Unless you like setting money on fire, you should use the most efficient sight-in method—and you can’t get any more efficient than the two-shot zero.
GunsAmerica Digest > zeroing
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How to Zero a Scope with Two Shots (And Why Maybe You Shouldn’t)
BY Jordan Michaels Published: January 9, 2022 Updated: January 9, 2022Green Beret: How to Zero Your Rifle in Five Minutes
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: August 9, 2016 Updated: August 9, 2016Back by popular demand, here is another excellent tutorial from GunsAmerica contributor Clay Martin.
Optics Buying Guide: How To Properly Zero Your Scope
BY Tom McHale Published: August 2, 2016 Updated: March 31, 2024Simply put, the process of zeroing a scope matches the point of aim to the actual point of impact. Put differently, the process ensures that a bullet lands exactly where you put the crosshairs