10mm has come back into popularity as multiple manufacturers have released new 10mm pistols in the last year.
Springfield’s XDM Elite: Out of the Box Performance
BY Clay Martin Published: October 11, 2020 { 11 comments }This week, I finally got my hands on a long-overdue sample from the all new XDM Elite line up of guns. The Elite series is pretty much everything you would add from the aftermarket to an XDM, configured at the factory, and with a price that won’t break the bank.
Springfield’s New Elite XD-M Pistols – New Trigger, New Grip Safety, Bigger Mags – Full Review
BY Riley Baxter Published: January 15, 2020 { 8 comments }These new XDm Elites are everything that they suggest in the name. I was able to get my hands on all four new additions in order to test them and develop an opinion on them that I can now share. Here’s your first look into the XDm Elites: The trigger is superb, they proved extremely reliable, the grip safety is redesigned and consequently more comfortable and reliably activated, and the magazine capacity is bigger than it has ever been, and so on.
XD(M) 45: Usurper to the Big Bore Crown
BY Clay Martin Published: January 6, 2019 { 19 comments }This week I got the surprise of my life with the XD(M) 45. Not only am in love, we already got married in Vegas.
Springfield Armory XD(M) 10mm Unboxed at the Gun Counter
BY True Pearce Published: December 6, 2018 { 14 comments }Springfield Armory has worked some engineering magic in the new XD(M) 10mm by not increasing the size of the grip while delivering a capacity of 15+1 rounds with a flush fitting magazine. The 10mm round shoots flatter and faster than a 45 and comes in bullet weights ranging from 135 to 220 grains making it [...]
Springfield Armory XD(M) OSP Unboxed at the Gun Counter
BY True Pearce Published: November 14, 2018 { 7 comments }The Springfield Armory XD(M) OSP 9mm has all of the features that shooters have come to love and expect from an XD but with some extra special options.
Springfield OSP 2: The Operative Special
BY Clay Martin Published: September 29, 2018 { 13 comments }For a complete tactical solution, the XD(M) has some shortcomings. Springfield Armory heard that concern and and did something: They fixed them.
Springfield Armory XD(M) Unboxed at the Gun Counter
BY True Pearce Published: June 21, 2018 { 17 comments }The Springfield XD(M) is great for competition or just for recreational shooting. You can usually find them on GunsAmerica for around $650.
Rob Leatham Tips & Tactics On Shooting a Handgun with a Red Dot
BY Michael O. Humphries Published: November 16, 2016 { 0 comments }We recently had the opportunity to attend an event where we received hands-on training from no less than Springfield Armory’s Rob Leatham. Set up as part of a writer’s event for the introduction of the Springfield Saint rifle, we had the chance to have Leatham give us all a quick introduction to the ins and outs of optics-equipped pistols.
First Look! Springfield Armory XDM Optical Sight 9mm Pistol (OSP). Full Review.
BY Justin Opinion Published: August 9, 2016 { 16 comments }For those who want all the advantages of a red dot on their pistol, Springfield Armory is answering the call early on by offering a new version of their time-proven and hugely popular XDM pistol. It is called the OSP for “Optical-Sight Pistol.”