a lot of Jim Beam.

  • Phil March 2, 2019, 5:01 pm

    LMFAO! So what’s gonna happen when a teacher red flags a ms 13 member? Or a Flatbush or bronx gangbanger? Ain’t gonna happen. Only the poor white kid.

  • Bud March 2, 2019, 4:52 pm

    Another step towards communism.

  • Roger Bryant March 2, 2019, 2:35 pm

    I lost my guns when I retired on the move south to my new state, If I didn’t lose them, I would have sold them on the black market before this law was enacted. Might as well be a criminal selling them, as I would be if I kept them!

  • kjj1564 March 2, 2019, 3:06 am

    The way Palosi looked signing that law in that picture was like she couldn’t contain the joy of taking away someones gun rights. These Democrats are possessed with anti gun laws and infected with Trump Derangement syndrome .

  • dennis karoleski March 1, 2019, 10:19 pm

    Remember Pelosi was the Democrat politician who vetted Obama with no background check whatsoever or so it seems.

  • CalH March 1, 2019, 8:00 pm

    This bs bill will take away a parents right to voice concerns about a teacher or school due to fear of retribution. So not is the 2nd Amendment attacked, so is the First.

  • Gary U. March 1, 2019, 6:38 pm

    I guess the left is for arming teachers after all.

  • JoeUSooner March 1, 2019, 6:20 pm

    How can any legislation that has absolutely no protection against its abuse, here in the real world, NOT “infringe on anybody’s rights?” And what cuckoo-clock could possibly consider this law to have any semblance of “common sense” as that term is understood by sane, rational people?

  • Dashude March 1, 2019, 4:30 pm

    So honestly… how long until Civil War II?

  • Jonny5 March 1, 2019, 3:56 pm

    I’m not sure teachers are best placed to do this. I don’t trust some teachers to teach properly. Some of the ones I’ve met couldn’t find their arse with both hands.

  • Robert L Hiler II March 1, 2019, 3:16 pm

    This is another “swatting tactic” without the dynamic entry. There is no expectation you’d find a fair judge now a days. So any teacher can file a risk complaint with a judge and get your guns confiscated. What’s next? Teachers asking the parents if they own guns during parent-teacher conferences?

    • kjj March 8, 2019, 2:00 pm

      You know the democrats have there far left confiscation judge all picked out and you will never be able to own a gun the rest of your life. The teachers will ask all the students if there is any guns in there house and how many, and as soon as your kid goes to detention, you will be getting a knock on the door and a search warrant .

  • Hoofhearted March 1, 2019, 2:58 pm

    If what you are saying is true, then a teacher, most being of low intelligence, can make a bogus claim that you are a threat, and YOU HAVE SIX DAYS TO PROVE THAT YOU ARE INNOCENT? EVEN IF THERE ARE NO FACTS TO SHOW YOU ARE A THREAT? What kind of fool supports this idiocy?
    It’s easy to vote democrat. Just be, or pretend to be, brain dead.

  • shawn g lindsey March 1, 2019, 2:57 pm

    As I have stated on numerous Anti gun nut sites and articles, if these shooters are minors the Parents should be prosecuted as accomplices I saw on a news program a few years ago where the Parents were being fined and or jailed for the crimes their minor children committed. if your dog bites someone you are responsible for any and all damages. I am a Veteran and I served to defend the Constitution which gives us the Right To Bear Arms. If you don’t want to own a firearm, fine. Just remember: When you have seconds to defend yourself the police are minutes and usually a lot of minutes way.

    • Little 1 August 23, 2019, 1:47 am

      And yet, if that same parent tries to discipline said kid, they call in CPS’s!

  • Marrkle Laws March 1, 2019, 2:25 pm

    New York has given me another reason not to do business with that anti-american state. If it hurts a business in that state I DON’T CARE. I already refuse to buy anything I know is grown, produced or has office head quarters in California if I can get it anywhere else. See I left an opening to buy computers since I don’t know where to buy them elsewhere.

  • Martingard March 1, 2019, 1:44 pm

    Pelosi is truly a woman on a rampage and there won’t be any stopping her. She doesn’t shoulder all of the blame, most of that falls on the citizens of California who keep electing her. Californicators are the biggest problem within our United States. Too bad decent law abiding California Republicans won’t get off their dreary asses and get out and vote. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!

