war stories

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The University Greys: The Highwater Mark of Misplaced Hope

Though the nuances are lost on a modern generation of lamentably binary Americans, imbedded within the school’s history we see the possibility that very good people might support some very bad causes.

William Smith: Body Builder, Linguist, Actor, Spy

His forte was the hulking villain, and he played that to perfection. Friends knew him as Big Bill.

Armin Faber’s Infamous Focke-Wulf

In 1942, a Luftwaffe pilot named Armin Faber inadvertently and singlehandedly changed the calculus of the air war over Europe.

3-Will-Louis Curdes: The Triple Axis Ace Who Shot Down his Own Wife

Louis Curdes: The Triple Axis Fighter Ace Who Shot Down His Own Wife

Weird things happen in war. Combat is chaotic, tragic, and horrible. It is arguably the most compelling of human experiences. As a result, it is a world where a man’s true character is revealed. 

The Baralong Incident: Decidedly Ungentlemanly Warfare

Our finest strategists earn advanced degrees in the prosecution of modern war, and our military-industrial complex drives technical innovation on an unrivaled scale. And yet at its heart, the true mission of the military is to simply rip the very life out of other human beings who would, in general, really sooner not be there.

3-Will-MG Earl Van Dorn: The Harder They Fall…

The Philandering Confederate General Earl Van Dorn: The Harder They Fall…

Van Dorn has been described by military historians as one of the greatest cavalry commanders who ever lived. Considering his competition includes such illustrious personalities as JEB Stuart, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and George Patton, that is high praise indeed.

3-Will-When America’s Ace of Aces Shot Down a Crocodile

Dr Dabbs – When America’s Ace of Aces “Shot Down” a Crocodile

Major Richard Bong – fighter pilot, national hero, and crocodile hunter – was indeed a proper legend.

3-Will- Albert Sidney Johnston—I Ain’t Got Time to Bleed

Albert Sidney Johnston: ‘I Ain’t Got Time to Bleed’

Confederate President Jefferson Davis confidentially stated to friends that he believed the death of Johnston to be, “the turning point of our fate” in the western theater of operations.

3-Will- The Lunatic Limey that Poked a Panzer with a Parasol

The Lunatic Limey Who Poked a Panzer with a Parasol

Running low on ammunition and facing a determined enemy in a built-up battlespace, Digby ordered a desperate bayonet charge.

3-Will-The Wolf Truce of 1917

Dr. Dabbs – The Wolf Truce of 1917

One might think that heavily-armed soldiers would be immune to animal predation. However, nothing distracts a man like artillery and the prospect of being ripped to pieces by hot sleeting steel.