Will Dabbs

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The Mysterious Death of Superman

George Reeves played one of the most iconic roles in the history of television, yet he was still never satisfied. Methinks there’s a message in there someplace, something deep and timeless, perhaps.

The 1927 Bath School Bombing

Assault weapons, whatever they are, seem to be the perennial target of gun-banning Leftists whenever anything bad happens in America. However, back in 1927, a lunatic named Andrew Kehoe showed us that a proper monster can sow a profound amount of chaos without using a firearm.

Vasili ARkhipov as a young man

Vasili Arkhipov and the Most Dangerous Day in Human History

On one of the most dangerous day in US history, Vasili ARkhipov diffused the eminent nuclear attack and saved the world from Soviet missiles and war.

The 2004 Beslan Attack: The Worst School Shooting in Human History

Entire swaths of humanity are stark raving lunatics. On 1 September 2004, 32 lunatics approached School Number One (SNO) in Beslan, North Ossetia, an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus in Russia.

Orde Wingate And The Super Creepy Glider Pilot

Most anyone sufficiently enlightened to frequent GunsAmerica is already familiar with the airborne component of Operation Overlord. Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan captured our imaginations and just wouldn’t let go.

M1C Garand Sniper Rifle & Marine MGySgt John Boitnott

John Boitnott got his first taste of war on 7 December 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Serving as a Marine onboard the Northampton-class cruiser USS Chicago, he was wounded during the Japanese aerial attack.

St Nazaire: The Mother of All Commando Raids

It was the threat of the battleship and her fearsome guns that kept combat fleets bottled up and gave invasion planners pause. 

Who Really NEEDS an AR-15 Anyway?

I would love to be able to sit down with James Sullivan and Gene Stoner. I would ask them if they had any inkling of the chaos their remarkable little rifle might someday foment.

Major Sario Caravalho and the Siege at Duc Co

My buddy Sario Caravalho is a fascinating guy. Born and raised in Hawaii, he was one of the US Army’s first Green Berets.

Major William Gail White: The Frag Magnet

The Purple Heart was awarded retroactively for wounds received during World War 1. MacArthur himself was the first recipient. It was standardized across all services in December of 1942. However, the Purple Heart is a military award no sensible person covets.