    • Mr. Bill March 1, 2019, 10:15 pm

      Don’t know how they have time in Calfree have anything left.They give it away poor mouth for more of our tax money just to throw it down a rat hole.Look at the SUPER TRAIN dud,fire control dud,everything in the state is going to hell. Pretty soon it will slide off into the Big Blue Pond.Stupid people never learn it’s there money maybe some of the good ones will wise up and move.

    • Kent Farlin March 3, 2019, 5:01 pm

      Do you always talk out of your a**. I am a born Californian and dont appreciate the sad commentary flowing out of your orifice. If all the other states kept their freeloaders in their boarders they wouldnt move here and dilute my vote. California was a red state until the early 90’s, kinda sad I have to leave it to keep my rights…

  • Jerry Herndon March 1, 2019, 1:42 pm

    So if I or my wife were to have a heated discussion (argument) with a teacher over son’s failing grades or class conduct or proper apparel, the teacher can have my firearms confiscated? Who will have this power next, my garbage man? SHALL NOT BE ABRIDGED! SOMEONE NEEDS TO TAKE THESE RED FLAG LAWS TO SCOTUS !

    • David Rodriguez March 2, 2019, 12:19 am

      Why are so many of these new anti-gun laws being passed everywhere? Because the Robert’s SCOTUS is not hearing any gun cases. Robert’s has given states the green light by refusing to even hear gun cases brought by pro-gun groups.

  • steven marlowe March 1, 2019, 1:40 pm

    these teachers are not trained psychologists and how many teachers have sex with their students, giving them the power to strip civil rights is not only wrong but it is against civil rights to to life liberty and the persuite of happiness, if someone does not like your life style they can say anything they want against you and you have to prove you are innocent not the teachers-this is wrong these people barely have enough sense to teach your children let alone make a moral judgement

  • Mr. Bill March 1, 2019, 1:38 pm

    I\’am glad that this March I have made it 70 years in this world. Went to Nam for this Shithole and what do we get the people in D.C. are about smart as a box of rocks.Power is what they want over everybody in the U.S.A. Like a old Russian said (\” we will bury you from within\”) Look at the Demacraps in our Government today the all need to be taken to the steps of the SCOTUS and all shot for TREASON.But that will never happen as long as you have assholes in the world.It\’s time to stand up and Live Free or get on your knees kiss there asses and DIE.(And that\’s the way it was March 1,2019). Stand behind TRUMP are get out hell move to the NORTH or SOUTH of the BORDER we don\’t give a damn.I try to get along with everybody but putting up with these people ,it\’s like pissing on a rope tied up in a tree try all day it ain\’t going to work. The knot tied to the limb will still be dry tomorrow.Talking to PIGOUSEY and the rest of them will never be heard. You will never WIN get shed of them before it\’s too late.Now die standing up or on your knees from behind BARB WIRE , I WILL NEVER COMPLY . 1967 I WILL DEFEND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SO HELP ME GOD AMEN. pEOPLE WE NEED TO START OVER.

    • Martingard March 1, 2019, 2:01 pm

      Mr. Bill, you are spot on! Lai Khe `66-`67. Our enemies within are growing exponentially. The Liberal fools will be the death of this country as we know it. I’m afraid it’s too late for us, and the younger generation seems to be just fine with it. I probably won’t live long enough to be a part of the revolution but I hope my son and grand kids will proudly fight for their freedoms.

      • Mr. Bill March 1, 2019, 10:37 pm

        68-69 NAm 101 we kicked there asses and the bean counters in D.C. armchair comrades stopped us along with some help from people here. Hell people over there N.V.N. with Janes help were pulling strings over here.They will be glad when we pass they trained us very well and don’t let them assholes fool you they are scared to hell of us. WE THE PEOPLE WILL STAND UP FOR THE U.S.A. I HOPE they took and plague they just forgot that they are breaking the law.

    • Mr Smith March 1, 2019, 8:10 pm

      I totally agree with you Mr Bill. They are murdering babies now,we are next(we are old)if want to take me out I will have company.

  • Mr. Bill March 1, 2019, 1:37 pm

    I’am glad that this March I have made it 70 years in this world. Went to Nam for this Shithole and what do we get the people in D.C. are about smart as a box of rocks.Power is what they want over everybody in the U.S.A. Like a old Russian said (” we will bury you from within”) Look at the Demacraps in our Government today the all need to be taken to the steps of the SCOTUS and all shot for TREASON.But that will never happen as long as you have assholes in the world.It’s time to stand up and Live Free or get on your knees kiss there asses and DIE.(And that’s the way it was March 1,2019). Stand behind TRUMP are get out hell move to the NORTH or SOUTH of the BORDER we don’t give a damn.I try to get along with everybody but putting up with these people ,it’s like pissing on a rope tied up in a tree try all day it ain’t going to work. The knot tied to the limb will still be dry tomorrow.Talking to PIGOUSEY and the rest of them will never be heard. You will never WIN get shed of them before it’s too late.Now die standing up or on your knees from behind BARB WIRE , I WILL NEVER COMPLY . 1967 I WILL DEFEND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SO HELP ME GOD AMEN. pEOPLE WE NEED TO START OVER.

