Will Dabbs

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Hannie Schaft: The Assassin with the Fiery Red Hair

When she came of age, Jo enrolled in law school intending to become a human rights lawyer. While studying law she developed friendships with several Jewish students. In the late 1930’s with persecution of the Jews on the rise across Europe, Jo felt energized to support them.  

When Americans and Russians Went to War

It is tough to believe that, even this deep into the enlightened Information Age, nations can yet still go to war simply because a single charismatic lunatic wants them to.

CPL Ben Roberts-Smith: Never Meet Your Heroes

Maybe it’s the movies. We inexplicably expect life to be clean, tidy, and clear-cut. It just isn’t. It is so much easier to process the world around us when we fractionate people into all good or all bad.

Alec Baldwin: The Gun Control Advocate Who Shot and Killed a Woman

Thursday, 21 October 2021, a handgun went off during the filming of the Alec Baldwin Western movie Rust. The cast and crew were rehearsing an upcoming scene inside a chapel used as a set for the film. The weapon was in Baldwin’s hands when it discharged.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It is difficult to appreciate the scope of World War 2. We modern folk simply have no frame of reference. It was death, tragedy, and destruction on a scale beyond our imagining.

Joe Medicine Crow: The Last American Indian War Chief

Joe was raised, for the most part, by his maternal step-grandfather, a respected Indian warrior named White Man Runs Him or simply Yellowtail.

The Assassination of the Saudi King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud 

Human beings just suck, like a lot. We have a long and illustrious history of venting our grievances against our leaders through the barrel of a gun

Thomas Richards: The Incredible Hulk

I have reliable information that the Incredible Hulk is not technically real. Folks who are inadvertently exposed to massive doses of gamma radiation most typically have their hair fall out, puke up their entrails, and die.

3-Will-Tom Landry: A Hero From a Generation of Heroes

Tom Landry: A Hero From a Generation of Heroes

While Landry was indeed a jock, he also enjoyed a brilliant analytical mind. Upon graduation from high school, he enrolled in the University of Texas at Austin studying industrial engineering. However, the vagaries of fate soon intervened.

The Legend of Baker Peak

One of the best-kept secrets thereabouts is the Ouachita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. Comprising some 60,000 acres of rugged granite mountains, sweeping prairies, and freshwater lakes adjacent to Fort Sill to the north, the wildlife refuge was mesmerizing.