world war II

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The Megalomaniac Who Inspired World War 2

The Megalomaniac Who Inspired World War 2

In a way, Benito Mussolini shaped both the beginning and end of WW2 in Europe. His heavy-handed governance inspired that of Adolf Hitler, while the frenetic nature of his demise drove Hitler to his ultimate doom.

The Cow’s Foot Pistol That Saved the World

The Cow’s Foot Pistol That Saved the World

Winston Churchill’s C96 pistol likely saved his life at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898. Had it not been for Churchill’s indomitable force of personality England might have fallen during the darkest days of the Battle of Britain. Sometimes the fate of the world turns on the tiniest things.

Operation Kutschera: The Polish Monster Killers & The True Cost of Freedom

Operation Kutschera: The Polish Monster Killers & The True Cost of Freedom

In early 1944 in front of the SS headquarters building in Warsaw, Polish soldiers assassinated an unrepentant Nazi mass murderer.

Private Bob Shine and the M3A1 Grease Gun: Desperate, Ugly, Awesome

Private Bob Shine and the M3A1 Grease Gun: Desperate, Ugly, Awesome

The M3 submachine gun was built for WWII. The stamped steel gun was nicknamed the “Grease Gun,” but it cost Uncle Sam only $18 to make.