  • Roger March 1, 2019, 1:29 pm

    WOW and I thought I’d never live to see a repeat of Kristallnacht.

    • Roger Bryant March 2, 2019, 2:48 pm

      Unlike Kristallnacht, we are armed and we’ll fire back! that’s why they want us disarmed!
      Disarmament will Never happen in the US! ( Molon Labe )

  • Eric Holder March 1, 2019, 12:35 pm

    A lot of people get angry and then make direct or indirect threats. I do not know what the statistics are. After they ventilate they usually calm down and go their way and come up with non violent solutions, plan “A” or “B”. Although my time is mostly spent ensuring the flow of arms to Mexican Cartels on behalf of the US Government I also worked in the area of mental health doing petitions for involuntary psychiatric evaluations and initial mental status evaluations. As many have pointed out giving people the power to just say something with out having serious ramifications in place for embellishing or lying is so clearly not a balanced scale and invites abuse. This legislation really does defeat the US Constitution because it allows the Government to remove your rights prior to you having any ability to defend yourself against the petition or challenge the statements or evidence. In Pennsylvania when someone is subjected to a 302 petition for involuntary psychiatric evaluation there is a part of the petition that must assign a family member or friend who must take responsibility for the individuals property until the person is either released or admitted pending the conclusion of the evaluation. Yes I have encountered cases where individuals were 302’ed by a wife who wanted the husband out of the home so she could have the house emptied by her new boyfriend. Of course there where numerous other cases that people lied and wanted people removed to either steal property or used Police to evict individuals and change locks. This will be much worst in terms of abuse. The Constitution is now defunct. I believe that all the hollering and screaming is not going to make a difference in the current civil war (presently a battle of propaganda and limited conflicts). Patience, preparation and timing will bring us all full circle.

  • StevO March 1, 2019, 12:12 pm

    So a anti-gun teacher finds out that one of her students father takes the student hunting she can contact the police and say there is a problem n the home. Then they come in and take the guns away.

    • Gary March 1, 2019, 5:13 pm

      If i read it correctly the burden of proof is on the one charged. In other words, you are guilty until proving yourself innocent.

  • John colacchio March 1, 2019, 11:37 am

    “Socialism at work liberal pigs all need a rope and s tree. Hanging would be to good them. A slow death in the Desert sound good.”

  • John colacchio March 1, 2019, 11:32 am

    Here we go the socialists system hard at work RAT 🐀 out your neighbor

  • Michael J March 1, 2019, 11:01 am

    These red flag laws are spreading like a plague. Again the left has come up with a plan no judge is going to research or ignore. A judge will automatically issue an confiscation order because it costs the accusers nothing to be wrong. Meanwhile the list of who’s asking about your guns is growing: Doctors, Cops, Welfare, Social Services and now Teachers. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Michael J March 1, 2019, 11:01 am

    These red flag laws are spreading like a plague. Again the left has come up with a plan no judge is going to research or ignore. A judge will automatically issue an confiscation order because it costs the accusers nothing to be wrong. Meanwhile the list of who’s asking about your guns is growing: Doctors, Cops, Welfare, Social Services and now Teachers. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Just a Soldier March 1, 2019, 10:44 am

    Yeah I don’t see this getting totally abused and wasting tax payers’ money.

  • Dave churbuck March 1, 2019, 10:41 am

    The 2nda is being used against itself. He who seeks to disarm you is your enemy And has no respect
    for your right to life or to protect your self and family.
    IF, you cannot have firearms where you live, Then Move to where you can.
    See And Share. http://themillenniumreport.com/2019/02/ban-the-guns-and-only-criminals-and-government-thugs-will-possess-them/
    and, http://batr.org/utopia/090418.html

  • Not nancy March 1, 2019, 10:41 am

    Nice going 5hit for brains you have just killed the first teacher that tries to take a gun away from a student. Why don’t you ask for all their money while your at it.

