war stories

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Flight Crew with Dog

The Hawker Hurricat and the Manliest Job in the World

The war was lost for the Axis as soon as that first bomb was dropped on Pearl Harbor. It just took a great deal of time and suffering to work out the details.

The Battle for Antonov Airport: A Turning Point

The Battle for Antonov Airport: A Turning Point

Russia’s best hope for success evaporated at the Antonov Airport on February 25, 2022.

Ivor Thord-Gray: The War Junkie

Ivor Thord-Gray: The War Junkie

Thord-Gray was a combat addict. While history and his own memoires might have embellished his experiences somewhat, the places he went and the things he did are still impressive regardless.

The Unkillable Adrian Carton de Wiart: “Frankly, I Had Enjoyed the War”

The Unkillable Adrian Carton de Wiart: “Frankly, I Had Enjoyed the War”

Carton de Wiart was raised in a world of privilege, but he was never soft.

Yang Kyoungjong: The Reluctant Soldier

Yang Kyoungjong: The Reluctant Soldier

In 2011, Yang’s story formed the basis for a South Korean movie titled My Way. However, documentary filmmakers in Korea have researched the story and cast doubt on its veracity.

Joseph Stalin: The Short-Statured Weatherman who Killed 9 Million People

Joseph Stalin: The Short-Statured Weatherman who Killed 9 Million People

Stalin was likely personally responsible for the deaths of around 6 million people. His lunatic policies claimed another 3 million lives beyond that.