  • walt morris March 1, 2019, 10:05 am

    each and everyone who signs this bill is a traitor to our country and you know what should happen to them. chicago has a lot of these same “gun control” laws to curb violence and we all know how that has worked out for them. i can hardly believe that the people of california are as dumb as this but of course when they start out at a very young age brain washing the children they can do anything they want and get away with it. i fear something very bad is about to happen in my country and well history has a habit of repeating itself. can you spell revolution?

    • Alej March 1, 2019, 11:32 am

      The American Revolution wasn’t the result of a tax on tea… it was the result of a long chain of abuses by the government of England perpetrated on loyal English citizens in the New World. They had had a gutfull, and the last straw cost the stupid politicians their jewel in America. Same will happen here, with red state secession.

      I’m already deep into TEXIT, and hope other real Americans will join us.

    • Roger Bryant March 1, 2019, 11:37 am

      Something bad already has happened to our country!

  • Erik Polcrack March 1, 2019, 9:55 am

    I wonder if the ERPO will become like the restraining order. A few years back, my brother-and-sister-in-law were going through what I thought was an amicable divorce. Things went off the track when the woman’s attorney drew up a request fo a restraining order against the husband. He wanted her to say she feared for her safety and that of the children. When she mentioned that the whole thing was BS, he told her that it was just something he always had his clients do to kind of knock the other party off balance and possibly gain a little in the divorce settlement. They were living in LA. He ended up losing his guns, among other things he shouldn’t have.

  • Rinnwald March 1, 2019, 9:38 am

    I read the order attached to the story, and there is no penalty involved in giving a false accusation. I suppose regular perjury laws apply, but that is a high mountain to climb. A bunch of temporary teacher’s aides and school secretaries just got a nice axe to grind if they are anti-gun.

  • Robert J. Lucas March 1, 2019, 9:25 am

    Socialism>Communism>Gun Control=Disarmament=Extermination…

    They are already cheering on the legalized murders of late term abortions, everyone else is next…

    • krinkov5.45 March 1, 2019, 9:41 am

      He or she that will not bow down to the disgusting vile socialists and their adgenda. Re-education camps and for the hard cases death camps. Same old same old bullsheet.

    • Roger Bryant March 2, 2019, 2:59 pm

      Not if you are armed. You can take out at least one before you are taken out!
      They will soon tire of coming to our doors, losing their lives and taking ours.

  • Anthony J Zani Jr March 1, 2019, 9:22 am

    Teachers are part of the problem, shouldn’t be part of an imaginary solution. Patriots revolt.

  • al March 1, 2019, 9:08 am

    Here we go again, more stupid idealistic laws that have no foundation in reality.
    Every single ‘mass’ shooting was AGAINST the law, why do these fools believe that another ‘law’
    will make them ‘safe’?
    And these are allegedly HIGHLY EDUCATED people!

  • vinnie March 1, 2019, 9:06 am

    Yes the teachers can call 911 and report Homer Crackskill because he has a gun and someone saw him hunting with it a while back and they can take action to have the police or sheriff go to his house to see if he should own a gun to protect his family legally. Wait , Are the police or sheriffs qualified to do this without Medical Certification? Are we still in America ? Who will be protecting the children in school when a person regardless of who that person is decides that today is a good day to stir up trouble and this person is a bad apple who has never been flagged because no teachers knew him ! He just happens to be a criminal ! Who will protect the school children on that ill fated Day ? What ? Schools are a “Gun Free Zone ” Doesn’t this Crazed Criminal know he can’t bring a Gun into a School ? The Aftermath of this Scenario is one that is all too well known. After all the Grief,tears, Sorrow, hand wringing After thought ,20 20 Hindsight , there was no “Good Guy” with a Gun there to save the children.Why? Because there are so many people in this Crazy Mixed up World that still believe that Guns Kill People ! Well Wake up and smell the real problem, Somebody
    has to pull the trigger for that to happen .and until we can get all the Mentally unfit people helped or locked up and away from anything and everything that they can harm people with we will never solve the problem of senseless Killings within Schools that are virtually targets and remain unprotected !

  • krinkov545.45 March 1, 2019, 8:57 am

    WTF??? Why is Piglousey signing a illegal New York gun control law??? These communist swine are off their nut insane! I wonder how bad the coming slaughter and bloodbath will be once the commie dogs have unopposed power on the disarmed patriots and Christians?

  • Charles March 1, 2019, 8:52 am

    Pelosi has totally lost all reason and sanity if she thinks this is going to stop anything.

    • krinkov5.45 March 1, 2019, 9:44 am

      Piglousey lost her sanity back in 1917! when she was indoctrinated into Marxism in college.

  • Vinnie March 1, 2019, 8:34 am

    It’s only a matter of time before the yellow Hammer and Sickle appear on that “Red Flag”and they come for YOU

  • joefoam March 1, 2019, 8:14 am

    Legalized confiscation, and a slap in the face to our system of justice which says you are innocent until proven guilty to avoid the finger pointing and instant judgement. Sounds like the Salem witch trials and makes about as much sense. The MSM is truly a terrorist organization to strike so much fear into the hearts of the people that support these laws. Drunk drivers kill more people every day than all ‘gun violence’, why isn’t that a ‘thing’?

  • Steven March 1, 2019, 7:57 am

    Hmmm, so tell me, do your parents own any firearms? Oh, they do? Well, i’ll just petition a judge for an ERPO. See where this can/will go? Gun-owning parents in New York now have a bullseye on their backs.

  • Alex Zermeno March 1, 2019, 7:04 am

    How is this even constitutional? This is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists.

    • Rick Litton March 1, 2019, 7:35 am

      Maybe we can red flag the teachers with a good attorney.

    • Joe daddy March 1, 2019, 7:50 am

      This is why the constitution gives us the right to take action against this kinda government Tierney. It is our constitutional duty to stand up and bare arms against government corruption no one government should be able to hold such power. The question is are you ready to stand your ground? I know I am! Who’s with me? How’s ready to start the civil way by starting a petition to vote Pelosi and her Corrupt followers out of the government And if that doesn’t work then we show our Second Amendment power given to us by our forefathers.

      • Rb March 1, 2019, 9:37 am

        Just what do you intend to solve about government corruption by wearing a sleeveless shirt?

    • Mike March 1, 2019, 8:00 am

      NO WAYbis this at all constitutional !

    • Dave churbuck March 1, 2019, 10:37 am

      The 2nda is being used against itself. He who seeks to disarm you is your enemy And has no respect
      for your right to life or to protect your self and family.
      IF, you cannot have firearms where you live, Then Move to where you can.
      See And Share. http://themillenniumreport.com/2019/02/ban-the-guns-and-only-criminals-and-government-thugs-will-possess-them/
      and, http://batr.org/utopia/090418.html

  • BB Eyes March 1, 2019, 6:59 am

    They should have named it the Stalin Law.

    • krinkov545.45 March 1, 2019, 8:59 am


  • David Kent March 1, 2019, 6:00 am

    Of course they want teachers to have this power. It’s teachers who, for the past 50 years, have been indoctrinating their constituency to accept the government stripping our rights.

    • krinkov5.45 March 1, 2019, 9:46 am

      I wonder if Marxist socialist teachers get a special discount on millstones and boat rides?

  • SuperG February 26, 2019, 11:18 am

    It used to be you were innocent until proven guilty, now that has been reversed under this law. But again, the issue of institutionalizing someone that is mentally ill is ignored. Instead, they’ll have their doors battered down and their property seized, and they will remain. Yeah, that won’t cause them any problems. And as for teachers being remotely capable of judging someone’s mental health, that is a reach I’d never make.

    • krinkov545.45 March 1, 2019, 9:06 am

      Coming from people that think killing new born baby is legal and men fornicating in men’s bottoms and feces is a “alternate lifestyle”. Or a pervet who feels he is female today can use the target lady’s room.

  • Nicks87 February 25, 2019, 10:42 pm

    What? But the democrats said they weren’t trying to take people’s guns. Does this make them liars?

    • Cam February 27, 2019, 10:29 am

      Nope, there words combined with their actions make them liars, but what do you expect from the party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

  • John smith February 25, 2019, 9:19 pm

    “End senseless gun violence” as opposed to sensible gun violence or sensible violence of any type !

    • krinkov5.45 March 1, 2019, 9:48 am

      Only leftard marxist can get this level of stupid.

  • Eric February 25, 2019, 4:18 pm

    Why is a California Democrat being allowed to sign off on a New York State law?

    • Alex Zermeno March 1, 2019, 7:03 am

      Probably because this is a hoax of some sort, or they know it’s unconstitutional on it’s face and will be struck down so what does having the wrong person sign the bill matter?

    • krinkov545.45 March 1, 2019, 9:09 am

      God’s law, constitutional law, and natural law does not apply to communists. Did you not know that?

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